The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1916, Image 3

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TT Hfmf
& WSJvS'tflWlTflSjll fl
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
I Ocward
April L'S-i'O- state T. P. A. Convention
nt Alllniuo.
April 2!.- .Savannah to Scuttle High
way Convention at Omaha.
Mny 2- Otuaha-l.ltiruln-lii'iiver Coo.l
Ho'iiIh iiMsoclatlou convention at
M-iv 1.1 LVist Cuntral Nuhnu-tci HIrIi
School true k moot at l-'roinotit
May 11 Proolnlcisd "MothetH Dny"
In Kohraska.
May 10 to lb Stnto 0. A. H. l.notunp
ini'tit at Lexington.
May 15-18 -Stato Dontnl Society nn convention at Lincoln
May 17 NobiaHl.n Hanker' eon voli
tion, (llonp One, at Ho.Ullce.
May 2-21 2.- Slate Harnons ami Sail
dlo Makeis' lusucliitlon lneotliiK at
Mny 21-11." -State AfcHoclallon of Com
mercial Clubs' Convention at Omaha.
Junu 5 nud C- PaKonnt of Lincoln,
prosontliiB "The Onto City."
Jtmo r.n- Spanish War Veterans'
Slate Convention at North Platto
Juno 12 to 13 Tians-MlsaWHippi Hik
ers' Asts'n convention at Omaha.
Juno in to 1C Stato P. H. O. Conven
tion nt Alliance
Juno 1P.-1 M3 Croat Western Handi
cap Tournament at Oninhn.
Juno 11)20 21-22 American Union or
Swedish SliiRors, West. I)iv., com
ccrtH and convention at Omaha.
June 20 to 21 Stato Stockmen's con
vention at Alliance.
Juno 21 to 21! Kiatcmal Order of
Kaplos, Ftntc nieotlns at Lincoln.
Abraham Vansaver, a packing
hoiiHO employe of South Omaha, on
a waKor drank twenty-four pints of
litem and four dozen law oj;kh. An
attendant nropaiou" the in In
BtallmcntB by pouring a pint of beer
into a bltf stein and breaking two
ogs Into R. "Vonsaicr Htowcd them
away, ono after another, and In half
an hour had finished the tiibk without
lcaNlng IiIh chair. Ho piopo.sed to two dozen moio vkka on tho
same banis on a ?10 hot, but theio
wore no Uikcrn.
A dike twenty miles long and
costing In the iioluhliorhocd of
JTii',0110, Is a project contemplated
by the Klkhorn Valley diainaRO
district. The wall will extend
along the east bank of tho Platto
river, in Douglns county and Is ex
jHiCtod to preent Mich Hoods as hap
pened In 1012, when flfi.OnO daniago
was done to Douglas county roadt,
alho great damage In Waterloo and
To solve- it-H olectilc light pioblem,
which has iiribcn since tho abandon
ment of tho private plant, the vlllago
of Winnebago Is con.sideilng tho ap
propriation of tho waters of Omaha
crook for tho ptiipos-o of furiiKhins
power for lighting purposes, along
the lines advocated by former Uopio
tentative J. .!. McAllister of Dakota
City. Aiiniir.on.ent8 are being made
to investigate tho feasibility of tho
Work is progiossinT rapidly on
Fremont's now hotel, it is to be hix
stories high and cost nearly ?ir.0,000.
Huntings won its its suit in couu
ty court to force the Missouri Pacific
railroad to pay for the installation
and maintenance of electric street
lights at all the railway crossings
within tho city limits. Tho judgment
amounted to about $1500.
Tho Trans-MlBhlssippi Mnster Bak
ers' association, which embraces tho
four htates of Iowa, Missouri, Kansiib
and NebniHka, will hold a four-days'
convention in Omitlin June 12 to 15.
Tho association will put on a big ex
hibit of baking machinery, equipment
and supplies of every description used
by tho bakers.
The patrons of school distilct at
Niobrara will hold nn election or.
April 21 for tho purpose of deciding
on tho issuo or voting $17,"00 bonds
for tho district for tho purpose of
I erecting a new modern biick building
land liiKtnl'ing up-to-date furniture.
Tho week of August 7 to 11 has
boon nnmed as tractor week for Fro-
mont this year.
