i W MMB Ck HHHCS9 s I . .. f) Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING CaiS- LKDY HTTENDRNTl iiswcrec7 Day or Night "FVb m ttHiv V ?' A B7 f h aa . r JB Jv J Liy iffiM t2si IT A X Jld 4L ALL 17Sv" PHCr.'ZS - McFARLAKD BUILDING . USSS ECSE35E3 S3SS aaflK5338 D-'',-wrr'v,,,' '"v'v'x"vVN'v,ID FOGEL'S HARNESS STANDS FOR STYLE - AND- QUALITY k .1-xr -ns 4 nn - i- .. t .l.....4.wl ..ilii A1N I ILAlO01 fXponuiltX uuvuiuu uai-iu- sivelv to the Harness and Horse Furnishing business enables us to produce the best there is in Har ness. We do not say it as a boast simply as a straight fact and "we deliver the goods. We arc doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would like you to ask your neighbor how our products suit. 4w MJtSrffttfrATr jt "jfl T! iVWifV (ES r M r 13 Trunks and Suit Cases ' . Don't ror(fcl..lUat vc carry Trunks and Suit Cases. Wo have a (food assortment to choose from and our prices are as low as the lowest. Big Revival Meetings Close Sunday Night Tin- Union Kovlviil Campaiim closed Sunday evening tit llio Orphcum. Alioul HcviMi hundred people wcreprt sent at the ulo-ing service. Tlio ex penses Of IllO I'UViVltl Itiullldltlg till free will olVcrlng fur Mr. Mm I in v:is about 7.V. Tito resiilnef tlm rcviviil vvcio quite sutlsfa 'tor. , although not VVlillt WHS IXpeCtl'l ll'l l till' tlOOIlll) WOlllil llllVO llll'fl'l'l'll to hilVC tlio local punchers hold this meeting ! W' I). E L.011 City Council Canvass ' The Election Returns iiik) save lliu expenses. The reason an uutslilu niiin was seiurcd was to bring about the lo-npciutlnii .f the church" iiml if a !ni iri'i spirit nf luotherhoud hnsboeii fostered among the churches. Tin- eli'ort is not in vain. About i:il people oiiine loiwaid during the re vlvjij. This included a number Unit were members, who cinie to renew their covenant. Whether all who signed eat ds will unite with some church or not is not known. The Methodists received over ."o curds, this Includes a number however who are already members h The I'niteil church received about ti) cnnR About 'JO did tn t indlciitc church prefeieii.ee. The rest were divided between Brethren, Lutheran arid United Lutheran and Baptist. Experience is a good teacher and no doubt much good has been iiecoinplMied. (cotitl lined from pujj i on I Guy H'lKlur U(i 00 W. A. Fatten hU l)t) I ilirry HtifFtr 7 i Curtis (Jeer 10 I'll B H. Waller K7 S;t ' S. 11. Florence t-xp. oct .162 C,l 0. C Ted " " J2 S'J Uiort Chfi'tv '"i (.' Mayor Co,.! Co JUKI 07 I'.' 8'.. 2 00 ' I DO Mr. ami Mrs Will Hunt are home from Ulysess, wheio they weie called a week ago owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Hunt's mother. Sheriff Hodge talieu In chaise Tues day lid Dillon, a lad of some twelve summers, who had ran away from his home at Pawnee City. Sarah lieriihardt in Jeanne Dore is lliu extra strong attraction ollVred at IhoOiphuum i.ext Tuesday evi-iilni,'. . (J. MuriniT .,. McArthur I'Vntik Clnuson M. McCotilccy.. J. IJ. Carr ... Judges and Clork.i GO 00 ! ItObt IjHtriPrfl 100 00' S. K. Florence 100 00 A. It. Siiludln 50 00 .I.O.Caldwell CO 00 t. y. Kojiuz.; GO 00 0. C. Tee! 53 00 Crime Co 51 02 IMtiBburKh Meter Co 122 fc7 II. C.ittiiiion Co 11 150 H. W. .I.hnMhiiville L0 -18 Mumul Oil Co 30 2i Gioloek Picltlnu Cu 11 (!0 C M. Scrivn'T GS 27 Council adjourned to April 21. l'.Uii at 7:!I0 p. in. Weather Report For March Tcmpct attire: Mean I.j; maxlmiuii SX dee;, on the i.' 0 1 1 1 ; miiiliiium 8 below I'.ero on :!id. PiccipHatii n: Total 0.11 inches. Total snowftill: 1 incite-. Number of days Clear 10. partly cloudy 15, cloud v 11. Dates of Thundci storm llth. I'luviiillnjf winl Direction N V l.i days lieiuarks: I-'ull of :. Inches of snow; rainfall since ,lau 1, I A: itichc-. Chu. S. Imdlow, Obsei ver, DSC -IBI- mt Sew jLv """ -4 I Sealing .JSaehine Motors Li HE DID no w.r JOE FOGEL yJSfSA'fkA'a yaJi.ii... iiUi",ii!,!',!i!'