J -JrJtt;,ifr7 ,.'-l- $$8ftS W IW IWi-. ttihrt.W " 17!P WE RED CLOUD CHIEF ii Soil Clovid, Ncbrnahtv PUBLISHED EVKKV THURSDAY Entered In tlio I'om-fnre m Kid i loud Neb. h tecoiid C'Ium Matter 11 - A M. McAIlTIIUK I'i m.iMiitn njE ONLY DCMOCKATfC l'AI'KU WKUOTIilKUUNTY IN bTyj4.1mt the furnieiw me practically thru wtffwitir null of woik the ioh-1 oveiseerv lion)l get busy ami fix up tlie ioiuIh. Ho' loiter us the faiincis woro buoy lth their ciops iio one coul'l expect thoin to spuio tliti time lor lliu roads. 'I'Iiu busy scastui is over, the ground Ihln u.Miellont condi tion or working and tlio roads should In- liAk-tl wllhout delay. In opitu of tlio rniii fulling nil day Stituiduy tlicic won over u handled who icc(!tcd tlio hospitality of tin; iiicioliantoiiml uitnessed liio films nt tlio Tepee. These plclurvs were e.Ura Rood imd it H to he regretted tliut tuorc did not have tlio opportunity of fieoing tliuin, This coining Saturday there will bn a now rcol mid evetyono Is welcome, Como one, come nil. 'J'ho management of tlio Illndcu fair missed ik grand opportunity to enhance the good fooling existing between thu towns of the county when they sent out ol tlio county for u band. There are three good bands in tlio county, one tnkow)mMd ut llluu Hill and onclHrJjjtyfr.uot one of them lir4 been JjWuriVl iar'tho county fair. Usually 'tfie towu'go'cs where its band Hoes and the fair would have i outlived niort) paid admission's at tlio gato if they hadengaged one of the bunds jwlthln thfi county. We nglrt,JiisluiH well not have any Sumbjjr papain Ibis city ir they con tluiieYu riving here two or three days late. Something is surely wrong with our mail service since only about once n week do we receive the state papers on time. Here is something for the Chamber of Commerce to take up with tlio state papers and the government. Ir these papers can arrive hero on time ono day-iu the weok'or one day in two wccfyH It can be nnanged so that they could anlvo hero every day. There rc enough subBcribors here to warrant -mulling a complaint and asking for an Jim-sUi gallon. Lincoln Letter Stale Engineer Johnson has a new plan to save Nebraska f7r,()ou annually. This plan has been put into operation since Mr.Johimon took charge of his department last January. On the Korth I'lntlo bridge, which ii 70(1 root long, a saving of nearly $lo,o00 was ao compllahed. This was done by adopt ing a Camelsback type Instead of a straight tun truss. As the last Legis lature appropriated 8150,000 for the current biennium stato aid of bridges, it Is estimated that fully .'10 porcent will be saved lu the placing of such bridges, which will make the said up. proprlatlon accomplish a great deal more work in that line. Xtiv and splendid ipiurters iiavo been secured for the new Supreme Court Commissioners. This Commis sion consists of Grant (1. Martin, of Lincoln, W. C Puiriott of Auburn ami i'0. Melllrr of Beatrice, all of whom arc uow residents of the eapltol city. The t-ew iiuurters are on the third floor of the State House lu the rooms formerly occupied by the State Engi neer. The Autoniobilo Department of the olllco of Secretary of Stato Charles W. Tool will movo into new quarters ill tho basement of the State House with in a short time. Tills move was matlo nep,osfeury to do the work of this de partment, and to accommodate the storing away of about 70,000 auto mobile plates Tor use lu 1010. Theso plates come in packages containing pjo each, the packages weighing about 12.-, pounds, Tho total number to bo stor ed in December, ready for use the first of January will consequently weigh more than forty tons. Of nearly four thousand foreign nnd domestic corporations doing business iu Nebraska, who y earl v pay ar. annual occupation tax, about bVib are delin quent on their tax for 1015 ut this dule. Letters lire being prepared by Secretary of State Charles V. Tool notifying those corporations of their delinquency and the addition of a 15 percent penalty for nonpayment of occupation tax, These letters will be Kent out to.the corporations within a few days.:' New House For Sale A sen four room lioune nitheoreen cd poieh by 1G feet. Will tell t a very reasonable price. For furtber Information Inquire of Ttt Chief. nuujwvrwLraTrtaviitmwfM mjwwhwimm hwim HIGH SCHOOL notes flV Itrjsi iu Mw.h Uvsry loyhl AtMilent rejoiced to hear tlio rotui ni from the lld Cloiid-I lebron ! gamp latt Friday. It Is said thai every I man on the ttm fought hard ngain-t! a utroiisf opponent PolnleUy made the ilivt touch ilimn mid later scored a drop '.luk and Kidtl scored the sveond touchdown on it lecoveted fumble "Hard liiclc llebion!' Final w,i r. to 7. We are all Imping that the sipiail will