""v '-' W-mJimmr l fiJM'-tirZITSJTvTlTIITUSC RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t f 1$ Hf I.'Tj l l f L Efe TH0USSNM1 woman mm Aulhor of BheAMTEUR (MCKSMAN, RAFFLES. Etc. ILIUSTRATIONS b O. iaWIN,MVERS 8YNOP8I8. CazalM, on the ntcntnor Kfilnflr Fritz, nomcwnn) houml from AiihImIIu, crloi out.ln IiIh Nlfcp Hint llmiry Cruvnn, wlio ton ynrs licforo hud ruined Ills fattier and Mm.setf. Is dcinl iitnl llmls that Hil ton Toyo. who oliaroH tlm nlutrioom with him, known Crnvun nnd ul.io lllnncho Macnalr. n former tiplRhfoor and play mate, when the dully imperii cotno aboard at Houthnmptun Toyo rendu that Craven liaH been murdered and cnll.1 Caxalat'a dream second HlKht. Ho tlilnhn of doing a llltli" iimntour dutectlvo work on tho cbbo himself. In the train to town they (IIhciihb tho murder, which was com tnlttcd at Caxalct'a old homo. Toyo heara from Cazalct that Hcrutcn, who hud beon t'axnlefn friend and tho acapeiroat for Craven's dlahonrNty, liaa ticun releimed from prliton. Cazalct Kuoa down tho rlviT and moots llhinche. CHAPTER IV Continued. "I wonder who enn havo dono It!" "So do tho police, rind thuy don't look much llko finding out!" "It ninut liavu been for his watch nnd money, don't you think? And yet they say ho hud uo ninny cnuiuicfll" Cnzalet kept alienee; but sho thought lio winced. "Of courso It must havo boon tho man who rnn nut of the drlvo," Hlio concluded hnfltlly. "Whero woro you when It liuppciiGil. Sweep?" Somowlmt honrscly ho was recall Ins tho Mediterranean movements of tho Kaiser Fritz, when at the llrst montlon of tho vcrsoI'b nnnio ho was llrmly heckled. "Swoop, you don't menn to nay you camo by a German steamer?" "I do. It waa tho llrst going, nnd why nhould I waBto a week? besides, you can generally get a cabin to your Bolf on tho German line." "So that'B why you'ro hero beforo tho ond of tho month." said lllnncho. "Well, I cnll It most unpntrlotlc; but tho cabin to yourself was certainly Bonio OXCUBC." "That romlnds mo!" ho cxclntmcd. "I hadn't It to myself nil tho way; thoro was anothor fellow In with mo from Gonon: and tho last nlcht on board It camo out that ho know you!" J "Who enn It lmvo been?" "Toyo, his namo was. Hilton Toyo." "An American man! Oh, but I know him very woll," said lllnncho In a, tono both etralncd nnd cordial. "Ho's great fun, Mr. Toyo, with his delight ful Americanisms, nnd tho perfectly delightful way ho says thorn!" Cazalct puckered llko tho prlmltlvo man ho was, when taken at nil by stir prlso; nnd that anybody, much less lllancho, should think Toyo, of nil peo ple, clthor "delightful" or "great fun" wan certainly n surprlso to him, it it Was nothing olso. Of courso It wnn nothing cIbo, to his Immediate knowl edge; Btlll, ho was rather ready to think that Ulaucho was blushing, but forgot, If indeed ho had boon in a lit Btato to boo it at tho tlmo, that sho had paid himself tho samo high com pliment across tho gnto. On tho whole, It may bo said that Cazalot was ruf fled without feeling seriously disturbed Wb to tho essential Ibbuo which alono leaped to his mind, "Whoro did you meet tho fellow?" po inquired, with the sultablo admix ture of confidence and amusomont. , "In tho first Instance, at Engolborg." "Engolberg! Whero'B that?" "Only one of thono places in Swlt erland where everybody goes now adays for what they call winter p ports." Sho was not even smiling at his ar jrogant Ignoranco; sho was merely ox plaining one geographical point and another of general information. A cIobo observer might havo thought iter almost anxious not to identify her Wolf too clOBOly with a popular crazo. "I dare say you mentioned it," said Cacalot, but rnthor as though ho was wondering why she had not. U"I dare aay I didn't! Everything on't go into an annual lottor. It was tho winter boforo last I went out with Dotty nnd her husband." "And attor that ho took a place 4own hero?" , "Yob. Then I mot him on the river .the following summer, and found ho'd ot rooms in ono of tho Nell Gwynne Cottages, it you call that a place." "I boo." Dut there was no moro to sco; there never had boon much, but now jBIancho wns standing up and gazing out of tho balcony into tho belt of kinging sunshlno botweon tho opposite iiido of tho road and tho invisible river ores away. "Why shouldn't wo go down to Lit tloford and got out tho boat if you'ro really going to roako an afternoon of It!" elio said. "Dut you simply must