!j..iri.:' TV, 3. :'i. .'sinaiaa , j Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls Are Caused by Snow and Sleet... See Van Before You Slip Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent For The Travelers of Hartford m.- .i i The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World PHONES: iRd. 241 Bell 128 AtaTMoaiiiiZEt,..!, :..::' !;!."; ;k:ar ..,sj hi t :i'iii.!5,iii1iii.iiii:i:r.;iiri:iiii!!ii!ii'i:;ii:..i!i;iiii!!!i!ii!i,iii;iiiiiira ROYAL BAKING POWDER "' AhmohMy Pur No Alum No Phosphate How the Rish Man CVi.;c ' H Whon Tubcrcutoc.3 S'.ruc' I Anthony .Sfiuu'i'iil tlu-d In . and had made liN mniicv In vnu hie. He liiul wii.Ued IiiiiiI irom i ., In the drift tip in f:t. r ,( fiuvsii i i. then to superintendent ami llnsiHy t.i owner. Sleltncss newr worried iiliu Ills- nix foot u'iuiil frame hud stood many hard knu-ks and was ihm1 I'm many more. A year aj;o in answer to a pietty ujrl who n-keil him to buy some soaN to help the miners who had tuberculosis he replied xruilly: "U-t "I'lu work and save. That's what I did when' I was yuiiutr. and I've never been siek and have Rot cnoufjh to keep mo now." It was u (litrcrt.MiL Sehofeld who ap proached the Ittul Cross Seal ulrl at one of the booths yesterday. In twelve mouths his. daughter had been stolen away by the monster Tuberculosis and Ids sou, Just KruiluatliiK from college, had been compelled to drop everything else In his search for health from this Mime tlWi'iisu. The doctor had said that the dNease could be traced back probiw lily to childhood, when his twochlldreti hnd been nursed by the consumptive iluiiKlitiT of a consumptive miner. The rickety, disease breeding tenements In which the miner wlis" compelled to live were owned by Sehofeld now. "I'd give my two eyes and both legs and arms to have my daughter with me and my son restored to health." lie con tided to the lied Cross Seal girl. "I can't get away from the thought that my girl might be alive and my boy well If I'd given some attention to the prevention of this dlseaso ten or fifteen years ago. Now it's too into for that, but I'll keep somebody else's rod and daughter safe. Here, give me ull the Reals you've got mid then go and get all you can find and charge them nil to me. If money can make amends, which It can't, I'll do my shnre." As the astonished girl handed over to him her entire supply of 20,Oo seals nnd took his cheek In return she heard him mutter his daughter's name and repent. "I'll do my Hhnre." NOTICE J, l'. IMuanh, ilck'iidMiit will tnl:i' uollct that on tlie3uilivitiiy of March HUH. .Martin llnrrah, pliiliilltl ilk. I Mis pctltum In the lUitrlet court of W'elislir county. N lirnskn, n ijii Inst said (tcli'iulatit. thcohju't :ml prayer of which N to ohtidii Jihlimu'iil lualnst said iliifciulaiit la theHiini of ilOI.OO ami InUrcfsl lh)r.Loaat 10 peri put from November Jail. I'.U'i. upon a certain Judgment leiulrreil nmilnst miIiI.I. r. l-MwiinN ami la favor ol tlilsphilntiu'wlilcli Jiiilumi'iit was icmkn I on tlic '.'ml. clay of Novcialii r lUl'iln un action tliei) iiiiilliii? before W. A. I lire, Justice of thc'IVaccj In ami for Ptiiver, I'lty ami Pun. ver County, Colorado In which Martin liar rati was lilalntlll and J. I', Kdwnrds defend ant. , That In connection with said pitltlon llled in tlie Pistilct Court of Webster County. Nt liranUa, was also II I til as a part ot the smut proceeding an tilllilnvlt for the purpose ol securlim au attachment aualnsl said defend ant on the urAund that ho ts anon lenldtnt of Webster County, Nebraska anil has no personal property in Webster County, Ne uraska Mil.Jict to execution or altachinint but has real estate