RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i CANADA'SEXCELLENT L Bank Clearings Increase Agri culture Is a Paying Indus tryManufactures Doing Well. "HtiMncJH oxiiorts assort tlint Cnn ndn Ik on the threshold of perhaps Hit' most proxperous cm In her his tory. The uiipreet'iletitoil vulm of tlif farm products of UH.", together Willi i lie very luro oiilput of factories working on miiiiltloiiH of war lint mai denly drought the. country Into a po rtion, llnuiieliilly, scarcely hoped for us n tuition for yours to come. Kx port surplus of $.riO,(KX,(XKl a inontli Is nuiklnc Cainula very strong In cnh." l.Miuct from olllclul Inilh'tln of l'oh rtiary 11. HMO. The response liy tin farint'r.s of fan nrla to tlio call for lucrciiicd produc tlon In 11)15 was a total not output uxcecdliiK ono lillllon ilollar.s, an In crease over normal years of at least three hundred millions. The throe l'ralrle Provinces contributed prob ably nearly one-half of the total prod uct. The wheat crop was worth $310,000, 000, and accounted for about 30 per cent of the total agricultural product. Other things counted uKo. Look nt dairying. In itnrlo the dairy pro duction was Ini-roif-ed i!0 per cent, null prices were over 10 per cent ahead of 1011. Other provinces shared In the Increase, especially Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Nova Sco tia. The dairy cow was "on the Job" In 11111. So uKo were the beef cattle, the pips and the hens. It Ik not fair to the farmers of the Prairies to call the wheat crop of 1015 u "miracle" crop. The farmers culti vated more land and pave attention to their seed. Providence pave them favorable weather. Then they tolled early and late In the harvesting and threshing. Cooil cultivation pave blp jicr yields than careless work, !" bush els as opaliM 'J.ri. The wealth of Western Canada Is by no means all In Its wheat crop. If the country had no wheat at all It would still be famous as a land of suc cessful farmers on account of Its stock production. From one shipplnp point (llipli Illver, Alberta.) over $7.000.00 worth of horses have been sold In the luM two months. The averape price to the farmer has been about $17.1.00 per head. According to Government returns there are a million and a half horses la Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta, worth probably 1.10,000.000. The Investments which fanners of Western Camilla are making In live Mock ami farm Improvements arc pood exldence of the fact that they have money for these purposes. It Is apparent, however, that they are also spendliiK some of their profits on those things which will bring greater comfort and enjoyment to themselves, their wives and their families. The automobile trnde all through the country Is particularly active, and farmers are the biggest buyers. A re cent report of the Saskatoon district shows that In two mouths a million dollars' worth of automobiles have been sold, largely to farmers. Nor are all of these cars of the cheaper" makes ; some high-priced machines are In demand. Hank clearings throughout the West ern Provinces show greater eommcr dal activity than at the same season In 1015 or 11)1-1, the Increase for the last week of February being $8,000,000 and almost $0,000,000. respectively, for the llrst week of March $1.1,000, 000 over 101.1 and $18,000,000 over 1011. The same excellent story comes from Moose Jaw. Sask., where they showed from 40 to 100 per cent over the previous yenr. Calgary, Alta., bank clearings continue to reflect the greatly Improved business conditions as compared with a year ago. Cana da's bank clearings for the month of February, 101(1, were the greatest for any February In the country's'hlstory. The totals amounted to $00 1.222,000.00, as compared with $ 1S7.200.0O0.O0 for the same months n year ago. An In crease of $177,000,000.00 In bank clear ings for the month tells its own story of the country's prosperity. Adver tisement. Dreamland Is the only land where we all enjoy equal rights. Achy Joints Give Warning A crenky Joint often predicts ndn. It nmy also mean tlmt tlio Kidneys lira not IHUirlog tlio polMHious urlcnclil from tlio blood. Had backs, rlicumntlo