-,Al it -l RED CLOUD, NEBRAlKA, CHIEF 11 C4. Don t Try To Work Your Wife To Pay Your Car Fare To Heaven! Hear J. L Bebee Sunday at United Church I I A. M. and 7:30 P. M. EVENING SUBJECT-Does lc Decalogue Given On Mt. Sanai Constitute a Perfect Moral Law For The Government of the World? Special Music Every Service Don't Wait Until You Die To Go To J Church! The United Church J. L. Beebe, PaStOr ll Door South ol Court House The Corn Yield lteports received ly I ho Mntc bonnl of iiKrliMilturo Indicate that the corn crop this year prob.ibly will break nil records In the istory of tliu -lute, l-'iost diiiiuiK)' ha been rcpo U' I from C mpaMtively fmv ills'ticts li 1 1 the 1 d llU't.'UJf. ll I t) W to v the til"' bi iciv Dresses and Millinery This Is the season when Hit hoimo wife is Kottine; Winter Hothinu; icady for tin children. Kind our ImisIiIi n Department on an thcr t ne:o ntitl see what Mrs Julia lloltoiuley has to sav I on that Mil,i-'t She al show- .1 nc intciiiiiir !'" 1 lvsef mivr hats To 1 ra Bmmmi Bay Yoar Dry Goods Here HAVE received a large and varied stock personally selected on my regular fall trip. Come in and let us show you through the line. I have a nice line of Blankets in cotton and w.do!. Underwear in wool and cotton. Petticoats in silk, sateen and heather bloom, extra large size in sateen. Hose in wool and cotton for ladies and child ren. Dress Goods in as varied a line as you want in color, quality and price. Again I Invite You To Come And Look My Stock Over. In 5 Wrs. Barbara Pbares Af'ent For Butlerick Patterns - Warner Bros. Corsets MAUUimnMVCJUbJSMtbM r rMt amrrRvmK nuu Jl$jlw SCTS5I' vMwfcfsfl il" EaaTVMiv h-wav 2iawxisrjX5 Kcacr"rrrrinKmTyrr:r.u:zni3r3irv3ca5W3 "C JMTUT' CI iTi ;.i Sheet Music ,11-1-1" ) I.''r .' C II X'M- 1II1CM I'Jl- iiu' 1 .1 ,i. 1 .. .vmji room u nnn 1., It !P , t 'i u n .1 mi .1 K on i r .torifi. 10c ci Copy i?j"nrd.V of Publishers' -Vicci Get "Century" Catalog ot 2 0e0 silccnoiv We carry Use Hue. CHAS. L. COTTING FIRE FIRE FIRE The Sago Foundation Re)orls that in this country there BURNED EVERY WEEK IN TI I E YEAR, on the average Three Theatres Ten Schools Three Public Halls Two Colleges Two Hospitals and Twenty Six Hotels Thousands of Homes catch lire each week WILL YOURS BE NEXT? Let America's Grea.est Fire Insurance Company, "The Home of. New York" carry your risk Coming Back Red Cloud United Doctors Specialist WIFili AdAt.V UK AT TI1F, IJOYAL H91LL Thursday, November 11th ONE DAY ONLY Hours 10 A. N. to P. M. Remarkable Success of The.-e Talented Physicians in Hit) Treatment Of Chruiilt; Uhenses OIl'orTi.elr Senders Fioutif Cliurtre Tlio i'nited Doctor, licensed by the Sliito fif Nebraska for thettcattnetit of deformities und nil nervous and chronic discuses of men, women and children, oiler to all who call on lids trip, con sultation, examination, ndvlco free, iiinlcltiK o clmrno whatever, except the actual cost of treatment. All that is asked in return for these valtisbie ser vices Is that every person treated will stu'.e tlie le-ult obtained to their friends and thus piove to the sic): and allllctud in every city and locality, Hint at last treatments have been dis covered that arc reasonably sure and ceitain in their elf cut. Those doctors are anions Anieiica's lending stomach and nerve specialists and ate experts in tlio treatment of chronic diseases and bo reatand won derful have lioeii their tesiilts that in many cases it is hard to tlnd the divl ! inn line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, blood, shin. nerves, hem t, spleen, kidneys, or, bladder, rheuniastisin, sci atica, diabetes, bed-wettlnj.', tapeworm, U'K ulecis, weak lungs and those at lllcled willi lotir-staii(liii,(1euphi'iitcil, chronic diseases, tliat liavu baflled tlie skill of the family physicians should not fall to call. JK-afne.