The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 17, 1916, Image 6

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    83$ ' -''WW-
Americana May Bo Warned Not to
Travel on Belllnerent Ship Which
Carry Guns for Protection Against
Submarine Attacks.
WnBhliiBton, Feb. 14. Tho declara
tion by tho central powers of tholr pur
Iioho after Murch 1 noxt to regard
nrmod nierchunt Bhtpa as wnrBhlps
nnd Hlnk tlium on (tight Ib In exact ac
cordance with tho now policy of tho
United StatcH aa laid down by the
Amerlran nolo of January 18.
It is expected President Wllnon now
will give Instructions to nil port of
llclah) dlroctlng them to consider
armed merchantmen aB auxiliary
crulBoro and to apply to them the
rules under which Buch vcssols muBt
depart within twenty-four hours after
arrival or after necessary ropalrB aro
mado or stores tuken on board.
It Is expected further that warnings
will bo iBHiied directing Americano not
to travel on belligerent armed mer
chant ships.
Tho note, by direction of tho nccro
' tary of state to Amorlcan nmbasBadorB,
i -was addressed to tho Kuropoan bob
r" llgcrentB In connection with tho recog
nition of submarines as commerce do
utroyera and tho desirability of tho dls
(trnuunont of bclllgorent merchantmen.
Its toxt In part Is as follows:
"It Ib a matter of tho deepest In
terest to my government to bring to
un end, If possible, tho dangers of life
which attend tho use of submarines as
at prosont employed In destroying
enemy commcrco on tho high seas,
ttlnco on any merchant vessel of bel
ligerent nationality thero may bo citi
zens of tho United States who havo
taken passage or members of tho crow
in tho cxcrclso of their rccognlzod
rights as neutrals.
"Whllo I utn fully allvo to tho ap
palling loss of llfo among noncomhat
ants, rcgardloss of ago or box, which
has resulted from tho present method
of destroying merchant vessels with
out removing tho persons 6n board to
places of safety and whllo I vlow that
practice as contrary to thoso humano
principles which should control bol
llgorentB In tho conduct of fliclr naval
operations, I do not fool that a bel
ligerent should bo deprived of tho
proper uso of submarines In tho In
vasion of commerce slnco thoso In
struments of war havo proved their
effectiveness In this practical branch
of warfare on tho high scaB.
"Your government will understand
that In seeking a formula or rulo I ap
proach It of necessity from tho point
of vlow of a noutral, but I bollovo that
It will bo equally elllcaclous In pro
serving tho lives of noncombatanla on
merchant vcsscIb of belligerent nation
alities. "My comments on this Bubjoct nro
predicated on tho following proposi
"1. A noncombatant has a right to
traverse the high bc:is In a merchant
vessel entitled to lly a boltlgorent Hag,
to rely upon tho observance of tho
rules of International law and princi
ples of humanity, and If tho vessel Is
npproached by a naval vessel of an
other belligerent tho merchant voshoI
of enemy nntlonnllty bhould not bo at
tacked without being oidored to stop.
"2. An enemy merchant vessol when
ordered to do so by a bolllgercnt sub
marine should Immediately Btop.
"3. Such vessel should not bo at
tacked after being ordered to stop un
less It attempts to (loo or resist. In
cobo It ceases to tleo or resist, tho at
tack should bo discontinued.
"4. In tho ovont that It is Imposslblo
to place n prlzo crow on board of an
onomy merchant vessol, or to convoy
It Into port, tho vossel may bo sunk,
provided tho crow and passengers
havo been removed to a placo of safe
ty. "It would thoroforo appear to bo n
reasonable and reciprocally Just nr
rangoment If It could bo agreed by tho
opposing belligerents that submarines
should bo caused to adhero strictly to
tho rules of International law In tho
matter of stopping and searching mer
chant vessels, determining their bol
llgercnt nationality and removing the
crowa and passengers to places of
safety boforo nlnklng tho vessels as
prizes of war, and that merchant ves
sels of bolllgercnt nationality should
bo prohibited from carrying any urma
ment whatsoever.
"I should add that my government
Is Impressed with tho reasonableness
of tho argument that a merchant cs-
Bel carrying nn armament of any sort
Bhould bo hold to bo an auxiliary cruis-
or nnd bo treated by n neutral as well
as by a belligerent government and is
seriously considering instructing Us
olllclalB accordingly."
