Itfii',if5 tt nw nr RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .e THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY TllUKSDAY Entered In llio 1'ontolllcf lit Htri t loud. NHi. nn Hecoihl Clww Mnlttr A U. McAUTllUK I'tltIT IH11KII THE ONLY IIKMOOIIATIU l'Al'Kll IN WKHHTKK COUNTY Political Announcements Aanouncements Are Run Under This Head For the Sum ol Five Dollar, Which Mutt Be Cash In Advance. Our Columns Aro Open For Any Legitimate Advertising and We Wel come Announcements Regardless of Party Afilllntlons. FOR COUNTY CLKUK I hereby nnnotinco myHulf a ciiti dldate for t ho olllco of County Cleric of Webster County, Mibjpct to the will of tho voters of tlio Demoorntlo nml Peoples Independent purty ut tlio primary election to be hold April 18, 1010. B. V. I'i:itnv. FOU CLKKK OF DISTRICT COURT I horoby uniioniico myself ns u candi date for the iiotninnUoii, for a bccond term, ns Clerk of the District Court, subject to the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independent voters at tho primary election to be hold April IB, 191G. Edith L. McKhioiian FOR COUNTY ATl'OKNEY. 1 hereby announco myself asn caudi date for renominatlon as county attor ney of Webster county, subject to the voters of the Democratic and Peoples Independent parties at the primary to be held April 18, 1010. 1 will appreciate your support for a second term. Fiiank J. Mundat. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner for district 4, subject to tbe will of the Democratic and Peoples Independent voters at the primary lection to be btld April 18, 1016., A. B. ClIAHILt,. FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Judge, t the primary election to be held on the 18th day of April, 1010, subject to the will of the qualified electors of Webster County. A. D. RANNEY. REPRESENTATIVE 4th DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renominatlon for the ofllce of Representative of the 40th district sub lect to tbe will of the Democratic and Atopics Independent voters, at the primary election to bo held April 18th. (?. V. Lindsf.y. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF 1 hereby announco mvtelf nq a can dldate for tho olllre of Sheriff of Webster County, ot the primary, elec tion to bo hold on the lBth day' of April. 1910, subject to the will of the Republican voters of Webster County. OLIVER I). IIKDliE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I wish to iinnouncu that. 1 am a can didate for the nomlniitlon of County Commission))!' District Number One of Webster county, subject to the will of tho Democratic voters, of Mild district. A. 11. UUIGHT. TOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 1 hereby announce myself iih a can dldatc for the nuininutiod of County .Superintendent at the primary elec tion to be held on tlio lSth of April, 1310, subject to tho will of the Demo cratic and Peoples Independent voters ol Webster county. (JBRTRUDE L. COON. FOR COUNTY TREASPRER I desiro to announce myt-clf as a lyuididute for the timuii'iat ion for upunty treasurer for n second term, Kbbject to the will of t lie Republican 1'roRrosslve Parties, ut the primary election, April IS, HUH. C. Ii. ROBINSON. FOR COUNIY ATTORNEY 1 hereby announce myt-olf a can dldatfl for t'n? nomination of County Attorney subject to the will of the (ffr SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE! "We refer to the 23 1-3 acres belong ing to C. J. Shimeall of Goodland, Kansas, known as the Ceo. Mann home west of the city Thlb tract lies just west of lied iloiul, only a little ov i ni' half nnlo west "?of the center of town, with cement sidewalk- nil the way. I coiihists of twon- ty-lhreo and oue-thlid acres, with the tliieo and one thud acies irouiiiuiou Ui- main road runnliu: west on Fourth avenue. The iinpnvnniontt consist of jjood hoiiKc, barn, chicken house, lio bliod, cow shod, jnod well with pun p and iccmcnt platform, boiiso wired fur electric lights, all fenced and cioss fenced, Mbout two acres in ill falfn, fenced hnj; llfiht. Tliisisotic of llio best suburb tracts near Red Cloud ami as it it, owned by a iiou-resldent who has no use for 3, wo aro ouVi'mc, it at a bargain price for a short time It it is sold between mow and the Hist of Match wo uim.jjivn possession, if not sold by that date we rwill offer it for tout (lot