iwr5y' iV . ? f1? t N V tS Tn.' ' WA if L I'. N in.K ia. I m i State Historical Society r2uif-i"?.sr? ' u nvwwt rv.jMMjvreMrw wa v:ntucsrmi a VOIjUMB 13 WUWMW1WMMWWM1 , ', H Isn't Hard To Save miy hard to it is niiy hard to and that is only because you think it is. . Stat saving today by depositing whatever mon.?y you can spare in this bank where the safety of jrour money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund ol the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, KED CLOUD. CAliTAl. -40NBN" ;. tsrawui'wanmiMiwMtfatttiwt!mwowjfr tim&3&3 -mEB -vS3SS85gBJa I .4ia tj C4Ph Ek TO feu L.atest Weaves" Satlsfaotion Or Your money B&k PAUL STORm &wss ittKEBtKlf' ' Get Figures on Corn Cribs Now Don't Wait Until Tht Last Minute Our Yard is Stocked to Meet Your Wants The Price Was Naver Bettor We Also Carry "Slat Cribbing" Estimates Furnished Free THE NALONE "TALK WITH l)S ... . .tfT-ii - srT!trrrrrrr.' v .-s 'I'-fsr -.,..... m imiiMMauwaiiNMii uuMwimrwAWkwrf mtui tt.tfW -otiKifr S't'St't . saving, 3 NEBRASKA tf2.-..ooo , ,..., ., ssSSSBR T2&rtxrMTJiJwicmuwrrwvztxxujwrtTxmKir SUITS $10 to $25 HATS nappy Styles" CAPS New Shapes" r ''Up To Now" . M ACKIN AWS "Great" ':' '.SWEATERS f . -4 . VtV The Clothiei v&!3S&2 ti - AYE ABOUT COAL it X lienspapcr flint filvf.s The News Finyttio Kecks Each Year I:or Si.sp. BISD CLOUD, M 12ISKASKA, MCPTKM lUUl (JO, UM Frank Abel Marrie A Campbell Girl i'ii t'lliu'-dtj (it Ilaxtr u. ooeurit-d H.e umiiiatfp of Mi. . P'raiiU Alnl, t-oii Oi Cr. Hli.l Mis. I). M. Abol of t lain llll.V, and MistS KillHtHTSrlMKIOII, daugh- Icr of Mr. and Mrs. Kriekeon of (Jump bill. The (tropin for many years held a pI'iou In the grocery deputlment of tho Miner Uro Co. store in thN cUy, but resitfnod hut March in accept a poMliun with the CltitvtiB' Lumber Co. of Campbell. Frank l h Webster county product, liuvlMjp tfruwu to man hood's estate in tills olty, am) wa? one oT our mint popular young men. ' Tin' bride lb one of Campbell's most charming and aceomplKhed younjj ladies, ami i-omus from iin old and highly ivspicti'il family who control law liiimifliilhiU'resU inlhntsoction. While hu- is, apparently, a strituffor to most of the .people ot this city, she will on doubt prow u help-tnttlu and e-nitribute her share toward making a happy liiuno for the man to whom aim lias jjivlmi her ha'ul. Tlu ouiij i".iu,.U' left this tnoruinp lor a Mliiirt vl.-'t-viMi tlm groom's sinter, Mrs. V. W. '.Vri;it, at Hebron, ami nftor No wn tier 1st thoy will bo at Iiuiiil' lo their m.iiiy frieniln at Camp btfh. The Chief nlonjj with Frank's many frion.ls Iilmv wish him anil his bride much jiy mid happlnesa. Mrs. Marina Lacy Died Last Saturday Mar. .ir- I'.t hel Lacy was. born .June s:t li. '.-(';, and died Sept 'J."illi. fMr. Hgtvl 'J!' yeurx. :.' moiitlis.and '.' days. I lor early life was spoilt on tlio homo fim ea')t of (owles, until 1001, when i:ii hi"' paronts hu moved to town, hua.i.k Hi' I'tf liunie until her nnr ri.ie with Win Arthur lHey iu ApiII lin"7. She united with the Coiiprea tlor.itl eli.irch of Cowlen in lixid and re iiuitnetl ever u faithful ami wiUing woruer. She leavos to mourn her i!ojiirtme, bur husband, hr mother, four brother,- .. U. Oreenh8)(hof Tniitou, Nrb., Jamoi H. (Ireeuhalfrh, Kt.bert K. (ireeuhaltrlli ' Rieh.inl Gr.etiln.lith of Cowles; and two sMerr. -Arm, h. No Ntitith of W,lliin. Kivnsa', mid M-ugnret Vitnce of CiVle.s. h uutjlrul !t'i vice w.-u- liM at, Vb Coi)'u'tio!.hl vhurob iJi k, ...It-, uft.r Wileii I tie dectdc 1 ws.i 1 -.n I., rot in tU 'Guide Koch cenj. . j .M.ji.,'.ty, K'. ). L. Het'bj of I'1 ' t. ud pieatli A? l hiv Ii!1i.i.l! .Mrnutti A Ijr.t, li.