U. S. Ensign Pleads Guilty.
San Francisco, Fob. H. Ensign
Itobort U. Klrkpntrlck, former oxec
utlvo olllcer of tho destroyer Hull,
pleaded guilty boforo a court-martial
on board tho battleship Oregon to thd
low of tho codo hook from tho Hull.
Lamar Must Go tc Jail.
Now York, Fob. H.Tho United
States circuit court of appeals re
fused to rolnstato tho nppoal of David
Lamar, "Wolf of Wall Street," and ho
muBt go to Atlanta prison for two
years for Impersonating congressmen.
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W51 TO-Nicolas .,.;. ft
"'m.-x. -a
Oerman attackB west and southwcBt of Vlmy, In the Anols region,
roBultcd In the capture of 800 yardfi of French llrst-llno trenchea. Paris Bays
tomo of tho posltlonB wcro retaken later. Tho Artols region may be the
scene of a new German offensive on a largo hcnlo It is known that thero
havo been ninny new Oerman troops rushed to Flanders and northern Franco
Decision to Accept Berlin Declaration
Made at Conference Held by
Wilson and Lansing.
Washington, Fob. 10. Tho contro
versy between tho United States and
Gormany over tho destruction of tho
Hrltlsh llnor Lusltanla with tho loss or
115 Amorlcan Uvea Ib settled.
Thus Is passing into history an In
cident which at tho tlmo of Its occur
rence threatened to ombroll tho United
Stntes In tho groat world war and
which Blnco has brought tho country
on Bovoral occasions perilously cIobo
to hostilities.
President Wilson and his cabinet re
garded tho Bottlemont effoctcd ao fully
meeting tho original demands of tho
United States. Theso demands were
act forth In a noto dated May 13 last,
Immediately after tho Lualtanla wan
scut to tho bottom of tho sea. They
1. Disavowal of Uio act of tho sub
marine commander.
'J. Reparation In tho form of nn In
demnity. 3. Immedlato Bteps to provent tho
recurrence of such Incidents.
Hero In effect In what tho kaiser's
government Is ready to say and what
tho United Stntes bus accepted in lieu
of n disavowal:
"Tho destruction of tho Lusltnnla
was a retaliatory act and Germany Is
prepared to pay nn Indemnity for tho
American lives lost."
Tho decision to accept tho German
declaration was mado at a conforenco
on Tuesday between tho president and
Secrotary Lansing. Later tho cablnot
ratified tho decision.
American Tank Steamer Petrollte Was
Fired Upon and Food Taken
by Submarine.
Washington, Fob. 12. Secretary
Lansing announced on Thursday that
ho had Hont to tho Austro Hnngnrlnn
government through Ambassador Pen
Hold n dispatch asking for an Investi
gation nnd an explanation of tho at
tack by an Austrian submarine on tho
American tnuk steamer Petrollto.
Tho secretary's dispatch called at
tention to nllldavlts from mombors of
tho crow of tho Petrollto nnd to Intor
matlon from other sources to the effect
that tho ship was stopped In tho Mod
Itorrancnn near Alexandria by an Auu
ti Inn submarine which fired upon It
nnd wounded one man who was In tho
englno room. Tho Bubninrlno com
mander asked for food, which Cnptaln
Thompson of tho Potrollto refused, A
boarding party was then sent to tho
American ship nnd ono American mem-
her of her crow removed. Ho was
hold as hostngo whllo tho Austrlnns
took tho food they required from tho
Petrollto's stores.
Raid Domb Factory.
Lisbon, Fob. 12. Tho pollen raided
an nnnrchlBt bomb factory, confiscat
ing 40 loaded and 40 unloaded bombs,
many rlllos and plstoh and a great
quantity of explosives. Sovoral ar
rests havo boon mado
Steamer In Collision Sinks.
Deal Hnglnnd, Feb. 12. Tho Nor
wegian steamer Correct, 1,030 tons,
wns Bunk on Thursday In collision
with another vossel In tho North sen
off North Moroland headland. Tho
crow was saved.
i mysLS7
Declares President's Candidate
Supreme Court Justice Guilty
of Infidelity.
