MM-M ,!.,., ! 4JHI. W RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .. A.tiiwti- v Y . A mm ssM KEY is the GREAT ERICAN BIK MgftffiHSfflSL 'SaaJ v " --f . - x v a HI I Sir CaV III T ib1" Aft TMHh -, Av, rMaffSi 1 nMWJd,. w , w . r "mMS:.?" -- . h JL-Fl ) can bird. It exlxicd on this A l5yv, JFk I V KIJ. , JTSV' A J ,-; ) before Columbus landed Only J I fcJWT' J V cT M n tow years ago among tho yH I NhV 1 CT'&'irBC, caves of Arizona the mum- It J r''j& ' S!?ftS milled remains of a turkey y 4 IWA J .i .-SVr"A":T were found. Practically every -VrST-1 TSZSK"B flEJ nnvn r,,ifw. nnpilllloil llV thn pllfT A I (,'?&', ,J 2&s&?i&x&? d.vellers of tbat region con KLj'U 7i if $&'"'" w'jT tallied the bones or feathers t--Vv''V' rMsh ' T'iJf r cT of the tuikcy. but this sped- ktf'JMM T ZZfim X .'r''vj jry,-ttl,' ' CK WHY "ANURICM IS AN INSURANCE AGAINST SUDDEN DEATHI Sufferers from Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble Ilcforo nn Inaurnnco Comimny will take a risk on )our lifo tho cxaniinlm: idiyslcian will test tho iirluo and ro port whether you aro u Rood risk. Wlion your kldueyb Ret sIiikkIsIi and cloKt you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizzy spells, or the twlnnon and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and Kout. Tho urlno Is often "loudy, full of sediment; channels often j;ot soro nud sleep Is disturbed two or threo times n nlcht. This Is tho tlnio you should consult noino physician of wldo oxporlence such an Dr. l'lerco, of tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical lustltuto, llurfalo, N. Y. Send hint 10 cents for samplo packiiRo of his now discovery "Anurlc." Wrlto hint your symptoms and send a suniplo of urlno for test. Kxporlcnco has taiiRht Dr. Plorco that "Antiiic" In tho most powerful agent In dlssolvliu; uric acid, an hot wator melts nui;ar, besides bolnc absolutely harmless and Is endowed with other prnpurtlos, for It preserves tho kld neyB In a healthy condition by thor oughly cleausltiK them. Checks tho do generation of tho blood-vessols, as well as regulatliiR blood pressure "Anurlc" Is n reRiilnr Insuranco and Ufo-savor for all hli; meat eaters and thoso who deposit llmesalts In their Joints. Ask the driiRKlst for "Anurlc" put up by L)r. Pierce, In fiO-cent pnekngon. Dr. Pierco's Kavorito Proscription makes weak women BtrotiR, sick women well, no alcohol. Bold In tab lets or liquid. Medical Examination Day. IltirtiiK tuberculosis week, which will be celebrated throughout tho Uni ted States from December ti to Decem ber I'-', a national medical examination day will bo observed on December H. (roups and Individuals will be urged to make arrangements for physical ex amination on that day. A circular do scribing In detail how the advantages of medical examination day may be obtained and Indicating ceitaln physl cal Impairments which everyone should look for will bo sent on request from the olllco of tho National Asso elation for tho Study and Pi even tlou of Tuberculosis, 10T Knst Twenty bucoiul street, Now Yoik city. Wanted His Right. Tho Sergeant Look hero, before you ro served out with your uniform you'd better hip down to tho wash houses and get a bath. The Uecrult Vot7 I come 'ere to ttu a soldier not u bloomln' mermaid! Loudon Opinion. HAD NOT QUITE UNDERSTOOD Dut Irishman, From the Land of Largt Families, Was Naturally Inter ested In Conversation Two young kindergarten teachers Intelligent and attractive, while riding down on the street car, wore ciiguRod In an unlimited discussion. In tho seat behind them sat a good-natured, fatherly-looking Irishman, enjoying a nap. Finally ono Inquired of tho oth er: "How many children have you?" 'Twenty two," she replied; "and how iimiiy havo you?" "Oh, 1 havo only nineteen," ropllcd (he tlrst. At thin iidlnt the Irishman, now wide awake with astonishment, leaned forward In his seat, and, without any formality, Inquired In a loud volco: "What part of Ireland did you'sa coiuo fioni?" New York World. Hlnh Score. "I wns out bowling last night a great tlnio." "What was your scorn?" "Fifteen beers nnd six highballs." Mad 1 1 10 turkey Is truly nu Ameri can bird. It existed nn this continent with iln Indians before Columbus lauded Only a few years ago among the caves of Arizona the mum milled remains of a turkey were found. Practically every cavo once occupied by tho cliff d sellers of that region con tallied the bones or feathers of the tuikey. but this speci men Is linnet. Its age is a mutter of speculation amont tho sclcntlhts of the National museum, where the speclme.i Is on exhi bition. Another Interesting fact In tnls sane connec tion resulted from n scientific expedition which Dr. C. Ilnrt Merrlant made among the mountains of Arizona; lie camo across n living species of bird Identical with tho ono found munimllled and which is now known to the adentllio world by his name Another recent discovery in connedlon with the turkey was n Maya hieroglyphic This piece of parchment shows a grocer's account in which aro mentioned, with other things, ten turkey hens and lle turkey cocks This Is thought to be tho first record of tho turkey In this country and antedates the expedition of Coites to Mexico in ism Hut tho