' 'rl RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w i I I r i I, I I- HVt" I ".""."".""-VVWVVVVV ,............-. AS TOLD TO US ::::: '-""" : o '---""""."" ..;: ........ Huy your Omcnles of Miner llro. Co. George Wamn Monday. was in Superior (lleim Hush ipent the first thc'weeh in Denver. Sam Sherman was in Hustings, Wednesday. Koadmavter Phil Trout was in Mc Cool, Friday. Uuy Zeiglor spent Sunday lu River ton with his folKo. Will Robertson returned home from Kunsas City, Tuesday. Joe Fogel and George Hollisterauto ed to Hastings, Wednesday. Misses 'Huttie and Nellie Kailoy spout Tuesday in Guide Rook. Mrs.. Philip Trout spent the week end In Halgler with relatives Ira tfrueblood and wife are visiting in McDonald, Kansas, this week. Th's.weelc the farmers began harvest Ing their bountiful crop of wheat. F. A.' Hildebrundt has put up a new nwnlug in front of his meat market. Who' was the first man to pay spot cash for cream. .T. (). Cammvei.i.. Misses Fannie ami Mary Mlkseh are visiting relatives in Seneca, Kansas. Cecil' Esslg, or Huppy vllle, Colorado, Is visiting friends in town this week. II. A. Lelson, manager of the Miner Kros. store, was in Uniting!, Wednes day. Miss Mabel Smith or KcUley, Colo rado, Is visiting relatives hore till wc?k. New Queen Quality Shoes mid Low Shoes are now being shown at Miner Kros. Co. Mrs. Julia A. Davis, of Islington, New Vork, Is the guest of her nephew, N. 11. Hush. Mrs. Frank Smelser left Tuesday for Sutton to visit her daughter, Mrs. John Wolfe. Just received a new line of ily nets at Fogel's harness shop Come in ear. Jy and get yours Mrs. C. N. Xeubauer was a Red Cloud pilgrim, Suturday morning. Monday's MeUook Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smelserspent the Fourth in Sutton, with his sister, Mrs. John Wolfe. Wanted to rent a house with 10 to 'Jo acres of land on a lease or live years. Inquire at this office. Prof. Otis Frazler, of Stromsburg, arrived., In the city ,the last of the week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mis Frank Gourley, of Wy more, spent the weekend with . her mother, Mr? L. W.-Allcs. Mr. and Mrs. George Woolsey, of Superior, spent the Fourth with their daughter, Mrs It. h Avery. ,' ' Kwart Dick of Charleston, Missouri,1 was the guest of his cousin, T. J. Dia mond, the last of the week. Mrs. Julia Warren has had a new cement sidewalk laid in front of her residence ou Locust Street. When in need of printed matter of any kind call at the Chief ofllee the home or "Quality" printing. Miss Blanche and Mctliu lloner went to Norton, Kansas, Tuesday, for a short visit with their uncle. W.Nn:i 50 to So lbs., thrifty stock hogs. Will pay premium over market piice. C. II. Miner Serum Co John Foster and daughter. Miss Rva, spent the Fourth in Republican City with Mr. and Mrs. Postern. Mis. Guy Zelgler was a passenger to Culbertson, Sunday, where she will spend a few days with Mrs. Strong. Paul Franc's, the popular salesman for Swift A- Co., and Dr. Nicholson wero in Lebanon, Saturday evening. : ::::::: After July 10th- We Will Discontinue Giving the Green Trading Stamps Get Busy! Get That Book Filled and Receive Your Premium Before July 10th F.CTurnure & Son " -1 l'oe ipent Monday in Colt". 