Washington, Feb. 11. Grave charges
against Louis D. Urandels, nominated
by President Wilson as Supremo court
Justice were mado on Wednesday in
a public hearing boforo a BUbcommlt
toe. Clifford Thorno, chulrman of the
Iowa railroad commission, caused a
sensation whon ho dollboratoly told
tho committee that ho bollovcd the
president's candidato guilty of:
1. Infidelity, broach of faith and
unprofessional conduct In connection
with ono of tho greatest cases of this
2. Committing himself aB counsc
for tho Intorstato commcrco commis
sion to tho proposition that n return
of 7 per cent on railroad capital la
not adequate, although tho commis
sion Itself had ilxod that rate as an
ndequato protlt.
Tho charges, dollvcrcd in a calm,
dollberato tone, took nway tho breath
of tho solemn sennto subcommittee
and mado tho crowd In tho committee
room gasp. Ho rovlowcd In detail the
conduct of himself nnd Mr. IlrnndolH
In tho rnllroad rato caso of 1010 nnJ
1013 beforo tho intorstato common e
commission. Ho sought to show that
Mr. IlrundolB, after acting for tho Bhlp
pors In 1010, had bocomo attorney for
tho commission in 1013 and hnd not
nctcd in good faith. Tho object of his
tostimony wns to show thnt tho con
duct of Ilrandols was unbecoming a
lawyer of "Judicial temperament." and
that on railroad questions tho Su
promo court candidato was already
committed and would not bo ablo to
act Judicially If such questloiiB camo
boforo him as a Judge of tho highest
Armor Plate Companies Fight Passage
of Government Factory Program
Threat Not Heeded.
Washington. Fob. 10. Tho armor
pinto companies, through Senator
Holes Penroso of Pennsylvania, served
notlco on tho Bcnnto naval affairs com
mlttoo on Tuesday that If congress
passes tho armor pinto factory bill
thoy will boost tho prlco $200 a ton
on all armor pinto needed to carry
out mo present building program.
Tho thrent did not deter tho naval
affairs commltteo from voting nlno to
threo In r.ivor of recommending the
pashugo of tho Tillman bill npproprl
ntlng $11,000,000 for Uio purchaso or
construction of nn armor plate plant
of not less than 20.000 tons annual ca
pacity. Czar Goes to Front.
Iindon, Fob. 12. A Potrograd dls
patch to Ucuter's says Kmperor Nlch.
olns has left thoro for tho front.
Canada Enlists 1,000 a Day,
Ottuvn, Out., Fob. It. Knch day for
tho last month n thousand men have
enlisted In Cnnnda, for service over
seas. It woujd bo difficult to provldo
Instructors, rlllos nnd clothing for
Inrger dally number of rocrultb.
Whltlock Acts ns Best Man.
London, Feb 11. Drnnd Whltlock,
American minister to Ilelglum, was
best man at tho wedding on Friday
lu IlrussolB of Charlos Cnrstalra ol
Philadelphia nnd Holono Oulnotto,
tho daughter ot a burgomaster.
Will Fight Candidates Who Do Not
Aid Suffrago Amendment
Legislative Skies Have
Western Newnpatiei Onion News Service.
London. Tho Central News Is au
thority for n report that all single
men are to bo called on to enlist at
onto. A loyal proclamation shortly
to ho Issued notifying ull single men
to attest, the Central News states, at
tributes tho unexpected speedy sum
mons to tho many recent consulta
tions between tho minister of muni
tions and tho war olllco. On February
:i King George signed a proclamation
llxltig February 10 as tho date on
which tho military service act was to
be regarded as In force. All single
men between tho ages of nineteen and
fortyono, who tuu not exempt under
tho act, wore gUcn until March 'Z to
Legislative Skies Have Cleared.
Washington. Legislative skies havo
cleared as a result of Secretary of
War Garrlson'B resignation, In tho
opinion of capltol leaders. Publica
tion of tho Garrison-Wilson letters and
leaders' conferences resulting since,
have indicated probable results In im
portant legislation.
From tho president's letters to Gar
rison and sentiment of leaders of both
parties, tho following final results uro
generally predicted:
No continental army plan.
Substitution of militia, under federal
control, with drafting in case of war.
No compulsory military training
plan; not oven that of Senator Cham
berlain. A compromlso on n plcdgo for ulti
mate but distant Filipino indepen
To Fight Senators nnd Representatives
Who Do Not Aid Amendment.
