'$ j , T5f imumm; -k, "r'fu,,. , ... .. -Jn, V f- ' flK. i A. gtnto UKoilcnl S tUty si t:v .' vara? s W& if-ti1 'iifift7 r -- w 's ts i ' & .- ?Hs!??a''-5rs2S;M 32?; dA -Lift" IJky'.' ' w ' JW? J., j'' ijuirr.-" TH M a - " TS 'T L" .U !l JRIfc, .. . -JJUT"" ' Q" I V 1 1 'f " " " .. aii - A Ncst)a',cr That ' The News Flfiy-to K'ccks Each Year For 81.50. -WWWWMWWIBTOIIBIImaiUIMWauMMMrat, nr-1,,,l.-Mln,., . . mnii miKimi niiinii . I --mnm ! IWHIMMnH 1 'I VOLUME cnsnS23- KJfiJJ OLOUJ), XBIIKASK'V. FMISIIIT A HV. i 7. low: NUM RISKS It Isn't Hard 1 . bae It is only hard to sfer saving, and that is only because you think it is. St&ii saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. EBr. , Democrats Select Bandmaster Betz Convention City Will Leave Here Wi ()......,.. Vi Friday, -i.k.,.,., Hasting as ,,' ' ' ,', ' , ,,e 1 l,i,1? l'"''" U jllin....ti..u place f ti,,. iJomwriitlu'l'?,,.1 , ? ,('!i, "' . ,,'!n"TliU V. stall. C.pvontion f. bo hol.l on Tni's-1 JJ J "', "" ,tf,1 'U' ' ';"i.l Cn v ly. .Inly s:.th. All lWPt mjvimi of j the ll.-'it ,,V M ,Si, ''S " l0W" .rv 'J I u Inch WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, -"saOTSSB RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA OAI'ITAI. Hn.OOO 'gffie?. A . A ' fl A-S JSiJ. X J "J? Hi U7 fO MS count 2S ili tin' members were pri'ieutm porion or or proxy, in mo niiu'tuii' rrirtay, an. I at this time Democratic elector were decided upon tor live I'oiwo'.sional districts, tln Kiist district not liclu ready with its select ion. Tliu list chosen is: beennd district. Sophus ume. uinuiia; Thlul district, 13 M. Siiundeis, Nioluara; Fourth district, .1. M Wnndarri, Aurora Fifth .1 M. 'IVelillj,', Hasting"; SKtli distriut, .1. A. Donahue, O'Xeill. Franklin Secures New Depot 1 he C. It. A. Q. has been directed bv the U.iilway Uominission to remodel and enlarge its depot at Franklin so as to approximately conform to the follow li'tr spi'ciileations: One general waiting noin, approximately :it)x'J4 leet; one ladies' test room, in eoniicc lion v.ith the ijenoral vaitinr room; IIu-m' waiting moms to be provided with modern sHnitupy toilet facilities; o.u dtSlee room, to' clnfoitn to tho ide.is ot'lhe di't'uiinaur itself in ioj.'ard to ne (i ml arianyement; one room tor pirisiial.le tiui"ht and one fioinht im.m, not les- than 'Jlsll IVot, wlilch is apptvtirnately the si of the pres ent room Tim outer requires Uimmj imp oveuienls to be completed by the Ihbt of Septeniliei. Franklin Defeats 0. D. D.'a At, four th Irtr Satilrrtirr-Ttflornoon. ON 1 Every Suit (Serges excepted) I g Every Overcoat ( exception ) g E.very rair 01 rien s and Boys' Trousers Only One String to this and that is Cash. . . Green Stamps too. leb. rJtli, seven members of I he o. 1). U. CI lit) lollt'lie ml to I'VrinkH.. vl.. nntotnobile, to meet the JUkIi School ot that plnco on the Itiibkel Hall tloor. A larjjo nuuiber of ropresontatives fiom the Academy, Ilih .School and city weie present to witness the piuno wnicn sTurtud iu(i:h.i At the very outset the Franklin bunch started ntpld lire on the baskets and a Rood many times they hit the mark. r roin all uppcarnnce the club had had all of their net) turreil out nf tl...... on the way up. Aotwithstandiiitf the fact that the O. O. D'h. have never indulged intnuch nraetice they inudo an excellent show. " ootn in team work ami goal shoot-I",'- Franklin won by n score or .'13 to lit due larRoly to well operated team work and tnauy horse shoes in goal shooting together with u well trained eye, I liu. H. iiidi'i'il. mh ttr.iv.. in Mini... ,.r our elti.eiih. l'rof. Met, litis been a much appreciated man in Mils com munity, lakini: bold or tlm band when t was merely noMiiiiK and makinjr f It one of tlie best bands in the state. The prist year the baud has suffered on aecoiint of members moving away or Koim: uw.iy to school, but tins de lect Inn been ruuedled the past winter thru tlie oriini.ation of a Junior Hand. This IkukI has a nit'inbershli) of about siu,.,.,, playeis and they are now eiij.iuu.. or playing in tl(. main banil. V hen Npiing eniicerts open up tho bat.d will consist of about fveul.y llvc mu-iciaiis llaiulinnsler lteU h is scoured n (nimble man to (ill nis place and highly recommends him to be able to take up the work whcio he leaves oil", con.ii'qi.eiitly our bund eoncorts will be iiion than up to the stamUrd. 