The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1916, Image 4

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, i
Triumphant Talent
Vidor's Florentine Band
Return of the Favorites
Tom Lewis and Priscilla Carver
Baritone, winner of Eistoddfod prizes. Piano soloist with
New York and Chicago orchestras.
Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus
Known as the world's greatest preacher; rare treat.
Morris G. Hindus
Russian exile. "Russia of Today."
James Butin-McDowell Trio
Wonderful bird imitations, whistling, vocal, cello, piano, violin
Dr. C. W. Wassam
"The rapid fire orator. The Stuff That Wins."
Pamahasika's Peerless Performing Pets
Marvelous work'of educated cats, cockatoos, dogs, doves, macaw, monkey
DeKoven Quartet
Hyponotic harmonics. Master male singers.
Dr. Geo. Lamont Cole
America rivals Egypt. Prc-historic American marvels.
Maude Scheerer T,1 Shakesperian Players
Special tercentennial prcscnation, "Taming of the Shrew" Favorites return
Dr. L. G. Herbert
For men of iron blood. "A Man Among Men."
Mme. Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid and Co.
Great artift; a delightful treat; magnificent soprano; winning personality.
Senator E. J. Burkett
Great political orator. 'The New Woman and the Young Man'
Kachel's Metropolitan Singers
Great four-part progam. Scotch songs, vested choir, 1 860
costumes, musical sketch.
Ned Woodman
Laughter and "Spice." Cartoons. Humorist.
Carmeliny's Old Colonial Band
Great concert solos. Pink colonial costumes. Exquisite music.
Red Cloud, July 22-29
HOWARD S. FOE, Local Manager.
6500 MILES
Absolutely Punctureproof
Buy your tires direct from our factory and aave from 20 to 30 per cent
THESE TIRES are twice at thick through llie dead as ordinary makes and ate a
combination of the But Brandt, inch at Goodrich, Goodyear and Firertone.
They are ttrongly built and reinforced by a new, tuperior method, making a finitlied
product unequalrd (or hard mage and plrature purposes. Uted by individuals and
butinett concemi.
Don't delay but order today and do away with your lire troubles To introduce
in your territory we ofier the following pricei:
32x3 'i
$ 6.50
! ft 71
30x3 tf
All other liei alto (urn'uhed.
TERMSi-Caih with order. Make remittance by certified check, draft or l O.
money order. When ordering be lure to date which clincher, quick detachable
or straight tide bead it desired.
For five daytwa oiler five per cent discount where two or moretiret are ordered at
one time.
Roil Cloud, Nebraska.
Cntcred In the Wmtnitlce nt Kid ( loud, Nib.
an Hicorui CI tins Matter
Ktlluientiv Ims been tlie watchword
of Uuwnior Morelieari's administra
tion, and It will be the wutebword of
Governor Neville. Like John II
Morehead, Keith Neville Is a thor
oughly trained business man and be
lieves that, public employes, like pri
vate employes, should ronder a dol
Ittr's worth of service for every dol
Ittr received.
The Chief does not believe in fiat
tery but does believe that a word of
appreciation when deserved Is not out
of place. Wo have reference to the
recent convictions and punishment of
criminals In Webster county which
has been done promptly and elTcctivO'
ly. The convlstlons of the bootleg
gars, Wright and Cameron, and the
horsethicf, Ilnll, and their speedy pun
ishment speaks well for our ofllcors,
botli city and county. County attor
ney Muiiday has done his part in these
prosecutions well. He lifts not filed
complaints where the evidence would
not warrant convictions and tints sav
ing much expense to- the county.
When a complaint is made, he prompt
ly collects the evidence while it is
easily secured. It is not the greatness
of the punishment for crime but the
certainty that make laws obeyed. We
believo thut Mio clti.ons and tax pay
ers of the county will appreciate the
experience and cillclency of a careful
and conservative olllcer, which Mr.
Munday hits proven himself to be.
Democratic Convention
In accordance with the request of
the stato committee a delegate county
convention of the Democrats of Web.
ster county is hereby called to meet in
lied Cloud, July !2tid, at '2 o'clock, in
the court house, for the purpose of
fleeting 12 delegates to the state con
vention, also to elect a county central
committee and to transact such other
business as may come before the con
vention. Knell precinct will be allowed one
delegate for eacli '20 votes or fraction
thereof oust for(Joverner Morehead at
the election in 1014, and are entitled
to the following do'egute:
Guide Rock .1
Beaver Creek 2
Stillwater .'1
Oak Creek C
Garfield 2
Pleasant Hill
Elm Creek 2
Potsdam 1)
Line .' a
Red Cloud 4
Uatin' .!
Uleuwood 0
Walnut Creek .'!