1 .: rrii'U went to ltliulen. Mill day. HI McAllister was in (iuiile Rook, Monday. James Young was Jin Uluo HUH Saturday. W S. Noble, of Inavale! was in the c'ly. Fridtiy. Rev. !. W. Hummel was in Dim HIP, Fiiday. Sam Temple of Katisis City is in town this week. S. II. Uogard went to York, Monday, to visit relatives. Mls Dertlm Doyle went to Hardy, Monday, for a short visit. Mr. R U. McCall went to Hastings. Monday, to spent! the Fourth. Mrs Hd. McAllister and children are visiting In Humbolt this week. Mrs. Silver Longtln of Alma sfant Monday in the city with friends. Henry Hnrris 'of Litchfield Is visit ing relatives in the city this week. Mrs. J. A. Tomlinson went to Geneva Monday to visit for several weeks. Prof. P. M. Whitehead went to Lin coln, Monday, to spend the Fourth. Mrs. Li..le Martin or Inavale spent Fritlay at the Harry Regester home. Jim Moranville or Amherst is visit ing his father, Dr. J. W. Moranville. Mrs. Christie Patmore went to Hast ings, Monthly, to visit for several days. Miss Katie Fox returned home from the summer school at Lincoln, Satur day. Misses liraoe and Alice Coombs re turned home from Hastings, Friday evening. Mrs. L. K. Talt of Lincoln arrived in the city Friday to visit her brother, Dan Uttrber. Misses Hdith, Draco and Velum Itcezley left Saturday for liurchard to visit relatives. Mrs. L. V. Pegg accompanied her granddaughter, Margaret. Thomas, to Grafton, Saturday. Mrs. H. M. Shoupe, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Foe, went to Hastings, Monday. Miss Uculah Terry who had been visiting at the H. U. Overman homo left for Lincoln, Saturday Clark Stevens and daughter, Miss Margaret, left Thursday for Indiana where they will visit relatives. Robert Reiher was a passenger to Manhattan, Kansas, Monday, where he spent n few tlays with friends. Marion Mercer was in Iturr Oak on Tuesday where he played with the Superior baud at the celebration. Dr. R V. Nicholson and his friend, Dr. Urpokman, of Guide Rook, spent Tuesday in Fairfield with friends. Mrs. Minnie Rucrstetta returned to her home at Tecumseh, Friday, after visitipg at the H'L. Morhartjliotne. Mrs. E. Snyder returned , to" her home at' Onslow, Iowa, Saturday, after nUcndinir the funeral of A. E Sutton. Mrs. Frank Starr is home from Leb anon, where she had been visiting her parents for the past two months, Rev. I). Fitzgerald returned home from York, Filday, where he had been attending a meeting of the Lincoln diocese. V Mrs. Sherwood Albright iind son returned to Omaha, Sialurdny, after visiting at the home of Mrs. MO II. Albright for .sometime. Loilgtotl Misses Alfa and Mticehno spent the week end in town wlKi friends. They were enrouto to Hast ings where they will rcstdo. Some short runs of Low Shoes for Women Blacks and Tans, in Kids, Patonts and Calf. While they last Your choice SI 10. Minor Kros. Co. The season of Lightning and Torna does Is approaching. Don't delay too long for the Insurance you may need. Q. M. VanCump, General Insurance. Mrs 1) II T5he TEPEE i r William H. Crane in his great characterization David Har'um Monday, July 10 One of the most Famous and Quintest Characterizations ever produced. TONIGHT, Thursday, the beautiful Frltzi Sclieft" in The Pretty Mrs. Smith. TOMORROW, Friday, the "Iron Claw," in two reels, Paths Nows, 'Thdin Was Happy Days," comedy, "How Flowers JHreathe," educational ami scenic. , SATURDAY, "No. 1.1 Westbound," three reel drama, Tribune News, pic torial "Tho Fatal Reiin," comedy. Coming next week, "Social Pirates'', Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge Austin and children, of Hindoo, spent the Fourth with their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Sher man. Mrs. Pearl Hot-ton returned to An sclmo, Iowa, Monday, after being call ed here by the death or her father, A. K. Sutton. Mrs. Robt. Damcrall, John Dam all, Misses Elizabeth