-frjmxh WAJrt(, 'J -rawv -v RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 55 1 'F ft vi - . (JF l P' T Improve Your Health To promote and maintain your general health, pay strict attention to your diet and see that the liver and bowels are regularly active. If assis tance is needed, Just Try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Italy's Impotts In tho nrsr. six months of 1015 were valued at $31!G 704,050; exports, $2 lG.02G.fii;o. A GRATEFUL OLD LADY. Mrs. A. G. Clemens, West Alexan der, Pa., writes- 1 huvo used Dodd's Kidney I'llla, also Diamond Dinner Pills. IJeforo using them I had suf fered for a number ol years with backacho, also tender Bnots on splno, and had at times black floating specks beforo my eyes. 1 also had lum bago and heart trou ble. Sinco using this a r m mcdlclno I have been Mrs.A.G.CIeioen reu0ved of my suf fering. It Is agrccablo to mo for you to publish this letter. I am glad to havo an opportunity to say to all who aro Buffering ns I havo dono that I obtained relief by using Dodd's Kid ney Pills and Diamond Dinner Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills 50c per box at your dealer or Dodd's Mcdlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab lets for Indigestion havo been proved. GOc per box. Adv. Many a man who seeks fame finds nothing but Infamy i HBMHDMM! Facinllie Decorating KroDiem K5j "fc j f'ls.c.rpi -.--Kriij is v- t-vmim x'f. ThB cf comtlno nroblem : thi unmnn'a nrntilrm. A1.1. bastlnc will roIc thU problem fortho-isands" of women this spring. Tlie Afatiastine 'Tree Decorating Service" will assKt you to prortire the correct tones and Coloi onillnutlon that will harmnnlie r"rftTtly wlthyour rugf, furniture, Omenta, curtains, and wearing apparel. Alabastine The superior wall finish Thocaso with which A'butln ran be mlxi-'l and apttlitd. thi rnntre of sondirful uorntlv clTccts that can he obtained by Intfrmlklnj; Atabfutina tlnti, mnkrri Alabstlno preferable to wall paper unit all other tonal of finuil.Imr &!!. The tint decorator advlni tha two of ttencila to producn decor atie wall and rilling bordeni. Ordinarily, ctenrila colt from M crntj to J3W rach; lut If yoo will wrlto for tbo free "Alataa tine 1 ackit." rortairlnp hand colored proofs of 12 of In cry latent atencllefrerta, we will teu nu bow you ciin have your choic. of theae ami tuO other at prac tically no esneno. Write to lay for tula ihnolultli frit decora'. nip irn ice. AUbaatlna In 5 b. paekntre . In dry powder form, ready to mli In cold water, la fold by paint, hardware, drug and kcncral atorca everywhere. Alabastine Co. 384 Crandville Rd. Grand Rapidi, Mich. Alabastine ; Irk. Suuun kjicms I nBTp PATENTS Wntion V.. rolemnn, i aieui iw)er.iniuf;ujii, D.C. AiUIr nnd huokH free. Rate reasonable Highest references. Beat servlixa. Seeds AlfjlffttS:Spa(Jomtl.M;8weetClnYer lit Farms fr aiiln nnil rent on crop payments. J. Mulbail, Boo City, la. Nebraska Directory HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Kouma from 11.00 up uIdrIc, 75 ccntN up double. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE THEPAXTON WantedYoungWomen to fill vacancies soon to exist Nurses' Train lug School reconized by State and register ing graduates. During training pays salary making possible secure education while earning living. Address Box 1189, Lincoln, Nebr. $mm JmViautam a n 'o'Jflil?-u,,l NFW FIREPROOF HOSPITAL UIIII WWII. ..., -" ..w . -.--. . Mmllrnll 3, rnrKlrH " lMltrlrlj liiborutori 6, X-lUy Iloimrtiiieuu. m .. ..knAi i nntMitta In rnfinerttoii- ' Own to all reputable physlciana J'ur further Information addrraa A. A. SMITH. M. p.,Sureton Mary taouInK Memorlial IIosplUl ' UAHTINUH, UKU. 1732 WASHINGTON 1799 Where may the wearied eye repose When gazing on the Great; Where neither guilty Glory glows. Nor despicable state? Yes one the hist the last the best The Cincinnatus of the West, Whom envy dnrcd not hate, Bequeath the name of Washington, To make men blush there was but onel Lot d Byron. HAS SUFFERED FROM TRADITION Modern Writer Gives Us New Ver sion of the Character of Washington. Great Soldier as He Is Universally Acknowledged, He Waa Also a Seer Deathlesa Champion of the Rights of Humanity. 