The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 17, 1916, Image 5

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Bulletin of Tito Week's Doings
Fresh I.owueys nt Minor llros. Co.
See (L'onkllnft's Duroc Advertisement.
KgKs-0 conts pot" dozen. Variety
Every tenth IniRgy whip JfrcoJ nt
Hoy l'almor was down from Inarnle
Fred Kraiclc whs up from Guide
Rock .Monday.
Harry Yost wont to Kansas City,
Sunday morning.
John Crnns wont to Kansas City
Tuesday morning.
, Jim Ethertou and Clark Crow spent
Sunday in Guide Ilock.
Attorney A. M. Walters was down
from Blue Hill Monday.
Mrs. Guy Zoiglcr was a passenger to
Cowles Tuesday morning.
Miss Clara Amack came down from
Oxford Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Wm. Wolfe returned home
from Cowles Saturday evening.
Special: Mens $4.00 and 13.50 Shoes
for 12.08 Cash. Miner Bros. Co.
B. P. Hedge of the Hastings Milling
Company was In the city Monday.
Mrs. John Aubushon returned home
Tuesday evening from Circlevllle, Ohio.
Mr6. C. J. Piatt returned borne Fri
day from a visit with relatives at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elllnger return
Sunday morning from a short visit
In St. Joe.
Will Brooks, who is employed at
Riverton, spent Sunday with relatives
in this city.
Russell Amack went to Lincoln on
Friday to spend a few days visiting
with friends.
Mrs. Al. Beers returned home Fri
day morning from a visit with rela
tives at Orleans.
Mrs. Joe Topham returned home
Sunday from a short visit with her
parents at Inavale.
Mrs. John Anshutc and Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Anshute returned to their
home at Shclton, Monday.
Authentic styles in Spring Coats
Taffetas, Corduroys and Chinchillas,
price 83.50 to 822, at Turnure's.
Wednesday, James Konzack and Miss
Bertha M. Tyler, both of Guide Rock,
were married by Judge Rannoy.
L. A. Graves returned to Grand
Island, Mondny, after spending the
week end with friends In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. h. Grimes entertain
ed a number of friends at their home
Wednesday evening at a whist party.
Mrs. Chas. Renkel returned to her
home at Inavale, Friday, after visiting
her brother, John Havel and family.
Monday, Judge Rauney issued a
nmrriuHe license to Orvil L'pp of Leb
anon, Kansas, and Miss Sadie Rudd of
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Kile of Mt. Clair,
are spending the week as the guests nt
thu home of her parents, Mr. and Mrn.
llu f us Mikseh.
Mrs. Bauer returned to her home in
Lincoln, Mondny, after visiting her
daughters, tho Misses Ilir.el and
Beatrice McKeiglinu.
Miss Zella Taylor returned home
Sunday from a few days visit with hor
sister, Miss Desslo, who is attending
the state university at Lincoln.
Whatever You Are . Looking For
In the way of table supplies that a food supply house may
have can be found in our large assortment and at Lowest
Prices at our store.
If You Are Not Getting Satisfaction Try Us
Is now getting good. Wo
have an extra valuo in an
extra largo fruit. Encli ...10c
Medium size 5c
Richeilcii Brand in 'Jib cnns.ISc
"Tho Joll That Whips,"
packages for 2Gc
ml a m . ,- Wi
ill A r?-.. I' m
Two good farms for rent. Hutchison
it Salndcn.
Van Herriclc went up to Hastings on
Friday morning.
L M. Crabill went up to Hastings
Monday morning.
Hon. Geo. Liudsoy went to Omaha
Tuesday morning.
Jim Mcintosh and Joe Crow went to
St. Joe, Wednesday.
Art Bradshaw of Bloomlngton was
In town Wednesday.
A-l piano for sale at a bargain.
Bandmaster J. E. Betz.
Mrs. A. U. Rannoy was a passenger
to Lincoln this mottling.
Mrs. Ilobt. Avory spent Wednesday
in Superior with relatives.