busy if you wnt one of the best places you ean buy irhoru you will hnvo all the advantages of the city and not have the city tax to nay- Also a Rai'Kain Price on a lurgo modern house known as the Sam Shuck Tcsidcnco owned by Mr. Shimeall. Price $5600 Liberal Terms See the owner, C. J. Shimeall, or Hutchison & Saladen pRed Cloud, Nebraska Republican linrty, nt. the primary April 18, 1010. Your Hiippoit will be anpi eclated. HOWARD S. FOE. FOR COl'NTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for County Commissioner of tile 1th district subject to tho will of the icpiilillciiii and prnjrre-slvo parties at the primary tobe held Apill IStii. R. W. Koon tz FOR CLERK OF VlSTKICT COURT I hereby announce myself asa cimdi ditto for tlio olllco of Clerk of tho Dis trict Coutt, nt tho Primary Election to lw. holil At.rtl iHih. HI Id. mi Meet to the vote of tlio Deinociats of Webster county, lour support will bo appre ciated. Geo. W. Ilvrciii.-OK . FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announco myself as acatidl- dato for nomination for the olllco of County Assessor subject to tho voters of the Republican and Progressive parties nt the Primary to bo held April mn, luii). O. W. Hummel. Editor Shields of tho Orleans I?sor has entered the arena ready to meet all comers in tho raco fo.-tho nomina tion for Governor. Mr. Shields is a pusher, a llvo democrat and he makes things hum where cvor ho is. The west ond will probably lino up solidly for him anil he has as good a chance as anyone. Mr. O. W. Hummel has filed for tho nomination of assessor ou tho repub lican and progressive tickets. Mr. Hummel needs no introduction to the people of Webster county having re sided here for more than forty years. Perhaps no person In the county enjoys a larger circle of acquaintance than Mr. Hummel. KANSAS PigW!S (From Smith County) Wo. Hill Is still on the sick list. Andrew Upp is quite sick at this writing. Little Helen Elliott Is having quite a time with a gathering in her head. Dr. Jefferles is the attending physi cian. Melba Spurrier who has had La grippe and tousliitis several times this winter, is recovering from pneumonia fever. She will not go back to Leban on to school this term. The Literary at Oriole was well at tended lsst Friday evening. Samuel Brendle and son Vern have returned to their homo in Montrose after it week's visit with relatives here. MlssThelma Lannigan spent Satur day und Sunday with Melba Spurrier. Mistes Emily Million and Helen Crocker attended the Literary at Oriole, Friday evening, and visited at the Bert Payne home over Saturday. Otto Peterson, Minnie Matsou, Or vil Hocking ami Thelmu LituniKuu spent Sututday evening at tlio E. E. Spurrier home. David Elliott and family wore Sun day visitors at tie Edd Elliott home. licorgo PeterM n and family, Alta Bin ii", Emily Million, Earnest. Brown and rtolllo Blair spent Sunday with F. M. Brown and family. Methodist Mention The "Rollgous Delinquent Parent", would make a splendid biibject for dis cussion In some Sunday Sctiool Teach ers meeting. "llcssed is ho that considerth the poor". Place the emphasis on "con sidereth". Tho lines refered to in last week's "Mention" nro from Lincoln's second inaugural. Did you know he was a poet? On March thlid the Y. M. C. A. will be fifty years old. Charter nieinbeis .'10 now :Vi0,t)'i nieiiibers. If we are to jf nave a revival of any consequence it is time some special woilc was bejng done. There will be it basket supper at tho United Church Mission, Friday night. The pastor will preach to the child ren next bundiiy morning the "Itoltlo" sermon. Special intisio afterward, W'll vou join tho Time Legion. Pray er League, or tho Wlii-Onu-Clrcle? The lat word from the Martin Evangelistic Purty is, that they will be with ns on the 6th of March. Notice of Final Rr.pait. In tlio t'ounty Court of Webster county, Nehroakn. In tlio matter of tlio istato of Frank X. Kdtlintl, diccii'.t'd. All (terpens Interested In nM tstnto are hereby nnlllleri that tho Administrator has Med a Hunt ncrotint nml report of his admin 1st ration, :tiul a petition tor llnnl Hbttteiiicnt ol Mis account ami n distribution of tho pro evedsaiuoiiK crtdttornnmt a dlscliarRo from Ills trust, which have been set fur hcnrlng before saltlcourt on the 1Mb day ot February, lUltl, at 10 o'clock A. M.,when