1W ORE than nny other American statesman, more than any other American, WashlnRton has suffered from tradition, writes John D. Barry in tho Washing ton Times. In fact, I can't think of any other great man in tho history of tho world who has been damaged in Just tho same way, through bolng made to ap pear so good. Tho reason Is that he has been pre eminently tho children's hero. Ho Is a distinguished victim of tho deceit wo practice on children In tho nnmo of education. Only tbo very good boys and girls enro for tho story of Washington and tho cherry tree. Tho others, tho majority, aro bored, or amused, or puzzled. And then there is tho saying, dinned Into the cars of American childhood, "Washington never told a llo." It alone alienates vast numbers of children from Washington. In their little hearts it finds no answering echo, no enthusiastic dcslro for emula tion. For truth telling, much ns wo love It In children, and much ns wo lnbor to grnft It on those highly imnglnatlvo minds, Is often a virtue that develops only with years, relntod to intelli gence and to mature character. It dorlvcs Its bqauty largoly from association with other qualities moro sympathetic. Do Real Damage to Truth. Self-nsscrtlvo truth-tellers often seem rigid in character. Thoy do great damage to truth by making It seem, not ncautlful, as It should bo, but hideous. Even In minds of maturity, to tho reputation of Washington there still clings a suggestion of tho comic. Thackeray did not holp tho situation when he introduced tho youthful Washington Into "Tho Virginians" as a highly self-conscious and priggish colonial. There Is a fine chanco for a new historian of Washington, ono who will bring out the real man. Owen WIster mndo a start some years ago, when ho published d llttlo book, omphnslzlng Washington's moro human qualities. But the book was too slight to bo comprehensive. Mr. WlBtor may yet wrlto the complete history needed by the world of today. For today, of all times, the world ought to reflect on tho servlco of Washington in tho making of this na tion and on tho attltudo of Washing ton toward tho future of this nation. Washington a Seer. Since tho Spanish war tho Farewell Address, onco n classic and apparent ly Just about as much alive as most classics, has fallen Into disfavor. Wo don't hear of Us being "pointed to with pride" as often as wo did. Perhaps if wo do go back to It wo shall And that Washington, besides being a soldier and a statesman, was a Beer. And a seer Is much moro Interesting than a llttlo boy that chops down a cherry trco or a man that has never told a He. A seer has a way of projecting him self into tho futuro and finding a now llfo there. As a prophet Washington Is n vital force today. Hut ho Is a force thut has been consciously and deliberately disregarded. Washington, tho hero of Valley Forge, was essentially a man of pence. Ho Baw that tho happiness and secu rity of this country lay, Just a3 tho happiness of an Individual did, In u policy of noninterference And ns soon as this country ceased to follow this policy Washington fore saw complications. On tho surfneo it scorns strango that a man whoso inheritance and ways of REFLECTION OF MONUMENT For a certain period of the day, when the tun la shining, the reflection of the Washington memorial In the waters of the Potomao Is plainly visible. Ths picture shows the effect llfo wcro nristocratlc should bo ro gnrded as tho father of American do mocracy. And to tho present-day point of view It Is all tho moro strango when wo re call tho reproach made against Wash ington that "tho great Virginian bold slaves." Hut Washington, to bo Judged fair ly, like overyono else, must bo consid ered with reference to his tlmo and surrounding conditions. Washington deserves llttlo credit for not yielding to tho temptations to as sort his nristocratlc llneago by becom ing n tory. Ho was directly affected by tho unfair attitude of tho mother country In imposing tnxatlon without representation. What ho did was a natural outcomo of what bo was. Whero ho did merit tho highest honor wus in his rising so magnificently to bis responsibilities nnd opportunities. A mnn selflBh nnd arrogant might havo exacted moro for himself, might havo striven to establish himself n3 a per manent power over tho nation ho had helped to create. But thoro Is no evi dence that Washington over folt such n temptation. Aristocrat as ho was and slaveholder, ho was nil tho moro extraordinary In being nblo to turn from tho prejudices of hlB training to a realization of tho democratic Ideal. Perhaps wo can reach a llttlo clear er understanding of what Washington was and of what ho did by placing him In our own time. It was as If, at tho present tlmo, a man of distin guished position and of wealth, wore to becomo a leador In tho labor move ment. For, from tho point of view of England, tho colonials wero humble folk, mainly tillers of the field, work ers In small enterprises. To their cause Washington gavo dignity, as well as marvelous personal courage. With his tattered, half-fed, poorly trained troops ho defeated tho pro fessional soldiers of England and the Hessian mercenaries. Ho bad, of course, tho Btiporlatlvo advantage of being sustained by tho powor of a sub lime