H ' 7 arw, t Rfin nLOUD., NEBRASKA, CHIEF If V. HELD OUT $2110 on i mm Eskimo Fugitive Decides Majesty's Rake-Off Is Too Heavy. His LEAVES. THE COUNTRY I Now an Expert Workman In Detroit Automobile Plant Noises and Distances of City Make Life Miserable for Him. Detroit. Arthur Zerbelcn, a full blooded Eskimo of 151 Holburn nvo ntic, did not get any sleep that night thrco tnontliH ngo when ho lied from tl'lko'u I'cak lako In Grcenlnnd n:ul he has not enjoyed a night's good resl Blncc. Zcrbolcn's rather distraught condl tlon Is In a measure oxpluini'd by the fact that It la not officially considered good form to leavo somo parts ol Greenland without saying anything to tho king about tho Intended departure Zerhelen, who Is twenty-eight years old, lives with his uncle, Jucob Ja cobs. Tho Influences of Intense- clvlll zatlon threaten to wreck his nervous system. There aro lnnumcrablo elements that mako for tho general hopeless bewilderment of tho fugltlvo Green lander. Ho novor saw tho earth that 1b actual soli until ho carao to this country; oven such a commonplaco perqulslto of civilized lifo ns a chair wns a novelty to him; horses and cat tle wcro to him strange beasts of tho strangest land that Imagination over conceived; a question as to how ho regards street cars, automobiles, electric lights and other modern won ders renders him sputterlngty speech less. His Own Rake-Off. Dut what aro, fear of kings, sleepless nights, a craving stomach and a gener ally upset mind to. a man! still mi his twenties who has 21,000 In tho bank? That's Arthur Zorbolen, who Is now employed in an automobile plant. It was this that mado up tho "burden of a knapBackrthat ' ho '"shlfcd'rtho night holstnrtckl his fllrthd from Green land. Durfnir his rears of eervlcd ho had "htd'out" trat amoujht ontho J usKimo King. When Zorbclen finally Jqlnqd, bjs undo In Detroit, nftet'.a hard JoiSaicvra ho annllcd at onco for work in tho automobilo plant )le ivns. .put:ttt' work, and although ho never had seen macbineryor -any. niplciacnt8..cUior. than tlioso mado from tho bones of animals, ho has shown tho aptness of n natural-born mechanic J -, 2L left Greenland," s'dld-Zcrbolen. "when I finally realized that my life 1 Were to Him Strange Beasts. there would bo spent In hard work for which I should get nothing hut n living, while the king waultL gefc all I cmrncd."! J J ' A I JBJg a,nd Blue, eWJ J Zerbelen, wh6 Is tall.andatralEht. and broad of shoulder, with light hair nndjbluo oyes, spcaUa gopdjHngris. Ho Bald many of htsf people dorhavhig picked it up from explorers and trad crkj , . 'Tho king," Zcrbolon continued. "tjoik good,caro of mo, but, I began to wpnldor If ho did not get too much. Wfi were .supposed to glvn him all ,tho gold wo -got in oxchango fqr fura and hides. He settled 'all our disputes and dla lots of other things for us see!" .Tho young-man opened wide hla mouth, displayed a tooth' neatly filled with gold. Ho explained (hat the king1, wftlj melted gold and fishbone instru ments, had done this work. flwhat, did you pay. him. for, tho ' jop-r- tne KBKimo wns asked. i t'l worked flvo months for him," Zor belen replied ..- .1 . .T ' . n nnn., LJ . till. .?- ' 'M WI"nB 1 IV,BT,CDlf1,UU : orla, III. Ucorgal MlorJ, 11 fly flvo years, died atfe hoipltal autroruica naa tound mm lying holn loss In aLnam.ivhero-ho hnd been strltkonwjlihj al'Uden' Illness. lUn- nbldto holp hlmsQlf, his face, had beeu cnawed almost Tioyonu reooKn(floh:6v gnawed almost lioyonQ reoogn(floaJ6y ratsi -.. -" " - "'"" "" " ike oirnhi. f Worrtarr.FtfundJSn Somnoytown, Pa. In tho dim light "'-. ,-m.M of her cellar Mrs. Anna Itoth discov ered a flvo-foat black snake colled on a table. Her crjea for holp brought Sllaa Harpol, who killed .tho reptile attet a struggle "Ilk (CJ3) WX " fipfj' 1 !fss v y S I III BsWJshV ' 1 II I U u'j l-'H FolkWeTouclY IiYPassiia m ,n WM m uwidiGmenxx 4? ACCLUBC WDWaWPfR 3y1DICATfc-' C THE EXCHANGE The-Man-of-Genlus had