-o often lia been ctiied in sixty days. According to their system no moie operations for appendicitis, pill slone, Illinois, goiter, piles, etc., as these diseases are tteated willioiit opuilition ur hypoi crmlo Injection. They weie ii'iionu; tlie (lr-t in Amer ica to eaiu the name of "Klondlc Snryoons, ' by tiolnir away with tin knife witli blood and with all pain in tin sueec-sful tieatmeut of tlioo dan e;erou.s disviisos If you have kidney or bladder trou bles liriiiK a two onncf bottle of voui urli e 'or chemical analysis and micro scoplo t'Xiiinlimti'in. No matter what jour ailment maj be, no matter what others may have told ymi, no iiiutti-r what, (-xperieuce you n y Inve hail with other phjsi clans, ii will be to yinir advantage to see tliem at once. Have it torever set tied in ,uii imiul. If your ca-e Is in ctua''iiMi,i-,v will ivu yoiisneti advice as may i ' n and stay the divfase Do not pat "ll t UK duty you oue your, self or It-tt ntln nr iclatlves who art sulferimr bi e iu-e of your sickiies, av a visi! tit t Ins in. u- may help you Yiiiu-u,t and rundown men a wiiiiii'ii, no iiinUfi' niiat our ailment, consult tlii-ii'. Itcostsoi nothing. lb-IIH-t'lli '1 , I lilS lsl 'n-,- oll'l t- i lot tills i--il ii.iiV. Mm t ol lalii.s i--iiu wii'.i their lius- bautis ami miiiot-i with tii-ir paruutb. l;i tliu (Jounty ib.trl oif Webster taunt y Mi'brnskit. ! VIATIC IH'NI.'ill W., I Mw Wpliittri unity, i 1l Iv tin- mutter tit tin wtato of John. llaMlsr., ituefciintil. ' t'lIKiiITfJlt-lttr Kitta estate will tat:i notice, J Hint tlin tliao llmltwl fur iiri-i iitallon nial I llllnn of claims against tlio sumo U May Utli. vir ami for tin j n, mini fd.lit.ili iiiiiilur Utli, ltli!, that t Mill sit at t lie county court room In anlil county on the Utli la of Mny mm, at 10 o'clock n.tn., to re ceive, csniiilnc, hear, allow, or adjust all elalintaiidoliJiclKins duly tiled. Dated this llth day of October, A. I)., 11110. ,cal.) A. t). UANNI-.Y, County Judsi" Will Do Wonders To Your Chairs Condition Of The H, E. Grlcc DruJ Co. (Iin'orporntril.) ' October I. Illir., iii'sorucKs. hinck ,v I'l.xturoiOn Hand, Wl'd.Ill Hills Receivable 'Jl 11.81 Cash On Hand oiVBJ glD,(ii:i.U7 I.IAIUI.ITJKS. fapltol Slock, ;7T00.00 Dills Payable ar50 Surplus I'iuiiI '.'T.iS.IT SI0.fi 13.1)7 ll. n. (iiiii'in i:. i,.(ittiMi:s. I're-ldunt. Sccretarv. Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent (.Over Storey's Clothlnft Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONES: Ind, 241 nndl73 Bell I2U Mutlcii of rinal llcfiort. Ill Iiu County Conn of WV.iMlT C..UI1IV, .s'iiiral:a. In Hit mntti-r of tin- i-sluu nflol.n ial- COIll. (Ill't-ilMll. All pi rsont liiliicsttd In .ild i stall, arc lieivii.i iiuitiliil that the AdiiituMrator lui illiil a ilnnl account and r, poit of hN admin. Isiiatlon. iiinl a pi'titltut for dual M'ttli-iucnt of litni-iMiini and h ileciie of dl-itrliuitlon and i.-tiliiiiini nt of tlie ical i-mhu and a dl. cluirut from his tiiit. which have laen set lor luarliiK bcfoiesald court on the S&l dn ol t'ctolicr. ItlK), nt 10 o'clocli. A. M . win ii all persons Intirrstcd in the piiiuNi -, m-iy npinar and t mil -i tin -.mm. I 'a U-d thl-. M day of 1 1 tolici. mc. l.K.i.j" A. I). lt.N.M-t, I'ounty Judtte. Order to Show CiUis:: .Slate ol Xt'braska. I in Tin' Cniiniv rimrt U obiter County, f '" "" ' ounij t ouri. A ra County (ourt held at the County ( ouriroom In and for said countv October lMh.llM.J. In tliu matter of the estate ot Iiavhl I., tlroat, Deceased. on rcadlim and llllm; the petlllon of .o (iroat, praylim that ailiiilnlHlriitlon of said estate