moral Idea, all tho moro offoctlvo becaiiEo it was opposed by tho weak ness that goes with self-conscious and contemptuous superiority. Really Deserves More Credit. Washington has not been accorded by tho world the credit ho deserves: for his sliaro In establishing democ racy as a worftlng force In a nation. Wo aro llkoly to forgot that democ racy, while ho fought for It, was nol accopton by tho world as practicable To a fow It was a beautiful theory, at Ideal. To tho many It was lmpractl cable, a denial of what thoy rcgardec as tho natural unfitness of human bo Ings In largo maBseBto govern them selves. From Franco, mainly through Uousseati, had como tho great demo emtio theory. But Franco hnd yet U soek Us establishment In tho blood ol the French revolution. Our next Washington Is not llkoly to be ft soldier-statesman. Ho will not load In a war botween nations or bo tween foes identified with any geo graphical limits. He will glvo dignity and coherence and organization to a cause now In need of a powerful chain plon. Ho will strive, not against taxa tlon without representation, but against production without fair com pensatlon. MAKING THE PLAY REALISTIC Small Boy Willing to Quffcr Slight Discomfort In Order to Perform His Part Properly. Aftor tho War Editor had subsided nt tho octagon tnhlo of tho Pittsburgh Press club, tho puragniphrr spoke tip: "When I went home yesterday aft ernoon I found my two hopefuls en gngod in n bnttlu royal with all tho small hnys of tho neighborhood. It was n roiigh-nnd-toiuly scrimmage, nnd nil seemed to tnkn It good-naturedly, hut ono hoy hnd n bloody hobo. "'What's doing?' 1 asked. " 'Playing war,' ono hoy answered. 'Soo mo? I'm tho allies. Hill Is tho HerniniiH. Tom's tho Austrlans and .lint's tho Turks. Thvstt fellotH nro Jch' Japs and Hut lis nnd ItuuHlnus.' "The boy with it decorated noso wns silent but laughing. 'What nro you?' I asked, "'I'm bleeding Belgium,' ho nn bwpi oil." Pittsburgh Chronicle Tele-graph. WHEN KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE GLASS OF SALTS Eat Lena Meat If Kidneys Hurt or You Havo Backncho or Dlndder Misery Meat Forms Uric Acid. No man or woman who cats moat regularly can tnnku a mistake by Hush ing tho kidneys occasionally, says it well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs tho kidney pores so thoy nliigglshly lilter or strain only part of tho wanto and polsoun from tho blood, then you get Blek. Nearly nil rheumatism, hoailiichuti, ltvor trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, BlccpIcssnesiJ, bladder dlsordoro como from sluggish kidneys. rl ho moment you feol a. dull acho In tho kidneys or your hack hurts, or If tho urlno is cloudy, offensive, full of Bodlmont, lrrcgulnr of passage or at tended by a sensation of Bcaldlng, got about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any rcltablo pharmacy and tako a tablcBpoonful In a glnsa of water bo foro breakfast for a fow days and your kldncyB will then net fine. This fn mous salts Is rondo from tho odd of grapes nnd lemon Juice, combined with llthla and has been used for genera tions to flUBh clogged kidneys nnd etlmulato them to activity, also to neu tralize tho acids In urlno so It no longer cnttBos irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jnd Salts is Inexpensive nnd cannot Injure; mnkes a delightful efferves cent llthia-wnter drink which nil reg ular incut caters should tako now nnd then to keep tho kidneys clean nnd tho blood puro, thereby avoiding so rlous kidney complications. Adv. Getting Satisfaction. Do Quiz Why did you walk homo from tho rncos? Do Whiz (with bitterness) Becauso I wanted to beat tho nag I bet on. rORKQlT BaczE .JVT-.SB xTAtjB.iJi; Alf in'lElllkrW SiWGll'iivSr You Can Avoid This By Using PE-RU-NA 44 YEARS LEADERSHIP Catarrh means inflam mation, which is stagna tion the corRing of the circulation with impure blood. Correct sll catarrhal condi tions, wherever located, by the use of TKRUNA, obtainable la cither liquid or tablet form st all druggists or tho Pcruna Company Columbus, Ohio For Immediate Use. An old Hip Van Winkle of a fellow wont Into a country drug store nnd nuked for some powder "Face, gun or hug?" asked tho clorlt, leaning far over the counter. "Hug," replied tho old man, "and no'iin to mind about winppin' It up Just blow It on my whlskoro." Cot troll's Magazine. IS CHILD GHGSS, ra 13 1 PREPAREDNESS! To Fortify The System Against Orlp when Grip Is prevalent LAXATIVR IIROMO OUIN1NU ibnnM be taken, m till combination of Qiilnlno willi oilier Ingredient, ilestrnys terms, acts as a Tonio ami Laiativo and Unit keepi tlio lyslem In condition to wlilitland Co'l. Grip and Influenza. There h only ono "HKOMO QUININE. ' E. W. GUOVU'S tig