Inivulo 4
Catherton It
Harmony ,'J
K?(l ClOllll i It), Im ud I
Red Cloud City, 2nd ml tl
Cowles li
No delegates will be allowed to par
ticipate in this convention without
proper credentials from their precinct
Ed Payne, Clmii man.
A. II. McAtlhur, deutotar,
School Board Meets
Miss Marie Pulsipher, Cadet In K'neJ.
Miss Elsie Gather, English.
Miss Alpha Peterson, Commercial,
Upon motion the committee teport
was accepted and the" teachers as above
were declared elected.
Hed Cloud, July 3rd.
Hoard met in regular session and all
members were present,
The following bills were lead and
S It Florence- ...?2'.MM
Nellio Springer 3 4:i
Commercial Advertiser 18 75
T O Harwood lr,
Flora Osborne ,14 00
II E Qrlce Drug Co 1 5
It P Wcesner & Co 14 r0
Bon Ton Bakery 00
Geo Hadell 33 Ca
Application of W. P. Medlar for the
princlpalshlp of High school passed
upon, and by vote of the members re
sulted in rejection.
Application of Supt. Whitehead for
one year's absence also rejected.
Finance committee made report and
by vote of the Board report was accept
ed. Tha following is the estimate of ex
penses by the Finauce Committee for
the ensuing year:
Teacher's salary 8 1.1,300
Furniture and apparatus 1,000
Fuel and repairs 1,500
Text books and supplies l,C0u
School Board expenses and sal.. 150
Library fund 100
Janitors 1 ,sr,n
Bed Cloud, Nebr., June IlOtJi.
Iluutil tuel in special besbloti. Mem
Uis iic' i.l...'uieUi , liutricl.
Weesiiet. l.ios ami Popo.
I'lie teaehei'-. oomm;iiee eotisi-tiiii:
of Wt'esner, Cuts and Pope inmle a te
pot tee liiiuii'i. I t'g tdi' following
teachers for e o'" n
Mr.s. l'uttnoi u ti-i !
Quality Job Print ng at Right Prices
Less cash.
. 3,500
On motion by Wcesner the Board
voted to discharge Architect Bradley
and the Secretary was instructed to
notify him.
Statement of S II. Florance, city
treasurer, of receipts and disburse
ments for the period from July 1, 101.1
to July 1, lOlti was read as follows:
Balance on hand July 1, 1915 81,711 01
School Districts...
County Treasurer.
J 170 00
IfeO 27
r.oi on
184(5 00
lC37o 00 105:15 3G
821240 97
Disbursements 10933 24
Buhneo July 1, 1010 81313 7.1
Hoard adjourned.
C. J. Pope, Secretary.
When in need of anything in the
line of priming come to the Ciiikf.
Women's Shoes
1UHEN a woman puts her foot into one of our
" shoes it, at once, looks handsome and she has
a reason to feel proud. Our Women's Shoes are
particularly well made, are particularly well shaped,
particularly well styled, and they are
Particularly Well Liked
The selection of a pair of shoes here is attended to
easily. We have so many different shapes, styles,
lasts and leathers that no normal footed woman need
go away dissatisfied.
We desire to call special attention to our Women's
Moderate prices, surely, but the shoes are correct,
handsome, stylish and thoroughly good. It's not
necessary to pay high prices here to get good shoes.
We mention the above styles because they have so
many admirers. We have plenty of other choice shoes.
New Goods In All Departments
f I 11 1 it
ine lviiner Dros.
A Nighty Safe Place To Trade
Bros. Co.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court ol Webster County,
In the matter ol the estate ot Alfred II,
Klin;, I'lTcisul.
Creditors ol said estate S'.vlll take notice,
that the time limited tor iircsentatlon anil
mint; ol chilniRnKiiltist sulci (.state Is lannnry
l.lth, 1017, ami (or the pnynient ol debts Ih
.Iiuie2d,iui", that I will Bit at the county
court room In snld county on thu 10th day ol
July, A. I), 1111(1, to examine, hear and allow
nil claims duly Hint which are a first or
second lieu upon said estate, mid on the 15th
day ol January, 11117, to examine, hear, allow
and adjust nil claims and objections ol tftner
al creditors duly Med.
Dated this l'.lth day ot June, A. I)., lstti.
(Seal) A. 1. Hannky,
County JuiIkc.
J Is now ready to place your tale dates.
Ask any one as to my quallllcatlotiH
(or w horn 1 lmc cried sales. Indcpc
2 dent pnonoHon ill. Write wire or cal
J Red Cloud, NtBR.
R. E. CAMP, D. C.
Phones 'Pendent 21-'
) Bell Red 1G1
A non-secret. pal.
auDie. commna-
lion or wuill
known diuret
ic ag-enta ol
for disor
ders of tha
kidneys. blad-
tract, pain and
weakness in the
back, scald
ing, 'burn
ing, supproa-
Biun. uiscuiuru-
tion or insufficient
14 Kecretion of the urine
liind for droDiical condl-
lions, bold under a no.