pains, soro, aching joints, bcuducbes, (HzzIiices and urinary dliwileis aro all effects of weak kidneys and If nothing la done, tbere's danger of more serious trouble, lire Dmh'i KiJnty J'iIIi, tbe best recommended klduey remedy. A Kansas Case S C. Wolford, ex Hherirf, Lincoln, Kan . saym "I wns In pain moot of tlio tlmo and felt run down and misera ble. My tmck was hi tun nml weak nnd 1 couldn't utrnlKlit en on account ofi tlio ncuto twIiiRct In my loins. The kidney secretion? w o r o unnnturnl ,. Ttfrifillt' T lljlf . fill..... . n""i ... . , noan's Kidney IMIla and tlio rain nnd other ailments left mo after I lint! tak en four boxes. I linvoti't needed any kidney medicine In tlio past several years." Get Dosn't at Any Slora, COe Bos DOAN'S WV FOSTER-MILBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. FNftHGIA jg-v "ErtrvPic CcT Curt ltU$a l-T.-lT"l I 1ST.' "J JB3f I SM 7juy WJMs-vft INIlTMHONAL SlNMrSdlOOL Lesson (By E. O SEM.Erut. Artlntr Director oi the Sunday School Cour-o In the Mood) Hlblp Institute of CIiIchko.) (Copyright by Western Newspaper Union.! LESSON FOR JULY 9 THE THESSALONIAN CHRISTIANS. I.KSSOX TEXT-I Thess, 2'17-M. 4:13-18: 6:14-24. (lOI.nn.V Ti:XT-If we licllevo that Jesus tiled nnd topo ui:;iln, even so them nlsc that are fallen asleep In ,loim will Ood hrliiK with Idm.-I Thess, 4:14 U. V. This epistle Is probably one of tho earliest of Paul's letters (A. I). 50-53?). It links Itself closely with the seven teenth chnplcr of the Hook of Acts. Driven from llorca, Paul goes to Ath ens and later to Corinth, while Tim othy returns to Thcsualonlca nnd car ries a report to Paul nt Corinth. Whereupon, perhaps within six months. Paul wiltes his eplatlo. A study of tho two letters addressed to this church teaches us how Paul ad vised nnd Instructed his Gentile con verts. Tho llrst Is a particularly cheer ful, positive nnd helpful exhortation. I. Thanksgiving and Testimony (1: 1-00; 2-17-20). (1) Salutation (1:1) Tho phrase, "tho church of tho Thos salonlnns which Is In Ood" Is nowhere olso used. Somo think It to bo unique becnuso Paul had so llttlo to condemn or to criticize. Tho deity of Jesus Christ and, that graco and peace pro cced from God Is clearly set forth. (2) Thanksgiving (vv. 2 nnd 3) (a) For works of faith; (b) for thcli "labor of love," nnd (c) tholr "pa tlenco" (endurnnco). That these works wero "In tho sight of God" 1j ovldenco of their genuineness, and such spiritual frultago awakened CD Knowledge In Paul's mind (v. 4). They wcro "elected" to salvation, holi ness nnd likeness to Jesus (vv. r-9; I Pet 1:2; Eph. 1:4, 5; Horn. 8:29) (4) Testimony (vv. C-10). Paul could appeal to tho known conduct of him self nnd his friends to substantiate, tc prove, tho standing of thoso enndi dates for holiness who had been "elect od." Ills words had not como to thorn In moro exhortation and eloquence but "also In power," which governed their conduct. This was not to win np plauso, but In hla own caso ho labored for their sakes (v. 5) and In their caso they had reeolved tho word "with Joy" In tho midst or nflllctlon to tho end thnt they becamo examples (pat terns or types; literally, Iiko tho far echoing notes of n trumpet) (v. 7) to nil that dwelt In tho regions thero about. Their obedience, consistency tuid missionary spirit (vv. 8-10) sound ed forth every w hero and all that noeded to bo deno was to say, "Heboid tho church of Thossalonlca!" (5) Paul's glory and Joy (2:17-20). Paul sets forth his character as a Christian worker (2:1-1G). (a) His physical boldness (vv. 1, 2) ; (b) hla faithful, Im partial tenching (vv. 3-6), affectionate ly kind (7,8), unsolflsh, working for his own support (v. 9), holy and con sistent (13-10). No ono "had anything on him," and such a llfo dares to be bold, though It Is not freo from per secution (v. 15). (G) Paul's desire (2:17-20). Ho hero sets forth why tide letter was written. Separated from them by persecution, ho desires tc return nnd supply tho things they wer yet lacking and to seo faco to fnce thoso whom ho loved. Satan pro vented (v. 18) doubtless using tho bit tor persecution stirred up against hlra Ho had thcreforo sent Timothy from nerca to comfort thorn (3:15), who had mado such a good roport (3:1-10) that It urgod Paul to greator prayer (vv. 11-13) on their behalf. II. Ignorance llfumtned (4:13-18). Paul rebukes certain Bins (4:1-12), ex horting them to godliness nnd to love ono another. Ho then touches upon a doctrlno which was ono of hla strongest reasons for writing to theso Thessalonlans. Tho Imminent return of Christ had, been strongly empha sized, but In tho months of Paul's ab senco somo of their number had died, died without seeing Christ's promised glory. Would thoso who remained have any advantago over tho dead saints when Christ should como? It la to Bet their thinking aright that Paul wrltos. Thla ho decs by outlining the groat and blessod hopo of.tho church In its "rapturo" at Christ's coming. This Is moro clearly set forth hero than anywhero olso in tho Now Te3ta mont. Thoso who mourned over de parted loved ones aro not to "sorrow as thoso who had no hopo." Josua tho risen, everlasting Savior and king, la certainly coming again In hla king dom of glory, "with a shout, with tho volco of tho archangel." Their sor row Is not that of tho world, for thoso departed aro but "sleeping" and will como back with Jesus when ho comes. Together they who Bleep and wo who aro allvo shall bo caught up "to meet tho Lord In tho nlr, all to dwell to gether forevcrmoro with tho Lord. Paul's description of tho events of this second coming, this rapturo of tho church, has not yet been fulfilled, but ho nnd tho disciples wcro not mis taken as to its nearness, its Immi nence, III. The Hope of Church and Stato (5:14-24). Tho letter closes with moral exhortations with reforenco to spiritual lenders, care of ono another, tho spirit of prayor; and h exhorts thom not to "quench tho Spirit" by de spising prophesying, that preaching and testifying which can bo exorcised by tho weakest, feeblest member of the church It ho bo Splrlt-cnducd. AWAIT COMPLIANCE RELEASE OF TROOPERS A STEP TOWARD PEACE. UNTIL ENLISTMENT EXPIRES Militiamen Over Eighteen Will Ba Mustered Into Service Presi dent In Fighting Humor. Western New-p-iper Union New Serried Washington The Washington gov ernment Mill nwalts full compliance with Its demands by tho do facto au thorities of Mexico. lU'leaso by Gen eral Cnrrnnzn'a order of tho American prisoners taken at Cnirlzal has avert ed the possibility of Immcdlntu retali atory steps. It is possible that It has also helped to pavo the way toward nit attempt at peaceful settlement of the whole border situation. High of llclals made It very, however, that the vital point nt Issue tho future attitude of tho Mexican forcea toward American troops In northern Mexico, engaged in guarding tho bor der and pursuing bandits who raided American territory reiunins to bo eettled. Pending a satisfactory reply to Its Fecund nnd more far reaching require ment, the I'nitcd Slates will continue to hurry troops to the border nnd to take every step necessary In prepara tion for the carrying out of Its pur poses by force of arms. President In Warlike Mood. Philadelphia. President Wilson, do r.rrlhln g himself as "in a lighting mood," enunciated to a largo crowd in Independence square his conception of i.ome of the cardinal American Ideals. Ho declared that America, in dealing with other nations, must "vlndlcnto at whatever cost" Its prlnc'.pTos of lib erty, justlco nnd humanity; that "America llrst" must bo translated Into action exalting It above all solllsh In terests, nnd that tho nation's policy and development must bo guided by tho wholo people nnd not by any small group. UNTIL ENLISTMENT EXPIRES. Militiamen Over Eighteen Will bo Mustered Into Service. "A'ahhingtoii. Major General Leon ard Wood's orders that all militiamen over eighteen be mustered into servlco whether or not they hnvo consent of their parents resulted In court notion, that may be a precedent for similar cases reported from every camp In tho country. Tho action was taken by Corporal John B. Ilrockmnn, eighteen, who en listed without his father's consent. His attorney says the law on which General Wood based his order has been super seded. Mobilization olllcors must show cause in court why llrockman Bhould