Overman and Noll Zlun spent the Fourth at Phil lipsburg, Kansas. Mrs. Chrlsleuo Hansen and daught ers, after visiting with her sister, Mrs. Chris Jensen, returned to her homo at Bancroft, Iowa, Tuesday. We are in tnu morket for 100 to 1U5 pounds Shouts at market price deliver ed ut Seium Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serum Co Miss Ruth Johustou was home from Lincoln over the Fourth. She was ao compauled on her return to that city by her mother who will visit with her son, Paul. Frank Starr, the populai horse buy er, Is home from Montana where he had been buying lior'es. He had the' misfortune to have fourteen headvdle at one place. , A, A. LeRoy, Glen.IToe, PhilySher wood and Clayton Holmes were in Norton, Tuesday, where they played with the band of that place for the celebration. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients ami those Heeling glasses properly tlttetl at Dr. Damerell's olllce, Tuesday, July lStli. Hours I to 0 only. WANTED Ambitious men desiring to earn 82u0 or more per month. Hvery salesman given special training. l'n limited opportunities. Write im mediately. Power Lubricating Co., Detroit, Mich. I Mr. and Mrs. T. K. MoArthur. i Arthur MoArthur and Mrs. S. M. Carl and daughter, Mrs Fred llowmau and ,. '....i . fiiifuHfl In I. illinium. 'I'lniik. ....... , v...., .....w.. ... .. ......... day evening, where tho hitter took lite train tor her homo at Topeka. Sjiiio of those who attended the celebration at Uurr Oak, Kansas, were: Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McUride, Misses Rthel Doyle- and Lelia Woods, and Messrs. James Gilbert, George Harris, Wyeth Fogel, Howard Yost, Raymond Koontz, Con Ihirr, Harold Coon, Bernard Bard en and Harold Myers. EI Buy your Urtuvrlesof Miner Bros. Co. Janus Loy was in Blue Hill, Satur day. Aurou Hedge spent Sunday in Host wick. Charles StclTcu Is home from (Jrand Nlnnd. Dr Asher of Rlvcrtou was In town Siturday. Ralph Hunter was down fiom Ina vale, Monday S. C. Hills returned homo from Dos Moines, Saturday. Roy Hither of Republican City spent Sunday lu tho city Mrs. Fred Wittwer spent the'week cut! in Guide Rock. Verlln Taylor ami Will Storey were in Omaha, Monday. I Miss Minnie Christian was a pnsseng er to Lincoln, Friday. John Craus and George Ovcring were in Hastlugs, Monday. Mis. Chits. Woods returned home fiotn Hastings, Fritlay. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ulackletlgo nuto ed to Uostwick, Saturday. Mrs. John Weesiier spent Sunday In Superior with her parents. Mrs. Paul Pope spent Sunday In Superior with her parents. Mrs. James Young and children spent the weekend in Guide Rock. Miss Zelnia Wonderly left Saturday for Lincoln to visit relatives. New Summer Dress Goods now be ing shown by Minor Uros. Co. Attorney L. II. Hluckledgo return ed home from Lincoln, Friday. Weesner ,v Koont. shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday. W. A. Kent came home Schouppe.s, Pihhiy, and returned there. Monday. Miss Lizzie Coplen of Guide Rock, is visiting at the H W. Coplen homo. Mildred and May Webber are homo from a two week's visit at Guide Rock. Miss Anna Zlab has returned from Hiibbel whero she visited her parents. Newt Siobert went to Obcrlln, Kan sas, Monday, to work during tho har vest. Mr. ami Mrs J. II. Hansen went to Rlverton, Saturday, to visit a few days. Howard Kaley returned from Hast ings, Friday, where ho had spent the week. Misses Gracj Parson ami Anna Otvov of Guide Rock, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Wilmo Andrews or Dover, Okla