I RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Political Advertisement CHI-NAM-EL Is The Finest Thing To "Brighten Up The Corner Where You Are" Yon can vnrnUh In nny color ami do jour own Kiuliilnt;. A half pint will jp over Mx chairs and n table. The clear Chl-nuni-cl is the best Ilo'or vninlsh yon ran tfet and the Linoleum Varnish Is especially prepared for use In Linoleum ami Oil Cloth. Try them once and you will use them again FOR STATE TREASURER CHAS. L. COTTING. the druggist VsVVsn'ax'a THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVBRV THURSDAY Entered In the 1'oittoltUo nt Ittd (.loud, Neb. ah tttcund class Mullet A II. McAKTHUH PCIIMMIKIt TUB ONLY IIKMOCKATIU PA I' Kit IN WKIIHTKIt COUNTY Political Announcements Announcements Are Run Under Thie Head For the Sum of Five Dollars, Which Must Be Cash In Advance. Our Columns Are Open For Any Legitimate Advertising and We Wel come Announcements Regardless of Pefty Affiliations. rott county'cleuk 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the olllce of County Clerh of Webster County, subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic ami Peoples Independent party at the primary election to be held April IS, 1D1G. U. 1 l'i:mt . KOU CLKUK OF DISTRICT COt'KT I hereby announce myself as a candi date 'for the nomination, for a second term, as Cleric of the District Court, Mibjcct to the will of the Demociatlc HUd Peoples Independent votets at the primary election to be liuhl April 18, 1010. Dunn L. iMc Ki:iwii.N FOK COUNTY ATTORNEY. I hereby announce myself nNii candi date for reiiomination as county attor ney of Webster county, subject to the voters of the Democratic and Peoples Independent parties at the piimary to lie held Apill 1H, lit Hi. 1 will appreciate your support for a second term. Fit.M .1. Mi spay. FOR COt'NTYCOM M IHSIONER 1 heieby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner for district I, subject to the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independent voters at the primary election to be held A pi II 18, l'.Mi! A. II. CiiaiiIi.i. ITU! COUNTY JUKiE 1 hereby announce in.wlf as a can didate for the olllce of County .ludtfe. at the primary election to be held on the 18th day of Apill, 1!M0, suhjeet to the will of the cpmlllled electors ol "Webster Count,1. A. I). KANXKY. KKlMlHsHNTA'n VlT loth DISTRICT 1 heieby a nnuiicem.sclf tit- a candi date for renominatioii tor the olllce of Itcprcscutatnoof lint Ulthdlstiu-t sub led to the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independent oteis, at the primary election lobe held April 1Mb. O. W. LimM.. FOK CoUnTy SHERIFF 1 licteby announce uiyself as a can ilidnto for the olllce of MioillV of Webster County, at the primary elec Hon to bo held on the 18th 'day of April HUH, subject to the will ot the Republican voteis of Webster County. oi.ivr.it I). llEDllH. , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONKK 1 wish to announce that I am a can didate fur the nomination of County Commissioner District Number One of Webster county, subject to the will or the Democratic voters of said district. A. II. llRIlillT. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the numluu'tiod of County Superintendent at the primary elec tion to be held on the 18th of April. 3916, subject to the will of the Demo cratic and Peoples Independent voters of Webster county. GERTRUDE h. COON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER 1 desiro to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for County' treasurer for a second term, abject to the will of the Republican lrogresslve Parties, at the primary election, April 18, HMO. 0. 1) ROBINSON. FOR COUNIY ATTORNEY I hereby announce myself a can didate 'for fie nomination of County Attorney subject to the will of the Jtepublican party, at the primary April 18, 1010. Your support will be 'predated. HOWARD S. FOE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself as a candi THE OLD RELIABLE ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR VsAWvAvsA date for County Commissioner of the ltli district subject to tho will of the republican and progressive pnrtics ftt the primary tube held April 18th. R. W. Koontz. FOR CLERK Of' DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce myself asa candi date for the olllce of CleiU of the DIs trlct Court, at the Primary Election to bo held April 18th, 101(1, subject to the vote of tho Democrats of Wcbstor countv. Your support will be appre ciated'. Uko. V. Ill iciiimin. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination for the olllce of County Assessor subject to tho voters of the Republican and Progressive parties at tho Piimniy April isth, Mill). O to be held W. Ill .M.MKl,. FOR REPRESENTATIVE tilth HIST I heieby announce myself asacaudl date for nomination tor the olllce of Kepieseutatlveol the 4lith dlsti ict sub ject to the will ot tin' voteis of the Republican paity at the Primary, Apill 18th. Ciimii.i: llt'NTi:n. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Kith IHsT. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination for the olllce of Representative of the tilth district sub ject to tlm will of the voters of the Democratic piutyatlbo Piluiaiy, April 18th. W. II. Ci.ni ii FOK COUNtVoOIM IsSlONER I heieby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner for district I, subject to the will of the Demnciatic voteis al the primary election to he held April ISth. .1. A M( Aliilll It FOK STATE .sENa'toR til) th 1)1 ST. 1 iieiehy announce that I have Hied as a candidate for the Democratic I nomination for Stale emttnr, :10th District, subject to the decision of the i primaiy election, April 18th. HUH, and will appreciate your sunpoit. ClIVs E S.VMI I I.SON FORCOUNTYSHERirF I heieby announce nivsell'as iicauill date for the olllce of Slieritl'of Wehstei County, at the ptimiirv election to be I held on the Ibtli dai of Apiil KMa.sub jeet to the will of the Di'inoernlle voteis ol Webster county. Fi. m. Iliriiu i Remomber Ilia in-t I'ues.lay I- prl tllluy election. lie u e to I'i't out aim ote A caieful I'MUn'iial on of the merits of the candidates s,-i Ulnn noini nation at the hamls of II c l mnciat'i voteis will icieiil the lucl that tin Demociatlc mateibil Is uio-t Mvllent 'I he piutv will be sine to hale a list of strong capable candidates to pieseiit to the Voteis at thejietieral election TRUE DEMOCRACY Wo are pleased to publish in this issue a letter fioiu the chaiiman of the Deuiociatlo party in this count, The-Chief, at all times, welcomes tlie expression of the individual. We can not a;iee wit b Mr. Payne In all he says and of couise there aie other Democrats who will not nriee with hlmaud all Demociats do not tierce with us. The Democratic p.uty Is tlemociatlc. The fundamental princi pie is Individual expression and the irreatpst fjood to the most individuals Mr. Payne and every other Democrat has a perfect riht to his own couvii; tinusaudit would be wronu for this paper to insist that every one should iiKrcn with It or any one Democrat in all tilings It is likewise true that we hnve a li'ht to our individual opinion and no one ouht to expect ustothlult just as he thluUs In all things To adopt such a course would be to repu diate democracy and to hoist the bun ner of aristocracy. The Demociatie party la big enough to embrace a c;rcat mass of persons who nreo on tin fundamental, but who differ as to the method of exeuutlon. The crcat need is to emphasio our agreements and miinlni.e our dlHiipieetu n s. The Chief expects to worlj for what it thinks is best for all concerned ami it is perfectly willing to lt eveiy member of the party do tho same We do not desire to dictate the principles of any limn, or set of men, but we be lie ve in majority inle and when the majority has expre-sed itself we, will cheei fully lend our aid in carryhiprout its wishes. Order your Seed Miner llros. Co. Potatoes from aaaaaam I aaaaaaaa' Ht Xj aBaBaaaaaaaaaa?2r hveaaaaaaaaa ' -ir aaaaaBaaamrlaaaawF aav """ HARRY ADAMS Democratic Candidate Prtstnt Treasurer of Dawis County A vote 'for him means, placing the State Treasury on a proper footing and the elimination of the present method of public office for personal and family Jbenefit. Vote for Harry Adams, a real democrat, for State Treasurer. EDWIN FALLOON rhn-Parlisan C&ndidato lor Judge of Supreme Court Mr. 1'ulloun lmlla froin Olilo, nn.i (tlui-ntt'il t Ohio Fnlwrilty nml tins l'c n a suc ttfiiful Innjur nt. rnlln Cily, Xviir uikii, for the lust 31 iatp. ARTHUR P., MULLEN Omaha, Neb. Candidate for Member of the National Committee of the Democratic Party for the State of Nebraska Primaries April 18 VOTE FOR HIM ';C&G? lction April it, HH KARL L. 8PENCE XMItor ot - $ Franklin County Newt Franklin, Nebraska ."