WJtXl RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF k.MtffmWW ' lJIW JIUlUi J J . jm&mmmwrw iia n iw wteww wr- , -,mmm M H I ! i ' e THE RED CLOUD! CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the Pontolllce nt lied (loud, Neb. at Bccond Clnnn Matter A B. McAIlTHUU 1'UIIMSIIKIt THE ONLY IIKMOUKATIU PA r Kit IN WKIlBTKlt COUNTY Political Announcements Announcements Arc Run Under This Head For tho Sum ot Flvo Dollars, Which Nuet Do Cash in Advance. Our Columns Are Open For Any legitimate Advertising and We Wel come Announcements Regardless o .Party Affiliations. ' FOR COUNTY CLKIlK I hereby nnnounco myself a can lidatc for tho ofllce of County Clerk of IVcbbtcr County, Mibject to the will of tho voters of tho Democratic nnil l'coples Independent pnrty nt tho primary election to be held April 18, JttlO. B. F.Pmmv. i .i . - i .FOB, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I herehy nnnounco myself as a cam!! lnte for tho nomination, for a second term, as Clerk of the District Court, fcubject to the will of the Dcmooratic and Peoples Indepcndcnt-votorsatthe primary election to bo hold April 18, 101C. Edith L. McKekhian. aloiiff. However the ico man Is glad and tho conl man Is glad nnd since wo all want Ico and coal, why should not everybody be glad? FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. 1 hereby announce myself nsa candi date for renomination as county nttor TJcy of Webster county, subject to the voters of tho Democratic and Peoples Independent parties at the primary to Lc held April 18, 1010. I will appreciate your support for a 'second term. Fiiank J. Munday. County Judge A. D. Rnnney having expressed his desire to succeed himself at tlio coming election, by announcing that lie would ben candidate fornomi iiiatlon on tho non-partisan ticket, conies before tho people with n clean record of clllcletit management In the administration of tlto duties of his ollico. Gentlemanly and courteous nt all times ho has won a host of frienda who will be pleased because he is will ing to servo another term. County Treasurer C. D. Robinson in forms us that tho automobilo license fund now nmounts to 82000 and is avallablo for tho purpose of dragging Hio roads of the county. T.ils Is a'.tldy sum and if properly used it will keep our roads in good condition during the coming summer. This county has learned that all work is not completed when a road is built. Wo huvo learn ed that if we are to continue having good roads wc must look carefully to tho up keep after tho roads aro made. Dragging the roads has proven to be an effectual manner of keeping them in good condition but they must be dragged and dragged at the right time. Here's hoping that this fund will be wisely used. ,Er'mary Election April 18, 1111 4i srfT2fr tsL IJ WKmMWMsWA '. !i FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for tho nomination of County Commissioner for district 4, subject to the will ot the Democratic and Peoples independent voters at the primary election to be held April 18, 1910. A. II. Ciiiuii.t.. Notice All accounts due the firm of Whit alter & Buckles nre to bo paid to Harry Buckles, who has charge of tho business. As I desire to go to farming in the spring, all accouuts must be paid at once. HARRY BUCKLES. KARL L. 8PENCE ,.- , "- Editor of -?' "M. Franklin County Newe - 5j, - . Franklin, Nebraska t-'wwm, Republican and Progressive Candidate for Stat Senator 20th District Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls Counties. Tour Support Will Be Appreciated 4 1 ' FOR COUNTY JUDGE " hereby announce myself as a can didate for the ofllce of County Judge, at the primary election to be held on the 18th day of April, 1010, subject to the will of the quail fled electors of "Webster County, A. D, RANNEY. REPRESENTATIVE loth DISTRICT I hereby nnnouncc myself as a candi date for renntnlnntlou for tho otlice of 3tcprebentatlvoof tho 40th district sub iect to the will of tho Democratic nnd 2'eoples Independent votcis, nt the rprlmary election to bo held April 18th. G. V. LimiSKY. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF 1 hereby nnnounco myself ns 11 can. iflldate for the oillco of Sheriff of "Webster County, at the primary elec tion to bo lielil on the 18th day of April. 1910, subject to tho will of the Jtepnbllcan voters of Webster County. OLIVER D. HEDGE. "Do your shopping early" it's only a "3cw weeks till the primary. KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing, .