New York. Tho first of a series ot
conferences by means of which suf
fragists plan to organize tho country
geographically to unify their campnlgn
In support of tho Susan B. Anthony
constitutional amendment was held
hero Friday. Delegates wcro present
from Now Jersey. Delaware, Penn
sylvania, Maryland nnd Now York.
Plans were made for raising funds to
sond organizers into tho states whero
women already havo tho vote. Tho
purposo of this effort, it was explained,
was for all tho voters to urgo their
senators and representatives to sup
port tho proposed amendment In con
gress. Tho assertion was mado that
if senators nnd representatives from
tho "enfranchised" states fall to sup
port tho proposed nmendment, cam
paigns will bo waged against their re
Democratic Committeemen at Omaha.
Omaha, Nob. Twenty-ono of tho
thlrty-thrco democratic stato commit
teemen, In session hero Saturday, se
lected Uistlngs aB the placo for the
?ta'e i ( u ventlon to bo held on July 2.".
Suggested n partial list of candi
dates for presidential electors to bo
chosen at tho prlmnrlcs, April IS.
Kxtcnded greetings to President
Wilson nnd endorsed his administra
tion; endorsed tho records of Sena
tor Illtchcoclc nnd Congressmen Lo
beck, Shnllcnhergcr and Stephens, and
tho Btnto administration headed by
Governor John II. Morohcad. Solcctcd
H. E. Gooch of Lincoln as a member
it tho committee to succeed tho late
V. S. Tlbbots of Lincoln.
Tells of Red Cross Work
Washington Former Piesldcnt Tnft
told Red Cross workers hero that tho
Red Cross was ono of tho branches
very nocossary to that of prepared
ness. "It takes an earthquake to wako
tho American peoplo up sometimes,"
said Mr. Tnft. "They sleep and de
cline to glvo n dollnr for what thoy
must pay millions later Adcnuuto pre
parednessand I mean military pre
paredness Is absolutely necessary."
Mr. Taft was Bponking In behalf of
tho movement to securo 1,000,000
members on tho Ited Cross soeloty.
London. Tho Ilclglan legation an
nounced that the rumors which havo
been circulated that penco proposals
recently wore mado by Germany to
tho Boiglan government nro devoid of
foundation. Ueccnt Information gath
ered In government circles In Berlin
Is that Germany holds n portion of
Holglum Bhould ho annexed to Gor
many In any settlement of tho war
which Is undertaken. This vlow is di
rectly tUo reverse of tho recent report
coming through Italy that Gormany
had offered to ovneuate Holglum as a
condition of n Boparato peace.
Geneva. Tho Turks havo rosumed
rho massacre of tho Arinonlnns who
escaped provlous outrages, according
to dispatches printed by tho Genova
nnwspnpors. Thousands ot men and
boys havo been shot, tho dispatches
stated, and tho girls sent to Constanti
nople to bo sold Into Turkish harems.
Tho Journal do Genova roported that
fnr ronsons of economy tho kaiser
and sultan havo withdrawn about COO
Oerman nnd Turkish spies who havo
been operating In Switzerland. Tho
Journal Bald theso secret agents
worked actively in Switzerland.
State Preparing to Celebrate Fiftieth
Features of tho coming celebration
of tho fiftieth anniversary of Nebraska
as n state, that will bo In charge ot
tho public schools of tho state, wcro
discussed at the recent meeting of
school superintendents.
Tho committee appointed by tho
general commltteo on the celebration
that will outline school nnd county
celebration plans, consists of Supt.
A. O. Thomas, Hosi U. Hammond of
Fremont, nnd Judge Jessen of Ne
braska City. This committee ha3
outlined Us program In part as fol
lows: Tho special study of Nebraska his
tory, the collection of historic data,
map making showing historic trails
and plnccs of Interest In pioneer days,
by all schools, tliu marking of places
of historic interest.
Celebration February 12, 1917, In nil
of tho 7,000 rural nnd village schools
of tho state, the piogram to Include
patriotic songs, tho Nebraska patriotic
odo, brief history of tho purchase of
Louisiana territory; reading of essays
on various phases of local history,
stories of tho pioneers, brief addresses
by local speakers.
