Fwmm!m&m& -fcJ&.4 i I INj... h'CMMl ' 'x - vjHta-r Stftto lll'lorlcnl Society t . ' ', Nfc ---" s-JZ-m VOLUME II A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S1.50. ?ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. .FKIHtUAK 21, 110. fi-: .'iHMbfiirr'.'j It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL 82.-.000 Two More Citizens Are Laid At Rest i Mrs. John Wilson Mrs. John Wilson passed away ut her home in the II rut ward lust Satin--diiy morning, after un illness of about a year's duration. She was Lorn in Morgan county, Ohio. January 'J5, 18.-1, and was mar ried November . 1802 to John Wilson. They moved to Iowa, and in 1831 came to Nebraska, where they havo since resided. Nino children were born to tliis family, thre boys and six girls, two of the boys having proceeded their mother in death. Mrs. Wilson was a fluo Christian character generous, in dustrious and always willing to help those in need. Funeral services were held nt tho Christian church. Monday afternoon, conducted bv Rov. J. L. H',...h.. i. ,,.,.. meiit was mailu in the city cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to her aged mother, husband, seven cliildreti and other lolatives, during' their hour of sadness. NUMBER! SAflJ '"i -I,,.1.,.-....,,ij -,--... i;w;nn " - mrn i Iji u,hi.,1ii!li,l,,,,,iii:l!:ii ! luLilftu luan '9 Discount .'25 i Sale! ON fh Every Suit (Serges excepted) Every Overcoat ( exception ) Every Pair of Men's and . Boys' Trousers Only One String to this and that is Cash. . . Green Stamps too. I PAIL STOREY The Clothier ' What are your building plans for spring? House, barn, fence or coop. The time to plan is NOW. Estimates Furnished Free THE MALONE-AVERY CO, "TALK WITH US AIMJT YOUR SPRING PLANS" Harvey H. Dedrick Harvey H Dedrick passed away at his home in the south-west part of this city on Saturday pruning. Feb ruary m, aged (tf years, 5 months and -'i days, lie hud been in unusually goodliealth for the past several months until about a week ago, when betaken fi severe cold, which rapidlr dcrcloped into pneumonia, ending in' his death, as related above, which came as a shock to tho entire community. Mr Dedrick WIIH bnrn In .Tnnkcnn county, Indiana, August 122, 1S.V2, mid was married in 1372 to Miss Melissa Milholland. To this ntilnn w.,n !.... eight children, five of whom together with their mother survive him The children are: William, Jesse, Harry, .'is. mice ream anil .Mrs. Uraee Heed. Mr. Dedrick had lived in Nebraska for the past forty-two years, the most nt this time being spent in Web-,ter COIlIltr. He folIdlVOll tlm nni.nr.iilt..,. of a plasterer aud was a skilled woik- man in nis cnosen line. He was a man of (pilot, unassuming disposition, yet was a friend to all. Snl imiiicr,-).,., and a man who could be relied upon ut un units uj on mat which no knew to be light, his death leaves a vacancy which will, indeed, bo hard to till. Funeral services were conducted from tho home this afternoon in charge of Kev. J. h. Uenbu and Key. (!. P. Hummel. Iiitnrminit ...,.c ..,.,.').. iu the city cemetery. Is Named The "Orpheum" Iho new motion picture theater which is to be opened in the New house building on Wednesday evening, March 1st, will be known under tho non de plume or the "Orpheum," ac cording to the manager, Mr. R H. Casslll. The gentleman informs us that he is sparing no pains or money m making the opening night one long to be remembered by all and for this occasion he has secured some of the best orchestra talent obtainable. Mr. Cassill states that he intends making special orchestra music a lead iutr feature at each shmv nmi an ., as DOSSible. IntonfU to Inctnll ... - cbestra pit. Healso informs us that he has already closed contracts for snob pictures as The Battle Cry of "i uurn teaiure aiong tne 1're pardness order; The Carpet From Bair- . i ..'