such a trc mondouB faculty for understanding Tho Woman's thoughts even beforo slio expressed them that It made her marvel. "Nothing llko It has over como Into my life before," sho told him appre ciatively. "As a girl I spent half my time in explanations to my mother, who nover seemed nblo to understand my motives even after I had spent hours In laying them bare. Then when I married " "I know, my dear," answered The-Man-of-Genlus Interrupting her re cital. I do not wish to hurt you, but ono has only to look Into tho stolid faeo of that husband of yours to un derstand. Forglvo mo for reading things so clearly. It is ray love for you that gives mo so keen a percep tion." Tho Woman lifted eyes filled with pleading and gave a gesturo of pro test, but The-Man-of-Genlus was qulto accustomed to having his own way, BO ho paid no attention. "Lifo Ib ery full of Just such trage dies ns yours," ho told her. "Hero you aro, an cxqulslto bit of human mechanism mated to a coarso piece of clay nulmatcd by reasoning powers and perceptions utterly Inadequate for the understanding of a mind filled with beautiful Ideas. And because of some foolhardy words you said before "Life la Very Full of Just Such ( a priest you persist in living ou the i farce!" i- I I.J.t Z.O Tjeorft. aktherod f liit ThriS Woman's r i eyes, aridXc-Mata-qrf-qcrtJu( .fllng. iathcxed her .tenderly into- hla arms jandshowered her with klsaes, which it'h'otfisljl no-iglittoo f right to receive, and w! JIUl DUU 111? hen at last ,b1io released herself she woa quite '.exhausted with her, struggle against tho ever-increasing desire in her heart ,tq spend the rest; of, her life in4 the perfect harmony of companionship 'with him. , i i" ,,'ri. JMorio' Tho Woman spoilt 'hours iti thought. HerN mind traversed tho past. She' had love'd The Husband when sjio married him. Ho was a flnef substantial 'man, successful In his business; phlegmatic in his tempera ment; generous tto The, Woman even where. he did not understand her, and loving her with unswerving falthtulf ness. Sho admitted his' ex'collent hualltles of "character, but felt hls'de ncttaoJeaJln tho llttlo niceties of life Anl nr.o she had known Thc-Man-of OelluB.tKo wortoJlio Husband had Beeineu to ner Tnmu-so prosaic uuu inconsequential. . Haw low must bo tho amwtton'Ihat "Howcdjjnan to bo Ba'tisfled with hC wnnutocttroriofrlioqlcryiall- Iha r-flttyu of hla Iuawhllo.uumausoula wero wiuiyns,to qo f;d; mlndBfwero cravlng;tup)lft.pf thpk'clpalBland I 1. !. I.,.. .. !.. .! Mn..M iiuuriH iLinjiuuB.wni. jwr ivvu ullu vuut- tgo in tho struggle- of tn& Inner lifo which ono must inevitably meet and ivo alono. The Woman could not Help but compare) fho Bo'rtof "tjilng The I Man-of-Genlus gave tho world with lift in ftaVjSVJSBVjSVjVl I llll H KLVUYlmiCIHSyitiaW -SS HMLUf Mm HM S3&vvJBfcs In IUI I '? WW"1 of Bt0fc 'B? " MT music wns divine. Tickets for hit concerts wcro In such demand that ono had to secure them weeks ahead or miss tho treat. And always he seemed to play directly to tho heart of Tho Woman. Ills violin carried fhe appeal of his heart to hers us no other medium could havo carried It, and when sho wns alouo with him his argument against her right to llvo out her lifo with a man who wbb utter ly Incapable of appreciating and un derstanding her liner nature seemed entirely JuBtlllcd and so at last sho yielded to his will, going away to a stato where divorces aro easily se cured upon just no ground at all. When Tho Woman wns freo from her shackles of marrlago to Tho Hos iery Manufacturer she married The-Mnn-of-GcnliiB, nnd In tho certainty of tho perfect harmony of her new union sho Justllled herself for the tor rlblo blow she had dealt The Husband In tho pursuit of her personal happi ness until tho closer contact with The-Man-of-Genlus revealed to her tho nbomlnablo traits of an artistic tem perament. Ho flew Into violent tits of temper at tho slightest provoca tion or with no provocation at all