not be mustered out. War department ofllclalo ruled that youths who enlisted while somo days younger than eighteen years, but who were eighteen when actually mustered In. must remain until their enlistment expires. Food Situation In Germany. Tho Hague. Tho Rottordam Cou rant hears that distress in the Gorman cities has risen to such a degrco that tho high church authorities of Mucn Btor and Cologno havo urgently asked the co-operation of tho clergy to send town children to tho country where the scarcity of food la less acute Party Goeo Out of Existence. Chicago. Hy a vote of 32 to C, with nine members declining to voto, tho national committee of tho progressiva party, at the end of a stormy session, endorsed Charles E. Hughes for presi dent and tho bull moscrs practically went out of existence as a national political organization. Death Sentence for Treason. London. Viscount Heading, lord chler justlco of England, with black cloth of tradition cnllcd a cap Bpread over his head, and his two associates In scarlet gowns, likewise black capped, pronounced tho sentence of death for high treason on Sir Robert Casement, after tho foreman of the Jury In a shuklng volco hnd given the verdict of guilty. An appeal will hi taken by Sir Roger. Germans Make Another Attack. Paris. German troops havo deliv ered another attack on the French po sition near Fleury on tho sector of tho Verdun front over which violent light ing has been In progrecs for several days. Tho assault wub checked by the French lire, according to tho war of fice). Thero was spirited fighting near tho Thlnumont work which tho Ger mans captured sovoral days ago, but no change took place In tho situation thero. West of tho Mouse thero was no Infantry fighting of Importance. Red Cross Movements Kept Quiet. Now York. Tho war department has placed tho movement of tho Red Cross under tho samo cover of secrecy as thoso of tho regular army and tho militia. Officials of tho Red Cross throughout the country havo been ad vised to bo careful as to Information they glvo out as tho disposition ol their forces would Indicate tho points where troops nro to bo Bent. Tho Rod Cross began to enroll nurses three years ago for emergencies and now has G.000 who are oxpected to rospond if nof Jed, ONLY THING HE COULD DO Foolish to Think That Man in Trench Would Allow Shell to Spoil Arduous Work. We extract the following from n let ter written to his parents In Ireland by one of the IrMi brigade In Franco, mih London Tlt-ltlts. About half a dozen of them were told off to dig n hole somewhat In advance of the trenches. They had got on nicely with their Job, when the (Ioniums spotted them and begun to try their artillery marksmanship on tho diggers. For a time the hIioIIh went wide, but at last one dropped rlilit Into the midst of the men. All but one scrambled out like rab bits. The "man who stayed behind" put his spade under the shell nnd limit: the projectile out of tho lade lifter his comrades, who. In dire tilatm, quickly threw thenisehes lint on the mound and escaped injury. (tolng back to tho hole, they saw tholr unite, u Londonderry giant, coolly lighting his pipe. One and all upbraided him for throwing the shell out after them. "What would you have me do?" ho asked, "lave the shell in the hide, an' let It spoil our half-day's beautiful workl" Genuine Eloquence. There are no people In the world with whom eloquence Is so uulveisal as with tho Irish. When Leigh Itltchlc was traveling In Ireland, ho passed a mail who was a painful spectacle of pallor, squalor and raggeilncss. Ills la-art smote him and lie turned buck. "If you aro In want," said Ultclile, "wli don't you beg?" "Surely It's hoggin' I am, jcr Honor." "You didn't say u wotd." "Of course not, yer Honor, but seo how the skin Is sp'nklug through me trousers! anil tho bones crylu' oiU through mo skin! Look at mo sunken cheeks, and the fiiuiln' that's stiiiln' In mo o.vesl Man alive. Isn't It hoggin' I am with a thousands tongues!" CARE FOR YOUR HAIR Frequent Shampoos With Cutlcura ! Soap Will Help You. Trial Free. I ( Proccdo shampoo by touches of Cu tlcura Ointment If needed to spots of dandruff, Itching and Irritation