may he granted to David A. (Iroat, as Administrator. OltlH:iti:D. that I'rlday the 12th day of November. A. D. llll j, at ten o'clock a. in.. Is assigned for hearlm; said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court lo bu held In and for said County and .show c.iuso why prayir of petitioner should not bo urnntnt: and that notice of the pendency of salt! petition mid the heatlin,' thereof be i;lvcn to all poisons lui'-re-sii'il In mild matter, by publlshlm; a coi.v of this order lu the Iti-il Cloud ( hlof. a weekl.v iu-rKiaper pilnted In Kitld coi.nn . foi lhriccoii.M'utlc wo Us i rl u- tosali' day of hearliii;. A i ltssi:. iSuib County . I iiiljte. Notice of Suit In the District Court of Wubster County Nebraska. I'M. Koou, I'laliitill. It. T. Itoot, iiiortuaucu and owmr ol the inortuaitb recorded en I'ttijo .10, Hook II of .Mortmuo ltecords. ot Webster County, Nebraska, real name iinkuowu; The uukiiowu heirs, devisees, personal rep- rt'seiitatlves, and assigns, and all pirsons Intel estesl In the estate of the above named lt.T. Hoot, Defendants. l'h'e said above named and designated de- fendauls, and the uukiiowu heirs, deslscrs and asshjnsof each of the pir.suiis so uaiiied and designated will tako notice that the above named plalutlll hasllled lu the abovu uatiicd court Ids petition against said de- (umlauts, the object and pinyer of which arc to obtain thejudmuent and ilccrce of said eoiirt cauce'lllnitaudsatlsfyliu of record the certain niorl'tane In fa or of (!. T. Knot, e-- icutedb n.ivid r. Thomas and wife, dated I-'ebruaij ii. Is.j), and u-c-u ded on pam- .VJ. Hook I) ol inuriitaui records of We biter t oiillly, Niliruska. and quli-llni; uinl con Mnulnu in ih i.lalutl 1 Hie title ii the there in dewcilbed real e.stule. town Lots I !iud 'J. him Kit. vilhMi'of tow Us. U'liisur countj. Nebraskn; us against tin said defendantH and all pi rsous above named and dis unated as h'ich. and pirpetuallj enjoining them and all persons clalmlm; by, through, or under iheni or Mn.v.of tin in. fioni settluu up. claim iiiijor iisie-tHinr .iu title or tnureii lu said premises, adverse lo plalutlll by virtue of said uiiirlKtiituur otherwise, and for general eijultable lellef. Von me ifiiilred to auswir said petition llou-oullle lu thuolllceof tliu ( lerk of said court, at Ked uiuiid In f-ald county, on or lu fore the sth day of November lillij. Dateel M-piemhcr.il lui-1. i:n Koov. I'laliitld, lis I,. II. Illacklcdge. Attorney. IS YOUR FURNITURE all marred and scarred, losing neat, new appearance? You can make- it store-new again, and do it yourself at little cost. 10c will finish a chair, 30c a dining-room table, 90c the floor of a good sized room, etc. You can do the work yourself with Pitcairn Sole-Proof Colored Varnishes They give a brilliant, lasting newness, which (3 makes things look better and wear longer ready to use as it comes froin the can. No mixing. Comes in 14 colors, including transparent, all natural wood shades and other colors. Graining outfit enables you to imi tate expensive woods. I'ltcalrii Sole-Proof Coloieel Varnishes may be used on doors, woodwork, furniture, nuliuton, bric-a-brac, picture frame's, linoleum und home articles of every description. Cull at the Htoie und let us show jwi how easy, and for what little money, you win make your home new nijalu. k 8 ROY SATTLEY g Red Cloud Furniture and Undertaking Nebraska S3 mm-v mamma a igi WE HAVE PURCHASED THE Beezley Feed Store And Cream Station WHICH WILL HEREAFTER BE KNOWN AS Amack & Barnes' ree d Store We Will Solicit Give Your Patronage And You a SQUARE DEAL Come In And Get Acquainted i. T. GUY AMACK BARNES : V IF YOU WANT A 1 ?2 PWPflT OR A mfliBER IWade Right, tattered Right