The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1916, Image 3

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Demand for Canadian
Alter the War.
Tho opportunities that Western Can
ada offers to thu fanner have time and
again lieen placed before the public
through tbeBo column. Tho cheap
price nt which tho very best lnnds can
be purchased, and the advantage that
Is to be had In securing one of the free
homesteads of 1G0 acres has appealed
to n great many, and they huvo cm
braced them. Many, In fact most of
those who have done so are today giv
ing testimony to the good fortune and
tho timely forethought that led them
to go to Western Canada, and embark
In an era of farming that has placed
them away boyond the pinch of want
and given them reason to look Into tho
futuro with n hopefulness that they
had not had tho courage lu tho past to
Not only have they been able to So
nne good lands at low prices and on
easy terms but If they desire they
have been able to add to tills K'O acres
of land free, on conditions that are
r-asy. A resident In the Lloydmlnstcr
district In Saskatchewan who had
been farming in tho States for soino
time, took up a homestead In 1010, und
commenced breaking with A oxen.
Two years ago ho bought an adjoin
ing quarter section and now has over
100 acres under cultivation. He says,
"As my circumstances Improved, I sold
tho oxen and now have six head of
horses, twelve head of cattle, and liavo
always a bunch of hogs on hand.
"On an average 1 havo had yields of
25 bushels of wheat. C. bushels of oats,
nnd 40 bushels of barley to tho acre,
and last season from a field of 2SMj
acres, I threshed 1,010 bushels of
wheat. 1 havo made a success of
mixed farming and would havono hesi
tation in advising all who contcmplato
making a new home to conic to this
district. I sell cream to the Govern
ment Creamery here, nnd find nt all
times a good market for live stock and
other produce."
This is but a modest btatcment of
what a modest man can do In Western
Canada, and could be repeated of hun
dreds of others.
Scores of cases could be recited
where much more has been accom
plished, nnd It la believed that with
moderate Investment nt tho present
time, the cattlo Industry of Western
Canada will pay lnrge Interest.
The .Minister of Agriculture of Sas
katchewan, In a recent address, ven
turer, tho prediction that tho Sas
katchewan farmer who doveloped his
land along the lines of general stock
breeding would make much more mon
ey and find a far bigger return for his
efforts In ten years' tlmo than the
man who devoted his energies purely
and primarily to grain raising. This
was the coming golden ago of oppor
tunity for the stockman nnd It was up
to tho Saskatchewan man to get in
on the ground floor nnd prepare him
self for the coming demand.
Tho close of tho war would undoubt
edly seo a great demand for llvo stock
in Europe and It was only reasonable
to suppose that this demand would
havo to bo filled almost wholly by
American stockmen, both In Cnnada
and tho United States. Kuropo was
slowly draining Its rural districts not
only of Its beef nnd dairy animals but
wns also using tho finer breeding ani
mals and tho, end of the war would
sec a condition of nffnlrs which would
render necessary almost tho ropopula
tlon of tho domestic animal kingdom
In that continent.
Tho opportunity of Western Cana
dian stockmen, therefore, lay In being
prepared for this demand when it
arose. In view of these facts which
must ho patent to every student of
economic conditions as related to tho
stock industry, ho hoped to see within
tho next three years tho stock raising
Industry in Suskntchownn given nn Im
mense Impetus forwnrd, which would
put it In tho forefront of thopioducing
provinces of tho Dominion. Advertise
ment. The Cynical Inventor.
A young Inventor exhibited a ring
to a Jeweler.
"A new typo of engagement ring,"
ho snld, "that I'm going to patent.
It will mnko mo a fortune."
"Humph," said tho Jeweler. "What
Ib there patonted nbout this?"
"It's adjustable," said tho Inventor.
By Keeping Your Complexion Young
With Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Tho Soap to elennso and purify, tho
Ointment to soothe nnd heal. These
super-creamy emollients do much to
keep tho skin clear, fresh and youthful,
as well as to keep tho hair in a llvo,
healthy condition and tho hands soft
nnd white.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L,
Uoston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
The Net Result.
"Did you ralso anything on your
promlso to pay?"
"Oh, yes; 1 raised a smile."
Tho proof of tho pudding Is In the
amount left over.
There Is danger that a little learn
ing will result In a Bwclled head.
(By B O. Sni.l.EKF. Actlnp Director or
the Humliiy Bchpol Course In tho Moody
Dlbli- Institute of CIiIciiko )
(Copyright by Wistern Newspnpcr Union.)
