t,XtX ',1 Vl RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ) V , Of Course. Mamma was taking daughter to Cask. , "I don't llhe tho way you and Jack Ciang over tin- front Rate every evo nlng," sho remonstrated. "Well, as to that, there's a great doal to ho said on both sides," replied daughter. Judge. The Last Straw. "What do you suppose killed that old miser?" "I supposo ho found he was spond tng his breath." A man may tako your word for It In other matters, hut ho desires to personally Investigate tho fresh paint. Hnwdolnham, Mo., reports catching a boneless shad. It has been nntned "tho nurbank." A Valuable "First Aid" in sickness of tho Stomach, in liver and bowel disorders and in general weakness can be found in HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It helps Nature pro vide the necessary digestive properties required for the per fect assimilation of food, thus creating and maintaining bet ter health at all times. You should try it. Be Sure You Gef HOSTETTER'S What to Do for Itching Skint Eczema, ringworm and other Itch ing, burning skin eruptions are so eas ily mado worso by improper treatment, tnat ono nas to do very careful. Thero is ono method, how over, that you need not hosltato to uso, oven on a baby's ten der skin that is, the reslnol treatment Roslnol is the pre scription of a Balti more doctor, put up in the form of resln ol ointment and reslnol soap. This proved bo remarkably successful, that thousands of other physicians have prescribed it constantly for 20 years. Roslnol stops Itching instantly, and almost always heals tho eruption quickly and at little cost Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap can bo bought at any druggist's, and are not at all expensive. BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED br Cutter's Bleektet Fill!. I-ow riiri, frtih. relletile: preferred to Western ttorkmxii. bertuu they reteet wher el her vieelnel fall. Write for booklet end temlmonlalf. Il-tfeu pVn. Blaeklei PIIU 11.09 Bt-Uu pkfi. BltckWf Pill 4.00 III tni lnlertor. but Cutter! but. Tb nuptrlorltj of outer prwtucti u due to oier U run or twc-Hllzlnf In aeelnee turf Mruml only. 'Jit tn Cuttff't. If unobtainable, order direct. tit Cutter LOwttery, Berkeley, CeJ., or Chliiie, lit Children Cry Hie Kind Ton Have Always in uso for over SO years Y I I wk wi TBI Sir A i ana nas uccn maao under bis pcr- tV2, Bonal supervision slnco its infancy. f. w wv-vv juiutv All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-aa-good " aro bat Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of Infant and Children Exporionco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstltnto for Castor Oil. Para ' uorlc, Drops and Soothlnpr Syrups. It is pleasant. I contains neither Opium, Morpblno nor other Nnrcotlo jrabstanco. Its ago is its gnarantco. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrlsbncss. For moro than thirty years lb has been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the &L&$fffi In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought A) ths ctNTuw commr. NrwvoftKcmr. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 20 YEARS IN OMAHA Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10 years; Fillings, Crowns, Bridge.woik and Plates that stay where I put them. Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It'a free. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed. Crowns from $2.50 up. 921-22 WoodlMu Of World Bid, Ooihl, Nib. NEW CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Woman Who Had Suffered for Many Years Is Cured by Bolt of Lightning. Tho medical faculty was put to shame by n bolt of lightning which tho other night struck tho farmhouso of CharleB A. llurdlck, on Washing ton Rid go, says tho Horlln (Conn.) correspondent of tho Now York Her ald. Tho electric bolt destroyed arti cles In all tho eight rooms of tho houso nnd did dnmngo exceeding $1, 000, but It cured Mrs. llurdlck of rheu matism, from which sho had suffered for many years. Mrs Iturdlck was about to put wood In tho kitchen stove when tho bolt struck her, knocking her down and rendering her unconscious. Ono of her feet was on zinc beneath the stovo, Tho lightning took a nail out of tho solo of her shoo and her font was severely burned. Dr. Thomas Mulligan of Now Drltuln soon revived her. Today Mrs. llurdlck, although suf fering from tho burns on her foot, wns freo from rheumntlc pains. Sho docs not think tho price her husband must pay in repairs to tho Iioubo too high, but Mr. llurdlck is discreetly si lont. Stability of United States. Tho Constitution of tho United Stntes of America wns adopted in 17S9. In that year tho French revolu tion bognn. Slnco 1789 Kuropo has bcon remade. Among tho nations four stand out as "ancient" Eng land, Russia, Denmark and Spain. Yet In tho past contury nnd a quarter thoso countries hnvo lived through governmental changes that show bo sldo tho stability of the United States rulo as exceeding largo and BignlH cant "shifts." Absolutely Necessary. , Mr. Moss (at tho art gallery) This catalogue's an nbsoluto svlndlo. Dero's no prices In It. Mrs. Moss What! You vcron't thinking of buying any? Mr. Moss ThOrtatnly not. Dut how can you bo expected to appreciate pictures If you don't know tho prices of thorn? Why Just In the Movies "Thoro's ono thing in tho movies; you can always toll what's coming aft er tho picturo of tho man at homo with his wlfo bonding over him wait ing to light his cigar." "Why, I never noticed. Whnt docs como next?" "A picturo of tho man writing chock." Nothing to Feed. Donald I'm tryln' feesh, Sandy. It's an elegant brain food, yo ken. Sandy Flno! But, man, in your case It seems a pity to waste tht feesh. Skirting the Difficulty. Sho How do you like my skirt, dcarlo? Ho Well, pet, I supposo It's all right; but isn't It a bit long for a kilt? Siamese capital, employing Danish engineers and machinery, is construct ing a largo cemont plant near Bang kok. Of course, it isn't to a man's credit if his credit isn't good. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been, has bornotho signature- of iiu uuu tuuvvuivo yuuiauiu. Signature of HOSPITAL immMMmRIMImmnvi JvfliwEH t bVHbbHIbbVb&sEiv VbbTH IStSlewrMHwB)eBHeBP9aVF14 3 &JaM&M&nAKr'WHnWMW'rWM HMKSVESaBBHHkiSK JTysp&ftf iWfsaaBalrsaW vr5?ySjs?fw f Haaam JtyGmM 1k2Qb vmbmbbhbvbhMki ??... iPWW Kfll ; r'lffc"SBIIlataV WtHwIHMbHK NHHPNI mnx vaarTia3atf'tijjaaaaKSaaa ., vtallMaanBBBBlBWn, Army u)oku preparing food In the llritlsh hopltnl at I. una I'aik, Ileliopolls, near Cairo. I.una Park Is an amusement placo that has been taken over for the uso of wounded soldlern, most of whom are Australians. VETERAN OF AMERICAN NAVY PUT TO TORCH araTaTaraTtaaTaHBTaTaTaTaTa IIIBKIp 1- vPPi' wn 'I.b.bH bbwVbbbVp1I ' k v .bbbh HBaaeleEMei?3aBKale& '' treeflBHBBaBBKU: "?l.. ''W:. ;,LV?' tV y SKBU BWBlBBakuJ5Pie4 -tSJBaaVieiiieWWeiatJBMB '"MItHBJBBwP:, BBBl BaHasHHE)! i leffl 1 1 iiBaaajwaaPh ''tefrBBBBBaBBBaaBwBBBeUBaaBMiii ih i MiiteewiiWlaw iiiMBaBB AVaHBIjSBBHIeBeSaeleBSa BBBBRHBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVHMHIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBjBJBBaB ijBBawBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBCaBaMBEtfBaaMaaaallBBBBBa BBBBBBR-' wvJ'' Wk 'iV' AIIBBHbBBBBb1BbK,JbHhIK '1 ' V'Vk iSfflMSiWjWBftitiBW Tho Portsmouth, soventy-cight-year-old wooden frigate of