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DEVELOPED-10c MAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. 'ShcriiT (). I). Hedge has cast his hat Into the ring and is seeking 11 ro aicmlnatlon at the hands of tho Ro publican patty. It imut bo conrecded by nil that .Mr. Hedgo has mado an excellent olllrial and if a Republican Is to hold this oulfc, wo know of no no better fitted for the position than Oliver. Hon. U. YY. Lindsey has decided to "guiu make tho race for the oillco of county representative. Ho has already illcd for the nomination subject to the Wishes of tho voters of the Democratic mnd Peoples Independent parties. Mr" Xlndsey fought extravagence at every turn in the last legislature and hu op posed the bill granting the Omaha Hcdical college 9100,000.00 for a hospital. Lincoln Letter Reports from nil the United States land ofllccs in Nebraska except Alli ance, received by Stato Auditor Win. II. Smith, shows that during the year 101 r, there were 1,097 homesteads "proved up," thus adding that many parcels of land to the taxable property of Nebraska. Alliance is the largest land ofllce and last year reported over 1000 final proofs. Harry B. Fleharty of Omaha, speak ing at the democratic editorial ban quet, congratulated the country upon the sottlement of the currency quest Ion, declaring that panics aro a thing of the past for all time to come be cause of the banking bill. He predict ed that tho tarlif question would be forced tri'tho front in the coming cam paign, An audit of the state treasurer's books fortho period beginning Janu ary 8, 11)15, and ending December .'11, 1015, shows cash tecfiptB of nearly thrco million dollars in addition to the funds raised by the regular tax levied. Interest on state funds in depository banks amounts to $28,010.01, and oillco and miscellaneous fees foot up toSHS'2,. FJOi.40. Institution and university cash funds amount to 8172,188.13, and interest on the educational trust fund investments totals Si:iI,820.Gl. Invest ments held by these funds were paid oir to the amount of S9 1 1,221.(1'! during tho period, thus presenting n problem for rodnvestnient. At tho democratic editorial banquet in Lincoln the llth, those who oppos ed Probldent Wilson's preparedness program and sotno of those who favor it in 11 modilled fonn expressed the conviction that nil armor plato and munitions of war should be supplied by the government Itself, manufactur ed in plants owned and operated by Undo Sam. Such n policy would re move all soltish motives, for jingoism, and rendor tho preparedness program free fromdnngcr of militarism. R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor ( Independent 212 Prunes Bel Rcd m Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED J3!P" Okfice ,0 veii Ai.niuoin'3 Store' , V2 PRICE FOR CASH THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF Women's i Ghildr en's Goats NOW OO AT 12 PRICE Women's Suits-Just a Fem Left $9. 2 95 AND $12. 95 Come! Take Advantage of These Rare Bargains The Miner Bros. Co. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Red Cloud People Praise Simple Mixture Many in Red Cloud praise tho simple mixture of buckthorn bark fflvccrine. etc.. known as Adlerlkni .This remedy is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser ever soia ueing even used successfully in appendicitis. ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTel after you take it the gasses rumble and pass out. Adlcr-bkn cannot gripe and the INSTANT action is surprising. C. L. Cotting. . , Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and ' Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gsurber 21 r. A, D. CiiibiU is seeking the nomi nation of county commissioner at tho hands of the Democratic and Peoples independent parlies at the coming pri mary. Mr. Crablll is a graduate of our city high school and also of tho Mute "tiniveislty. Ho has considerable prop erty Intel csts in tho county and is a "man of nil'ulrs. Careful and prudent -vet perfectly willing to take the initia tive when required ho lb well qualified for tho position. There, is no question about the ice crop. It is mado and in thu house. We have had a touch of real winter with the accompanying inconvcnlenco of frozen water pipes, hydrants and lea-kettles and we feel sympathetic to wards the people of the north who "have to put up with this weatuerright COUGHS A NO Coughs, Sore Throat, llionchltls who knows but what any of these aliments might terminate Into seri ous pulmonary or