all persons Inter esicd In tho premises may appear and con test tho same. Dated tills 1st dny of February, 11)1(1. ska i.l A. 1 1. IlAXNKV, County Jtidt:e. Notice of Final Report. In tho County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate of F.llzabctb Cochrane, deceased. All persons Interested In said tetato, aro hereby notified that tho llxccutor has llltd a final account and report ot his administra tion, and a petition for llnnl settlement of his account and a decrco of distribution of personalty and a dlschargo from his trust, which have been set for hearliiK botore said court on tho 13th day of March, 11)10, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when all persons Interested In tho premises may appear and contest the same. Dated this ICth day ot February, 101(1. HKAl. A. I). IIANNKY, County Judge. Mice if Prrtate. In tho County Court ol Webster County, Nebraska. Htste of Nebraska, I .. Webster County. ( To all persons Interested In the estate ol .lames Milton Htewart, Deceased; TAKK NOTICE, that a petition has "been tiled praying that the Instrument filed Ih'thli court on the 9th day of February, 1818, pur porting to be the last will and testament of aid deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded a tho last will and testament bl James Milton Stewart, deceased; that said In strument be admitted to probate, and the ad ministration of said estate be granted to Charles I). Stewart and James C. Stewart. It Is hereby ordered by the court, that all persons Interested In said estate appear at tho County Court to bo held In and lot said county on tho 3d day ot March 1916, at. ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, If any there ,be why the prayer ot the petitioner should" not be granted, and that notice ot the pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested In said nirttter by publishing a copy ol this order tn theitcd Cloud Chief, a legal weekly nowspaper print ed In said county, for threo consecutive weeks prior to said day ot hearing. Witness my hand and tho seal ot said court this tli day of February, At. D. 1U1H. A. D. Kannf.y, (ska i.) County Judge. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ISyOrncn Oveii Ai.iiiiianr's Stow: Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Fiikk 'Osteopathy tho Science of Healing by Adjustment.1' (Jlven to the World by A. T. Still, A. D. ISTl.- OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Horn PnoNKS RKD CLOUD, NKBR DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE KANSl Red Cloud ' ' Nebraska R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor ( Indcr ( Dell 1 neudent 21 '2 Phones i ,, ,.,.., ituu J'Ji KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DMVKLOPhD ."jo KAIL VCDS ORKER TO US Stevens fires. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (V.'orlt Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House Arcl Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gsxrber V. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Urnrilorf, M. !. 0. MuniiKi'r Vulcrlniiry In CIuuro C. H. Miner Serum Co. iMtonucwts Anti Hog Cholera Serum lied Cloud, Nebraskn Wire or Phone at Our Expense D. S. Veterinary License No. 4b BIG BARGAINS Men's, Women's and Children's -:- S HO E S - Three more days of the Cash Shoe Sale at the Ellis Shoe Store. This sale will $ baturday9 rebruary lyth S Your Choice m Men's Your Choice in Women's $2.00 $!.S0 and $2.00 Your Choice in Children's $1.00 and $2.00 For Cash Only nil A '6m!$'r ip PRIPFS WwMBtik 5m YOU'LL BUY 1SH B OUR GOODS npH MONEY SAVING PRICES WHEN WE SELL YOU SOMETHING FOR THREE DOLLARS MARKED FOUR DOLLARS WE SAUE VOU ONE DOLLAR OF SURE-ENOUGH MONEY. OUR GOODS ARE WORTH. ALL THE TIME. ALL WE ASK FOR THEM AT FIRST. WE DO NOT WANT TO CARRY OUER OUR WINTER GOODS FOR ANOTHER YEAR. THAT'S WHY WE ARE CUTTING PRICES TO CLEAR THEM OUT. COME WHILE THE "PICKING" IS GOOD We Have Many Special Bargains That Should Interest You. Look Over Our Lines and Prepare For Another Season at Our... Money Saving Prices This Big Mid-Winter Clearance Sale Closes Saturday Night, February 19th BE SURE TO GET YOUR SHARE The Ittiner Bros. Go. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" close jwmfM7i&vmiCirmtTVr'&mMtrmTt?awitMnie,,Ttn9. 11 Kills ahoe ntnrA s k m 4 K S s s s s s s s lvAvA Mto-" 1T'