g;l good results for the hard light Wo know they will put up against Hastings, Kilday. Here's hoping. Friday N examination day and the teachers got their llrst shot at u. It has been rumored that the lied Cloud High are to have a Year TJook. We of the High school slncoiely hope this cm I led. If you are a booster boost, if your a knocker keep still. A big supply of brand new text noons nas Deeii mined to tne old ones. There is no longer any excuse for mi piepared lessons. ,' Have you heard tlio new foot ball yell? Kl VI Kl VI Kor lllpperly bim Duck to the woods Sand paper your chin WeVowild we're wooly We're rough like a saw Ked Cloud root ball Kaw raw raw! Learn it and help us yell the llrst. op portunity you have. Methodist Mention liearrangeuient of the classes of the Sunday school, Sunday. livening services half hour earlier beginning with yunday. The Ladles Aid Society is very busy these days, having two meetings u week. Theio wore twenty two present at the first mooting of the Tuesday even ing Bible study class. Midweek prayer service every Wed nesday evening. Sunday morning the pastoi will preach from the text ''Lengthen the Cord and Strengthen the Stake,-' and In the evening the subject will be, "Hid Jesus Love Judas lseailot'.' The pastor has been returned for another year. Real Estate IraisTars. Heal Ktftute Transfers compiled by II. W. Stewart, IJondad Abstracter and Attorney, Mud Cloud, Nbniim. Owen W. Ktlgarton anil wif to Arthur XV. Howard, wd, nlJ nej.f 30-1-9 JV00 Cap. V. Hiuvuy and nife to. I. H Wiseohrver and I)a (iarbur, wd, nj nn; M :-12 Uupert C. Suhult. and nV to Klbert A. King, nd, go?, lot ti, in s'4 neji 7-1-10 HlH) 1700 Anna Benson to Uric J. Petersna, wd, und .'if hit in u tl i. . -ioOo CliHi'Ha O, I'eterson and wife to Krlo J. I'otivson, wd, uud lut in fr.t 2i-3-ia Mary P. Oberg and husband !0i)0 to Uric J. Peterson, wd, und 4' lut in sol 22-:i-l'J George W. Crow and wife to John Darwin, wd, lot in, Blk, 1'.', Guide Rook '. W. II. Bradford anil wife to Katie, Peters, wd, ptnw sw II-MI Mortgages Filed Mo.OlO.CO. Mortgages Released fL'S.rion.tiu INAVALE litiilO lll(H) lr.ou The M. B. Sunday school board held a business meeting Tuesday evening. County Superintendent MisbCoou of Red Cloud was visiting our schoolb one day lost week. Mr. It. Iliireh lost a good mileh cow which eat to much given corn. Mr. nudMiH. Cecil MuCall are the proud uurenth of a baby gill which was born Monday. Tho M. K. Ladies Aid met with Mir. Mlllor Wednesday. Mrs. C Hunter returned tho latter part of last weolt fioina visit in Miss ouri. Mrs. Emma Smith oaine h,iino lYiday night from Liberty, Missouri, where bho has been visiting her son, Itnrl Smith. Mrs. .Inne Farley and nephew, Frank King, have moved into C. Hunter's house one half mile west of town. Mrs. Pearl Smith and baby of Liberty, Missouri, are here visiting relatives and friends, Mrs. Faith Putiuan went to ("owlets, Monday, to attend the funeral of her old schoolmate, Mrs. Lacy. Hy Dunn boiiKhtMr. (Javelin's resi dence and will move soon. Tho M. E. LHdles Aid will serve lunch October 12th, at Mi. Kiuraa Garner's sale. m Piano At A Bargain 1 .I. Customers at lied Cloud, Itlue Ulll und. Nelson are unable to complete paymeuu, on their pianos nnd we will turn' the same over to responsible parties for either cash or 95 per mouth. Address, Schmoller & Mueller Piauo Compaay, Lincoln, Nebr. " CLOUD, nwwmwuww r iiVeryi RED A-i I odv PERFECT FITTING Those who are hard to please--Those who are hard to fit Those who like fine quality Those who seek real economy Millions of discriminating men, women and children-tall, short, slim and tout-have found perfect fitting Munsingwear in styles, weights and fabrics that suited their individual preference. Women's Munsingwear Union Suits, made with half low neck, elbow sleeves, half open front and ankle length: variety of medium and heavy weight fab rics, prices range from S1.00 to .$3.25 the suit. Munsingwear lasls longer than you ordinary exped good underwear to laft. Munsingwear washes without losing its correct fit, its solid comfort or its "give-and-take" elasticity. t Munsingwear gives such universal satisfaction that it takes 9,000.,000 garments a year and the largest and besl equipped knitting mill in the world to supply the demand. To be sure of enjoying the same comfort and satisfaction in your under-clothing as en joyed by the millions of Munsing wearers--ask for Munsingwear-not underwear. Girl's Munsingwear Union Suits, with highneok. long sleeves, half open' front, drop seat, ankle lengths in soft Got ten or worsted plated fabrics, all sites, fit perfectly, wear splendidly; priced up from 30 cents. V One Spoonful Gives Astonishing