61 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I If v-t Insure your Farm Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for the Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Otllce, Wl; Residence. 17:0 A sane. afe, sou ml nnd economical plan of tire, ItIitt.lii; iitul tormulo Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Write tne and let mo explain. No obligation on your part. 3Vs ioU Tio AXs French Flashers at Fogel's. Who was the first man to pay spot cash for cream. .1. O. Caldwell. M. A. Albright is on the hick list till TVJok. Don Fulton was in Rlverton Satur day afternoon. Buy It today ns you will need it to night. French Flashers at Fogel's. Hude Robertson of ltlue Uill visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robert son, the tlrst of the week. Dr. Crawford of Shelton wns in the city last week visiting friends. He re turned to that plaeo Sunday. C. A. llerriek, manager of the Dulf elevator, has purchased a new Chcvolet ntitomobile from the Hall garage. Foi'.i: Three new curtains belong ing to a Ford car. The owner can have snmc by paying for this notlco. Our Toilet Hue is the best the market produces. One Cent will buy Fifty Cent's worth at the Kexall Store, May 4th, .'tli and (1th. Postmaster II. C. Lctson has been in structed, by the postoflico department, to close the mail for trains No. 14 and 15 at 8 p. m. This rule will be In force from this date on. A few shrubs arranged judiciously around the house and yard to hide ugly looking corners and back grounds will add much to the enjoyment of the home as well as in a dollars and cents value. Shrubs, climbing vines, roses, orna mental trees and hedge plants should be set out as soon as possible in the spring. Early setting gives them a chance to make a good growth before the extreme heat and drouth of sum mer arrives. C. S. Crabill left Saturday with his car of personal property for Welling ton, Wyoming, where lie will make his future home on a ranch. Mrs. Crabill and daughter went to Washington state where they will visit relatives for some time. On Monday evening, nt live o'clock, Mis Ila.el Stratton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stratton, who reside south of Inavale, and Mr. Franklin Davis were united in marriage by County Judge A. D. Ranuey. They left the same evening for Yuma, Colo rado, where they will make their home on a homestead. Don't Forget Our Big Line Of Children's Wash Dresses W are showing the coats shown in the above illustration and many more besides. There are styles at prices that will please you. If You Need a Rain Coat or Auto Coat W have a special value Gray and at Two Specials Ladies' Black and Colored Hosiery, worth up Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers, $4.00 regular Buy your Groceries of Miner Bros. Co. Hairy lloundtreo uus in Hasting, Tifsilny. I win TaberoMnavaie wnsintiuM'it.v ; luesday. Friink Miner wont to Kearney, Tues day, on buslne-s. Ml?s Kdltli L. Mclu-ighau was in lllue 1 1 ill, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. II F. Peter-on spoilt Tuesday in Hastings A new pipe organ has been Installed In the Catholic church. Mrs. 11. M. Hge went to York-. Tues day, to visit relatives. New Summer Dress Goods now be ing shown by Miner Bros. Co. FOH SALR An automatic shot-gun in good condition. W. L. Koon. Mr. K, M. Gard went to Mankato, Kansas, Tuesday, to visit her brothers, Mrs. Minnie J ell I son after visiting her fatl c Jacob Whlpkey, and s'vters, returned to Lincoln, Friday. One Cent for n Dollar and a Half Hot Water Bottle. Wonderful tsti't It? At the Kexall Store May 1th, Mh and Oth. Mrs, Noah Harvey went to Hastings, Tuesday, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lovejoy, who Is In a hospital at that place. Mrs. .Shambangh, of Superior, arriv ed in the city Sunday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Weesncr and family. Max Mlcr and children wcro in Hastings, Sunday, visiting his wifo who is receiving medical attention in a hospital at that place. On Thursday evening the pupils of the seventh and eighth grades of the Lincoln school gathered at the home of the principal, Miss Minnie Cluistiau, taking her completely by surprise. The occasion was her birthday anni versary and the young lolks-all report having greatly enjoyed the evening as well