- Republican and Progressive Candidate for State Senator 20th District Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls Counties Tour Support Will Be Appreciated BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVSPriJ.i'W&iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Lm fdmMm aaaaaawL aaaaaaaaal Baaaan&R-& -k. .aaaaaaaaaal BaaPili" V ' Jfaaaaaaaaaaaaal WMus'&&: .jV '.raaaaaaaaaaaal '"''& i f waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa w -'sJxaPaaaaaaal fwJ& 'mtk Vsfeaaaaal cVaW i naifcia Vl3 X.1 xHOaaSl JUaBBWwBaaaaHttt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam LaLaLHVv aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Laaaaaau-s ' " LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaa!T. aV Baaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaam. V, aV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbO bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH aBamaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaffi' ""v rtv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBal,BKjaji7SKiAVy&re EASTER SUNDAY The day above all others when refined, becoming clothes are most appreciated. The spring-day of Fashion, when we doff the somber colors of winter. The day that marks a change in our thoughts as well as a change in our clothes. There is charm and becoming beauty about our new spring Tailored Coats and Suits that make them so desirable for Easter Sunday, as well as for every other day of the spring and summer season. Materials of Quality Tailoring of Character and the correct styles are to be found in garments sold by us. FIX FOR EASTER AT OUR STORE You need not be told everything you want for Easter. You only need to be reminded where to buy your wants. WJ if A) ff t - irv 3 1 1 ' I 1 I ii 77 ,JQr fcf -199J A Ntw Rate on Farm Loans I (.'tin now mahe you a lower l ate on Farm L.oan than was ever made in this eolintv before. Best ontlon irlvetl and money always ready. I also have privato money to loan on reasonable, t iMins Please write me or eall for me at State Hank, lied Uloud.-U. V. Gath er. The KiiiK's tJame, a line five part nhnto-drama at the Tenee tomoriow (Friday) night. Also an entertaining live reel program tonight. Political Advertisement "VIC" WILSON For State Railway Commissioner The democratic candidate who charges that the present commission favors the corporations. Author of Bank Guaranty and other laws. Stands for restricting public service :orporatlons to a reasonable return jpon the values of their properties, ind efficient service. "WIN WITH WILSON" WHAT AND FOR WHOM ARE YOU? AH 13 vou for America, FIRST? AUK you for I'KAl'E; Peace and Prosperity; Peace with 1IONOIIV If yes, you are for Woodrow Wilson. aaaaaa ;?-,. BBBBajy, ft 5, aaaaaaihW '' T VVi aaaaaaaahjSaaaas jsaa'vflaaaaaVt vsaBBBB aaaiaBaaaaB v ajraaYt.aBaaaaaaaai1. f? V aiaaaaaaaaaaaav V' A,SBaaaaaaaaapar fci?! vsJaaaaaw,av A tii.i-ij ',? ''aaaF wit i-A H 'V FIX FOR V iM EASTER Vmsjs&BL at our store In our store you will find materials proper in style, shade, quality and price. New Goods in All Departments Come in-we will be pleased to show you Ce Miner Bros Co General Merchants Red Cloud, Nebraska Mighty Safe Place To Trade ,:. . OtYJsT Wz z: '&&,?.' .JsMfkbS i. - xV tsnn' v n l-lo T ..iilA i I .'a. c2m1EmWj3aJr&& aaaaaaRaliKmT'.- 11' S . f KraaaawJMl3s&T!rt;ire,v'-IJL M .: aSJMcsTaMM'3l 'aTL l '- - Js&wtvis-c; ns-nSLiKaQLr - mz-. V "TBBrmmmmmP ttfet-r5a Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? AT present average prices for kerosene and gasoline, Titan kerosene engines save their owners about i.ic. per horse power per hour over gasoline engines. Figure it this way. On an 8-horse engine the sav ing is 8.8c. an hour, 88c. in a io-hour day, $88 in ioo days of work. Say that is aH your engine does in a year. It would cost you $88 more than you need to pay, to run an 8-horse gasoline engine one year. That is more than a third of the price of the engine. Can you afford to throw away $88 a year? Can you afford even to think of buying a gasoline engine, when you can get a Titan that uses kerosene? See the Titan dealer and talk this over. He has some interesting figures to show you. International Harvester Company of America (laterpersttd) Titan kerosene J. H. Morris, L-.. THEN, vote for an orltfiiHl Wilson mnn; vote for Win. M. l'KKIII.EU for DeleRnte to St. I ouis. A resident of Nuckolls Comity for more than a third of a century; Sorved as County Jmlire eleven years; . 11 v As j, A 1-1 wm-'-' A mmS0- M Uu70 ii - ! . if ' fflfifrsMtfi byo&z.w iiiVJr.5i ?M. i ' engines are sold by Riverton, Neb. ..:! ALL THE TIME A DEMOCRAT IK you mkan Wilson, vote for PeeV- ler; if elected he will stand without hitching 11 you mean Wil&ou, Primary Day, nmrlc opposite Peeblor's name. Piimary April 18th, 1010. $m Bf : i 1 i i 1 I j i if u l t . VJ lb. B Y :f in ii h