Delancy Bros,, shipped a car of hogs
to Kansas City, Wednesday.
Mrs. T. S. Coomes of Geneva is visit
ing at the home of Prof Wren.
Mrs. Ellis Gulllford arrived In tho
city Monday evening from St. Paul.
9 00 per bushel Alfalfa seed. Have
only .'50 bushel at this priee.-C. J. Piatt.
Chas. Moranvillc and family left
Tuesday morning for n visit lu Host
wick. Mesdames E. S Garber and Frank
Smith went to Hastings Tuesday
C. R. Bcsse. W. L. Weesnor and G.
W. Trine wero In Bine Hill, Tuesday,
on business.
Mrs E. L. Grimes entertained the
Christmas club at her home Wednes
day afternoon.
Ed. McAllister left Tuesday evening
for Beaver City to attend to some
business affairs.
Chas. Palmer left Tuesday for
Akron, Colorado, where he will make
his future home.
Just a few Women's Coats left. Your
choice Saturday, Feb. 19tb. for W Cash.
Miner Bros. Co.
Mrs. Chas. Barrett left Tuesday for
eastern markets to purchase a line of
spring and summer millinery.
Stacey Morhart returned home from
Lincoln Monday evening where he
attended a Hardware convention.
Tuck Amack moved his family into
town Tuesday. They are occupying a
house in the east part of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Burden return
ed home Monday from a few weeks
visit with relatives at l'leasantown,
Attorney McNeny returned hdmc
the last of the week from Imperial,
where ho was attending to some legal
' Miss Mable Simmons of York and
Mrs. Noyes of Bradshaw spent Sunday
In the city with their sister Miss Nina'
The following shipped stock to Kan
sas City, Sunday: J. E. Yost one car
of cattle and Weouor &. Koontz one
car of cattle.
The W. U. T. l, will meet with Mrs.
Ilettn Miner next Wednesday after
noon at 2::50. Topic "Social Welfare"
chapters 7 and 8. Come.
Charles A. Woods of Pauline and
Miss Elva M. Leetsch of Blue Hill
wero granted a marrlago license Inst
Friday by County Judqc Ranuey.
G. W. Hutchison wcut to Hastings,
Wednesday, to represent the Red
Cloud Chamber of Commerce at a state
uieotimr of the Commercial Clubs.
One of tho largest crowds ever in at
tendance at a public salo was present
nt the Amack & Barnes sale on last
Thursday. Everything otl'ercd for salo
found it buyer, who was willing to pay
what tho nrticlo was worth ami both
Messrs A muck find Barnos arc highly
elated over thu results of the sale.
Our lettuco is fresh every
day. Largo bunch Gc
Medium slzo heads lGc
Homo growli, per lb 3c
Medium size, por lb 3c
6. Tiinure & Son
Stop and Shop
insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for tho
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Phones: Olllee, Ml; Residence, 17.M!
A sane, wife, sound and economical
plnn of lire, lightning and tornado
Will your policy soon expire?
Wrlto me and let mo explain. Xo
obligation on your part.
Rev. J. L. Becbe went to Alma, Wed
nesday morning.
Plates u cents each. Come quick to
get yours Variety Store.
Large line of Spring Conts just re
ceived by tho Miner Bros. Co.
Ed. Bach from Denver Is tho new
baker at the Bon Ton bnkery.
Buy your buggy whips at Fogel's.
Every tenth whip given away.
FOR SALE An automatic shot-gun
in good condition. V. li. Koon.
Mrs. Mark Parkos returned Satur
day night from Hcrndon, Kansas.
Tuesday, Fred A. Hutchison and
Miss Maude L. Eustace, both of Bell
aire, Kansas, were married by Judge
Wm. Gallbralth returned home Sat
urday from Grand Island where ho
was called by the serious illness of
his mother.
Mrs. W. N. Richardson returned
home from Osceola, Monday, where
she had been vUltlng her daughter,
Mrs. Dan Barber and family.