war of thu United States nuvy, famous In history, song and story, as sho was burning off Govornor's Island, near Hoston, after having boon sold by tho govern ment to a Junk dealer. Having boon stripped of everything valuable tho hulk was sot afire and soon sank. ADMIRAL T0M0SABUR0 KAT0 IVN Vlce-Admlral TomoHnburo Kato, minister of tho navy in tho now cabi net formed by Promlor Okuma. Ho was chief of staff of ono of tho Jnpa ncso squadrons during tho llussinn war, and commanded tho first squad ron in tho slcgo of Tsingtau. Ho is not a politician, Japancso law requir ing that tho nnvy and army heads shall always bo officers on tho actlvo list. Tomato as a Fruit. After an nrgumont In tho Brooklyn courts lasting moro than two months, a police court Judgo has ruled that a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable Two months ago Miss 13 va Schccter was arrested for soiling tomatoes on Sunday, In violation of a law which for. bids tho selling of vegetables on that day. Tho woman raised tho point that a tomato was not a vegctablo, but a fruit, and tho Judge, after delv ing dcop into tho authorities, discov ered that tho artlclo in question was a first cousin to tho persimmon, tho grapo and tho currant. Tho woman was discharged. Well, Rather. Undo Jackson (showing city boy tho farm) With all your city eddlca (tlon, eonny, I'll warrant you don't know whlfii ldo you milk a cow from? ! Tho Boy Suro, I dol It's tho un dor sldo! Hamburg Patriot. If s. ' KITCHEN AT HEUOPOUS, EGYPT BERSAGLIERI IN THE CARS0 REGION dtotiA.....i.:.i,a 'M'A&.'.,viftu Detachment of Hersagllorl, tho crack Infantry of tho Italian army, bat tling at tho outskirts of a forest In tho Carso region. Thoy had been hlddon in tho thickets seen at tho back of tho picturo and, upon tho approach of tho Austrians, camo out to moot thorn. 'i III ' ffl vA y $fSfy &T $$'$!$'' &$' &$'$&? f$Z l&BiBBBBBBBBBB W?B BMiiAetee iflffismS EI JiBBVHi!K'SefP9iHHHHHHB kjt4b In 4 if J JBtimmEmlmt$jr'''iilX 'mMBBBBBBb7 Wt 'VZjl ff t f . w ' "- ' Js'iB First picturo rocolvctl of tho Gorman occupation of Warsaw, showing Prlnco Leopold of Dayarla ridinK at tho hoad of his staff along ono of tho principal etrecta of tho old Polish capital which his army had capturod. i in t vM.'M.Ar'ti.iJSJinU ?,'. iihtW m't SliiMaiooL Lesson ny O. n. HKI.I.IIttH, AciIiik Director ot tlio Hiltntiiy Hcliool Couiro of Urn Moody Hiblo I tiHtli tutn ) LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 26 OBEDIENCE AND KINGSHIP VIEW). (RE- I.KHHON Ti:XT-P.lm 72. tlOI.DIJN TUXT-Tho IiIiik Hlmll Jny In lliy KliniKtli, U t.onl, iiml in thy mlva lion how nii'inly Hlmll tio injoku. 1's. Tho subject nsulgned for this review lesson Is aptly chosen, for tho klugll eat quality or vlrluo passud by any king In to bo obedient. Tho servant who truly serves Is obedient. Tho motto of tho king or Ktiglaud Is "tab. diou" I servo. Gen. It. K. I.eo onco said that for him tho gteutcst word In thu Hugllsu language Is tho word "obey." Wo read of our uuiHter that ho "learnud ohedl uni'o by tho things ho HtilTorod" (Hob.' r:8) and he taught that "IT yo lovtj mo, keep (obey) my commaudmeutu" (John 11:15). Tho lessons for tho past quarter cover nu upproxltuntu period of about 12fi years beginning probably 11. O. I0l!4 (lleecher). In them thero aro pro tiented nlno rulers; David, Solomon, Itehobonm, Jeroboam, Ana, Ahub and Joichcl from within, and two from without Israel, tho Queen or Shoba and llen-hndad, king of Syria. Thero aro also live prophets mentioned, Nathan, Ahliih, Azarlah, Obed and Ulljah. It might bo well for teachers to dis tribute blank plccoB of paper and asls thu scholars to writo a brlof outline or tho oustandlng facts