V . ' .1 . , UtO llisttn- -J . .. ..., u n i ti r . V IID CLOUD, HEBRAIC A, OBIIF. Tift! V E ft v V Red Cloud A Hew Store For WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS SATURDAY, APRIL 8th T 9:30 A. M. The opening of this new store will mean a great money saving for the people of Red Cloud and vicinity. Wonderful bargains arc offered in all departments. Yon will be surprised to find what values 5c 10c and 25c will actually buy. We have only space here to list a few of the hundreds of bargains in every day needs that await you. Ladies' Bungalow Aprons Limited otio to each ORm customer Clothes Pins lc per doz. Safety Matches, 8 boxes for 5 c 6qt Blue mid White Granite Preserve Kettle 25c 12qt IS ray Granite Preserve Kettle 25c 27tJJtue and White Handled Sauce Tan tOc 12qt Heavy Tin l'uil - - 25c 2qt Granite Coffee 1'ot - 25c 12qt Granite l'ail . 25c 14qt. Granite Dish Pan 25c Chewing Gum 3 packages for 10c Yucatan, Spearinont, Doblemtut, Klss-Mc Ladies' Corset Covers l'.itf value - - 25c each Don't miss our liook and Stat ionery Dep't! Willing tablets, envelopes, school supplies and a big line of books. Big Line of Ribbons lc to 2Gc per yard Sheet Music All the late popular pieces 10c copy, Como in and hear them played on the l'athe-phoue. Millinery Flowers 10c and 25c Hosiery Department Wonderful values in Hosiery for Men. Women and Children 10, 15 and 25c pair Old Dutch Cleanser 4 cans for 23c. (Limited t cans to each customer). Decorated Crepe Paper Napkins 5c doz. Plain White Crepe paper Napkins 100 for 10c Colgate's Tooth Paste 10c Tub1 Airtloat Talcum Powder - 10c Our Candy Counter is a marvel of delicious sweets. You really cannot know what good Candy is until you have visited this de partment. The emmenslty of this department coupled with price and quality will surprise and pleaso you. Curtain rods 10c Sash rods - 6c Ladies Uleached Ribbed Union Suits. All .sizes III to H 25c eauh Ladies Uleached Ribbed Vests. All sizes !H to It - 10c C. M. C. Crochet and Tatting Thtcad. All sizes and colors 10c ball. 5 A trip through our store will reveal to you a host of items that you need and at prices that will please you. - Our store will be open for inspection Friday evening 7 to 9:30 o'clock. We cordially invite you to come in and look us over. Positively no goods will be sold until Saturday morning. 10 25 CENT STORE E. M. EGE ananaA' 1st Door West of Royal Hotel Red Cloud, Nebraska aaaanaaaaNanaVvAaA Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and, )r R. V. Nicholson Varnish i sr . . uenusi KODAKS ' TtiWtnr WnAnr TTInieliirwf PICTURE FRAMING f ?" f ? . And IWlnn'.n,. 1 (Work Guaranteed) j ALL WORK GUARANTEED ( A Fu Line of Supplies Flartrirnl f?nnrl nf all Kintlfil SyOrrtcE Owen Ai.iiiuaur's Store i electrical uooas or an imuum bolls dkveloped-ioc Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Geo-ber R.E.GANPpD.C. Chiropractor Independent 212 Mines Bell Red 101 C. If. Miner I)r. S. e-. Peardorf, M. I). C. Mnunijcr Veterinary in Uiargo t C. H. Miner Serum Co. -niiom'cKUs- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Excise II. S. Veterinary Liaise Nt. 45 MAIL fOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OKNTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' B a Nebraska ? I i Z OX SIANDIMC GUARD OYER THE WHOLE lAMuT lEexogfc fitdetliea Bie laxattvetaUet with the pleasant taste Protects every member of the family from' Constipation-: the enemy of good health WJuvjtritdtttiv mULd right for thiiiiriaxStivV i J I A hY !. m JUDG MORRISSEV E HAS FILED FOR REELECTION CHIEF JUSTICE OF NEBRASKA SU- PREME COURT HAS MADE EXCELLENT RECORD. HIS JUDICIAL OPINIONS CLEAR Work of Court Expedited Under His Leadership Qaln or 8Ix Months on Docket. Chief Justices Andrew M Morrlssey, ot tlio Nebraska supremo court, hub lllod as a candldntu for reelection. Petitions for his candidacy from all parts of the state, Blsnod by sovoral thousand voters In excess of the 3,000 temilrcd by law, nro In the Berretary of state's hands. On account of the excellent record Chief JmUlco Morrlssey hns made on Subject Sunday Night AT THE $ ORPHEUM 7:45 P. M. The United Church will hold tlio Morning Services at tlio Con irrogatlounl Church tint preaching on Sunday cvonltigi will bo In the Orpheum for sometime. Mr. Hush will owuiifco a Junior anil Adult ("horns for Sunday ovoning sorvice. All Interested iu this luoveuiont report to Mr. Hush. C Hear J. L. Beebe At The Orpheum Sunday Night 1 CHIEF JUSTICE A. M. MORRISSEY who hns filed for reelection tho supreme bench and Hio manner In which the work has been expedited since ho became its head, It Is expect ed he will huvo no serious opposition for re-election. Under his leadership the court has gained six months' lima on its docket durliiK tho lust year, nnd Is now hearing nnd disposing ot cases more rapidly than over before. Uelng