LKSSON THXT-Onlntltin 6.
ClOl.DKX TKXT- Oo.l Is not mucked;
for whatsoever n innti sowcth, that slinll
he iilo reap.-Gnl. 6:7.
We turn aside today to consider tho
second temperance lesson for tho
yenr. Paul's letter to the churches
of Oalatla strongly contrasts law and
grace It's key verso is ch. 12:10, and
Its most prominent word Ib "law."
many claim verso one of Chapter G
ns Its golden verse. This llnal chap
ter Is it most practical ono nnd rich In
suggestion regarding our social rela
tions. Let each member come pre
pared to give a temperance applica
tion or to ask a temperance question.
I. "Bear Ye One Another's Burdens"
(vv. 1-5). If a man trespass, bo sur
prised In n sin, be caught lu the very
act, or surprised Into committing u
sin, "ye which are spiritual" (literal
ly, guided and governed by tho spirit;
ch. 0111-25) arc to restore such a
one. This Is to bo done, not by cut
ting off or cnstlng asldo tho erring
one, but ns a dislocated limb Is re
stored to Its place so wo aro to "re
st ot e" that one to his plnco as a be
liever; each believer being a member
of tho body of Cnrlst (1 Cor. 12:12,
I I, 27) ; ono who falls Into sin Is n dis
located limb or member, and tho
stronger ones are to restoro him to
his proper plnco. This must be dono,
however, not with nny sense of our
own Infallibility, but In meekness,
gentleness nnd with great tenderness.
(See II Tim. 2:21-2(5). Paul's reason
for this, "lest thou also ho tempted"
should Iny low tho pride any of ua
who havo not fallen might fool (v. l;
Math. 7:2-r; .las. 2:13). Instead of
exclaiming, "1 could never havo dono
nny such net." wo ought rather to
say, "Hut for the graco of Rod I might
havo dono oven worso thnn that." (I
Cor. 10: 1H). Tho bunions (v. 2) or
welghtu which we are to bear arc not
tho unnecessary details of the Mnbnlc
law (Math. 23:4; Acts 15:10) but rath
er they aro tho temptations, weak
nesses nnd failures of others. Tho
master "came not to bo ministered
unto but to minister" and was "tempt
ed In all points," "touched with a feel
ing of our Infirmities" nnd In our thus
sharing with ench other wo but follow
In hlB steps (Ch. 5:4; John 13:34,
15:12; Romans 15:3) This is tho "law
of Christ," not onerous, not a rlovoua
burden, not necessarily an obligation,
I but a "law" because ho, our "fllo lead-
;er," fully nnd perfectly exemplifies It
(Phil. 2:5-8). It is chiefly self-conceit
and spiritual prldo (v. 3) which standa
In tho way of gcntlo forbearance In
dealing with our erring brothers. Such
prldo does not usually decolvo others
(Jas. 1:22-24) nnd ho who is so con
trolled, "decelvcth himself."
II. "Whatsoever a Man Soweth"
vv. G-8. Whllo ench must so bear his
burden, yet thoso who aro taught aro
to help those who tench to hear their
burdens by contributing "In nil good
things" (Itom. 15:27: I Cor. 9:11-11).
Paul sounds a solemn warning to
thoso who rofuso thus to help forwnrd
tho work of righteousness, those who
fall to support others and think that
their selfishness will accrue to their
advantage (v. 7). Tho natural world
has many Illustrations of this Immut
able law. Men may mock (sneer at)
this inw, but find eventually that thero
is no escupe from Its operation. This
law has many applications. Tho ono
In tho context Is, first, a physical ono
(v. 8), n most familiar ono to ub all.
The samo Ib true spiritually, and has
been repeatedly Illustrated throughout
tho history ot tho Christian church.
(IF Cor. 9:56; Prov. 11:24). In all
of our actions, physical, mental, moral,
social and spiritual, wo reap what wo
bow; Jlko In kind, sown sparingly wo
reap sparingly; abundantly, and wo
reap In abundnnco.
III. "We Shall Reap, If Wo Faint
Not" vv. 9-18. Paul now proceeds to
make tho practical application. If wo
act under tho leadership of tho Spirit
(Seo ch. 6:16-25) wo avoid carnal
mlndedness, and wo aro sowing to tho
Spirit and of the Spirit (who la Hfo
John 6:63; II Cor. 3:0), wo shall reap
"llfo etornal," I. e., Hfo which Ib end
less In duration and dlvino in Its es
sence Thero must bo, howovor, per
sistence. Wo must not withhold tho
good seed nor refrnln from sowing
It If wo nro to rerp tho reward sug
gested In verses nlno nnd ton. If wo
do so withhold, or uhould wo bow
ought but tho "Good need," wo will
Buroly reap tho awful harvcBt sug
gested In verses 7 and 8. Tem
poral weariness or discouragement
will not excuso ub for nny negligence.