February 25, 1017, Is set apart for
observance In churches nnd Sunday
schools ot tho slate. Much Interest
may be created by a study of the early
missionaries nnd tho establishing ot
the early churches of tho state, and
romlnlsconccft of tho early pioneer
March 1, 1017, genral or county
celebrations to be participated In by
commercial oliibii. schools, historical
societies, farmers' organization:!,
churches, women's clubs, daughters of
tho American revolution, men'a clubs,
civic societies and BUch other organ
ized bodies as may desiro to partici
pate. Urges Care In Picking Seed Corn.
The following proclamation calling
attention to the Importance of becur
ing pood seed for the state's corn
planting this year, has been issued by
Governor Morehcad:
"To tho Farmers of Nebraska: It
may seem uncalled for for mo to warn
you of tho seed corn conditions for
1916. A warning of this kind Is sent
year, but from reports I am getting
out every year, but from reports I am
getting from different sections of tho
country, It appeals to mo of moro im
portance in 1910 than over before.
"The lateness of the. corn In 1915,
and tho severe weather havo lowered,
and In many Instances, entirely de
stroyed tho germination of a great
deal of our corn. Thoso who havo hnd
experience in farming reallzo that to
replant corn means, very often, a fail
ure of crop.
"With tho present prlco of grain,
nnd a very optimistic future and Ne
braska being an agricultural state, It
Ib very osential that wo have corn
that will bo of ntrong germination as
well ns a largo percentage that will
"With the rapid development of the
stato, tho farming Industry Is no longer
hnphazard, hut the man who succeeds
must use tho same amount of care and
caution ns the man who stands behind
tho counter of a bank docs In conduct
ing the banking successfully.
"This is an nnnual custom, but I
hope you will give special attention to
the matter this year. So ninny letters
have reached nic asking mo to warn
peoplo along tho lino of getting good
seed corn, that I feel it my duty to
Issue this proclamation."
Conversation Over 1,500 Miles cf Wire
As clearly nudlblo as though tin.
conversations wero- carried on over
two telephones lu Lincoln, Governor
J. II. Morchead's spoken message to
tho Chamber of Commcrco of tho
United States, transmitted over 1,500
miles of space was heard by the mem
bers of that assemblage nt their ban
quet In Washington, D. C, Thursday
evening and with equal clearness tho
fellcltntory remarks ot John Fahoy,
president of the organization, came
over tho longdlstnnco wires to Lincoln
and wero heard by thirty personB con
gregated In tho governor's olllco.
Tho oxecutlvo commltteo of tho Ne
braska Dry Federation has decided to
nsk ovcry saloon town In tho Btnto
to voto upon tho liquor question at
the election this spring. Tho general
recommendation of tho commltteo will
bo forwarded to local anti-saloon
branches and temperanco societies In
tho different towns, with tho request
that they take up tho fight at onco.
Roads Get Sixty Day Extension
By agreement between tho nttorncy
general's department nnd nn attorney
representing nil of tho railroads the
supremo court of Nebraska has given
an extension of sixty days to railroad
companies for tho llllng of brlofs In
that court In the appeal case Involving
tho validity of class rates established
by tho Nobrnska rall.way commission.
Tho railway commission Is not a party
lo tho agreement for oxtcnslon of time.
Tho commission Ib said to bo desirous
of an early determination of tho suit.
All railroad coiupinles doing business
In Nobrnska havo nppealed from the
class rates estnbl'shed by tho commis
sion In ordor No. 19. Tho nppoal was
filed by tho railroads In the supreme
court of Nebraska Tho himho rates
nro Involved In a cjiho before tho In
terstato commerce commission on com
plaint of Sioux City and other cities
on tho .Missouri river outsldo of Ne
braska. Tho supremo court has hold thnt
normnn or other Huropenn lmigimgOH
iiiumi un wiuKiii iii puniic scnoois or
Uio Btnto whon fifty patrons petition It.
To Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
Washington Pork, 111 "I am th
mother of four children and havo suf
fered with fcmala
trouble, backache,
nervous spells and
tho bluc-3. My chil
dren's loud talking
and romping would
mako mo so nervous
I could just tear
everything to pieces
and I would ache all
over and feci so sick
that I would not
want nnyono to talk
to mo at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound nnd Liver Pills re
stored mo to health and I want to thank
you for tho good they havo done me. I
havo hod quito a bit of trouble and
worry but it docs not affect my youth
ful looks. My friends say ' Vhy do you
look so young nnd well ? ' I owo it all
to tho Lydin E. Pinl.hnm remedies."