iu the prime of Ufa and In vigorous health, Chief Justice Morrlssey has not only handled his own part of tho work In a manner satisfactory to liti gants and to attorneys having cases beforo the high tribunal, but some of his energy has been Infused into tho entire machinery of the court. Clear-Cut Opinions. Ills Judicial opinions ure models ot clear thinking concisely expressed. The chief Justice gets to tho point of a case without Indulging In superflu ous vcrbluge. This quality has won for his decisions the undivided respect and esteem of the legal profession, which calling ho has followed for twenty years. Bntween his associates on tho su premo bench and himself there has been the utmost cordiality, and he en joys their respect and good will. Dur ing the Incumbency of Chief Justice Morrlssey .nothing has been heard ot the personal animosities and disagree ments which formerly existed between members of the court. Judge Morrlssey is a native ot New York state. He came to Nebraska twenty-five years ago and has lived here ever since. Before coming to Lincoln, his homo was at Valentine, Lincoln Dally Star. Kf to to to to to to m to m to to to to to to to to to to to to m m i m m m m i m m m m m m m m t& ti ' It will be well for voters to bear in mind that Judges are uo longer nom inated or elected on party tickets. Nominations for Judicial positions are now made in a somewhat similar way to the method employed in electing city commlslHoners In cities under the commission system. The names are printed on a ballot separate and dis tinct from the regular party ballot, no party designation Is allowed, and the candidate runs on his merits. Under one system or another a number of states have provided for taking the courts out of politics. The samo year that we adopted our non-partisan law, Minnesota passed on act which rot only takes tho courts but also takes tho county olllces and candidates for the legislature off tho party ballots. In that stato Judges, county officers and members of tho legislature aro elected without a party designation and in utter disregard of party affili ation. Last year Iowa passed a non partisan Judiciary law very similar to ours, and In the futu.ro party lines will be disregarded in Iowa, as In Ne braska. This year we elect one chief Justice and three associate Justices. At tho primary the voter Is allowed to vote for one chief Justlco and three asso ciate Justices, but there will be twice as many nominations as there are of fices to nil. Thus two candidates will be nominated for chief Justice and CLOSING - OUT SALE- We will sell at public auction at the STREET CAR BARN at Red Cloud. Nebraska, on Saturday, April jjjh Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, all of the property used in the livery and transfer business, including building and lots, to the highest bidder. This proper ty is described as follows: The Red Cloud Street Car Line And EQUIPMENT, including Street Cars. Tracks. Tools, etc. Vehicles, Harness, Etc. One Rock Falls hearse: 3 cabs, 2 rubber tired, new: 1 2-seated rubber tired trap: 2 wagonettes. 1 10 and 1 12 passenger: 1 bus; 3 spring wagons, 1 3-seated with top, new; 1 carriage, new; it buggies, 3 rubber tired: 4 wagons. 1 dray. 1 grain. 1 hayrack complete: 14 sets double har ness, including hearse (new), cab, work and buggy har ness: 10 sets single harness, mostly new; robes, blankets, nets, 1 geared feed grinder, etc. 18 Head Horses and Mules One pair matched hearse horses, 7 and 0 yrs, best broke pair in county: 1 pair carriage or work horses, single or double; 1 pair sorrel horses, good drivers: lpair bay horses, work or drivers: 1 pair drivers, both good saddlers; 1 large black family horse, as good as they make; 1 mare, single, double or saddle: 1 brown work horse: 1 pair mules, 3 yrs old, wt 1900, broke: 1 horse, 6 yrs old, broke, wt 1400; 1 pair bays, mare and gelding, well broke; also 1 young cow, fresh soon. TERMS: All sums under $10 cash; $10 and over 9 month's time will be given on note with approved security bearing 10 per cent interest. 3 percent dis count for cash. Big Livery Barn With Four Lots Best Location in City. Across From Both Hotels TERMS: Half cash; One year's time on balance at eight percent. L. M. CRAB1LL Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk fr3:UMr.33 &&&&&&&&&& 1 m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to 5i .mcUtiiuuiauinini'Liiuii tiniiiiniiiuiuiiiiiiiinii'nni'uii'in' !niin!mr:iinispiijnitn! iu.i nniuuni'ticitniiifiniinrin'm iaiiuii'iiniii:uiiiJiiui.uiiiuuiiuiiiiiuit!iin!nnfunBijraTii HEHRY COOK, M. D. UKAt.KII IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES o biiniiiiKffliiwi'reiiira YOU WANT A: 2 PHUjIIEflT OR A PMEft (Hade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE. 0VER1NG BROS. & GO. Makm of ArtittleZMonumont Red Cloud, Nebraska 1 m i .i'j f: VT.