Nor aro wo to bo Impatient, for "In
duo season," In God'a tlmo (I Tim.
6:14, 15) we shall reap; not perhaps
immediately but tho lsnuo Ib certain.
Sorao fall to roup becauso ot Inxlty;
others contlnuo cultivation too long;
still others, by overlooking their "op
portunity" to do good (v. 10) and
henco having not sown, they cannot
Paul suggests (. 12) that tho sow
ing of which he speaks Ib not for
nny outward show, nor for conformity
to tho edicts and regulations of men
in order to avoid persecution, (v. 1?
It. V.).
Evolves, at Pennsylvania Univer
sity, a Simple Extraction of
Square and Cube Roots.
Philadelphia, Wendell Sooy, once n
newsboy, who Is now going through
Pennsylvania university by his own of
forts, lived up to the tradition ol
gonitis by startling a class of teachers
nt the university with a demonstration
of a brand new method which he has
evolved for tho extraction of square
and cube roots, and the simplification
of the task that was the bugbear nf al- I
most everyone during schooldays.
Sooy. by tho method he has hivcnted,
can do it problem In llvo seconds that
Can Do a Problem in Five Seconds.
ordlnnrily requires about twenty mln
utes of hard work by a practical mathe
matician. Various teachers in his nudlenci
flashed long numbers running Into mil
lions nt Sooy, and ho was never longet
than four seconds In tliidlug tho cube
root and chalking it on tho blnckhoaid.
Tho key to Sooy's method Is a table
which includes the cubes of all mini
hers up to nine. This, under his sys
tern, tho demonstrator must memorize
Ho has found an interior system ol
numbers by which when tho sum total
Is cut into sections of three numbeis
from right to left the problem or di
vision solves itself almost automatic
ally by the application of the llnal
numbers In the key.
Sooy has a dellnltc bent for mathe
matics. Prof. Yocum nnd others at
tho university characterized his syB
tcm as extremely interesting from a
technical viewpoint.
Later It Is Discovered by Young Men
Who Agree to Educate
the Waif.
Atlantn, (la. Tho Decatur orphans
home, located near here. Is linrborltiF
a pink-faced baby girl that lies on Itf
pillow and stares at tho colling ub or
dinary babies do, unconscious of her
peculiar distinction. For this baby was
horn beside a new-niado grave, was
burled by her mother under six Inches
of soft earth for 11 hours, and then
was rescued by young men who heard
Its faint cries coming from tho ceme
tery. Hev. T. .1. Nnland, who carried
tho baby Irom Adalrsvllle, whero It
was found, to the orphans' home, de
clared tJio mother Is known, but thnt
tho men of tho community havo de
cided that they will caro for and edit
cato tho waif.
According to tho Rtory related by
Rev. Mr. Nolnnd, tho baby was born in
a cemotery In tho night, nnd tho moth
er, who was nlono, dug up tho soft
earth at tho head of a now gravo and
laid tho child in tho hole. Then she
covered it with earth and cropt nway.
When tho young men heard tho In
fant's cries they searched all around.
Hut thero wns no child in Bight.
Finally tho rescuers began feeling in
tho earth and dug tho baby out. She
was warm and vigorous nnd protested
loudly against being disturbed. Tho
naked child was carried to a drug store
and cared for. Later Hev. Mr. Nolnnd
and his wlto took chargo of tho Infant,
whoso name, they declnre, shull bo
Train Is Stopped and Father Identi
fies the Corpse as His Miss
ing Child.
Redding, Cal. Whllo riding on the
train from Delta to Redding, Mrs.
Frank Drown, looking from a window,
saw a body on tho bank of the Sacra
mento river. She screamed and said,
"Thcro's my boy!"
Tho train was stopped and Frank
Brown, tho husband nnd father, stepped
to tho rocks and identified tho rcmaliui
as thoso of his son, Jesse, seventeen
years of age, who had disappeared.
Relatives hunted for two weeka and
then gavo up tho nearch. No surmise
can bo mado as to how ho met his
death In tho river, except that ho fell
in whllo walking on tho bank to avoid
being seen.