Results lied ("loud residents are astonished at the Ql'ICK results from the simple mixture of bucktnorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i ka. Tills remedy acts on UOTH upper'and lower bowel and is so THOHOL'C.H a bowel clean ser that it is used successfully in ap pendicitis. ONFSl'OONFl'Lof Adler Mm relieves almost ANY CASIO of con stipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONK M1XUTK after you take it, the gasses rumble and pass out. Chas. L. Cot ting, druggist. TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and lias Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gels The Money. PHONIC 015 WIKK IMTFSTO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, : Nebraska COL. PETER'S SALE DATES A. O. Short, September 8, M. Suider, September 20. J. II. Har.dlton Jc Son. October S3. Frauk Hear, October C, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTimr tVEK STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska Advance showing of Wooltex Coats aud Suit at Miner Bro. Co, . NEBRASKA, CHIEF " fmnm'tKuummKraemmmrtmMmimmnrxxn mKnMmwnMin iT S. M UN SI NO WEAR Munsingwear cofts less than most folks believe possible for such fine quality, expert workmanship and careful finish. The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" In the County ffeurt of Webster Ceunty Nebraska. STAT Ii! or N'KIMASKA. I WclMir County, f ' In the inuttir ol the cttnte ul Maty .1. I'rohnwn, (kcuiFul. CltKMTOHS of said estate ulll t.iku notice that the time limited lor presentation and llllui: ol claims aualnst the saute N April 1st, I'JIO; ami lor the payment ol ilchtH lu Hepteinber :lrd, llllil, that I will Kit at thu county court room In said county on the Ird day ol April llilii, at 10 o'clock a. in., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claim stud objections duly tiled. Dated this :ird day of September A. !., liiir,. (Seal.) A. 1). KANNHY, fotmty .Indue. E. S. Gaurber Ileal Kstate, Farm Loans und Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. F ! RE 3 THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIKC for the man without Insurance. Every time lie sect, the eugiues racing along his heart comes up in his throat If the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COUT OF is so small that it INBUI9ANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Rtllabl InturMnc. Residence Property For Sale 1 will bell my residence property in Ked Cloud cheap. It consists iOf , lots with a good 6 room house aud a Warn 22x24. Write to A. Kenkel, Iiagn, Colorado, or inquire of C. V. Wallin, fyfflr 8e o jUlteC , - To Farmers! Biy Land Now! There sis no better investment in sight right now than to buy Western S, "r. "i r J1""8 mlVftnCC 'lu0to thu Mh Pr,ue- of Pncts "l the present cycle of productive years in Nebraska, Colorado and Wvoming. hHln,'tet Ws "wnllBsln and the North Platte Valley, irrigated farms aro being cut in two and offered for sale on favorulbe terms. All crops iu tho localities arc the heaviest on record. You can retire a government irrigated farm near Powell Wyo., almost a gift. This year's crop on thousands of acres in .Nebraska and Colorado, equals In value the original price of the land. If you arc not llxed to buy, even on easy terms, take n 320 acre Mondell homestead in Wyoming, for mixed dairy fanning; crops of wheat and oats on these this year just like a settled country. Look over the West now, along the Hurlingtou lines you can ride all day through crops and make your own deductions as to what this condition means to the man who will get hold of land in these localities now. Write me. I can help you. My servicos aro frw MILLINERY YOU WILL FIND THE HAT YOU WANT AT THE PRIE YOU WANT TO PAY -AT- Miss AveriIVs The New Uossard Corsets, the origin al Front Laced Corset, now in cteck utTbe Miner. Bros, C. lo1MTOmiatwirtr.Mw.tfLm,aMMMWM, With UNION SUITS Men's Munsingwear Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, closed crotch, natural. SI. 00. Boys' Munsingwear Union Suits, jnade wij:h heck, long sleeves, all open front, drop seat, ankle length; light, medium or heavy weight fabrics; all sixes, durable, washable, com fortable; KWiocd up from 50 cents. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent t004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska m ., . . y Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED S55"OtrirK 0i:u Ai.iimoiitV SronE DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY BURQEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College TWKLVK TICAHS MTKRIKNCK ATHAII.KY'STIK BAltN Rmd Cloud -?- Nmbratkm R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor ! Independent 912 Bell Red 101 " P.kws ! I t -