Tho York Commercial club Is agi
tating tho building of a $25,000 city
A barn on tho farm of John Voles
ley near Ilarnoton, (Inge county, was
destroyed by fire. A double corn crib,
granary ani eight head of horses,
4,000 bushols of grain, considerable
farm machinery and harness were
consumed by Hames. Tho loss will
aggregate close to ?3,000.
Officers of tho Columbus Commer
cial club aro planning on ontortaln
tng tho members of tho Nebraska
ITarncsa and Saddle- Mailers' associa
tion meeting .which will bo held
thero May 23, 21 and 25.
Sonled bids will bo received by tho
board of education at Homer till
April 27 for tho erection of nn addi
tion to tho high school building and
also for the furnishing or a heating
A contract has boon let by the fed
oral government for tho construction
of a now post office building at Palls
City. Work Is expected to begin
Juno 1.
A concrete bridge to cost In tho
neighborhood or $05,000 is to bo built
Across tho Pin to river ImmcllateJ
outb of Kvarnoy.
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
the Stnto House.
Western Kiupurxr t'rilnn New Service.
A coin so in maikotlng is to bo es
tablished at tho Univeisity of Ne
braska. Tills was decided upon at a
locoiit si islon of tho April meeting of
the bo.iid of regontH. Tho (ourse was
established at the request of niinier
ohm coiumoicial bodies of the stato.
These bodies asked for tho founding
of a chair of marketing. After deter
mining Hint sacli a chair would he too
expensive ut this time, the resents
took tho first step In that direction by
appropriating $:!00 toward defraying
tho expenses of establishing a courso.
Tho courso will open next fall. It will
include a bhort courso for retailers,
and will be made a part of tho school
of commerce.
Tho board also decided upon one ad
ditional instructor for tho farm man
agement course at the state farm. Tho
courso will bo strengthened and tho
mnrkotlng of farm products will bo
Included. The new Instructor will
work under Professor I'llloy.
To Keep Close Tab on Autos.
County assessors have been asked
by Secretary Heinockor of the stato
board of assessment to keep a look
out for nutomobilcH. They ure asked
to obtain fiom the county treasurer n
list of licensed automobiles and if
the number of machines found by per
clnct nsseshors April 1 does not cor-y-spond
with the number licensed at
that date tho assessors will have to
hunt for any that are missing from
tho tax rot's. Last year assessors
listed 44 201 nutomobilcs for assess
ment. It was believed that thoro wero
over 50,000 automobiles In tho stnto.
Tho secretary of stato who alio
handles licenses has licensed G7.000
automobiles this year and tho total
may reach 80,000 before tho end of
tho year, nutler county hns reported
1.1S0 autos In tho llcenso list April 1.
Last year 771 wero found by tho as
sessors of that county. Cuming
county last year assessed 710 auto
mobiles. This year, on April 1. 1,015
wero on tho lieonso register in that
county. The average assessed valuo
of automohl'es In Nebraska, last year
was $7P. each, or $05 each, actual
A Source of Revenue.
Seals or tho secretary or state and
auditor will bo attached to J50.000
worth of North Platto school bonds
nt the dictation of tho board there,
although the law now exempts tho
former official from the duty. Tho
cost, bocnuso tho attachment of
tho seals. Is a source of rovenuo, will
bo $50. The amount hns boon paid by
tho North Platte board and tho step
will bo taken, ir Secretary Pool per
formed the service without charging
ror it he would bo nubject to tho pay
ment or the money hlmsoir, In the
opinion or legal authorities at tho cap
Itol. Girl's Collegiate Association.
Plans tor holding tho fourth annual
conference of tho mlddlo western col
legiate association for women's self
government, which will he hold at the
University of Nebraska May 4, 5 nnd
G, are being pushed rapidly nhead by
the local girls' club. Delegates nre ex
pected to tho convention from the uni
versities or Wisconsin, Iowa, Washing
ton, Missouri, Illinois, Grlnnell, Ohio,
Michigan, Minnesota. Kansas, North
western and Cornell. In addition to
dolegntes rrom these schools a number
or visiting delegates rrom colleges out
Rldo or tho conference nre expected to
Governor Morehond has appointed
twenty delegates to represent Ne
braska at the annual mooting or tho
national conroronco of charities and
corrections, to be hold nt Indianapolis,
May 10 to 17. Kach commission states
that tho nppointment Is to bo without
expense to tlm state. For tho first
time tho heads or stato institutions
wero nppolntcd do'egates, but it is
doubtful If many will go.