1 he concerts will be held oown town and will c.imiiii-iice just us soon at the weathc- will k'iniil. Important to Parents Mis liiilduli lvii.rur.., ,.r ti... i. ....... hiou department ol'thestate liivet'sity will give an Illustrate 1 lecture at the Congietttional church, Friday even-ingat- ,o p m., which no one inter ested in children can nflonl t ...to . , , . " "- fcW IIIII70I iuuiiistinn tree. l.ittlfl Yl'i III. lll'm,.,! .... '" s. ' i . i... r.i.1, . . v ; x' rr vti toe iiiiiiirens iioim. (;.. ... n .... .- t, ,. . ....., ,. v.l.V .11 me imncroit school will leport the woik of their club last year. Music for tlm occassion will be fur nished by high M'hool pupiin. P. M. WiitrEHKAu, Snperintondont. n,v. affiK ft-A WZsaW 'aJMiM wit?' , " m,?i Mty Our old Is gold Fred Arnold was down Moudav. from Ina vale GOLD IS GOLD! SILVER IS SILVER! PLATED WARE IS PLATED WARE, AND EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE IS JUST EXACTLY WHAT WE SAY IT IS. DON'T YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR JEWELRY FROM THE STORE WE REFER TMOSF WHO MAF Witt RnnnuT ruio icinn nv yAHH:VfWMIJrtTH06- WHO HAVE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THFN THF pripf nr,ur E. H. NEWHOUSE ts-rc. Jeweler and Optometrist B. &. Q. Watch Inspoctor hi i aiw ;;r 1 1: :,i r u 1 1 an 'in:, n :i' : n:xn a ' nii'!,':, liliil!i:i!ill!lli,!Ui;!ilin!li!l!lilWI!ll!W, PAIL STOREY The Clothier 11 K 11 What are your building plans for spring? House, barn, fence or coop. The time to plan is NOW. Estimates Furnished Free I HE MA LONE-AVERY CO. TALK WITH US ABOUT YOUR SPRING PLANS" A New Picture Theatre Mr. and Mis. Krank Cassill arrived in the city Wednesday from Alma Mr. Cassill has leased the Newhouso building next door to The Chief ofilce and this morning n force of oarpontor.s began work remodeling the room pre paratory to the opening of a modern picture theater. Mr. Cassill informs us that ho Intends to also install a stage so that the room may be used by road shows as well. His plans call for a modern citified picture theater front, a raised floor and the room to hnvo a seating capacity of u little over four hundred. His household goods arrived this morning and today ho is moving his family into the Fred Mnuror residence north of the Catholic church. m An Educational Meeting ItUltAI. SCHOOL SKHSION. A joint meeting of parents, pupils and teachers from the rural schools will be held at the Congregational church In Hcd Cloud, Saturday after noon, February 19, at 2:15 p.m. Tho program will be as follows: Music. ...Grado Children of tho Ued v : Cloud Schools Illustrated Lecture. ..."Homo Pro ject Work Under the Direction of tho Schools''.. Miss Hulduli Peterson Report of the Uancroft School Homo ' Garden Club ....La Vent Urubakcr What tho Club Work has Meant to umIc. ;;; 'a M'ory Hooper .. nut urn oowing uuurso uas Meant 1., Mu , 1 reno Pegg iu iiuibuiii imen.'sifid in education arc cordlallv invited to attonil. GuirrtUDK L. Coon, County Superintendent. The New Coats and Suits For Spring Make Their First Bow Wanted Throe young men to travel with Manager in Xelir.ihlm. (Jowl proposi tion. Wrlto-K. E.Threadglll. Notice All accounts duo tho firm of Whit uUer Si UucUles, if not naid before March 1st. will lm i.hu.inl In fl,. 1......1.. of an attorney for collection. 11 A IUI V I, ISURK1.UK. Gary Zum wui in Superior today. A Display of New Spiring Style Ideas in Tailored Coats or Suits Complete and Distinctive Classy new styles, Taffeta and berge combinations, Checks, Gabardines and Serges in all the season's newest hade; I . O' J f jj A X . . -k N X .vsr A Xs V Coat Price, - c y $6.50 to $25 y . 1 V VNJ (? X x .vv X & & 6 es New Silks In Plain And Fancy Novelty Weaves 36-inch and 40-inch luncidb, raine, Vjros ue L,oncire and Poplins are being shown in Checks, Stripes and Figured effects. Per Yard - $1.00 to $2.25 R. P. Weesner OUR PRINTING HAS A VERY STRONG PULL AND DRAWING POWER-TRY cx vo. t- 'TOKWSf. t l s IK ft- eatet an anv ices you ihe tiro. Mil find excep climat There w- ? WWJ'nV W854