Attorney L. II. Blackledgc returned
home the last of the week from Lin
coln, where he waB attending to some
legal matters before the supreme
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crouch and
Mrs. M. Durdin returned to their
home at Blue Hill, Friday, after at
tending the funeral of the late John
Anshute. (
Prof. John J. Villa of OrleanB waft
an over Sunday gueBtat the home ' of
Bandmaster J. E. Betz. Tho gentle
man is the leader of the Orleans Con
cert Band.
The stock shipment from the Repub
lican valley to St. Joe and Kansas City
markets was very heavy Sunday, one
hundred and twenty cars of stock pass
ing thru here.
Mesdames Paul Storey, Dr. J. W.
Stockman, F. G. Turnure and Rob,t.
Mitchell were hostesses to a party giv
en at the Robt. Mitchell home Tuos
day afternoon. i
Mrs J. A. McArthur nnd son, Cnrl,
returned homo the last of the week
from Long Island, Kansas, where they
had been spending a few days with
Mrs. S. M. Carl.
Last Friday evening tho Franklin
Academy and Red Cloud High School
Basket Ball tennis played n game in
the Newhouso building. ThoFrauklln
team won by a score of 47 to 7.
The following shipped stock to St.
Joe, Wednesday: Smith Bros, .t Coon,
S car of cattlo; B. E. Esheiman, 1 car
of cattle; O. E. Ramey, 1 car of hogs
and Joo Crow, 1 car of cattle.
Variety Store For
Sale Or Trade
Inventory fc'WoO including llxtures
Bost location in city. Rent c'iO per
month. 25 porcont not profit ono year,
Havo business In the East that de
mauds my attention so will givo some
one a good deal.
THE LEADER, Franklin, Neb
Por lb ' 6c
White RurnlN per bu Sl.IG
Jonathans, extra nice, peek. .00c
Winesups, luigo, well color
ed, peek GOc
Ganos, very large, best cook
lug apples on earth, puck. GOc
Friday and Saturday
Fob. KS and In
In Humble Guise
An entertaining two reol drama
that teems with ploamng surprise.
ASHES OF DUEAMS-A single reol
driinm with Honry Walthall thu star
in thu Hirt li of A Nation.
Monday and Tuesday
Feb. 21 and as
A Rose Among the
A Colored 3
Drama fart
Tho story is a pleasing production
and ends charmingly.. The picture
was made In California nnd tho color
ing spendldly done lu Franco, as was
tho Beloved Vagabond.
Wednesday and Thursday
Feb. 23 and 24
The Precious Packet
a riv-m9i
Extta wpaclal
This is a very strong play one of
the best of the year. Many of the
exterior 6cencs were taken in the
woods of Canada and fairly breathe of
the great out doors.
The running of the Derby, the death
of a valuable race horse and the over
turning of an automobile add excite
ment to the production.
Regular Prices 10 and 5
Mrs. J. K. Chancy went to Superior,
Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Cecil Esslg left Tuesday for Happy-
vlllc, Colorado, his future home. He
drove one of C. M. Smith's cars and
was accompanied by Frank Elllnger
and John Throckmorton, they going
via auto also.
One children!' club in Lincoln last
summer cleared over couu ocsiacs
learning what was worth vastly more
to them. Hear Verna Hrubaker's re
port on this at tho Congregational
church, Friday night at 7:30.
Women's and Children's Shoes of our
Fall Stock offered this week at Special
Prices. 83 50 value for 82.80, 83 value
for 12.10, $2 valuo for Sl.tiO and so all
through the different prices. Minor
Bros.. Co.
Weir Brothers will hold tholr an
nual horse nnd mule hale, Tuesday,
February 20th. 1!)1(. Thoy will tull
: head of horses and mules, at their
farm 3 miles northeast of Superior.
Watch for their ad in this paper later.
Will Schill'erdeukcr, who for .some
time1 has '"kneaded the douih" for the
Ron Ton bnkery, resigned Ills position
and left the first of the week for
Joplin, Missouri. Resides beintr a
baker of considerable ability, Will
was a gentleman of pleasing personal
ity, and while heio made many frlonds,
all of whom wisli him succos in his
new location.