eeo Martha first; and whllo olio's mak ing herself lit to bo seen, you must take something for tho good of tho houso. I'll bring it to you on a lordly tray." Sho brought him siphon, stoppered bottlo, a silver biscuit-box of ancient ye memories, and left him alono with thorn Eomo llttlo tlmo; for tho young mistress, llko her old retainer in an other minute, was simply dying to mako herself moro presentable Yet - whon oho bad dono so, and cumo back like enow, In a shirt and Bklrt Just homo from tho laundry, sho saw that .ho did not seo tho dlfforeneo. Ills do ' Touring eyes ehono neither moro nor J)ms; but ho had also devoured vry biscuit in tho box, though ho had be gun by vowing that ho had lunched in town, nnd stuck to tho fnblo still. Old Martha had known htm all his life, but best nt tho period when ho used to come to nursery tea at Llttlo ford. Sho declared sho would have known him nnywherc nu ho wns, but nho Blmply hadn't recognized him in that photograph with his beard. "I can bco whcio it's been," said Martha, looking him In tho lower torn pernto zono. "Hut I'm so glad you'vo hud it off, Mr. Cuzulct." "Thcro you urc, lllanchlo!" crowed Cnzalet. "You nald sho'd be disappoint ed, but Martha's got better taste." "It Isn't thnt, air," said Martha enr nestfy. "It'll because tho dreadful man who was seen running out of tho drlvo, at your old home, ho had n I) card! It's In all tho notices about him, anil that'B what's put mo against them, and makes mo glad you'vo had yours ofT." Ulnnche turned to him with too ready a smile; but then Bho wns really not such n great ago as nho pretended, and alio had never been in better spirits in her life. "You hear, Sweep! I call It rather lucky for you that you were " Hut just then sho saw his faco, nnd remembered tho tilings thnt had been said nbout Henry Craven by tho Caza lota' fi lends, even ten yenra ago, when sho really had been n girl. CHAPTEn V. An Untimely Visitor. Sho really wns one still, for in theso days It la an elastic term, and In Hlnncho's cnBO thoro wna no apparent reason why It should over cenno to apply, or to ho applied by every decent tongue except her own. Much tho beat tonnls-plnyor among tho Indies of tho neighborhood, she drovo an almost unbecomingly long ball nt golf, and nover lookod hotter than when pnddllng her old canoe, or punting In tho old punt. And yet, this wonderful September nftornoon, alio did somohow look oven better than at 'J 53rfoDLf5 - ,wt v M i i ', 6V v "Where Did You Meet the Fellow?" He Inquired. olther or any of those congenial pur suits, and that long beforo thoy renched tho river; In tho empty houso, which had known her nB baby, child and grown-up girl, to tho companion of Bomo part of all thrco stages, she looked a moro lustrous and a lovelier lllnncho than ho romembcred oven of old. Hut sho was not really lovely In tho loast; that also must bo put beyond tho palo of misconception. Her hair was benutlful, and perhaps her skin, and, In somo lights, hor eyes; tho rcBt was not. It was yellow hair, not gold en, and Cazalot would havo given all ho had about him to see It down again as In tho oldest of old days; but there was moro gold in hor skin, for bo the oun had treated it; and thoro was ovon hint or glint (In certain lights, bo It repeated) of gold mingling with tho puro hazol of her oyos. Hut in tho dusty shadows of tho empty house, moving llko a sunbeam across Ub baro boards, standing out ugalnst tho discol ored wnlls In tho place of romombercd pictures not to bo compared with her, It was there thnt sho was all golden and still girl. Thoy poked their noses Into, and hoy had a laugh in ovory corner and so out upon the leafy lawn, shelving abruptly to tho river. Last of all thoro was tho Bummer schoolroom over tho boat-house, quito apart from tho houso Itself; Bceno of such safo yet reckless rovols; in its very nura Into Victorian! It lay hidden In ivy at tho end of a now neglected path; tho bow-win-dows overlooking tho river woro framed in Ivy, llko throo mntted, whis kered, dirty, happy faces; one, with Ita lower sash proppod open by a brokon plant-pot, might havo beon grinning a toothless welcomo to two onco lending spirits of tho place. Cazalot whittled a twig and wedged that sash up altogether; then ho sat himself ou tho sill, his Ions Iocs in- D O W'i WW s 7 MM cide. Hut his knife hud .itninueo him of his plug tobacco. And his plug tobacco took him as