homa, visited triends in town the last or the week. Mrs Clara Johnson went to Hast- 4ins, Monthly, to visit her daughter, Mra. S. J. Fair Miss Clemmie Roubal Is home from Bruning where she has been for the past ten months Miss Fern Uarber of Ft. Morgan, Colorado, is visiting at the homo of Clay Weaver this week. Lawrence McCall and C 11. Miner shipped four cars of cattle to Kansas oily, Sunday. They chaperoned tho shipment. Miss Emma and Clydo Sehultz, of Guide Rock, visited hore Sunday ami went to Hastings, Monday, to spend the fourth. Jack StelVen, James Htherton, George Smelser, and Will Uiooks left Monthly for Seldon, Kansas, to work In the harvest Holds. Charles 1'owell left Sunday for' Aeiigii to spend the fourth anil from there will go to Mitchell, South Dakota, to camp out for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Wilson of Hlatlen. and Mrs. J. A. Harden and son, Her nard.autoed to Jewell City, Kansas, Friday, to visit ou Sunday. Mrs. K (J. Kegoster of Chester, spent the weekend here with her son, Harry, and left Sunday evening for Denver, Colorado, to visit hor daugh ter. I). 13. Hurden ami wife left Sunday for Kansas City, MNsouil, fiom where they will go to I'leasHiiton, Kanmis, to spend several month-, with Mrs. Burden's paronU There will he a joint meeting of the W. C.T. U. and Missionary societies of this citv at the M. K. Church at 'J :io p.m. July 12th. Topic "Tempeieucc and Missions". Tho program will be In charge of Mrs Alice Pope. Some of those who spent tho Fourth In Hustings werp: Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Trine, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Mr and Mrs. Guv Karnes, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Kaley, Mr and Mrs, A. Jernborg, Mr. and Mrs. James Heauchamp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H offer, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark, Mesdamcs Hasslnger, S. C Ellis, Helle Keagle, Al Spires, Misses Helen Lemon, Ha.el Spires, Grace and Gladys Keagle, Kose and Irene Me Oulro, Hazel Overlcese, Minnie Kellett, Anna Jeruberg, I.iieile Harwnod, Messrs. CIihh. Urulmkcr, Carl and Will Jernheig, Jinlis Doyle, Fred Robert son, Chus. Kaley, Karl Hall, A. U. McArthur, Cash Scrlvner, Amos nml (Jeorgo Mlhsch, Lloyd Unst, Don Ful ton, Walter Marshal, Harold Coplen, Carol Ailes, Iiaymontl Turn lire, Joe Cur, Will (Jllham, Meredith Uutler, (Joorge Overleese, J. A. Kradford, Koy Hassinger, Glenn Fearn, Duvo Saltzs man and Shcrl Koontz. This Hot Weather MEANS COOL DRESSING We Are Prepared TO Fill Your Wants A Full Line of Underwear COOL SHIRTS COOL HATS COOL SHOES COOL CLOTHES Palm Beach Suits $600 to $900 Big Line of Mens Oxfords $250 ji The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. :: 5 "ALWAYS tV.V.V.VVVVVV.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.Vrf1 Buy Your New Dress for Chautauqua Here Do you realize that it is only fourteen days until Chautauqua will begin? If you have not bought that new dress for Chautauqua you had better get busy. Have a nice assortment of Voiles, Organdies, Palm Beaoh Cloth and Flaxons at the lowest price consistant with good materials. Just a few of those dark colored Bungalow Aprons at fifty cents. MRS. BARBARA PHARES Agent Warner Corsets ram Orpheum D. W. GRIFFITH Producer of "Birth of a Nation," Presents ETHE r SCAPE Big State Rights Blanche Sweet Robert Donald Crisp TWO JULY ADMISSION B, : mm 'I llW! RELIABLE" i Buttcrtck Patterns iirii Theater Feature, Featuring Nay Marsh Harron Owen Moore DAYS 11-12 10c and 20c I I f -4 n