In said county which !h hybject to execution and attuehiarnt. You tire required to answer said potltlcn and attachment proceeding on or before tlio jJml.diiy o(.Mi.y lino. , M.tltTIN II Vltlt.MI lly I'm! Maurer, , 11 1 Attorney. Why v.ork yourself to death pedaling a Sewing Machine when a Sew-E-Z Motor will do the work for you. They are light, therefore .do not bother you in Will fit onto any Sewing Machine with amp. l ou can sew last or slow by pressing with your foot. Absolute foot control. Any child can minapulate one. You can run them slow or fast as you like. Come In And See Them Demonstrated u !)5' your work. 5u'i I only one elf El The Price Is flight ROY SATTLEY L Licensed Embalmer IE3LHE TT Furniture Dealer 313 I SIC WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES NOTICE. RED CROSS SEAL FIGURES. TO I'.U'I. C. I'llAlu:.-: You are hereby nolllled that on the llth day of November Ulu Wlllheluilna II. Phares Dlul a petition against you hi the district court ot Webster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer ol which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that that you have willfully abandoned the philutlll'wlthout uood cause, for the term of two years last past am! that you have wantonly rcf usill to furnish (suit able maintenance for the platullll'. You are required to answer bald petition on or beforo Monday, the luth. day of May, I'JIfi. WlI.l.llKI.MINA II. I'llAltKS, Plalatlll. 3 urn on. I u ON THE FIRE That's when you be gin to realize the kind of Groceries we keep. There is cooking satis faction in them. vBuy your Groceries fr6m us. Save your money. Save your-pa- tience, and then 'your home wHl indeed be a happy one. Remember The Trading Stamps WALTER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY iirpin: sail INAVALE Will THbor is moving into his now home which he recently purchased ol R.K. Hunter. Mrs. Tabor is expected n nrrlvrt WedlieSllttV CVeullltr. r.ivdft Wlokwlre has moved into his I property which lie recently purohtistd , will " ol the Carpenter heirs. Tliur&d Iter, nnd .Mrs. R. U. K. Hill andfaml. ly ol McCool Junction spent Sunday nnd Mouday with relatives and friends here. A number of Will Topnauis melius iug scrmous while in inavalo ou Sun day and Monday evenings, Mrs. Luther Martin has accepted a position ns housekeeper for Mrs. Hi Dunn The Christian Missionary Society meet with Mr9. M. Fttruuain, ay. Mr. and Mrs Irvlu ot Klverton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uort Fish er, Sunday. A hit-Re number of friends and tola livils of Mrs. J. Darker gave her a sur- and relatives gave him quite a surprise Sunday by Inviting themselves to eat dinner with him. Johu Sorgonson Is commencing to re pair hU property north of C. K. Joyce's residence. Dr. T. II. Myers and wife were shop ping iu Red Cloud, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Bcrulce Suunders returned Ivom lllue Hill, Friday evening where &ho had been for a few days. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Bradshaw aud baby of Bloomlngton were visitors at Cecil McCall'3 ono day last week. Key. QUI preached two very interest' The prise party Thursday at supper occasion beliiK her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. JoeTopham visited .Mr. and Mrs. llert Leonard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wuldo aud family spent Sunday at Dau Norrls'. Joe Rood was up from Guide Rock, Tuesday. Hal Font visited at Clyde Wickwlre's Sunday. Mrs. Roy Chatlln, of Franklin, a daughter of John Mitchell's is very sick. 14.6 M. E. Ladies Aid met Wednes day with Mrs, R. Davis and daughter, Mra. Miller. 