and when Tho Woman protested ngalnst tho unfairness of his conduct to hor ho explained It ns a part of his highly strung nature and Buemcd sat isfied with tho excuse. Ho subjected Tho Woman to long periods of cold- Tragedies' an' Yours"," He fold Her. ncss and neglect only to make 'des pernto love to her again, and she fell into the habit of watching his Bwlftly changing moods with fear eating all her heart, and whon at 'last 'she bo camo certain that sho was expected to ! submerge Ircr "Individuality Iht6 hla life and its interests "-she held com munion with hor Boul, and her thought turned back longingly over the even quiet years of moderate happiness with tho. man ywho, mabifaclurod hosiery f6V a living, yeara 'which now had passed from her lifo forever. ,.FIght of, Gulden Plover. if Tho longest continuous'" flight" Is aald to bo performed i by, thej golden plover, which crosses from Neva Sco tia to South, Ajnexicat a distance, of 2,400 miles, in a' straight line. ' In foul weather they sometimes .make a ! half: at Bermuda or in the Antilles, but If tho weather is fair thoy do not atop at all until they rcafch tbb mainland of Southl'AtneViW On tho Paolflc eldo of tho continent tho golden, nlover makes a eontimidUs;,tllghri cV 2,000 imlloa from-AIttflkJii-tolHViwnllnh"d nat uralists wonder how tlioy manago to i9trJ!cP. W..fimaU n mark, in, the midst iOt thi) greatest tot ocunnB'U u. j The Defect. ' ; ''Tfiero lBbno thing I havo noticed abourvyoinr"4ion pQifofi.'i " "I r iwattjat? iVl A J d , ; "Thoy aro seldom well torapcred.' . ... i p , i. Room' for Conciliation. ""' "Wo can lilo a crqaa-blll." oxplalnod tho lawyer " "Not too croaa," cautioned tho wife,, ."1 Btlll iovo my husbaud," ; " . ii 1 1 ii. Horiiqutal HOW TO KEEP FALL APPLES Carefully Pick tend Pack Fruit Paper Boxes Place In Cool Room, With Plenty of Air. In Every year thoro Is n porlod o) somo wcoks between tho normal sea son of tho autumn nnd tho winter vn rletles of apples when there Is an absence of nice, mallow fruit suitable for eating out of hand. The oul known way of overcoming this nat ural condition Is to manage to extend the period of tho Into autumn varie ties. Hut thoro Is tho difficulty, to keep those varieties long past their natural period without great loss from rotting. After Bcvoral Bcasons of experiment ing with seemingly possible ways ol halting this decay, 1 hno finally hll upon a simple plan that lias served splendidly each season since, Hays a writer In Baltimore- American. It la simply this: When it ia time to pick the Into autumn varieties, u number of papurbourd packing boxes, micli as glass fruit JarB aro shloped In, aro accural. Theao boxes havo pasteboard partltlona and will hold about a half bushel of upples. Tho apples aro laid, not dropped, In tho hooa directly af ter picking, with only two handlings, care being taken not to bruise them or to rub off the bloom, but to pack thorn Just as thoy aro when taken from tho tree. These boxoB nro stacked four high In ttors, with a foot tmaco be tween tiers, on tho back porch, whuro they havo open nlr without bolng rained on. When freezing weather ap proaches they aro removed to tho north sldo of tho attic. In this way tho fruit la kept in good condition as lato aa tho new year, by which tlmo Bomo of tho fruit of winter varlctloa will havo become mellow. Thla plan has been tried ono season by many o( my neighbors also nnd thoy nil roport it a success, so thut It sooms worth passing on. MOVING DORMANT PEAR TREE Task May Be Performed Without Slightest Injury Sometimes Wise, to Supply Little Rich Soli., That Is not a difficult tnsk. Whon' trees aro dormant, or when tho earth Is frozen Bombwbat, dig around ttie tree at a distance of from two to tHroo foot, and lift a considerable hall of earth with, tho uninjured roots, to tho cavity previously proparod, and pack soil carefully about tho roots., Trcon thus moved should not ho Injured In tho least, , and Instances