bronchial nirect ions, Wo know of courso thatthcro is no need of prolonging Coughs or Throat Troubles if you will only take our Compound Syrup Of White Pine and Tar We back tills remedy ngaiust the world ns n most valuable aid in tho relief of Coughs and Colds of all kinds. In the Cemty Curt ef Webster Itanty Nebraska. bSrATKOFNKIIIIASKA, lRll wcimu-r ifliiniy. t In tho matter ol the estate ofAilatu Mor harti deceased. CUKDlTOltH of mid estate will tnko notice, that the tlmo limited lor vnscntntlnn and lllliiRul claims aualnst thuKniuols July 28th, tUlfi; nnd lor thepnyiuent ol debts Is Dl-cciu-JTIli, 1 'Jin, that I ulllMt at tho county court room In Bald county on thu '.list day ol.ltily A. D. lUlfi, at lOo'clock, A. M.i to r eilus exam ine, hear, allow, oradjust all claims anil ob jections duly Illcd. Dated thlsl-Tth day of IHcembcr, A. !., 101& A. I). ItANNI'.Y, (ska 1.) I'ouuty .Indue. tin: HBMRY COOK, M. D. TKAI,Klt IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j iinnran TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. PHONK Olt WIKB DATKS TO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, : Nebraska In the County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. KS Chas. L. C0TTIJJG The Druggist CI SalKih If I State of Nebraska, I Webster County. ( In the mutter ol the istato ot lluiry C. Cutter deceased. Creditors ot said cstato will take notice, that tho tlmo limited lor presentation and IllliiK ol clalinsaualnst thesamu Is July llth. 1'JIO, and tor tho payment ol debts Is Decem ber 10th, mm, that I will sit at thu comity court room In said county on tho Hjth day ot July, A. I). IUIII, at 10 o'clock, A. M to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly Illcd. Dated this 10th day ol December, A. Ii l'.llo. (Seal) A. D. Uansi:y, County J uilcc. Union Evangelistic Campaign In March Rev. Wm. Martin, Evangelist United Church Sunday, January 23rd How Can the Church Help Save the World? (Morning Subject) What Shall We Do With the Hypocrite? (Evening Subject) SPECIAL MUSIC " COME FIRE fe THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for the man without Insurance. Every time he sees tho engines racluc; along his heart comes up in his throat if the 11 ro is anywhere uoar his plaoe. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE noeil hardly bo considered. Tho freedom from worry alono is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day, o. c. Reliable Notice of Probate. I'rcd Maurer, Attorney. In tho County Court ol Webster County, Nebraska. Stato ol Nebraska, I HH Webster County, f To all persons Interested In tho cstato ol Mary Clouldle, Deceased: TAKK NOTIt'K, that a petition has been tiled pray Iiik that the Instrument Illcd In this court on tho 30th day ot December, IUI0, pur porting to bo thli last Mill and testament of said deceased, may lie proved and allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament' o( Mary (iouldle, deceased; that said Instrument bo admitted to probate, and tho administra tion of Raid cstato bo raiitcd to Walter A, Sherwood, as administrator with tho will annexed. It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that all persons Interested In said estate appear at tho County Court to be held In and for said county on the 'JSth day of January 11)1(1, at ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, If any there bo why Uio prayer ot the petitioners should not be urautcd, and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearliiK thereof, ho kI cu to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a coVy of this order In tho It id Cloud Chief, a lesal weekly newspaper print id In said county, for thrco consecutive necks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand aril tho seal of said court this :u)th day of December, A. D. 11)10. A. 1). Uannkv. (ska I.) County Judge. C II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C. Manager Veterinary In Clinrgo C. H. Miner Serum Co. jT 1 ni mc 3QC HE SEWING MACHINES We Have In Stock At AH Times The Following Machines: Singer - Free New Home ""jlt HI I HUM To Insurance. -I'ltODUCKHH Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phene at Our Expense t). S. Veterliary license Ne, 45 It Would Be a Wafte of Time Tell You the Good Qualities of These Machines. Ju Ask Your Neighbor That Has Used One For 20 or 25 Years. CALL IN AND SEE THEM ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer 31 IDE Furniture Dealer K 4 ) .1 h ft if U t B ImM j ir frW&tmtkmM1&- "