225,000,000 Holiday 8tickr Already Distributed In United States. Few people have any conception of the imiKultude of the Red Cross Christ mas Seal CampulKii. Here are a few figures that will show what a gigantic movement this Is. Already 225,000,000 seals have been printed and practically that entire number distributed to agents In every state and territory of (lie Union from Alaska in the North to the Cnnul one In the South and from l'orto Rico In the F.ast to Hawaii hi the West. Advertising circulars, posters, cards, etc., to tlio number of several million have also been distributed. Not less thnn 1,000,000 personal letters ask ing people to buy seals have been sent out. It is estimated that tlio army ot workers, nearly all8of V)iiom nre vol unteers, engaged in selling the seals numbers well over 500,000. The adver tising and publicity donated to the cnmpalgn nmounts to several hundred thousand dollars. Every effort Is being put forth to sell 75,000,000 seals, or less than one for every man, woman and child In the United States. This will mean $750,000 for the antl-tubercuIosU campaign In the United States, aud particularly all of the 1,200 antl-tuber- culosls associations or the country ae rive their mipport from Red Cross Seals. In the Unity Ceurt tf Webster Muty Nebraska. HTATKor NKI1KANKA, I Webster County. fss In the matter ol the estato of James Mil ton Steward, deceased. CUEDlTOHSot said estate will take notice, that the time limited (or presentation and llllnn of claims nijtlnst the same Is October 7th, 1916; and lor the payment of debts Is March 3d, 1UI7, that 1 wilt sit at the county court room In said county on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1916, at 10 o'clock, A. M to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims .and objections duly filed. Dated this 3d day ol March, A. I)., 1916 A. I. ItANNKY, (ska i.) County Judge. sftm .wnfwrl FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES We believe there is no better gate at any price than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. Red Cross Seal Jingto. Hlpplty hop to the Christmas shop To buy some Kcd Cross scaU. With one on each letter Of course you feel better, You've heeded your brother' FIRE fl THE ALARM ts n droitural tliln OF FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If the fire is anywhere uear his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COBT OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered, The freedom from worry alone la worth It many times ovor Have ds Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, H0ll0bl0 Inturanc. PLATT & FREES 1 WWxxa"'mvW' aAviAaAaAaA EXCELEENT IRRIGATED LANDS AT WHEATLAND, WYOMING ON L1RKRAL AND PATERNAL TERMS: The Wyoming Development Company nt Wheatland now olfers you the llncst kind of au irrigated fnrm with a perpetual wrtter-riKtit ur prices rrom tso to gtiu an uurc with your choice of throe different plans for very easy payments, so llboral and filendly lu terms as to invite immediate inquiry. LOCATION AND CHARACTER OF THESE LANDS:-10.000 acres now under cultivation near Wheatland, Wyo., only no miles North of Cheyenne on the Central Wyoming main line of the Hurlingtou-C. & S. roads; only 200 miles from Denver, lu a highly prosperous community of Homing and alfalfa meal mills, creamery, district schools, high schools, churches; State Uni versity wlthlu 100 miles The Development Company owns these lands aud nssUt settlers with skilled irrigators and Instruction, THREE DIFFERENT PLANS OF PAYMENT:- (1) A straight Davment nlau. one-fifth down. (2) No Urst payment plan. (3) Improvement plan. Hand somely Ulustratad booklet dcsoriptlve of tbo Wheatland Colony, plans of payment, lands, etc, free on request. Get this before you buy auliri gated farm pnywhere In the west. S.B.Howard, Immigration Agent loot Farnani Street, Omaha, Nebr. Jf iV'r Ml r t . v. ; '' '--'? .,v I , tort&$3&l '