Company Mustered Out.
Company M, Firth regiment, Nebras
ka national guard, at Holilrcego, has
been mustered out by Adjutnnt Gen
eral Hall. Tho company did not como
up to tho requirements or tho war de
partment and was placed on probation
ono year ngo. Tho Firth reglmont is
now short two fompanles and tho
Fourth regiment ono company. Gen
eral Hall hos filed a requisition for
four nutomotlc machlno rifles nnd au
tomatic pistols for a prospective ma
chine gun company In Lincoln.
Caution Regarding Sale of Eggs.
A bulletin warning dealorB nnd pro
ducers against tho selling or hod eggs,
which Is a punishable offense under
Nebraska pure food laws hns been is
sued by Fond Commissioner Hnrman.
It tol's how eggs should bo handled in
order to lncuro their freshnoFS nnd ad
vises rrequent mnrkotlng In order to
avoid tho spoiling of tho hen rrult
from being kept on hand too long.
Dealers nro advised to lceop their
eggs In cool, dry places and to Insist
that they bo shipped In rorrJgerator
t cars only.
rw$2Pv& k. v-7--1 jj$J v,'
O Enstcr! full of healing, no longer dim with tears.
Our eyes may glimpse the beauty of the eternal years
O Day of Resurrection : what promises yott hold I
The joy of life immortal each flower doth enfold I
i Ielen Elizabeth Coolidge.
rmtf; ij toil
unt, untljn im
pi $ say uuf 0
gmt, tljat Sal
omon Ut all Ifta
glory: uia;s not
arrageii ixkt
mt? nf iliM?."
THE lily is tho Easter flower bo
causo it is the glorious bloom
ot Christ's country. It is abun
dant on tho hills or Nazareth,
and in the later winter tho regions
over which ho walked glowed and
radiated with entrancing color, whllo
tho air was fragrant with perfume.
Tho Hebrew word for tho flower is
shushnn, shoslmn or shoshannnh, and
though thero is little doubt tho word
denotes boiuo plant or tho Illy species,
it is by no means certain what class
it specially designates. In tho Holy
Land thero aro lilies that hold the
purpling blue or eastern skies; that
glow with tho blood-red flro of tho
desert'u duBty sunset; that havo the
pure white of spiritual appeal and tho
grnco in curvo and lino that touih
tho senses like a strain of exquisite
As we of tho West know tho illy,
tho moro cultivated species aro tho
white or Madonna Illy, tho tiger or
tiger-spotted lily, nnd tho golden lily.
A whlto lily In art and heraldry sym
bolizes purity, nnd in tho pictures of
tho Annunciation is often placed In
tho hands ot tho Angel Gabriel. "Lilleo
choir the golden way to Paradise,'
nays a medieval writer; which, In the '
values of the present, is given in tho
appreciation of a Canadian woman on
first beholding tho soul-stirring bloom
of a Bermuda field "This Is simply
It is very probnblo that tho term lily
as used in tho Holy Land wns general,
not relorrlng to any particular suo
clea, but to a largo class ot flowers
growing in Palcstino, and resembling
tho Illy, as tho tulip, iris, gladiolus
and tho like. Thompson, for Instance,
In his "Land of tho Hook," describes
a magnificent iris, which ho calls tho
Hulch Illy, a vlow of which glvoB sa
lient point to tho passago: "Solomon
In all his glory was not arrayed llko
ono ot these."
"This Huloh lily," says tho writer,
"is very largo, and Uiroo of tho inner
pftialB incut above and form a gor
geous canopy such as art never ap
proached and the king never sat under
oven In his utmost glory. When I met
this Incomparable (lower in till its
loveliness, among the oak woods
around tho north baso ot Tabor and
on the hills ot Nnzaicth where our
Uird spent his youth, 1 felt nssuicd
that It was to thin ho referred"
That tho Illy must havo been a con
spicuous plant along the shores ot
tho Lako or Genuesarct is indicated
in Matthew, fi:2S: "consider tho lilies
of tho field, how they grow," and Luko
12 27, which bears tho samo admoni
tion. It flourished in tho biond, deep
valloys of Palcstino. Tho Song of
Songs tells: "I am tho rose of Shaiou
and tho lily or the valley," and also
among tho thorny shrubs, for tho
samo book Iiob it, "As tho Illy among
tho thorns, so is my love among tho
daughters," and among tho pastures
ot tho desert, as Is shown by this paa
sago from tho Inspiration of Solomon:
".My beloved Is niliio, nud I nm his;
ho feodcth among tho lilies." In many
other passages of the Ulblo tho flower
is mentioned.