naturo on box. ijo. Read the Answer In the Stars. "Do you bollovo In short-tlmo bonds?" "Government or matrimonial?" Tho government of Japan Is plan ning to Btart n factory for tho pro duction of carbolic acid from coal tar. look, mother! it tonrjuc n coated, fjive "California Syrup ofFigs." Children lovo thin "fruit laxative," nnd nothing clso cleanses tho tender Btomuch, liver and bowels ro nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and tho result Is they becomo tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach flours, then your llttlo ono become! crows, half-sick, feverish, don't cat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has soro throat Gtomachacho or diarrhoea. Listen. Mother! See If tonguo Is coated, then glvo a tcaapoonfiil of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a fow hours all tho constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of tho sys tem, and you havo n well child again. Millions of mothers glvo "California Syrup of Figs" becauso It Is perfectly harmless; children lovo It, and It nev er falls to act on tho stomach, liver and bowels. Ask nt tho store for a G0-cont bottl of "California Syrup of FlgB," which hnB full directions for babies, children of all uges and for grown-ups plainly, printed on tho bottlo. Adr. What Old He Menn7 Mm. DoughHow do I look In my now furs? Mr. Dough Out of sight. Not flruy llnlrn lint Tired Ryea mnkr tin look older than wo nre. Keep your I2yen youtii; unci you will look youiiK. After tho Movies Murine Your Kyos. Don't toll your iikc Murlno Kyo Ilcmody Co., CIiIcuro, SoiiJh i:yo Hook on request. A woman is very apt to overesti mate tho good tlmo her husband has when ho Is nway from homo. Shortly nfter tho wedding march many a man discovers that ho's un April fool. New Strength for Lame Backs and Worn-out Conditions Dear Mr. Editor: I suffered from lama back nnd a tired, worn-out feeling. Was unablo to Btaud orect and scarcely ablo to get around. It would usually come on at first with crick In small of my back. I took Anurlc Tnbleta nnd my back commenced to get bettor. I did not have to walk doubled over as I did boforo using tho "Anurlc." It 1b tho best remedy I havo over taken for what it is Intended to relievo. A. G. DltAKE. NOTE: When your kldnoyn get sluggish and clog, you Buffer from backacho, slck-hcadacho, dizzy spoils, or tho twinges nnd palna of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. "Anurlc" Is tho most poworful agent in dissolving uric ncld, an hot water melts sugar. Ask tho druggist for "Anurlc," put up by Dr. Pierce, In CO-ccnt packages. FROM GIRLHOOD TO OLD AGE WOMEN ARE HELPED At tho first symptoms of any de rangement of tho fcmlnino organism nt any period of life tho ono safe, really helpful remedy Is Dr. PIcrco'a Favorite Prescription for every concclvablo ali ment and dlscaso of a womanly nature. ( It is a woman's temperanco medicine and Its Ingredients aro published on wrapper. Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescription la a truo friend to women in times of trial and at times of pain when the organs aro not performing their func tions. For headache, backacho, hot flashes, catarrhal conditions, bearing down sensations, mentul depression, dizziness, fainting spells, women should novcr fall to tako this tried and truo women's mcdlclno. Bumper Grain Crops Good Markets High Prices Prizes Awarded to Wostonn Canada fa Wheat, Oals, Barley, Altai fa and Orassem . The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products exposition at Denver were easily made, lne list comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prixes for Wheat and Oats and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less important than tho splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, i3 the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market in that city for quality and price. Sd Wtittrn CtmiSm rrtitnrri fa 1915 ona.lliird aa mark wacal Lit all ef tb United Statu, or out 300,000,000 bnikels, Canada in proportion to population has a greatex exportable surplus ot wneat tins year than any country in the world, and at present prices you can tigure out tne revenue tor tne pro ducer. In Western Canada you will find good markets, splendid schools, excep- tinn.il Bnclnl cnndltinnn. nerfpc.t rllmnta Siino and other great attractions, fbera Is no war tax ob land and no conscription. Send for Illustrated pamphlet and asV for rrductd railway rates. Information aa to best locatloas, Sts AddreM Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Bldg., Oraaha, Nebr. Canadian Government Agent (mJM JrGJ mkinWm I si ail I I ''it l l IIMIil3iUJHl TmjSShI sf ilKEf k I v I ' p V miaDato. VAN-Wh Lewi a mmtm ML i fiEW