RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m vt FREE ENTERTAINMENT hin I'M' " m Invitation To All Living Outside of Red Cloud You Arc Most Cordially Invited To Come To Red Cloud And Bo Our Guests At Our Free Open Air Band Conceits And At The Tepee Moving Picture Shows Each Saturday Afternoon. Band Concerts On Main Street At 1:30 P. M. Tepee Theatre Starts At 3:00 P. M. These Are Positively Free Entertainments For All Out-of-Town Friends And We Want You To Come And Be Our Guests. Be Sure to Bring the Children Get Your Tepee Tickets At Any of the Following Places of Business. They Are As Free As The Water That Flows: Cowden ICuley Co C. L Cutting M.A. Albright Malone-Avery Co. 1 (J, Turtiure .v. Son Hoy iSiitlloy J. A Tomliiihon Ovcring IlroH. E. II. Newhouso Powell Ilios. S It. Florauco C. S. Itomino W. A. Sherwood .7. C. Mitchell Hoy Out mini 0. .T.Wnrreii Dr. DnrneriiU Dr. 0. K. CrohR Stevens Bros. Hoy Husslnger Minor Bros. Co. II. Neuprberg II. K. (Irlco Drug Co. G. E. Hull A. C. Hosincr W. (i. Wurron O. C. Tcel A H. MoArthur Mrs. It. Pharps Hutchison fc Salndcn W. I,. K'oon II. Ludlow II. C. Lotson , U. 1 Weesner A Co' C. II. Hunl Dr. J. C Caldwell Dr. N. E. Miiurer Fern Avorill S. K. Bailey. v. Son Fred Wallln Paul Storey Frank Smith .1. E. Yost J. W. Auld Morhurt Bros. Mrs. .1. A. Harden Hod Cloud Auto Co Kills Shoo Store .1. O. Caldwell C. W. Kuloy .loo Fogle W. S. llcczley Geo. Trlno Webster Co. Argus It W. Koontz W. W. Marshall P. A. Wullbrandt James Peterson Dr. Nicholson Admission To Tepee Will Be By Ticket Only Come, Be Our Guests! 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise ? UNDERTAKING 'WDY HTTBNDRNTl iaus Answered uay or Night j I ED. AMACK I ALL, THE PHONES - McrJkRAND BUILDING CSCSCS I I eseSCSHl Get Busy, Ladies! i whr Cool clays are here and ihe school children will need warmer clothes, likewise the folks at home. A sweater is always a necessity these cool, damp days. Come in and look at my line before you buy. I think I can save you money on sweaters. In infants and children's sizes have them from 50c to $3. 00 In Misses' and Ladies From $i.80 to $5.00 Do You Need Any Cotton For Comforts. If So, I Have a Good Line From the Small 10c To the Full Comfort Size at 85c. Profit Sharing Coupons Given With Each lOc Purchase Purchases of SI. 00 or More Delivered Free Mrs. David Cartwright Ehletta Shuto, daughter of Thomas F. anil Mary Shuto, was born April 0, I3.VI, In New Hampshire and died at Lincoln, Nebraska, September It, 11)15, aged 5'J yearn, r. months and 3 days. With her parents she moved to Ne braska, In early childhood, and in 187.1 eiime to Jewell county, Kansas, whore she had since resided. She was united In marriage to David II. Cartwright, April llth, lHiO, and to this union were born fifteen child ren, all of whom, except ou Oracle, who died November '2.1, lS'J.'J, survive her. Mrs. (ail Wright's health had been falling for Home time. A few weeks ago her Illness became sfrious and it became necessary to take her to the hospital at Lincoln She was a true Christian and n chinch member since early childhood, doing a charter number of the Highland M. I'.. chinch Truly It Is said oT her she Iiuh lived a true Clulstian life She was n Mod wife, a fond loving mother and a good neighbor, always trying to do otno thing for tluiM' around her PiuipiiiI services were held at the Highland church, Friday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by the Highland minister, assisted by Kev. O. V. Hum mel. Interment was made in the High land cemetery. 4 A Good Investment Wo havo u partv wantlnir 81200 also one wanting SOOO. (loot! Heal Estate Security Hutchison it Saladon. Residence Property For Sale I will soil my rosldonce property in Red Cloud cheap. It consists of 1J lots with a good 0 room house and a barn 22x21. Wrlto to A. Uenkel, Kago, Colorado, or inquire of C. I Wallln. Land Bargains For salo or trade 480 acres. Will take a small farm and carry the bal ance. Anothor good farm consisting of .'190 acres for sale or trade. Will take a small farm close to a (iorinaii settle ment and town. For other bargains see me. C, A. Schultz. Special Notice To Red Cloud Folks We wish to announce that we arc exclusive- Hed