And Erected Right SEE: OVERIG BROS. & GO. S Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING 'LKDY RTTENDKNT! Calls Answered Day or Night id nr s s v jsaciiai, fa ED. AMACK THE ALARM is a treailliil tliinn OF FIRE for the man i it limit i insiirtiiH'o r.veiv tin, lu- Keo- tlie 'iilueb r.ieiiii; aloiu In lieart comes up tu lu throat if jhi tire is anywhere tiui' his phuv WtiHt folly, what nils-t.iUi-u oeoi, uny. ! THE COOT OF ts so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be eoiihlikred Tlio freedom from worry alone, is worth it ininy times ovejr Have tt insure you to-day. ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING O. C. TEgL Reliable Insurance. 9 legal Notice In The PMrlet toiirt ot Wehsttr Cuun y, Neliraskt. Mai tin 1). ( orntr. I'.alutui, I ! t'lauMlu W.iass Mi. I'rankliu W. (a, li Ih v, He. an I'liUiiownOiwuraiiil t uUiiown l.'lalmant ot Lots 1U-JJ-JI In llloek i, in (iur- j licr's denial Aitdltloii lo Hod C loud. Neliras- ka; aiulJulin Doe Tenant In Possession. The aliovoniimeil non resident deteud- ant, t'ranklln W. Cass and thealiovo named Mrx. I'rKiikltn W.t'iihH, his wife, whose llrst name Is unknown and who Is dilvjnatLcl In tlilsaetlou as an unknown owner and an- known elaliuantot lots IH-'JO-'Jl la llloek :i lu (iarl)er's Second Addition to Ited Cloud, Ni- hriiHka: will take notice that on the'stli, day ol Aiiuust llliri, Martin II. loruer, plalutlll' herein, tiled his petition In the district court ol Webster county, Nebraska, against said defendant thoohje,.'! and prayer ol which are to (on close a certain mortKtiuc, exccultd to o. C. Till and assii;ued tor a valuahle con sideration to the plalutlll, on the tollowlm.' described pronrncs. to win ,otslt)-'Ji-'JI lu llluek t. lu liarbers Jnd. Vddlttou lo lied Cloud. ebster County. Ne braska, lo m cum pit vmt. ul olaceitalii pi out- surv iiotiiil-upd May ii. 1U12, lor the hum ol . O.00 pin a Ml Mi;' Jl Id lu ms ol mild uole Is now it'ii, ami pav.ible by reason ol non pnyuiini ol liiteretit, Hint tlurU now due und pay'.ibla on nald note audtuOrtKau the sum ol iW.!.7 for which -ion with Interest from Aukust 10, 1U1J plain till (it ays (or decree; that the defiiulauts may bo required to pay the Mime or that b.tld pnnilses may lie hold to satisfy the amount found due. You are remind to answ er wild petition on or before tlieiJud. ilny of November UNO. Dated tctober 7, 11)10. ' MAKriN l. CoiiNiut, Hy K.J. Muiulay, llUAttornry. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska See Wyoming Now! At Harvest Time Seo fur yourself the bumper crops of the homesteaders. Meet theso peo. pie on their own places and hear of tlio opportunities 'that await you thero" See tu bushel portiere wheat; bee, the alfalfa, potatoe.s, sue;ur heels anil prne-' tleally every farm product now. Purine; the past year more than u thousand families have found homes in tills state alone; our Hues. Thero is room for yon. Vou now have n ohoiee ol a .TJ0 acre Mondell homestead of uouil iiKi'lcultural nml ymss laud, or mi SO a-rcKoveriiiiiout irrlKate.il farm in the Uljr Horn iiitsin. Think thUovet; get in touch with me. This should bo a blp question with you. This b better mi wimh by iiu-1 tl in .i ion' "I or moitfjatfoil f inn and is u sure wuv to iret ahead and o;mj your hnuiu Ash u' out pais irjtilly coitdiiutci excursions to this tciritory on F115ST and THIKI) Tiusdays of etch month I have ruidy fci-fioa distribution literature that telts till about what Wyoming oilers jou, if y ut ntu iu search of a home. Write mo. jjlW WW P-l'i I ' S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska 9 t, - mnMmmmilimxmmttfcmtVV'f v 'siaLy?,,L.'j! m.. g"wiwiiiwwr- wiw.--,., t ' 4 1 1 I R I Wwn -la,--j- t