turkey rocs back farther nmong t ho Indians than even the ptobablo date at vlu h the spcclmun found In the cavo existed Anmny the Zunls, for Instance, there exist many legends, handed down from tlnio immemorial, which have lor their subject the turkey. Tho turkey plays a moro Important pan In the life of tho Indian thnn in his legends alone. Not only Is it regarded as a choice articlo of food, but in many tribes it Is held sacred. In tho parts of tho country where tho turkey wns worshiped with that curious devotion to animals which characterizes different stages In tho development from savagery to civilization It wns never eaten except when other food was unobtainable And ven then separate portions were divided among various tribes, so that the lellglous custom would not be violated. Turkey feathers rank next In Imporlnnco to those of the eagle with rll tribes, while tho Apaches, tho I'nmunkeys nnd Cheyennes choso tho turkey's feathers for all ceremonial head dresses and ornaments. The Pamunltoy tribe also used turkey feathers for ornn mental pur poses on their ilothlng. as well as for their head gear. To this day, when they don their native costumes, tho turkey feather Is preferred as orna ment. If Heujamln Franklin's words had been heeded tho turkey would havo been tho national bird of tho United States. Th3 englo Is a llrst cousin to tho species 1 nown of old In tho eastern hemis phere. Furthermore, It tins appeared upon the banners of many nations. It wns n symbol ot the Romnn cmplo. It was known In China for ages, and today It appears upon tho banners of Russia, Ucrmany and several othor nations The turkey, however, Is Indigenous to America When tho early European adventurers and set tlers arrived they beheld great Hocks of tin keys, and it soon became known that they wero n favorite food among tho Indians. After n whllo turkeys wero proudly sent home ns trophies of the chase. In this way tho turkey became prac tically a world-favorlto as a food. When Cortes, In 151'J. ascended to the plateau of Mexico, he found a social life developed to a high degree of refinement. Ho was entertained with oriental roagnltlcenco. All tho delicacies to bo found within the umplro wero set beloro him; and though game was abundant, tho turkey bold tho place of honor nmong tho fowl. This wnB tho tlrst time that tho Spaniards had eaten turkey, nnd tho experience proved a most satis fying ono. Thoy also saw the great tame Hocks of thn birds. In fact, atneo prehistoric times tho turkey Tho sllont man doesn't always ab breviate timber with a saw. Fow people havo causo to regret the letter thoy didn't wrlto. In America and Germany. Professor Illustrate tho fnct that (erninny Is n militaristic country, America a commercial ono. Student Tho (lermnn boy wants to ho a Held marshal, tho American boy wants to bo n Marshall Field. Lifo. A man considers his shopping sat isfactory If It results In tho purchase of a hat that makes htm look no worso. pj&a?r?jx. good cwz?- lias neon domesticated and raised for market. Todny, In Mexico, many of tho quaint customs then in voguo aro still kept nllvo. And so It Is that the purchaser of today may select his choice of a fowl In tho village street. Or. If he prefers, the vender will bring It nllvo to his door for In spection, fresh from the farm. North of tho itlo Crando tho turkey wus equally well known und treasured The celebrated expe dition of Coronndo. between tu'J7 and 1517, pene trated this unexplored region west of tho Missis sippi. Ills explorations wero chiefly In what Is today Texas, Arlzonn anil New Mexico, tho homo of tho cliff-dwelling Indians of tho Southwest. In nil tho Indian villages, according to thoso oarly explorers, turkeys wero to bo found, both wild nnd domesticated. From America the turkey has spread to bo a world favorite. Hut tho fact that today tho tur key Is considered a delicacy In so manv lands Is due to liumat. agencies, and not to tue turkoy Itsolf. Slow of movement and deliberate both tn beginning flight and In the choice of Its nllgbt Ir.g, the turkey unaided would never havo becomo known outsldo Its natlvo habitat Cortes, in one of his famous letters written about lfilN, mentions tho turkey. He carried specimens of the bird to Spain in 1520. where they came Into Immediate popularity, and tho breeding of turkeys soon became established. It was then that tho turkey became known as "pavos, ' on account of his relationship to the peacock, which was then culled "povo real" tho fowl of kings. It was n long time beforo the turkey reached Franco, ns far as can bo learned from history, lor tho first turkey eaten there wns at the wed ding of Charles IX nnd Elizabeth of Austria, June J7, 1070, or CO years nfter Spain bad first tasted tho bird. Tho turkey supplied for tho wedding camo from "bomewhero In the American wilderness." Its Introduction Into England seems to have been In IBS I. Hut, whenover It was, it soon camo Into popular favor and was given such local names ns Hlack Norfolk ami Largo Cambridge. It Is an Interesting fact that these descendants of tho parent stock wero curried back again across tho Atlantic ocean to Now England, wboro, crossed with tho original turkey already