Cloud agents for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc , known as Adlcr-l-kn. This remedy, used successfully for appendicitis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold. It Is so powerful that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASK of constipa tion, sour or gassy stomach. Adler-i-ka nevor gripes, Is safe to use and the INSTANT action is surprising. C. L Cotting, druggist. MILLINERY YOU WILL FIND THE HAT YOU WANT AT THE PRICE YOU WANT ' TO PAY -AT- Miss AverUVs DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OCNTIST OYR! MATE BASH fted Cloud Nebraska E. S. Gsu-ber Real Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor ( Independent 212 ,,hOI,eS Bell Red 101 1NAVALE Mr. Cloud threshed for .Mr. Relg .Monday Mr. Cloud, threshed at Mr. Lundy's Saturday. Mr. Wonderly shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Sunday. Mr. K. Davis who was quite sick last week Is on the streets again. John Koelmcl and family have moved tin to u farm near JJIoomlugton. Lverett Ilcan shipped a car of cattle and hogN to Kansas City Sunday. Hurley Joy from Smith Center, Kim., Is painting Mrs. Etnuiu Garner's house. Mrs. Emma Darner and son, Wihlo, autoed to Red Cloud Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Negluy who formerly farmed near Inavale are tlio prou.l par ents ol a baby boy. There will be no preaehiuir Sunday Ht the M. E church us Rev. 'Blunt is iittemlltig Uonterence. Mis. L A. Waldoatid daughter spent the day. Monday, with Mi. Waldo's mother, Mrs. Dan Norrls A farewell dinner was given Sundav at Ld C.rossman'B home in honor of Cap Harvey and wife who loft Monday morning lor Colorado for his health. Mr. and Mrs. Jones from New Hamp ton, Missouri, and uncle L Price of Edgar, Nebraska, autoed hero Friday to vitit Mrs. Jones' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis. J. Barker, and other relatives. CATTLE SALE AT Guide Rock Monday, September 27th AT t O'CLOCK 115 Heed of Cattle Consisting of Cows, Heifers, Calves and Steers to be Sold DR. DAMERELL & J. RICKARD, Owners. Notice of Probate. 1'. J. Mumluy, Attorney tor Petitioner. In tliu t'ouuty Court of Webster County, Nebraska, hlato of Nebraska, I Webster County, f To all persons Interested In the estato of lolui Havel, licccasud: TAICK NDTKJi:, tbat a petition has been tiled praylm; that the Instrument II led In tills court on lliCMth day of August, 11)10, purport lni to be tho last will niul testament ol said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of John Havel, deceased; that said Instrument bo admitted to probate, ami thu administra tion of said estato bo granted to John X. Havel, Kxecutor named therein. I tU hereby ordered by the court, that all persons Interested In said estato appear at the County Court to be held In and lor said county on tho !)th day of October, 11)15, at ten o'clock A. M to show cause, If any thcro bo why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted, and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof, bo Blvcn to all persons Interested In said matter by publlshlut; a copy ol this order In the Itcd Cloud clilel, a legal weekly newspaper print id lu said county, tor three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Wltiuss my hand and tho seal of said court this lijtli day of September, A. I). 11)15. A. I). lU.VNKl, (ska i.) County Judge. Notice of Probate. In The County Court of Webster County, Nebraska. Htato of Nebraska, I Webster County, f "" To all pcrsous Interested In tho estato of Wl Ham I ons, Deceased: TAICK NO net:, that a petition has been tiled praying that the Instrument nied lu this court on the 10th day ol April, 11)15, purporting to be tho last will aud teitamcnt ol said deceased, msy bo proved and allowed and roeorded as tho last will aud testament ol William Irons, decoased; that Raid lnstrti moiit'U) admitted to probate and tho ad ministration ol Nild estato bo granted to Caroline Irons as Executrix named therein. It h hereby ordered by tho court, that all persons Interested in said estate appear at the County Court to bo held In and for said county on the 12th day of October, 11)15, at ten o'clock a. in., to show cause, II any thcro be. why the