straight back to the bush as though the unsound floor had changed under their feet into a magic carpet. "You simply have It put down to the man's account in the station books. Nobody keeps ready money up at the bush, not oven tho prlco of a plug like this; but tho chap I'm telling you nbout (I can seo him now, with his great red beard and frcoklcd fists) he sworo I was charging him for half a pound moro than ho'd ever hnd. We fought for twenty mlnuteB behind the wood-heap; then ho gave mo best, but I had to turn in till I could seo again." "You don't mean that he" Ulancbo had lookod rather disgust ed tho moment before; now she was all truculent auspenso and indigna tion. "Heat me?" he cried. "Good Lord, no; but thero was nono too much In It." Fires died down In her hazol eyes, lay lambent as soft moonlight, nick ered Into laughter beforo ho had Been tho fire. "I'm afraid you'ro a very dangerous pcrBon," said Ulnncho. "You'vo got to bo," ho assured her; "It's tho only wny. Don't take a word from anybody, unless you mean him to wlpo his boots on you. I soon found that out. I'd have given something to havo learned tho noblo art beforo 1 went out. Did I ovor toll you how It wns I first came across old Venus 1'OttB?" Ho had told her nt great length, to tho exclusion of about every other topic, In tho second of tho annual let ters; nnd throughout tho sorlen tho In evitable nnnio of Venus Potts had sel dom cropped tip without some allusion to that Homeric encounter. Hut it waa well worth whllo having It all over again with tho lntrlcato and picaresque ombroldory of a tonguo far mightier than tho pen hitherto employed upon tho Incident. Poor Hlanchc had almost to hold her noso over tho primary catiso of battlo; but the dlaloguo was delightful, nnd Cnzalet himself mado a most gallant and engaging flguro as ho sat on tho sill and reeled It out. Twenty minutes later, nnd old Venus Potts was still on tho magic tapis, though Cazalct had dropped his boast ing for a curiously humble, eager and yet Ineffectual vein. "Old Venus Potts!" ho kept ejacu lating. "You couldn't help liking him And ho'd llko you, ray word!" "Ib hlB wife nice?" Blanche wanted to know; but sho was looking so in tently out her window, nt tho opposite end of the how to Cozalet's, that a man of the wider world might have thought of something elso to talk nbout. Out her window she looked past a willow that had been part of tho old life, in tho direction of an equally typical sllhouetto of patient anglers anchored in a punt; they had not raised a rod betweon them during all this tlmo that Hlancho had been out In Australia; but as a matter of fact sho nover saw thorn, since, vastly to the credit of Cazalot's descriptive powers, sho was out In Australia still. "Nelly Potts?" ho said. "Oh, a Jolly good sort; you'd bo awful pals." "Should wo?" said Blanche, just smiling at her invlslblo anglers. "I know you would," ho assured her with ImmenBo conviction. "Of course sho can't do tho things you do; but sho can rldo, my word! So she ought to, when she's lived there all her life. The rooniB aren't much, but the veran das are what count most; they're bet ter than any rooms." Sho was still out there, cultivating Nelly Potts on a very deep veranda, though her straw hat and straw hair remained In contradictory evidence against a very dirty window on the Middlesex bank of the Thames. It was a shamo of the September sun to show tho dirt as it was doing; not only was there a great steady pool of sunshlno on tho unspeakable floor, but a doddering rollectlon from the river on tho disreputable celling. Cazalot lookod rather desperately from one to tho other, and both tho calm pool and the rough were broken by shadows, one moro Impressionistic than the other, of a straw hat over a stack ot straw hair, that had not gone out to Australia yet And of courso Just then a step sounded outsldo somowhoro on somo gravel. Confound thoso caretakers! What were they doing, prowling about? "I Bay, Blanchlo!" he blurtod out. "I do believe you'd llko It out there, a sportswoman like you! 1 believe you'd tako to It llko a duck to water." (TO DE CONTINUED.) "Pope's Size." A curious item In the trade slang ot hosiers 1b tho term "popo'a bUo," ap plied to vests. Thoy classify the scale of chest measurements for these as: Small men's, 32 Inches; slender men's, 34 Inches; men's, 36 inchoa; pope's, 3lf Inches; out size, 42 Inches Tho