-it- w - "w -"- '& ityww r,oi trift..!-, are i-. rr to taoiun her dath. Loreene Asher ('I llll II i k.-. 'r..t v ff.w - ai vM U11MH.Y llUUIUUi;U, LliU OIW4 '.i I mouth old baby daughter oi Ur and JjF)jMrs. 11. U. Aohor, -Abo live north of ($ l-own, died nt their home after a few gyvj hours UtnuMs The funeral service, 7 1 1 were hoUl at the home Wediosdav limrilinrr Ml. in n'dliuil lJul.,.r. I oflleiutlujy. Intorment took place in the City cemetery. The bet oared i parentb huve the sympathy of their i many friends. New M, E. Ministers At h meeting of the M. E. Confer ence in Omaha the first of the week the following ministers were Appoint ed to fill pulpit in UiIb eoiiaty tor the ensuing year yiadenO. T. Moore. Blue UlU-Tp Ue Supplied. Co wles Clinton fcicxiwetf. Ouida Rock W. B. Alexander. I ua vale To Ue Supplied. Red Clou lC. L. Myero. i Land Bargains For hale or trade -480 aoree. Will take a. hmu.ll farm and oarry tho bal au;e. 1 Another h'ood farm consistinp-of U30 acres for sale or trade.. Will tnke a small farm close to a Cormaii HQttle. metit and town. For other bargains see me. 0. A. SishulU nPvSL ' .i ' x , - . .t"t. fcw - . ' - - ii - .-.,t " -.-ic'32r!f'3 .'t. .w - . :. l?-.., u.i1mu.1rMMBTOwwawMWWw,mwjMTOluwwtB Red Cloud Boys , Defeat Hebron Team 'I A".m -I'.-ial Hi'i'o .! ,iuil pr.i.t'i' ;ll' ui.l. i Hi-i.,(ieliiuK'ii (.oHeh Vod Mr tli.' Ilicli Selioit, fi.nl dull I..U.H 'ou'-ne. A ui IIbi(iii 'lust Friday anil 'jjUn-. I the Hebron hlli school eleven ilh tlie (.)eninf (fame of tlionciMon; do ftntii c tliem by .he score of Is to?. jCTlie loeal toam played the entire "jmmein Hebron's terrltorv and the mime ih iiev.r in dnuKor. i jl'ln- jfiuue started with llobroti kleli. ' httr to Ued ('loud and on u series of jfn. and a thirty yard jjnin l'oluicky mfri'ti ' I he )ilKfcUln over for Mist touch dov. n n ..iv tlniti two mlimlos'jf play l'oluioliy ftiilinj; to kielt ioul, senre il ! tin Hi- 1 1 1 end (jimrter Kud Cloud ktel i'i; on- llobroit fumbled uud Kidd onitei i loud recovered Iho ball jfiri' - of faki and erlseiosses scored a1 tot' r, down Jiir--uOfail Boal. score 12 U, 7. lVlnielu later in the quarter fivm the ..: yard line made a beautifu. drop kick making linal score of 15 to 7. The sturdy Ilebroiiites played a stellar gnnie but were not in eliias with tho locals. The locals played a steady and consistent game in which the lack of speed was :i prominent factor, keeping tfcs"oro b.iwn. Ited Cloud ouinpluttd our furwhid parses out of si. tried. Hebron con pletiugotily two out of 3. The following was the local's line up: Maker, K. K ; Zeis-s. It. T.; lelly, feed, 'I'm mire, Saladen, U (i ; Pitchier and 1'Ytty. C: l-'ye. I.. .; Uarrett, Ij. T.i ICIdd.l.. lit l!yan,(. II.: l'olniuky, !'. U ; Wilson. It. II. Ij.: Saladen. Ij.11 on Hibr in" .oivi lliioseorina touchdown ' VfiU.l ' failing af jjoal, se.ore l.' to ('. I 1'iie .eoiid IpiM. opened with Itcd , (Jloiii. . icic'iiir to'- Hebron who tv ill U. Koferee I'owoll of Ued Cloud. 'J'hc locale have been diligently prac lisitig thh week and leave ton. oi row for Hastings where they will try for another scalp. Mrs. Emily James Is Laid At Rest Emily Louiia Coinptot) wjv-" bo.;! In ICimlra, Ncw'York, ou April 2... lAxi a- -1 departed this life Kupten.b;r ifa Uhyftt the home h'f. -.o, i', u. TiKtiure, iu this cuy. '. tfc Jeciiii3'l ooyo-.tif ku '. tjoiith utitlt lit sprittp. About 6bx ' '., x- ske bt,'Hn tn ie.ilj ic liu an.! i - t ft wtelt ajro begau at living .v. .kor and wak. im-.i) the oud e.n 0. (n Novcmbei. :.'., iiS, ahu was mar rie i to Egbert Turin.!-... who denarted th.ilife AugoK i-j. ibw. T.o them wtie born nine euihirea of which three rjiiuMn,.!''