...?,' " iexasaieer; urau stark; The Misleading Ludy; The Is land of Surprise and Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines, etc. The Hroken Coin, h serial pioturo In fifteen chapters, featuring Grace Gun urd and Frauces Ford, will bo shown on Monday evening, March 13th, and on i-iiuu iuonuay iiiercafter. He has made arrangements with The Chief to hare tho story printed each week in this paper, beginning with the issue of March lith. Tho carpenters are making rapid progress iu their woik (if ..., , l.. if. , the room to conform to tho latest and bestldoas of a modem picture theater and Mr. ChssIU states that his lighting system will bo iu keeping with the rest. He requests us to inform our iviiiiuin mum. tuny wtu make no mis take iu laying their plans to be present at the Orpheum on the opening night, Wednesday, .March 1st. L. H. Blackledge Honored By Friends Petitions a if being circulated over tho district for the nomination of li. H. lllitckledge as District Judge. This action comes as a pleasant surpilso to our fellow townsman and of course tho whole citv feels in-.iHtl.nl ti.t. i ii..... people in tho dMrict recognize tho ability and worth ofotioof Uod Cloud's citizens, lleinga non-partisan ollleo under the law thero is no politics con nected with tills movement. Some Fine Pictures The Tepee hasoliered somo unusual ly strong attractions the past week. On Monday and Tuesday evening A Itoso Among the Hilars, a beautifully colored three part diiiiua, attracted large crowds and pleased all. Last night, The I'leclons Packet, a II vo reel extra special feature was shown and proved to be up to the usual high standard of Pat lie's Gold Rooster plays which Manager Warren has featured for some time. While this olllce has in time mist (lnvnti.il i.,...ut,i,.....i.i spaco in calling attention to unusual attractions mtt on at this theater, wo have never taken the occasion to men tion tne tact that tho Topee Is equip ped With two nf thn Iw.ct mniU.. .,!..- - - wiv uiviUII I'll ture machines obtainable and that the gentleman iu charge of tho machines, Chas. A. Schellnk, is ono of tho best operators to be found in tho state aud whose chief recommondation lies in the fact that he has been continuously 'on this job" the past live years. Cupia Still On The Job Following ure thn marriage licenses Issued Ixy Judge Rinney during the Frederick McCormlck, Eiith Key nolde. both of NnrthlirnnM. r u., issued the 21it. k H: D-MoiURomery, Tillic G. Kent, both of Red Cloud. License issued Feb. 22nd, Albert Margarin, Clara HBrtman, both of Hluc Hill. License issued rebr. 22, Karl IF. Fritz, of Hlue.Hill, and An na Andersotvof Bladen. Liconae issued Fcbr. 2:ird. Will Keuhn went to Chester Sunday. m ..zZAIil . 3M5?VTt. CMa mm e V -2 11 i Be I ( Ik On Time lm I 1' l "" I B0 i - I Lorrect Optical Goods TO BE R GHT ON TIME PAYS. THF RIIQIMCCC MAM Dtrcntr-rr. THE MAN WHO KEEPS HIS ENGAGEMENT "TO THE MINUrE." TO BE "RIGHT ON TIME" YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD WATCH WHICH KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. WATCH TO GET A GOOD, ACCURATE "TIME KEEPER" COME TO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THEM-,AND GUARANTEES THAT THEY WILL KEEP CORRECT TIME-COME TO OUR STORE. WILL TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT Yrtll with thf cvapt . ..'. . - ... .vv fiiui iu L-rrj i OLA5btb TOU NEED! COME IN. r v-M E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist ZITC B. & Q. Watch Inspector ' 'WW Mrs. R V. Oatmnn spent Saturday in Hastings. Jack Wisecarvcr returned Uiu first of the week from a business trip to Wray, Colorado. Mrs. K. A. Crolirhton went to lllun Hill, Monday, to visit relatives. Mrs. Mabel Drain and Miss Klmira' Means went to Harvard, Saturday, to visit tho Walter Means family. A ".1 V 4 Ar i I ueXva i lL lr I Wanted Three young men to travel with Manager In Nebraska. Good proposi tion. Wrtto-E. K.Threndglll. Notice All accounts duo the Hrm of Whit aker & Buckles, if not paid before March 1st. will lm nhunil In tlm )..,..,!, of au attoiney for collection. HABRV F. IIUCKLKS. James Peterson loft Mnnrlnt- f,.- Omaha to attend the auto show. s-r si x ? (&&:$ n I fii-TMnu i IXJ.H'ti '.' l i ? -ffli 'TTm nrvv. . W0W WjBl r 1 1 WUmMmamMWtonimia I. U vW vS? '.V. i V xt ' i frr'szff; 1 W I r DRESS W FABRICS BsaMuBsaisjtt The Season Choicest Styles in Silks, Wash and Dress Goods, The almost indescribable sensation of the fast advancing season hereabouts lm hnnn k thusiasm with which this store's Spring Time Styles have been received. If you are on tho alert for really New Ideas Hints on Easter Apparel don't fail to inspect this great array. Free A lOc Bar Of Toilet Soap Free With Every 25c Purchase of Laundry Soap Thursday - Friday - Saturday W fr f X fflS