S. It Kloranee nnd W. T. Moiintford
returned homo Friday niuht from
Omaha, where they attended a banquet
given by the uernmn-Ainorlcan Insur
ance Company to their various ageutb.
Both of thu ucntlctui'ii roport having
been roya'ly entertained nnd are
stroim in their praise of tho treatment
afforded them at the hands of this
well known insurance organization.
Whilo driving cattlo on Ills father's
farm west of town, tho first of the
week, Gilbert Heed, a well known
young fanner, was painfully injured
when one of the animals, becoming on
raged, charged his horse, which fell lu
Hiiuli a manner us -to pin thu young
man underneath whore he was forcibly
detained until assistance arrived.
Fortunately no bones wero broken and
the injuries wero confined to a wrench
ed knee-cap, a sprained wrist and kcv
oral boro spots,
Mr. and Mrs. Fit, of Hod Cloud were
visiting at Clyde Wick wire's and Mor
ris Groat's Tuesday.
II. II. Holdredgo and dntiirhtcr, Mrs.
C. 10. Joyco, autoed to Red Cloud, Tuos
day afternoon.
ThcM 10. Ladies Aid will servo
lunch at Joo Komi's sale next .Monday,
Mrs Nullo Hunter who has been
veiy sink is slowly improving.
Clay Orchard loft Wednesday for his
homo in New .Mexico.
Josephine Oamlevoitis assisting. Mrs.
Clyde WicIiuli'M with hor household
Mrs. Mac Fulton who has been suf
faring with pieursuy is considerable
John Hutledge and family nio mov
ing Into tho Charley Dickenson proper
ty recently purchased by W. J. Vance.
Miles Piittiuin has moved into the
west half of Glenn Ohmstod'n house
for a fuw weeks. (Henri hns bought
the Wolcott property vacated by Put
man's and will move as soon as tho
house is ropaired.
Tho M. K. Ladies Aid mot with Mrs.
Art Myors, Wednesday, and Mrs. W.
Wonderly's 'division serveil a lunch.
Mrs. Leonard wasoultc sick last Fri
day and Saturday but is nblo to be at
uer work again.
Mrs. Joo Tophaiuof Red Cloud was
up Saturduy helping her mother Mrs.
Bert Leonard.
IlBrry Moedo shelled corn for A. F.
Ilartwell, Monday,
Men's Fine Wool
and Wool Silk
Union Suits
Sizes 34 to 48
A Special Underwear Bargain
of High-Grade Material
See Them On Our Front Table
Overcoat Sale
Balance of Overcoats at Almost
Cost Price. Don't Want to Carry
Any Over. Come in and See
Them. They Are Real Bargains
Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo.
tience, and then your home
Remember The
m "
699 ubbhh es69p
, iilWm)
!i1,ii'i;i:iii;ii!i;,i;ii,:.ii.;!iiii1iir!i;!iii!",rin,:ii!:Ti" ,:;:: :c.m ,::.i. :j
:1 Since the Citizens
Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side
Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls
Are Caused by Snow and Sleet...
See Van Before You Slip
Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
For The Travelers of Hartford
The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World
PHONES: Ind. 241 Bell 128
iFirraiiii'iiiiLiiinr n .1 !.: rana; : ' -i '.i '' ; ,;i: ',
Union Meeting March 8
Wm. Martin Evangelist
Sunday al the United Church
Unity of Moral Action
(Morn Ing: Subject)
Are Some People Eternally Rejected of
(Evonlng Subject)
You Are
That's when you be
gin to realize the kind
of Groceries we keep.
There is cooking satis
faction in them.
Buy your Groceries
rfrom us. Save your
money. Save your pa
will indeed be a happy one.
Trading Stamps
vii'ii'S'inTfira!, 'ii :. Xiinii.i'-iiJiiicaiixiJiiMiMiiiMJri1:
of Red Cloud Have
,i,v. rr mumau.: t.;i j. y, , .jcli i,iii,Ii,iii,":,i
k I.U