prayer of tho petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pend ency ol said petition and llui hearing thereof be given to all persons lntereted In said mutter by publishing a copy of this order lu the lie I Cloud Chief, a legal weekly news papi r prlntul In sal 1 county for thru con seeiillvu weeks irlr to said day ! bearing. Witness mj hand and tlmseal of said court this nib day ul September. A. P.. lmo A. D. KNTV "seal.1 ( oiuit Judi:i 15c i Will Do Wonders To Your Chairs "- mxm&aBB ocaM:53sl S YOUR FURNITURE all marred and scarred, losintj neat, new appearance? You can make it store-new again, and do it yourself at little cost. 10c will finish a chair, 30c a dining-room table, 90c the floor of a good sized room, etc. You can do the work yourself with Pitcairn Sole-Proof Colored Varnishes They give a brilliant, lasting newness, which makes things look better and wear longer ready to use as it comes from the can. No mixing. Comes in 14 colors, including transparent, all natural wood shades and other colors. Graining outfit enables you to imi tate expensive woods. Tltcalrn Sole-Proof Colored Varnishes may be used on Moors, woodwork, furniture, radiators, bric-a-brac, picture frames, linoleum and homo articles of every desorlption. Call at the store and lot U3 show you how easy, rind for wlmt little money, you can make your home new ngiiln. ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Red Cloud Nebraska S3 BEo, a csj Slllll !! -S I ! li-. rrr" ,,a ' J In tlis County Court o! Wchstfir Uounly Wfihraskn. si vn:(r.i:i!UAsicA. i Webster ount, i ' In the matter ol tho estate of Mary J. 1'rohasco, deceased. CUi:i)ITOH3 of said estato will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and llltng of claims against tho samo Is April 1st, 11)1(1; nud for tho payment of debts Is September ;ird, 1U1H, that X will sit at thu county court room In said county on tho llrd day of April mill, at 10 o'clock a.m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly llled. Dated this :ird day of September A. I)., iir. (Seal.) A. I). RANNKV, County Judge. I S Me Uahn flWnn ft o. uqrjycirci rmu'ca nn vsA83e3S3l ? DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College TWELVB Yi'.AUS KSPKHinxrE AT UAILEY'S TIE BARN Hed Cloud -:- Nobraska Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1ST Office Oveh Ai.iiiuanr's Stoke THE ALARM is u dreadful thing OF" FIRE for tho man without uisuranoo. Every turn he sees the engines racing along Ins heart conies up in his tht oat if tlio lire Is anywhero near hU place What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF Is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone Is wortli it many timos ovor Have us insure you to-day. V. Cm TmSmEimm Reliable Insurance. TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES Advance showing of Wooltex Coats and Suits (it Miner Bros. Co. He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. PHONE Oil WIllE DATES 'lO COL. R. C. PETERS A Real Farm Bargain t 7t YouiAre Looking For A Good -Farm Home As I am desirous of moving to the coast, wish to sell my farm Y mile west of Inavale. This is one of the bestflO acre farms in the Republican valley. 20 acres first bottom, GO acres second bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. Improvements consist of a good 9-room two story house, a good 1-1x14 wash house, good barn with hay mow, room for 10 head of horses, 2 good buggy sheds, corn crib, hen house, a good cement supply tank piped to carry water to barn, wash house and house. A good orchard with all kinds of fruit trees. Terms To Suit Purchaser G Inavale, 3C eo. Matki ins, Nebraska Ell "gy Buy Your Groceries Guldo Rock, Nebraska COL PETER'S SALE DATES A. O. Short, September b M. Snider, SeptemborSO. J, U. Hamilton & Son. October 2H. Frank Hear, October 0. Tho Now Oossnrd Corsets, tho origin al Front Laced Corsets, now iu Etock at The Miner Bros. Co. Where You Receive Full Value There's a reason why you should buy your groceriej from us. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point We Have the Goods and Make mo rnccs. K3S22aE202&!ia2fc P. A. WULLBRANDT :THE HOME GROCERY 4S9SSl' -Bi- 69S9a .'. THY DS m AHTISTIG JOB MffllTqiG. ' k M V J w