as the dainty luncheon which was served before the party broke up. Come to Red Cloud April 2(5th and be the guests of some of our foremost merchants who are giving away, ab solutely free, a new flvo-passenger Overland automobile. As a further inducement for you to be present on this day they have so arranged that there will be free motion picture shows at both the Orphcum and Tepee from 0 a. m. to 1 p. in. as well as a big, free open air band concert by the Red Cloud Coucert Band of twenty pieces from 2 to '.) p. ni. Manager Geo. Warren is supervising what he terms "spring house cleaning" around tho Tepee. It would lie a hard matter for us to enumerate tho many improvements which have been made, but a visit to the Tepeo will convince you that It has been altered in such a way as to present a leal citified ap pearance and is now as modern and up-to-date as any motion picture theatre to be fou,nd in tho state. Man ager Wurreu has a way of doing things in the best possible manner and no doubt this is the way he lias gained his reputation as being the "Deacon" of Nebraska. in all sizes and in Tan, -: Will PsP flr-Rtulw Jy-ft JJ A ( V.' bl S V J) ttb&. tri.i ei Program for t paramount Gftcturef Thursday April 20 One Friday April 21 Saturday April 22 Monday April 24 Tuesday April 25 Wednesday April 26 Kd. Burr of Guide Rock was In town Monday. George Hoit was up from Cowles' Saturday. B. F. Williams returned to Kansas City Sunday. Clark Crow spent Sunday with his mother in Guide Hock. Andrew Moore of Rellalre, Kansas, was In the city Monday. Miss Louise Shumacker returned home from Orleans Sunday. Mrs. Louise Alios left Friday for Wymore to visit her daughter. Chas. Powell left Sunday for Omaha nnd Neleigh to vcslt his parents. Lawrence McL'all returned home Sunday from St. Francis, Kansas. Oliver Powell returned homo from Kansas City and Omaha on Friday. Dr. C. W. Caldwell returned to his home at Slater, Missouri, Sunday. We aie in receipt of a card from Toyd Hlnes at Chicago siying that the llrst performance of the season was given by Rlngiing Bros. Satur day ovening and that ho has establish ed himself with the big coucert baud. We Are Well Stocked In All Lines Of Dry Goods We solicit your inspection of our lines. Blue and $5.00 to COc. Special, 29c value, now priced at SI. 23 TEPEE m Current Week Paramount Program Dl'STIN PAUNIM in CAPTAIN COUUrilSY A famous player with it famous full of red-blooded action play TUB ll.ON CLAW the big picture of the year Lady free with each paid admission A five reel program A PERILOUS CIIANVH An entertaining f-reelprogrutii consisting of BROUGHT IIOMI-: In two i eels Selig Tribune News Pictorial THE LITTLK BROWN II FN Comedy Matinee at 2:.'W. Admission ft cents Paramount program, David Itelasco presents MARGUHRITF, CLARK In GIRL OF Till! GO-LORN WFST Mutual Masterpiece De Luxe Mignun Anderson in Tin: mill on Tin: floss Adapted from George Flliotts' famous novel A live reel general program consisting of I'.LINI) JUSTICK-3 reels TUB TIGKR OF AORD-dranin TALK OF A COAT-Comedy Buy your Groceries of Miner Bros. Co. Uuiii rl'n..t.1ii Hiitii-ti.wl ,. 1.1. I.nn l .irsiii 4V1I1IIU 1DII1I III.VI III 111.1 IIUIUl at Kansas City the llrst of tho week. Cash Scrlvlnor left Tuesday for Li mon, Colorado, for a few days visit. Ralph Ileal of Lincoln visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bcal oer Sunday. Mrs. J. I! Bet, of Carrol, Iowa, Is spending the week with friends in this city. Dr. R. V. Nicholson spent Sunday in Guide Ruck with Dr. and Mrs. Brockmau. Miss Marybelle Hassinger went to Hastings, Tuesday, to visit her sistor, Mrs. C. H. Hill. Dr. Lnwler returned the llrst of the week from Kansas City where he had been on business. Mrs Mary King of Guide Rock is visiting at the hoiiui of Mr. and Mrs. Fountain this week. An entirely new version of what a Penny will buy, at tins Rexall Store, .May Uh, nth nnd Cth. Mr. and Mis. .1. II. Bailey wont to Omaha, Wednesday morning, to visit their sons, Giant and Will. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilurcess return ed home from Inavale Suiuliiy where they visited their son, Clarence. Attorney I.. II. Hlacklodge is now driving a new Oakland automobile which lie purchased from .las. Peter son. Mrs. M. B. Buckley who had been visiting Mrs. Henry Hansen departed Tuesday for her home at New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Weaver and family loft Sunday for Akron, Colorado, whore they will make their future home. Paste tho date up where you won' overlook it: It means real money to you. Tho Rexull Store, May Uli fttli and (ill). Mr. and Mrs. James Silvcy of Ina valo spent Sunday in thU city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. D. Wonderly. If you have headache of if your uuiiu nut i:ni, nose or iiuoai iiouniu see Dr. Warrick Tuesday, April 2.")th. Hours 1 to i). John Aubushon is now driving a new Dodge automobile which ho re cently purchased fjom the Red Cloud Auto Company. Charles and Olon Ireland of ML Clare, spent tho weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. K, McArthur, who rcsldo north of this city. Harry Yost returned homo Friday srotn Lincoln whoru he recently under went an operation for appendicitis and is much improved in health. Weesnor &. Koontz on Sunday ship ped to cars of hogs and two cats of cattlo to Kansas City, R. W. Koontz accompanying the shipment. We arc in the market for 100 to 125 pounds Shoats at market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant.-C. II. .Miner Serum Co. C. F. Wallin departed Sunday for Akron, Colorado, where he will make his future home on his farm near that place. MrH. Wullln and children will leave lHter on for that place. I MEN This Is Hat Week We Talk Hats Think Hats And Are Selling Hats You Must Have A New Hat For Easter The New Soft Hats In Pearl, Steel, Smoke, Green and Amber $1 50 A Beautiful Line of New Suits and Furnishings For Easter Wear Get In Line-Dress Dp he Qowden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. "ALWAYS RELIABLE" t John Crans is homo from Kansns City. John J. Gurbor spent Sunday in Chester. M. F. Rickard of Guide Rock was in the city Monday. Mrs. L. K. Pcgg spent Sunday with friends in Riverton. Frank llulVer was in Guldo Rock, Saturday afternoon. W. V. Bcal returned home from Alliance on Saturday. Miss RaciealCowdcn spent the week end in Superior with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. W Copleti and Miss Lola, spoilt Sunday in Guide Rock. W. II. Thomas of Chester was in the city tho llrst of the week ou business. Your opportunity to cut tho cost, of high living. At tho Re.xnll Store .May Uh, Mb and Oth. Mrs. C. W. Hallowoll of Hastings Is visiting her paronts Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hayes this week. Oscar Peterson of Wray, Colorado, visited P. A. Shult over Sunday he being euroute to Kansas City. WE CHANGE OUR PROGRAM EVERY DAY AND WE ARE SHOWING FOUR OF THE BEST FEATURE PRODUCTIONS ON THE MARKET EACH WEEk TO-NIGHT, THURSDAY Harry D Ciiney And An All Star Cist Of Bough Riders In A Knight Of The Range, It. Five Thrilling Acts FfilDA Y, SCHOOL NIGHT On This Date The Public Schools Arc Giving A Musical SriJ5?Dir--TwoRecl L-Ko Komcdy Knocks And Opportunities-Nuf Ccd Across The Line-Drama--Western Borrowed Plumes-Drama After The Play-Drama MONDA Y--THE BROKEN COIN-lWx Episode Three Other Reels Kvery lady present will receive Free one copy of tho Moving Pio turo Weekly. Full of live stories taken from the films. TUESDA y Blue Bird Photoplays Present Ida Schnall In "Undine" Wednesday Free Show betvecn 9 a. m. and 1 p. m, Change of Program at 1 p. m. Frederic Lewis and Ethel Gray Terry In "BOUGHT" 0RPHEUM 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT s and up i Mrs. Kd, Fearn spent Sunday la Guide Rock. John Biers and wife of Orleans spent Sunday at the home of Al. Biers. Mrs Lucy Ludlow of Franklin spent Sunday with her daughtor, Mrs. C. .1. Geer. Mrs. Finily Meyers returned home Saturday from an extended visit in Chicago. Attorney L. II. Hlacklodge and Flavo Grlce were in Campbell, Friday on business. Mis. A. Sheeleyof Guide Rock spent. Sunday ut tho home of her son Chester and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Cassil have moved into theC. S. Crabill residence on West Fourth Avenue. Wo dont want you to feel disappoint ed: This is a warning. The Rexall Stote, May Ith, nth and lith. Lee Derr, who resides somo eight miles uoithwest of town, iceelvcd a btolieii shoulder on Sunday when his auto went into tho ditch and threw him out Frank Vavrleka brought tii tn into town for medical treatment. Mf'J m aj '.KIT, i mil fit- tm't