Mrs. Robt. Stohel, Mooro Avenue,
Washington Park, Illinois.
Wo wish every woman who suffers
from femalo troubles, nervousness,
bnckncho or tho blues could seo the let
ters written by women mado well by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vogetablo Compound.
If you havo nny symptom about which
you would like to know writo to tho
Lydia E. Pinkhnm Mi-die'ino Co., Lynn,
Muss., for helpful udvico given free of
Then She Said "Yes."
She Heforo I givo you my answor
I must know moro about you. Aro
you aiming at anything worth whllo?
He You Becm to havo a very poor
opinion of yourself.
'Io ti&lt pint ol water odd 1 oz. Kay Hum, s
small box ot Hal bo Compound, and H ot. ot
glycvrlno. Apply to tho hair twice a wrck
until It becomes Uio duilred Ehailo. Any drug
gist can put this up or you caa mix It at
home at very littlu cost. It will gradually
darltcn streaked, failed gray hair, and re
moves dandrufi. It la excellent for falling;
hair nnd will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not color tlie scalp, Is not sticky or
creasy, sod does net rub olf. Adv.
Might Be.
"What Is tho Pan-American con
gress, pa?"
"I don't know exactly, but It sounda
as if It might bo u convention of our
hyphenated follow citizens."
With tho exception of a discolored
eye, anything hand painted is fash
Pllra Cured In 6 tc 14 Dayi
Drnriit'lfl rum ml mono? ir I'A.O OIN IMKNT falls
to cup llcnlim, llllncl. lncrdlnir or i'rulrudttig
I'll Ob. I'lrbi application gives rellor Ma
Any man whoso will power Is nil in
his wife's name Ib to bo pitted.
Makes Work a Burden
A bad back makes hard work harder.
All day the dull throb and the tiharp,
darting pains make you rnieeiable, and
there's no rest at night. Maybe it's
jour daily work that hurts tho kidneys,
for jarring, jolting, lifting, reaching,
dampness nnd many other strains do
weaken them. Cure the kidneys. Uso
Doan's Kidney Pilli. They havo helped
thousands and should do as well for
you. Thousands recommend them.
A Nebraska Case
John M. Hilton. "fwMctf TdU I Slwy
Bloomflcld, Neb., B ISrl'-"
Bays: "Kor yenrs IjilTfffX. I !''
i Hurroroci rrom
(llsonleiud kidneys
nnd Ruvero pnlna
through my Lack
S o m o 1 1 m o s tlio1
upells wero bo bad
I couldn't turn in
lied. My back was
lainn nnd mornings I had to got up by
degrees. 1 also had to nrlso at nlKht
to pass the kidney secretions. Blnco
I UBPd Doan'H Kidney Pills, I havo en
Joyed uood health."
Get Don' at Any Sloro. 50c Box
DOAN'S vsav
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives.
They an
oruiai, narsn, unnecessary, iry.4
Purely vegetable. Act
Kenny on ine liver,
eliminate bile, nnd
soothe the delicate
membrane otthc
bowel. Lure
Sick Head.
chc and Indlitillon, 11 millions know.
Genuine must bear Signature
a big knee like ilili, but your hone
nuy lave a bimrli or brime on hit
ankle, Wk. ttille. knee or throat.
WM atrJirlijiiklrJ
will tlun 11 oil without layinc up
lie hone, No blister, no hair
I'Ofm. fTfifirr-iill3!il....l.. !-.
ar'H'i rrqiiiieil at an application. 52 per
iM Hook H M frcr. AllSOIUIINlv, Jit., the .Ull.
1 iV J".', '"'. ,",nU"'l '" Tilnlul SwtlUnri.
PhiuM fjfn.ii. Wtni. IliaUri. Vitlroie Vrlmi ilUrt
filn ff.4 Infliuiiniflnn. Pilo) II in.l ti t bolUe Mdnuiiiu
i "WltrfM MM, In Ihr tl, 5. A. bf
W. F. YOUNfJ. . D. F 31 0 Ttrnjl St . SprlnoHeld. Mm.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 8-191$.
II 1 1 II I w
KjeaShI'x ....
BlBV"BBlta Mill LIH'
'JiLVUlN nnic
rjr w ! ""