Swallows Keeper's Keys,
Philadelphia, Accidentally dropping
his keys, Keeper Manloy of tho Zoolog
ical gardens was locked in a cage with
an ostrich for two hours when the
bird swallowed tho keys
Tl E
Now I the TIiiik to flat Hid of Theio
Ugly HiHiln.
There'a no longer tho lUlitret need of
feeling aihamed of nur frrcklia, tlie
prescription othlne tlontilr atrenath !
(UAranti-eil to remove thre homely apnts
Simply set an miner nf ulhlne -doubl
strength from your ilniRRlat ami apply a
little of It nlRht ami morning and you
houM anon ae that even the noral frecltlea
have bearun to itlinpprur, while the lighter
nnea have vanlihed entirely It ti seldom
that more thnn one ounce la needed to com
pletely clear the akin ami gain a beautiful
clear completion
lie aure to k for the iloubte atrength
othlnr, aa thla la anlil under guarantee of
money back If It falls to remove freckles
Recommending Himself.
"Is It good form for a politician to
recommend himself so highly'."'
"It's a delicate iiuestlon. A man
naturally feels some hesitation about
pinlslug himself. Still, when be wants
to seo tho people get a good public
servant, what can ho do better than
recommend someone In whom he has
perfect eotillditncn'"'
rnN. rnirrsT. fai.mno Kintsr.
Mloppeil Otili-htT. KIMt yenr nf iiiilnlerriipti j
Mifi,-i nf lir Klinen I'pllep.f Misllclne inMirn
)niltii rooiiliH I.Aiiur.TitMt llmtl r l iiKk nil.
Kl.lNIC CII.MI'ANl, Itr-il Hunk, N. J.-AiW.
Mean Suggestion.
"Miss (lliidys has such polish."
"Do you mean In her manners or
her faco eiintnol?"
Tnin.s pan wiwit sii'ir.H
One, 70 Mnitller after iikIiik Alli'ii's l-'ool-1
:iH", tho antiseptic pmvitnr lor tho fort
Hlnikt'ti Into HlmoH anil lined In font Imth
Allen's Font-Kiina tiuikei tltflit slioi-i fool
rasv, mul itlve-t tiiMmil relief to cniimnml
NinlmiH, Try It toil.iy. Hold ovuyu here,
Hie Tor I'llliH dial pm-luigi. Address,
Alton H. Olmsted, l.u Hoy. N. Y. Adv.
Personally Considerate.
Kitty Iteggy Soft Is continually
patting himself on thu back, isn't lie?
l'eguy Yes; the dear boy Is so kind
to dumb animals.
Mrs. Ko You always havo such
wonderful success In getting peoplo to
come to your parties.
Mrs. Wyo Oh, I always tell tho men
that It's not to bo a dress up affair,
and tho women that It Is.
Simple Job nnd the Fancy BUI.
"Your bill doesn't sipiaro with what
you told inn boforo I went to tho hos
pital, doctor."
"Whnt'H tho matter?"
"You insisted that It was to he Just
a simple llttlo operation nnd there was
nothing nt all to bu alarmed at."
Detroit Freo Press.
A Will of Nineteen Words.
In ono of tho shortest wills nn rec
ord, James II. Darling, who died on
December .1, 1015, cuts on his sons
with hut $1 each and leaves all tho
rest of his cstato to his daughter. Tho
testament, which Is dated February
10, 1910, was filed In tho Orphans'
court. It contntns nineteen words, as
"After death, I will my daughter,
Annlo C. Darling, all my money and
belongings, except $1 to my sons."
Baltimoro News.
Value of Our Horses.
Thoro nro about ono hundred nnd
nlnoty-ono million animals In tho
United Slates and they aro worth,
roughly, six billion dollars. Is it any
wonder that sclenco has becomo In
torostcd In anlmnls. Thorn aro ap
proximately twenty-ono million horses
fli tho country, representing an In
vestment of two billion, thrco hundred
million dollars. Tho despised initio
mny not bo ao dosplsed when you con
sider thnt ho represents flvo hundred
and sixty million dollarB of our total
wealth and thnt his kind numbers
about four million flvo hundred thou
sand. Popular Sclenco Monthly.
For a Tip
Here's the why:
The New Toasties have a delicate, true corn flavour un
matched by any other corn flakes. Trial proves.