. U. nnd OiiliM Tar n.iro and Wrs. Taylor. Mrii.Turuure was married to Joneph James about thirty years ago. Mr. .fjttiiofc died six or eight yoars after. lining borti in a Methodist home she remained u Methodist alt her life and took grant comfort iu the study of CJod'a word. She united with tho Rod Cloud church under tho pastorate of A. 1'. Hull in 1801. Inc fuuerijl services wore held at tho homo of her ton, F. (i. Turnnro, ou tiun lay aftornoon, conducted by Uov. Myers of the M. 15. ohurch, assisted by Kov. Ueboe. The remains were Inkeit toCrnhain, Mjosourl, Monday morn lug. for Interment, accompanied by Mr. andMra F. U. Turnure and Del Turnura. Tlie Chief' along with the entiie community eleudi nympnlby to tho bereaved ones. A4vrtlMd Ut(erll( The following is the Ii,t of unclaiut ed lettereat the post oflloo in this city, for the week ending September 2.'Jrd: fl U IJrandenston Floyd Hunsel Tom Maiisllold X ,J Jlaknll'ey J H Heybuuk Alva Somets If not called for befora October M3rd they will be sunt to tho dead Icttor olllce H. C. Lux).1. P. M - -- -- ----. --vs 5 rviiJM.,r-iujj.,,rttSioi"Msifi4T.in zka&j m im fSii&fi I JZ7M&,() m I a 2r Asor 4 TOV, svive '& .and 9 (fir, ' j' n mm t i n S lh dl r.i i;s VW Mi..; MviMMW&r t&J . -jiy-i WHFN YOU GIVE A PRESENF LfiT IT BE SOMETHING SMALL, ELEGANT AND "LASTING" THAI THE HAPPY MEMORY OF THE GIFT AND THE GIVER MAY ENDURE. SILVERWARF OR CUT GLASS ALWAYS DEL IGHT ANY WOMAN WHO RECEIVES IT. WHEN YOUSEND "OUR'S" YOU GIVE THE BEST, FOR THAT IS THE ONLY KIND WE HAVE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" niGHT;(THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSI Jeweler and I fTC. II. K. Q. Wnteh Inspector m. Striking New State fl '00 a ' T in tpnnn A A ft A' in m o MMb BLUK3. Croons, Drowns and Plums will b, the favorite colors thia Fall ritid Winter for botli stroot anil even in j.' vruar. Dull shades will bo the mule. Thf- Hhtor iin'dcs vi!i,,bt Sky BUid. Lavender and Gl. pom ;)otalir. Ou'' Afjn.vii' of I fttd'!4 IB ur Grocery 'OfMrtAfsirV.. :$ .,)) Special fat Saturday the besl 35c COFFE IN TOWN AT 25c R.P WCCCM jilt Jil-k.4ll 1 D I Weekly, Weather Forecast Wouthcr forecast for the week be gllinltijc Wuducbday, $trdk2V '13 suud by the IJ. 8. WiiathTOvfW, Waeh uigtoii, n. u , ior,,tJu.tuppor .-uteaie sip(l Valloy ami IMaine -State.,: (Jenarftlly fair and moderately cool weather will prevail through the renter part of the week, except that local nine nr probable at tho bejflu niiitf of the week in the extreme Upper Mississippi Valley. A Good Investment We have a party wanting ?1200 also one wanting J00O. Good Heal Estate Hoourity.--Ilulchirion .t Saladon NITMBE1M0 1IMHM MM .- Ht nltW.1 JJU&i ' jft ! our oiiverwciiv-? Cut Cilass w- j .,, , -K.IJ 4.i-.i-ta'ijin TV Jl Optomotrlst u U. McCaB ratterns o ' " '' ' ,;' . - Tfijpin K) K '- as a 0( S GO. District Couil II. C. Cutter v K. U. T. i-.rur. Titlq,, quieted iu plaint ::. Sol nioalc vfc A. X) Urabeu Judtf -metit for plaiutiiV for 7hl 71. Pearl H. Port may ve. Now York Ufa--lueuraneo Co Judnfmeat for pluiatillj for I,o82 Ot 'J'he liquity cutset '.vine not reached on account A o muclt jury work. T.4 Equity term begiu? November 'IHh. Notice My wife having left me, ipiitbiid aud,1;':, board without just caithc, or provoca-fs . tion, I will not bu tcbponslblo for unj"' debtf, coutractod by her. September 10, 1015. huoxu M. IU'S1,. V.JW- !.! 1 '1 4 :vs !' '. m M ., t;l iW ' m ft M I kwi I1 i S- - . .-t-. ' f H' 'I Mi.i ..iww.i..i.iiii'"Jw...il ".iiii'iiMii.ih,wl.riyii......Wl. t. lU.W-Mi't.V f-?Jl?-ryiTgy .. .- , -w.- -wr'T,-M'-.-e'WMiFlw .""T"" " -'-! ,""'' '"'' -.-jIJj,wJ .V .... rr I