. nsne 't"1!t-"Uv'ia ""' v ' .-. ?. i'Cjiuvml. k.j BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA , 0 H I X,F THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnalm PUBLISHED BVBKY THUUSDAY Entered In the I'oMolllro nt Kid (loud, Nib. as Hccond C'tnuH Matter A H. McAItTIIUU 1'UllI.lMIKII TUB ONLY DKMOUMATIU I'APKIt IN WKIISTKIt COUNTY The brilliant light on tho stand-pipe Tcvcals tho scarcity of light itt the "business district. Wo bcliovo that the administration should provide for a loltcr lighting system on our main streets. Jf there is nny thing that makes a town look (lend it is thu dis null fochlu llghtsnl night lime. Ldofts as tko every ouo tind skipped elf and left things demoted, iluat a fuw mod iini lights on tlic four coruoft would Timlio a wondorftil difference. Iloscou WocHticr aud Mrs, Utirdcn inaugurated a novelty in this city Saturday by giving a procession of floats showing the latest htylcs in uloahs and inilllnory. There was a living exhibit of the very nicest and choicest of wearing apparols itnagiiu able. Anyono could see just how fityllsh tho now models arc. Ah an advertising feature it was a success nnd we congratulate these business -Iioubgs on their enterprise. We have the goods In this city and if we let tho people know it they will gladly como lioro to make their purchases. Stand -up for Rod Cloud. t Tho beacon light has been installed on the top of, tho stand-plpo. This lamp is of many candlo power and can bo si-en for miles around. It sheds its rajs Impartially for tho learned nnd the unlearned, the rich and poor, the just and the unjust, cheering the weary wander, beckoning tho way to home and shelter. The Idea is a good one and we congratulate the adminis tration on Its being useful as well as ornamental. Which reminds us that wo aro following tho lead of the I'nl ted States government in this matter. This country has tho best lighting sys torn for coast sailing In the world, Therfi are over ninu thousand bencon lights installed by our government on both coasts and thu lakes. These lights make it possible for Millors to t.'avol at night safe from hidden dang ers and with the fouling that they avt still at home. Onu of these lighls sends a ray of light one hundred miles It Is of very heavy candlo power and is equipped with stroiig"focusing lenses which collect tho rays of light and sond them like a streak across thu water. Hod Cloud is now on tho map day and night and no stranger can make a mistake if lie heads this way. Weekly Weather Forecast Wcjithcr forecast for tlu week be ginning Wednesday, Sept. 2'J, 'l.'i issued by tho U. S. Weather Kureau, Wash ington. I). C, for the Upper Missis sippi Valley and Plains States: Fair weather and modorato temper attlro tho (Irst half of tho week, al though frosts aro probable Wednesday in the Upper Mississippi Valley. Tho weather will become warmer and un settled by the middle of tho week, with scattered showers. Tho latter part of the week will bo generally fair. Apples For Sale (iood eating and cooking apples, 2.'u per bushel.- W. B White, 1 mile north and -',, miles west of town. WBKTLM MATCH v AT v Red Cloud, September 30 's ' Newhouse vBiildirvg Beginning At 9 P. Af. Tommy iDoctor Of Belleville, Kansas, 145 Lbs. VS. Young Rxisseil OS Friend, Nebraska, 150 Lbs. FOR $S0O A SIDE Best Two Out of Three Falls. Must Go To a Finish Tommy Doctor Holds the Welter Weight Cham pionship of Kansas, and This Match Must Be a Go As a Forfeit Has Been Posted. Admission p-y Sc What is Your Ability Worth to You Without The Tirne to Apply it? Better Insure Your Time in a Safe Company loo, 000,000 Assets Spells the Strength of The Travelers of Hartford Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent (Ovr.r Storey's lothln& Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONES: Intl. 241 am! 173 Bell I2K i Exhibit Tent College of Agriculture, at Webster County Fair to be Held at Bladen: Nebraska, Next Week fc --- , TheMInerBros.Ce. The Store That Sells Wooltex fcV. ,. l : TiieILBlack 3)cJi(, tjaL(faj PARIS-CLEVELAND KTiieILBlack Comrxnym PARIS-CLEVELANDx The New Fall Styles Vl'HUN you hoflc your fall suit or coat, you want to select U fTom W garments that boar the stamp of style correctness. You want to choose from assortments that afford a wide range of models, material"? and colors garments among which you are sure to find one that is most becoming to you. We invite you this week to our Advance Autumn Display of Wooltex Coats, Suits, Skirts A MERICA'S greatest organization of fashion designers assures the style correctness of these garments. The Wooltex Bureau of Fashions in Paris, with Madame Savaric as its director, has been main tained despite the great war. Here are the style features to look for in your new fall suit or coat iW i . i M -,-.. 'ftV' v 2403 ft V X) V.rfiM 111 t t WMhi T.kri Natural figure lines are most stylish. Not tightly fitted, but with the graceful curves of the natural figure. Jackets are made semi-fitting or loosely belted to give modish lines. Many have the smart flare below waists. Jackets are hip length or long. Skirts have rolling pleats or flat pleats on the sides to give 'fullness. Coats never were prettier. Two distinct modes are correct semi-fitted and loose. The semi-fitted models are most prominent. They are not tight, but have graceful curves that make good figures better looking and improyc poor figures. The loose-fitted models are often belted to give modish lines, while some very stylish models in fine coats hang loose from the shoulders. in I L--' yr vl l i " J i -xfC' 1 1 i "hu'i "L .!x:::'i'!!r!i : It'i'l "pSlfw i M 2430 ffM ft Jfr "1 200C TV J Come in this week. See the new style features, how becoming they are. Try on a few. Get acquainted with the new styles, even if you are not yet ready to buy. Suits at Coats at Skirts at IheMinetw $23.00 to $65.00 16.S0 to 4SJ S.00 to IBJ os. B SftWMr. The Store That Sells Wooltex Coats Suits Skirts "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" kmn &fftK!& -J a IHI I Sunday, September 26 "Billy Sunday and the Omaha Campaign." (Evening Subject) I SUNDAY SCHOOL At lO A. Af. I D The United Church J. L. Beebe. Pastor Dor south oi court Houe 1 1 Will You Visit The Exposition This Autumn Or Winter? Thousands arc RoltiR to California to seo thnt marvelous exposition be fore tho patos nre closed December 31st. Many will make nn autumu tour at these cheap rates, returning before winter, while many will leave before cold weather for tho winter in Southern California, going via San Francisco. Tho final return limit of Exposition tickets Is Decumber.'ll, 1015; those spending the winter in California should travel either on onu way tiokets, or there Is nvailablo the first class nine-months excursion ticket. The Hurllngton operates daily through sleepers to San Francisco and Los Angeles via the popular routo through Denver, Scenic Colorado anil Salt Lake City. Consult mo if yon expect to go this autumn. Lot mo makoyour through reservations early. Whether you go ilrst to Los Angeles or to San Fraucisco you have ISurliugton through sleeper service. Burlington through scrvlco California routes comprlso a "See America" tour thnt includes tho bcenic, the highly developed regions, tho attractive cities of halt a continent. M. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr, J.. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. 1001 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr. i