there, they began the breed that lias spread from ono end of the country to tho other As In this country, the turkey has come to be looked upon elsewhere ns a holiday feust attrac tion. In tho early colonial days turkeys wero still abundant In Massachusetts, the rest of Now Eng land, Maryland. Virginia, the Carolines and Florida; while In tho Inst named states the tur key is still found ns n natlvo wild fowl, although in greatly decreased numbers. Hut a short distance from Richmond Is a smnll Ulund Inhabited by a tribe ot Indians, tho Pamun- keys. Thoy aro part of tho Powhatans, nnd un der nn old colonial treaty they pay no taxes and havo their own government. Thoy must, how over, send to the governor of Virginia each ycai a gift of game or fowl; and very often this gift takes tho form of several largo, plump turKcys. Many havo been tho explanations mndo as tc how tho bird now so popular at Thanksgiving camo to bo called tho turkey, most of which, to tho truo scientist, nro nothing but 'nnclful Ono such Is tho explanation thnt It comes from the East Indlnn word "tokn." which. In Hebrew, takes tho form "tukkl." tho peacock. As tho Jews In South Europo wero ncqunlntcd with this fowl, which Is related, it Is assumed that they naturally npplled tho word to tho turkey wherever It was Introduced Into Spain, nnd that thereafter It was so called. Such a roundabout way explanation, sny those who know, Is entirely unnecessary. Tho bird was called turkey becauso It was supposed to come from Turkey, whero It was known iib an Egyptian lien. This, It is claimed, Is merely In nccordanco with a habit very general In the six teenth century. Whenever new and strange tilings wero presented to an Ignorant public knowledge spread slowly, but superstition was deep, and hearsay wns taken for truth. The mar kets or North Europo received this fowl as com lug from South Euiopo. directly or Indirectly from Turkey. In Franco, however, tho bird was cnlled "din don," or In the femlnlno "dlndo," as though It were tho Towl d'Inde from India The Mexican uumo for tho bird Is "hunjoloto," which scientists claim. Indicates tho old Aztec knowledgo of tho turkoy. Hut whatever dispute has nrlsen as to the name of tho turkey, tho fact yet remains thnt tho turkoy is Indigenous to America Although scientists believe It Is possible that there wus a species, tho original of the presont turkey, in dlgenous to tho West Indlnn Islands, it Is generally conceded thnt all turkeys have descended In some way or other from tho threo forms known todny as the North American, the Mexican and tho Honduras, tho ocellated varieties. Tho Mexican turkey is found wild throughout tho republic. It Is short In shank, with feathers on Its body of n metallic black shaded only slight ly with hron7o, while all Its feathers are tipped witli white. This nppears to ho tho species llrst tnken to Spain and other European countries. It Is thought thnt the white markings ol the variety of domestic turkey known today as the Narnigansett como from this species. The Honduras turkey today Is scattered all over most of Central America and Is extremely wild It hns a freer (light than Its cousins of tho Noith. The head and neck of this bird arc linked Tho ground color of tho plumage Is a beautilul bronze green, banded with hold bronze, blue and red. with hniuls of brilliant black. This bird, however, cannot bo bred successfully nor domes ticated away from Its native habitat, whllo even thoro it can hardly bo successfully domesticated Tho bronzo turkey, that variety which today holds the place of honor in the North American group of turkeys, is outdone by none when It comes to beauty or slzo. In tho United States thero aro six stnndnrd vnrletles recognled nnd grown. Thoy are tho bronze, Nnrrngansett, buff, sluto, white nnd black. Tho chief dillerences nro In slzo and color of plumngo. The bronzo nnd Nnrrugansett aro the largest, tho buff and slate medium, while tho whlto and hlack are the smallest. Within lute years, however, tho white variety haa reached such a point of popularity that It has Increased In slzo, uutll with somo dealers It occupies third place. Whatever tho turkoy may havo missed through failing to secure that place of honor suggested tor it by Honjamlii Franklin as the nullonal bird It tins nevertheless found n place In tho regard of the American people which Is bold by no other fowl. Bouncing Health and Active Brain come naturally with childhood, but in later years are usually the result of right living Proper Food Plays a Big Part Many foods especially those made from white flour are woefully deficient in certain mineral salts which are essential to life, health and happiness. To supply these vital mineral elements, so often lacking in the usual daily diet, . food expert originated Grape-Nuts This food, made of choice wheat and malted barley, supplies all the nutriment of the grains, including the phosphate of potash, etc., required for the daily rebuilding of body and brain. Grape-Nuts has a delicious, nut-like fla vouris ready to eat direct from the package with cream or good milk, and is complete nourishment. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. gBBg?"wi",arw-M.-agffWJtttwii,mw