They are the meat of choicest white Indian Com first cooked
and seasoned, then rolled into thin wisps and toasted by quick, in
tense rotary heat. This new patented process of making raises dis
tinguishing little bubbles on each flake, and brings out their won
derful new flavour.
New Post Toasties
the New Breakfast Delight
Your grocer has them now.
" J &
Appropriate Action.
"1 heat the voting nobleman
spoons on (Iweiiilolen"
' Yea. It's m.ido rjttlto a stir"
What is
CASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Paregorlo, Drop
and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is itn guarantee. It
destroys Worms nnd allays Fovrrlahneas. It curcn Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It
assimilates tho Food, rcgtilntcti tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and
natural sleep. Tho children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind Veil Have Always Bought, and which lias boon in use for over
510 years, lias born tho signature of Chas. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been made undor
liis Dorbonal Miiwrvision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeiti, Imitntlons and "Just
trllle with nnd endanger the health of
Children Lxperiencc against hxperimenU
(Jcntiine Custorln ulnars brars the
.at, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle than
year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our bin plus. As for the wheat crop, It is mnrvclou.i nnd a monument of strength
for busincbi1 confidence lobuildupon.ejtcccdingthcmostoptiniisticprcdictions."
Wheat averaged in 1915 over 25 bushels per aero
Oats averaged In 1915 over 45 hushels per aero
Prices arc high, markets convenient, excellent land, low in price either im
proved or otherwise, ranging fiom $12 to $30 per acre. Free homestead
lands are plentiful and not far from railway lines nnd convenient to good
schools and churches. The climate Is healthful.
There Is n war lax en land, nar la there, any conscription. I-'or complete Infor
mation aa to heat lona for aeltlemrnt, i educed railroad rates anil UeKtiptive Illustrated
pamphlet, aililicss bupcrlntendeiU Imiiiimatlon. Ottawa, or
VV. V. DENNETT, Rosm 4, Deo Bldfj., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadlnn Government Aftent
Child Logic.
Freddlo wanted his pie llrst, and bo
Ing the youngest of a family of llvo
ho got It. "You eat backwards," wiib
his mother's comment na who placed
It before him.
Tho young philosopher fell Into a
brown study, from which ho was only
nroused by the sight of moro plo, now
brought In for tho elders.
"Mother," he snld. "vvhnfn back
wards? If I put my shoo on wrong, Is
thnt backwards?"
"If I sit this way" and ho dellher
ntoly turned his back to tho table
"Is that backwards?"
"Well, I wasn't sitting llko thnt
when I nto my plo."
No More.
"Could you let mo havo a samplo of
tho goods, please?" asked tho shopper.
"Sorry, madam," said tho salesman,
"hut we've been obliged to discontinue
tho giving nwny of samples slnco wo
discovered thnt somo of our customers
wcio having them niado up Into bath
ing Bulls."
"A railroad's chief need Is n para
doxical ono."
"What Is that?"
"To bo under a wreckless manage
mont." Somo mon nro about as Important
as a Joke without a point.
- Top
Naturally So.
"What Is tho principal uso of re
potting Miles?"
"To mnko every shot tell."
- as - good" aro but Experiments that
Infants and
Three Hundred Million
Bushel GroD in 1915
Farmers pay for their Und with one year's crop
and prosperity was never so great.
Regarding Western Canada as a grain
producer, a prominent business man
says: "Canada's position today is
sounder than ever. There is more
"Sarah," mild her mistress during
tho dinner hour, "will you go down
to the basement nnd get thu catnup?"
Sarah departed, und a few minutes
Inter tho family heard a great shooing"
and scampering of feet. Shortly after
Sarah catiio hrenthlessly Into tho din
ing room and said to her astonished
mistress, "They're up, mum."
"What nro up?"
"Thu cats, mum." Youth's Compan
ion. A Respite.
"Aro you looking forwnrd to tho
summur with pleasant anticipation?"
nuked tho optimistic citizen.
"Yes, Indeed," replied tho pessimis
tic person. "A great many peoplo I'm
tired ot looking at will go out of town
for tho Btimmur."
In the Public Eye.
'Mlbwny Booms quite at homo in tb
spot light."
"Why, that man rovola In publicity."
"It'a a wonder to mo how ho bo
eludes hlmsulf long enough to tako a
A llttlo money Is a dangerous thins
at n bin gain sale.
Tho chronic kicker Is always on tha
Doing nn ono plcnsos soon ceases to
lio fascinntlng If no onn objects.
1 1
I ' ,w
i" il"ii''iZ -