And that tho lily must havo been
remarkablo ror its rapid and luxuriant
growth is evidenced in Hosca 11.5,
"I will bo as tho dew unto Israel; ho
shall grow as tho Illy and cast rorth
his roots as Lebanon." And that tho
llower was brilliant In color is indi
cated in Matthew, where It lias fa
miliar comparison with tho goigeous
robes or Solomon. And that tho col
ors or tho royal investiture wero pur
plo and scarlet is also implied in tho
Songs of Songs,
There woro many opcclcs of Ma
ccous blossoms In Palestine, somo ex
ceedingly gorgeous In color nnd somo
exceedingly trngrant. It is Dr. Isaac
Hall who noted tho lato winter carpet
ing of ChriBt's way by this widespread
color und entrancing fragrance.
"Most conspicuous, perhaps, nro tho
great red and blue flowers ot tho order
Hnnunculaceae, where tho nncmono
nnd tho ranunculus grow together,"
snys he. "They aro not small things,
llko our buttercups, but great wido
flowers ot two inches, or moro in di
ameter, carpeting tho ground with
patches as gorgeous as musses ot our
brilliant verbenas. Thoy grow every
where; and, llko tho other herbs, aro
glorious ono day and tho next day
literally cast Into tho oven to bako
tho peasant's bread."
Easter Sermon.
Lovo your enemies. Understand
them. Sco their burdens, their be
wilderment, their perplexities, thoir
obstacles and handicaps and thwart Let tho Christ or you striko
with pity upon the locked gates or tho
vaults of thoir Ignornnco, and cry
l.azarus, como forth ! to tho sleeping
souls or them within. Let tho Moses
In you, the Pioneer, tho Dnrcr, tho Ad
venturer, tho All-IJollover, striko with
lovo upon tho rock or thoir hardness
and asperity; let him will that living
water, kindness, shall gush rorth, crys
talline, sparkling. And this day, so
shall it bo. Nautilus.
Bays we can't look or feel
with the system full
of poisons.
Millions ot folks hatho Internally
now limteud of loading their svstom
with drugs "What s an Insldo bath'"
you uay Well, It Is guaranteed to pur
form miracles If you could bullovo
these hot water enthusiasts.
There aro vast numbers of men nnd
women who, Immediately upon arising
In tho morning, drink a glnas of leal
hot water with a teaspoonfiil of llmo
Mono phosphate in It. This 1b a voiy
excellent health measure. It In In
tended to Hush the stomach, liver, kld
noys and tho thirty feet of Intestines
or tho provlotiu day's waste, sour bile
nud Indigestible material left over In
the body which, If not eliminated every
day, become rood ror tho nilllloiin or
bacteria which Infest tho bowels, tho
quick result Is poisons and toxins
which nro then nbsoibed Into tho
blood causing hcadncho, bilious at
tacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds,
stomach trouble, kidney misery, sleep
loHsness, impure blood ami all sorts
of ailments.
Pcoplo who fool coed ono dny nnd
badly tho next, but who Blmply can
not get feeling right nro urged to ob
tain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from nny druggist or store
keeper. This will coat very llttlo but
Ib Biiulcicut to make niiyouo a real
crank on the subject of Internal sani
tation. Just iib snap nnd hot wntor act on
tho skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening, so limestone phosphato
and hot wnter net on tho stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels. It Is vnst
ly moro important to bntho on tho in
side than on the oiilnldo, bocnuso tho
skin pores do not absorb impurities In
to tho blood, while the bowel pores do.
His Choice.
"Six days or sl dollars," nnld tho
Judge sternly.
"Ill tnke alx dollais," said the pris
oner. "I'vo got enough time on my
bunds us it is."
With Cutlcura Soap and Ointment.
Nothing Better. Trial Free.
Ilntho tho affected part with Cutlcura
Soap and apply tho Ointment. For ec
tenuis, rashes. Irritations, pimples, dan
drufr nnd fioro bauds Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment aro supremo. Nothing
better, cleaner or purer than these
super-creamy emollients nt any price.