aro known whero pear t trees moved after thoy had been growing for a fow ycara seemed to mako a moro rapid growth. If tho earth at tho point whero tho trees nro reset ia "rather thin, duo to a clny-BUbnoll, It "would ho wlso tb aupply a llttlo rich boII or well-rotted manuro In tho bottom of tho prepared cavity. Do riot placo fresh manure In tho holes for trees, especially In cases whero treoa uro reset after a fow years growth. MAKING SURE OF NEW TREES First, Be Careful That Soil Is Well Prepared Aim to Have Trep Straight Paint All Wounds. In planting trees I am careful first to proparo tho ground well. Holes are dug 3 or 4 foot In dlamoter, or wide enough' to accommodate tho roots without doubling thorn up, writes Carl SchonowelB In Missouri Valley Farmer. The roots aro kept .moist by pourjnp waiter-over thom. THo trod in (canon slightly in tho direction from which Young Tree Beforo Set. jtho' prevailing winds como, then rich, fine earth is packed firmly about tho roots. I cut back tho treo to eivo tho roots a hotter chamo, then pruno tho 'treo as it prows to mako it row straight, 'ahd'produco a''well''Bhapbu' 1100(1,1 CuUllmba off cloaq t tho trunk ana 'tnoy'wlll'hlial ovor proporly. Tho ' cross marks in tho illustration show ! AVhorV) tlfo treo Bhould bo prun'cd bo lforo setting. Woulids'should bo paint m d over to keep fungous diseases from '' getting a start. j ' . Method of, Pruning. I How to prime rjiHjjborrloH und.black- niorrlea: rCut out nlK fcanba1 tliht1 fruited last 'Blaaoii" (bllouid'' liafo1 bpdn dyljo. last falJ)i.also nlwlnlor-knleil tanus.';' Shorten ' XiiWfiimK catipitD tljriie!r four ftfitilWlJigurpJf vm$$fit each long ulUo-ahuot. 1 iiauueup and burn-liTibrushJ,:j, Mi.a..iia.ji.J.t4al f 1 i Sad Days. Big sister was reading In her book of poems: "Tho melancholy days havo como tho saddest of tho year" "Kla, bIs," broke In her schoolboy brother, "don't pull any of that 'sad dest of tho ear' stuff. With nlno ex amples and a page of giammer to do I know what tlmo of year It Is!" TOUCHES OF ECZEMA At Once Relieved by Cutlcura Easily. Trial Free. Quite Tho Soap to cleanse nnd purify, tho Ointment to aootho and heal. Nothing better than theso fragrant super creamy emollients for all troubles af fecting the skin, scalp, hair and hands. Thoy mean n cloar akin, clean Bcnlp, good hair and Roft, whlto hands. Sample each free by mall with Hook. AddrosB postcard, Cutlcura, Dent. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. How many men do ou kjiow who do Just as thoy please7 Don't wtury hla duo; he'll about giving the devil got It. E73KKSBMXI1 Children Cry Xlio Kind Ton Ilavo Always In us for over HO years, Wm "'V- M UIU1V SfMS7-- All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Juat-as-uood " aro but 32xerlincnts that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria hi a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare Corlc, Drops and Soothlnjr Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Slorphlne nor other Narcotla inbBtanco. Its ago Is Its jjnarautco. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshnoss. For moro than thirty years ill lias been In constant uso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency. "Wind Colic, nil Toothing Troubles- and Diarrhoea. It rcguhtfes tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep She Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA. ALWAYS i i Bcara the In Use For PXtBT Jr a LLsVB)BBUS&riBSV ' I t t The Kind You Have Always Bought riit CtNTAUN COMMNT, MtWTORK CITT. BBl 'rfJF,BlBWT 'bibVIP DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 20 YEARS IN OMAHA I lomc trenlment for Cum DIsehset. Pninleiis Dentittry; work feunrnntced 10 yenra; FillinR. Crowns. UridKC-wotk and Plates lhn toy where I putthem. Send for Booklet on Unuiiial Dentittry lt' free. Rnilrond fnro for 50 miles allowed. Crowns from $2.50 up. 921-22 Woodinsn of Wo'ld Bldg., Omihi, Nib. fffill I' If When you