origin of this term, which has been current for nearly a century, was discussed somo yeurs ago in. Notes and Queries, when it was stated on good authority that It had no connec tion with tho successors of St. Peter. It appears that tho head of an old linn of West end hosiers, Messrs. Popo & Plunto, ordered this sizo to bo mado specially for his own personal uso, and tho manufacturer called It ufter him for want of a better name. London Chronicle. Its Kind. "That follow hnB what 1 call para doxical Impudence," "How do you moan?" "Ho Is always to the front with back talk." TRUNK REVEALS MURDER MYSTERY Workmen's Pick Uncovers Hidden Crime More Than a Year Old. BURIED IN QUICKLIME With Identification of Body as That of Man Missing Many Months, Former Employee Is Placed Under Arrest. Philadelphia. A workman who drovo lib) pick Into a wooden box burled in tho collar of nn old building that waa being razed In this cly, un covered a hidden mystery. Tho box was carried out nnd broken open. In It wns n brass-bound trunk and in tho trunk was tho body cf a man part ly destroyed by quicklime. Tho body had ulso been covered with strips of leather, which hnd been soaked In acid to hnston tho work of decay nnd destruction. Within n short tlmo tho police of tho city hnd cstnbllshed tho Identity of tho murdered man. From tho teeth, a partly destroyed notebook and a few remnants of clothing, tho body was recognized as thnt of Daniel J. Mc N'lehol, aged 25, who had disappeared from his homo on March 30, 1011. Mc NIcliol was In tho leather business and had for his foreman Edward J. Kelley, who, after tho fnlluro of tho leather concern, opened a laundry In tho bulldjng under which tho body of McNIchol wns found. Quarrel Led to Killing Thcro had beon financial transac tions between McNIchol and Kelley mid It Is tho theory of tho detectives that tho men quarreled In tho clllco of tho leather company on March 30, and that Kelley struck down his em ployer, placed his body in tho trunk nnd took tho latter in hia wagon to tho building whoro tho laundry waa opened up tho next day. About tho tlmo of McNIchol'a dlaappcarance, Kolloy wnn seen nt work excavating a hole In tho collar of his now placo of busi ness. He said ho was digging a placo for a furnace Following tho discovery of tho body, Kelley read in a paper that ho wna wanted, and, after consulting his wife, telephoned to tho polico that ho was In the Trunk Waa the Body of a Man. willing to submit to arrest After he had been questioned ho was held as a suspect, but subsequent develop ments resulted in a formal charge of murdor being lodged against him. Kolloy declares ho is innocent and says McNIchol is allvo and thnt he had mot him a number of times since hlB disappearance. BCYS FORM THIEVES' CLUB Two Members of the "Terrible .Fifty Eight" Arrested by the Polico in Orange. Orange, N. J. Tho arrost of two lada, nino and ten years old, in this city brought to light tho oxlstenco in West. Orango of a club ot small boya banded together as tho "Crooks' Ath letic Club, or tho Torrlblo Fifty Eight." Tho object of tho club, aa ascertained by Polico Chief John Dra boll, is to promoto potty thlovlng among Its mombors. Gcorgo Durr of 2 Orango placo, West Orango, and John McNorney cf Elm Btroot, that town, wero paroled fo appoar boforo tho Juvcnllo court on a chargo of larceny. Thoy woro arrested for shoplifting in Henry F. Schmidt's Btoro at 200 Main streot this city. Thoy had taken pen knives, cigarettes, flashlights and other loot. Fined for Sleeping In Station. Boston. Gcorgo S. Whlto of no placo in particular excopt tho North Btatlon in Uoston, waa recently flnod f 10 by Judge Hurko in muuiclpnl court. Whlto admitted ho had slept in tho station whllo standing erect and that his position caused a groat crowd to collect. Chief Won Goose But Lost Job. Wost Borwlck, Pa. Chief of Police Georgo W. Sllkor took a chanco at a party and won a gooso, but drow a bub ponslon from Chief Burgess C, W. Freas. Ho Ib charged with "allowing gambling and supporting tho gambling by participation." LONG A PLAGUE TO YOUTH 8choolboys of Many Centuries Ago Had to Wrestle With Problems of Arithmetic. Tho modern schoolboy may find comfort In tho fact that for 3,000 years schoolboys havo beon worried by Just such desperato problems In arithmetic aa .' noy him mo3t. Among tho archcologlcal discoveries In Egypt Is a papyrus roll, In excellent condition, dating