regarding thesu rulers, also of Nathan and ICllJah, though tho last will moro proporlj como Inter as thero aro yot sovoral lessons about that groat prophoti Thcso kings can bo classified as good and bad, though tho greatest of thorn all (Uavld) Buffered a most terrible fall. From theso lessons tho great facts of sin, grace, prayor, tho word ol (lod, faith, salvation and unbollat art all to bo emphasized. For tho older classos a most lnton. cHtlng study can bo mado of tho do velopmcnt ot God's peoplo mnterlalli and tho religious development' also, as well as u study of tho causes fol tho division of tho kingdom. Tho tendency In both kingdoms woi downward towards tho destruction ol tho northorn one and tho captivity and Impoverishment ot tho southern. A good method ot rovlow would bi to tuko up each of tho dlffarent char actors und glvo a nummary ot his llf und of Its effect upon tho nation. II will bo prolitnblo to answer such queo lions as: What do tho events ot th past quarter teach us about tho char actcr of God? What great teaching! havo wo had presented on tho subject ot prayer? What peculiar manifesto) tlons havo been seen In tho develop tnent ot uln? In this qunrtor's lessoni what emphasis has been mado rolatlvi to tho word of God? What moral dui tics and obligations havo boeu enipha sized? If a good cruyon artist Is avail ablo proparo en tho blackboard 12 cin clcs, flvo above, flvo below, and ono al each end of a rectangle. In this Iusl placo tho Golden Text for tho duy nn In each or tho circles, beginning In th uppor loft hand corner, eltlior a skotci or somo other suggestion of each ol tho several lessons. Another suggestion for uso upon th blackboard would bo to draw twe panels or columns on either end of tin board and connect tho tops by an urch, Divide tho arch into flvo divisions and In tho top, tho koystono ot tho arch, placo tho nuino of good King Asa, tc tho left Absulom and Adonljah, and tq tho right Klljah and Ahab. On tho lofl panel write "Tho Word of God" an on its capstono "David." On tho right panel wrlto, "Obedlonco," and on the capstono "Solomon." Then under ncath tho arch and between the paneli first tho names ot tho remaining chlol characters belonging to Israel, and ba low, but separato, thoso from without whoso names havo been considered during tho past quarter. This arrange rncnt of names might bo so mado as ta call attention to tho separated king doms of Isruol and Judnh, using tin arch for tho names of tho character! affecting tho kingdom beforo its di vision. Again tho board may bo ruled Into two columns, ono to contain tho names ot tho "chief persons," and tho otbor tho "chief facts." Dlvidod according to lessons thoy will bo about as foil lows: Chief persons 1, David, Joab, Ablsbai, Absalom; 2, David, Hath shoba, Zadok, Nathan, Solomon, Adonl jah; 3 and 4, Solomon; 5, Solomon, Queen of Shoba; C, Hehoboam, old and young men; 7, Jeroboam; 8, Azarlaq; Asu; 0, Elijah, Ahab and tho widow of Zarophath; 10, Elijah and prophets of, llual; 11, Elijah and God; 12, Don-, liadad, Ahab, young men. Chief Facts 1, failure; 2, anoint ing; 3, cholco; 4, prayer; 5, wisdom, C, division; 7, sin; 8, reform; 9, provl denco; 10, testing; 11, discourage ment; 12, defeat. Thus by careful and prayerful preparation a revlow of each lesson can brlofly but profitably be presented. Tho matorlal for a successful re vlow along any ot tho lines suggested will demand careful preparation on tho part ot tho tcacbor, but will bo well worth whllo In fixing tliq cniof facts In the pupils' mind whllo It-also -N will test tho sort ot work the toachor. bw bear ilolns. I A . f'i if. m f it tUuJ SWiSErt9MRS Site .- .. , u 57riw7SBJrwWSflBJS5lW-