nicest a man with Bchomu, proceed to Ket In a hurry. What the Doctor Knows KIDNEYS MUST, BE JMGHT TO . INSURE HEALTH ew pepplo rcnllzo to whn extent their health depends upon the condition of the kidneys. The physlcinn In nearly all' amen of e rious lllntmi, umkes s chemical analyiii of the patient's urine. lie knows that un ls the kidneys, are doinR their work properly, the other organs ennnot readily be brought back to health and strength. When the' kidneys sre neglected or abused in any way, serious results are sure to follqw. Therefore, it is particularly nccesnnrj to pay moro attention to the health of thceo important organs. An ideal herbal compound that has had remarkable success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, The' mild and healing influence of this preparation, in nost cases, Is sobn real ized, according to sworn statements nnd verifirtl testimony of those who have used tho remedy. , When your kidneys renulro attention, get Swamp-Root at once from any phar macy. It is sold by every drutfgist in bot tles of two sizes 60c and IIjDO. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation, .send ten cents ,to Dr. Kilmer ffi Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., lor a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paptr-AUr. i And many a slnglo man Is guilty of donblo dealing1. ' ' l(te Worth of (Pl& ' Will Cleai $1:00 Wirth of Land I I ! llfVdsltSli Get rid1 of 1 big crops on VVKaVk Bad Stomach Is a Foe to Be Feared Nearly all illness has its origin in a weak Stom ach and clogged bow els. Your food remains undigested and you aro deprived of its health sustaining properties. Weakness and a gen eral rundown condition soon overtake you. Bo wise in time and pro vide proper aid, which suggests a fair trial of H0STETTERS STOMACH BITTERS for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been hits bornotho Blgnatnro of ana uas ucen uiauo unucr ins per sonal supervision slnco Us Infancy MlM VIU blAUWWU juuiiiuuia j, Signature of Ml IS futtt V ' i iU Over 30 Years ) i BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTEI to CuiUr'i Blacklti PHI. M prlcdl, fcoii, rtlltblcs prtftrrwl M tiumi tiu-juiifn. inctnM rttMl uhirt ttthir vimIrm tkn fall. Vrlto lor bnuklft nd tmuaoolila is-om ptit. BiukU) nut ii. 10-itM skit. BluklH Fills 4 W III hit lnlrrtor. bul CutUr'i bot.' Tht lupntorUj of Cutter productt li du to ottr ll ttr of tprttlin( In (IMlsll sn strsMi tut. a Insist Cutttf'i. If unobulotlil. orJfr dlnct. Tk CutUr LUtistsry, rkslsy. Csl., sr Cklssts, list Didn't Divide Patronage. Y. "Ixok hero!" sternly said Squlrs) I'oavy, "this is about tho seventh timet you havo boon up beforo mo in' sV year!" "Yas, sah," roplled Brother Hooker.1. "1's pround to say 'tis 'cwadln' to mukt rcccrloctlon. I nover was ono o' deM (luttory pussoiiB dat's liOah today and somo'rU'Clso tomorrow; ,vhcn I llko i man I gives lilm nil muh business., Yussnh, when a gcn'loman wins muj" 'steom I b'llovos in standing by him.1 ' iWomau's Homo Companion. , ? A Relic. "Coorgo Washington onco dined atf this vory table," said tho propriotort of tho waysldp inn proudly. , "I sco," Bald tho guest, "and, 70a haven't' changed tho tablecloth since." . 1 -, . Our idea ot a bypocrlto Is a persoa ; who throws mud at a man whllo alive) and puts flowers on his coflln whon hf dies. - - - rm f Y .;iii-v i Sometimes two. women, can stop talking about each otbor long enough ' to swap, klsges. t , the stumps'and crdw cleared land. Now mm ,1 ia inoiiimeioieanup -your iarui 1 . 1 whilei jiroducta bring high prices. Blasting 19 - quickest, cheapest and (eastest .with, Low Frecz 1 ing. Du iPont Explosives. They work in cold .weather. A ! ! ' ' " Writ h for Free Handbook oFExptoflvct No. 69F, , 1 1 and name of neareit dealer. ' DU PONT PbVtfDEiR COMPAMY' " WaMlCtdN DELAWARE u ll 0 i1 5 g U? iurr . ', -ji. --j w jsjfisw issirrw - fc ftmm0m 9pit!imm4ii'MH$tf'fVnvwi0 -isMis-fTi mto4fmitmi.ef Hts"""ln'y