from a period about 1700 B. C. This roll, which has a long heading beginning "Directions how to attain tho knowledgo of all dark things," proves beyond a doubt that tho Egyptian of that tlmo had a thor ough knowledgo of tho elements of arithmetic. Numerous examples show that their principal operations with units and fractions woro mado by means of addi tion and multiplication. Subtraction and division woro not known in tholr pres ent form, but correct results wero ob tained, nevertheless. Equations nro also found In tho papyrus. Hero la one which brings the Egyptian Bchoolboy homo to ub: Ten meusures of barley aro to bo di vided among ten persona In such a man nor that each subsequent person shnll recclvo one-eighth of u measure loss than tho ono boforo him. Another ex nmplo given Is: Thoro aro seven men, each ono has seven cnta, each cat has eaten soven mice, each mouse has eaten seven grains of barley. Each grain of barley would havo yielded seven measuroa of barley. How much barley has been lost? Tho papyrus also contains calcula tions of area, tho calculation of tho area of a circle, nttempt3 nt squaring tho circle, and finally calculation of tho cubic measurements of pyramids. Shallow. Hodgo Is ho a deep thinker? Dodgo No; Ho bogina to flounder beforo ho getu out very deep. Joy la tho greatest Intoxicant known. A womnn may havo a poor memory, but sho nover forgets a compliment. TOV . ;... 'i ivi '-vs v. . " I SV& J. S&v l w .V-'to - .mv pntnncXM VAvAwaXv 'AHransoLii a a .xixv.xxx 'j. -w .vt llF Weather-Proof Any man with a title to normal health may hurl cheery defiance in the teeth of the weather, even in its wilder moods. It's wholly a matter of blood-current and tissue cells, and everybody knows that sturdiness and vigor in these regards depend largely on good, nourishing rood. Much of the food in the ordinary dietary is lack ing in certain vitalizing elements which Nature has designed for sturdy growth and resistance to disease Especially is this true of white bread and white flour foods, because in making flour white most of the ener gizing mineral phosphates of the grain are thrown out in the milling process. These vital elements are retained in the scientific ally prepared food Grape-Nuts Made of whole wheat and barley, this food provides all the nutriment of the grain, including those vitalizing phosphates that mean everything in building up and maintaining a robust, vigorous body and keen intellect A ration of Grape-Nuts along with the other food has worked wonders for thousands. Ready to eat. economical, appetizing. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. Mlsunderctocd. "Aro you a plain cook?" "I aupposo I could bo purtlor, mum." BANISH PIMPLES QUICKLY Easily and Cheaply by Using Cut leu ra Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. Smear tho pimples lightly with Cutl cura Ointment on end of finger and allow It to remain on flvo minutes. Thon batho with hot water and Cull cura Soap and contlnuo somo minutes. This treatment la beat upon rlaing and retiring, but la effective at any time, Freo samplo each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, DopL I Boston. Sold everywhere. AdT. Good Prospect for Business. A young lawyer tells this Btory on himself with a keen appreciation of Ita humor: "A negro camo Into my offlco re cently and consulted with mo about getting n divorco for his daughter, who waa tho oldest child. After ascertain long from tho old negro tho grounds for a divorco ho asked mo what my charges would bo. I told him, nnd he said aa follows: 'Mr. , you knows I's nlwnya given you my bualnosa?' I told him. 'Yes,' nnd I appreciated 1L "You knows I's nlways going to glvo you my bualnosa, nnd Mnry what wants tills divorco la my oldost chllo, nnd fust nnd onllcat ono married. Tills thing Is Just atartln', mid I has clovon chlllun, and, of course, you'll got them all, and couldn't you mako mo a wholesale prlco on them?' " Taste In Reading. "Oliver's taato for hooka soema to bo improving." "I'm very glad to hear that. Hut aro you quito Euro about It?" "Perfectly sure. Last wool; I caught him perusing n five-cent hair raiser, and tills week he Is reading nothing but dlmo novcla. That'a a hundred per cent improvement:" Couldn't. She Hut papa says you'ro living be yond your means. He Absolutely untruo I havo no meaiia. ss&s&va' v .-. l l .1 II ! ' .. .... -.-V KfiiUl mx ir ) (. -' r a ;; M v