I tlve money-back guarantee
01 atltraclion.
Sold and linaranteed liv
Federal Inquiry or
Railroad Strike?
Faced by demands from the conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen
that would impose on the country an additional burden in transportation costs of
$100,000,000 a year, the railroads propose that this wage problem be settled by
reference to an impartial Federal tribunal.
With these employes, whose efficient service is acknowledged, the railroads
have no differences that could not be considered fairly and decided justly by such
a public body.
Railroads Urge Public Inquiry and Arbitration
The formal proposal of the railroads to the employes for the settlement of
the controversy is as follows:
"Our conferences hive demonstrated that we cannot harmoniie our differences ol opinion anil that eventually the
matters in controversy must be passed upon by other and disinterested agencies. Therefore, we propose that your
'proposals and the proposition of the railwajt be disposed of by one or the other of the following methods:
1. Preferably bv submission to the Interstate Commerce Commission, the only tribunal which, by reason of its
accumulated information bearing on railway conditions and its control of the revenue of the railways, is in a posi
tion to consider and protect the rights anil equities of all the interests affected, and to provide additional revenut
necessary to meet the added cost of operation in case your proposals are found b) the Commission to be'just and
reasonable; or, in the event the Interstate Commerce Commission cannot, under existing laws, act in the premises,
that we jointly request Congress to take such action at may be necessary to enable the Commission to consider and
promptly dispose of the questions involved; or
2. By arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Federal law" (The Newlands Act).
Leaders Refuse Offer and Take Strike Vote
Leaders of the train service brotherhoods, at the joint conference held in New
York, June 1-15, refused the offer of the railroads to submit the issue to arbitration
or Federal review, and the employes are now voting on the question whether
authority shall be given these leaders to declare a nation-wide strike.
The Interstate Commerce, Commission is proposed by the railroads at the
public body to which this issue ought to be referred for these reasons:
No other body with such an intimate knowitdge
of railroad conditions has such an unquestioned posi
tion in the public confidence.
The rates the railroads may charre the public (or
transportation ire now largely fixed Ty this Govern
ment board.
Out ol every dollar received bv the railroads from
the public nearly one-half is paid directly to the em
ploye! as wages; and the money to pay increased we
can come from do ether source than the rates pais)
by the public.
The Interstate Commerce Commission, with id con
trol over rates, it in a position to make a complete
investigation and render such decision as would pro
tect the Interests of the railroad employes, the owner
ol the railroads, and the public.
A Question For the Public to Decide
The railroads feel that they have no right to grant a wage preferment of
$100,000,000 a year to these employes, now highly paid and constituting only
one-fifth of all the employes, without a clear mandate from a public tribunal that
shall determine the merits of the case after a review of all the facts.
The single issue before the country is whether this controversy is to be settled by an
impartial Government inquiry or by industrial warfare.
National Conference Committee of the Railways
ELISHA LEE, Ch.lrm.n
F, R. ALMUGHT, Cn'lHiuw,
AtUolic Cotst Lias Rtili4.
Ctatrtl ol Gtorlia rUilntr,
C. I.. BAHDO, Gn'lMi,
Nsw Yprk. New lia.ra lUrllar Rallroai.
E. II. CO ATM AN. ritt tmUnt,
Solhcia Rtilwir.
S. B. COTTHR. GinVUiuifr,
YV.k.ih KtiUtr.
f. B. CROWLRY, 4 in. YUrtttUt.
Nsw Yik Csalial Railway.
C. H. RMRRSON, Gn'l Mi,tnr,
Grtll Nctthin Rsilwsy.
C. II. nWING. Gn'i M...,n.
rbiltiislphii A Heif'ini Rulwsr.
B. W.GHICB, C'lS.H. 7ii...
CbisspitkiAOblo Rsllwsr
A.S.OHKIO.-liil. nl.lrifi,
lit I uiiASin Frs.dtcs Httliota.
C. W. KOUNil. ?', Mftitr.
Atcklsoo.Tiaski S.iu Fi Railway.
II. W MeM ASTER. G7 .!,,
Wknli.g Liki Bm Riilnsd.
N. D. MAIIRR. rut-rmldft,
Norfolk Winers Rsilwsr.
Dtivsr Rio Grill's RsilnW.
A. M. SCHOYUR, Ruldl Vic-rrH.,
Ptnisrlvnii LiissWssU
W. L. SHDDON, rict-Pni.,
Btskisrd Air Lias Rillwir.
A.J. STONE, VUt-rmUnl,
Rri. Rsllrotd
O. B. WAID, Vtt-rm. 9 Gtm'l Mm
Iiimi Ctatral Liies,
A .