of tho scalp. Nothing better for tho com plexion, hair, hands or skin than thoso Bupor-crcamy emollients. Also as preparations for tho toilet. Freo snmplo eacli by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Uoston. Sold everywhere Adv. Human Nature. "Nobody hoil-durn him 1 can stay In my hotel and sneer ut our progres sive little city!" snarled the landlord of the Petunia Tavern lifter he had kicked u guest out and hurled his grip sack after him "Ho said thnt about all of the energy displayed by our citizens was In running for olllce!" "Hut," we objected, "wo have often heard you declare that this town was the habltnt of more crooks, dcadlieals, hypocrites, fools and gossips to the square Inch than any other hamlet on the fnce of the earth." "Ves, and It's so. tool" he returned. "Rut, by gosh, I live here nnd am privi leged to llml as much fault as I like with everything In town, but no stranger has a right to criticize any hlng I" -Kansas City Star. IF YOlftOR ANY FRIEND Suffer with Itlit-mmitlMii nr Nt-tirltlN, nfuteor elirmilc, write fur my KHICIC HOOK on llln-iu-ju-limn I tHC'uiibe nml Cure. Mont twimU-rftil t.ooli ver written, H'h iilinultiti'ly l'KKE. Jrt.HU A. Cave, IH-jJt. U. W., IlrouMon, Mush. Adv. It's all right for n girl to bustle around for u husband, but after get ting him he should do the hustling. Net Content! 15ttal4Drtrfa .VAbssssssssmHsMbssB i alcohol- run CEXE ij AVejJctnblcrrcpannoamriu-1 r-rmlltlitirll IPI-flnUOIUlllbVUu . 4:..,i. J(ivlifltidikWtlsoI IhWEHWilUiBBI u '"- -""""" tw .r, McTiidfJ InnXucerful' 1 itcss nndKcsi.ionrauBwu- Opium .Morphine iiurxauu Not Narcotic;.- TSStV m jrammonu- K lion. Sour StomacljJunJhMf WoniisJcvctlshn--lossoF&WEr. CD jniEnCOWAiv. YOBIVi Exact Copy of Wrapper. gag "sargfe-j mki M ,---J SOME CONSOLATION IN THAT Growing Maiden Quick to Recognize and Announce That Conditions Might De Much Worse. At tho beginning of hot weather last summer's clothes always regain re spect. They are then buttoned hur riedly Into service. Dressmakers fore see Ibis time, providing deep hems and convenient tucks; mothers dislike it for the proof it enforces of their grow ing daughters' lidded Inches. Her mother was tr.xlng one of Inst Miininor's resurrected glories on Mary .lane. "Goodness gracious, Mary Jane, how you have grown'" she said, look ing despairingly at the short dress, "This hem will have to lie let down nt least tin co Inches," Mary .lane was plainly troubled. "1 don't see why I grow so much, It Just miil.CH .vou base to let out and let out. If 1 keep mi growing lull I soon won't bo able to go through the door ways" Siiililciih her face brightened, "I'm not so tall as I might bo, though." she lidded, "for Just think how tall I would have been If there wasn't so much turned up for my feet." FRECKLES Now Is I hit Tin... In (let Hid of Theso Vtiij SI'lllR. Thrrr'ii tin ImiKi-r tlm UKlitr-t nerd ot titling imliiiiiii-il ii r jniir frtiklm, nn tlio I'trnirlptliiii iilliliii- ilmilili Iritmtli -li BMHrniiti-i it In rrimiw Hit no linmi-ly hiuiIh Hltni'ly ml ii ti iiiitiin n( nlhliif tlimlila tri'tiftlli mm niir drucKlil. nml muily lltlli- of II iiIkIU nml iiinriilnK nml you luiulil nuiiti tii' Hint i'Vi ii tin wiitnl frtcklrn ImMi In Kim In iIIbiiik nr, wlilln tlm IIrIiIit iitirn linvr Miiilnlitil t-titlri-l) It In ai-liliiiil Hint iiiori- t linn inn' unnci- l timlril tn I'nin Milily dinr lliu skin mid Kiiln u luiintlCut cli nr i miilc Klnn lie nun tn imtc for tlir ilnnlilit ulrrntlh nllilnr, nn tliln n nolil under i:iinrnnti nt iiiniicy liuck If It fall tn rimuvu frciklt-a. Adv. Not Fatal. A certain clergmiin was much grieved to llml his "speelnl hervlces for men oul.v" wero so badly nt tended, he expressed his i egret to the verger one evening when, as usual, they worn the only two ut the meeting. "I really think they ought to come," he said, sadly. "That's Jest what I've 'ed to 'em oxer un' over iigaln," said the verger, consolingly. "1 so, to 'em, 1 sez, 'Look at mo,' 1 sez; 'look ut me. 1 goes to nil them services,' I m-z, 'an' wot 'arm does they do meV'" Til-Mils. Kncli man Is a book if .vou only know bow to read him and miiiiu books ure bound In calf. m The