Preo sample each by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Uoaton. Sold everywhere Adv.
i Ho tiling tlint worries a rich man j
Is that some of his friends nro richer.
Mew to avoid
These Three Women Tell How They
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of
Surgical Operations.
Hospitals arc great and necessary institutions, but they
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham
Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of
women after they have been recommended to submit to an
operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All
sick women should read them.
-. -
1 1 1 1 Ufcj mbHWmi 1 1 1 1 I
Mrs. Fked Behnke, Marinette, Wis.
with femalo troubles tliat I could
said I would havo to undergo an
without help so when I read about
it nau uono lor otnera i tnougnc
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound and a packago ot i-yaia a.
Tinlflinm'j finnniivn "Wnsh nnd used thorn according to directions.
They helped mo and today I am ablo to do all my work and I am weU.7
Mrs. Tuos. Dwteu, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, Mich.
Bollovuo, Pa. " I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible
bearing down pains and iniiammtition. I tried several doctors and,
they all told mo tho same story? that I never could get well without
an operation and I just dreaded tho thought of that. I also tried a
cood many other medicines that wero recommended to mo and none
01 uiera ueipeu mo uihu u. hiuhu uuu .' b -yj"" rv 1 Z
ham's Vegctablo Compound a trial. Tho first hottlo helped, I kept
t a VI no-
am picking up in weight. I am
it nml nnw T ilon't know what it is to bo side anv moro ana Jt
It wm bo tno greatest pieasuro 10 mo u a van nuvu u.u uah
tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman." Miss Ikene
FnoEMonBR, 1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellcvue, Pa.
If you would like special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham'
Med. Co. (confidential ),lLynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened,
rud anil answered by a woman and held in strict confidence,
Strive for and maintain the
highest possible standard at
all times; when you need help
Stomach Biftsrs
is a remedy you can always
rely on for Stomach and Bow
el disorders. Get the genuine
Why, of Course.
"I cannot undeiHtnnd whv my sec
ond husband Is so fastidious," con
fessed a Washington lady to her hnsoin
friend. "Ho scarcely eats anything
My first husband, who died, used to
eat everything I cooked for hlni."
"Hid you tell your present husband
'"I hat'fl tho reason."
Dr. l'ince'fi IVIIetn nre brnl fur liver,
limw'ln and hUhii.icIi. Due little IVllot fo
n Inutile tliicc foi u I'atli.iitic Adv.
Tho older an nctioss Is tho moro en
thusiastically she makes up for lost
I lino.
Meat Makes Bad Kidneys
Too much meat I just nn bail ns not
enough. Knoh n dirt l upt to load the
blond with uric acid and to injure the.
kidneys. Had bick, blue, nervous
Hpclln, diz7hu'PH, tliiHiiiiatii! pains, nnd
bladder trouble indicate weak kidncjn,
foretell danger of gi.irl nnd ltri?,M'H
dltntM!. Don't neglect this condition.
ho Donn'B Kidney Pills).
A Nebraska Caio
Hurry Heller, Poncn.
Neb., H n y h: "Tlioro
was a dull neliu nrroni
t ll I) B m u 1 1 of
my tncl tun! my kid
neys wrro In lrl
nlinpe Whenever I
caught unlit It brought
on nn attack ami mai.'o
mo worse. A tired nml
iicrvoiix feeling often
clung to tno for il.iy.i
at n lime. Soon after
using Dunn'ii Kidney
1'IIIh 1 Improved and
It wasn't low; lioforn
thrso trouble) entirely
Cat Doan'a t Ay Slor, BOe Bra
DOAN'S '""t"
Wis. "I went to tho doctor and
ho told mo I must havo an operation for a femalo
troublo. and I hated to havo It done as I had been"
married onlv a short time. I would havo terrible
pains and my hands and feet wero cold all the
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn
nound and was cured, and I feel bettor in every
way. I givo you iwrmission to puunsn my naoia
bocauso I am bo thankful that I feel well afrota.1
. .... - i
Detroit, Mich. "When I first took Lydia" E.
Pinkham's Vciretablo Compound I was so run down
not do anything, and our doctor
operation. I could hardly walk
tho Vegetable Compound and what,
j. woutti iry ic x goc uuiuu u
20 years old and weigh 145 pounds.
' ffi