Wheat Yield Tells the o! Western Canada's Rapid The heavy crops In Western Canada new records to be made in the handling of grains by railroads. For, while the movement of these heavy shipments has been wonderfully rapid, the resources of the different roads, despite enlarged equipments and increased facilities, have been strained as never before, and previous records have thus been broken in all directions. The largest Canadian wheat shipments through New York ever known are reported for the period up to October 15th, upwards of lour and quarter million bushel being exported In less than six weeks, and this was but the overflow of shipments to Montreal, through which point shipments were much larger than to New York. Yields as high to 60 bushok of wheat per acre are reported from all parts of the country; while yields of 45 bushels per acre arc common. Thousands of American farmers duction. Liml prices are mil low and in booU localities, convenient to l'. Tber l na war lax on land Write for Illustrated pamphlet, reduced railroad rates and other information to bup Canada, or Wm k. Boom 4,1 Canadian m Children j&&&4 What is CASTORIA Castorlfi Is a harmless Bnhstltuto. for Castor Oil, Poro gorlc, Drops and Boothiiitr Syrnps. It Is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic) Btihstnitco. Its ntro Is its guarantee. It doutroys "Worms nnd allays Feverltihncss For moro than thirty years lb lias been lu constant uso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles ami Diarrhoea. It regulates tlio StomacU and Bowels. nHMlinilates tlio Food, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep. Tho Children's Fuuaeca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the &aSffi&&M In Use For Over SO Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM OBNTAUPl COMPANY, NEW VOBK CITY, WHY WOMEN WRITE LETTERS To Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co Women who aro well often note "Ara the letters which tho Lydia JJ. rinkham Medicine Co. nro continually publlHhinrj, itonuino?" "Aro they truthful?" " Why do women write such letters 7 '" In nnswor wo sny thnt nover havo wa published n fictitious letter or name. Never, knowingly, havo wo published nn untruthful letter, or ono without tho full mid written consent of tlio woman who wrote it. The reason that thousands of women from nil parts of tho country wrltosuch nrnteful letters to tho Lydia E. Pinlc liam Medicine Co. la that Lydia E. Plnlc liom's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives, onco burdened with pain and BuH'erlnp;. It hus relieved women from flomooff tho worst forma of female Ills, from dis placements, inflammation, ulceration,) irregularities, nervousness, weakness,! ntomucli troubles und from tho blues. It is impossible for any woman who is w o 1 1 und who has never suffered to realize how theso poor, suffering; wo men feel when re stored to health; their keen desire to help other women who nro HUlTuring us they did. STOPS LAMENESS from a Mono Spavin, King Hone, Splint, Curt), Side Hone, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acti mildly but (iiiirkly and good re tultt are Usling. Does not blister or remove tho hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with r.ich bottle telli htm. 52.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Hook 9 M free. AHSOIUHNli. JR., the antiseptic liniment fur mankind, reduces Painful Swellingi, En l.ngcd Glands, Went, Ilrniica, Varicose Vcinij heals Sorei. A I lay I P.iiu. Will tell you more if you write. SI and 52 a bottle at driltcl or JtllttrrJ. Utiml trial buttle (or 10c tumpi. VV. F. YOUNG, P. D. F.,3IOTini(liSI.,Srlnaflld, Mm. firrTf" Alfnlli in. HwiMit ciotrr H. l-iirnn fr I IV fur .il" mi'l ii'iilun rriiiU'ityiiii'iiln. VLlLilJtJ J. .Mil I.I I. M. I., Sou City, lutta W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 28-1916. Story Progress have caused have taken part in this wonderful pro free homestead lands are easily securqa churches, schools, markets, railways, etc and no conscription, w5M$& ) w iVXLW yury) wiV )&mJS) uperintendent Immigration, Ottawa. , BENNETT ,BeeBldg.,0nuhi Neb. Government Agent Cry For Signature of 2BKMZ?JJii