&. RED ALOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF to f lu 4. ' II i A FolKWeToucK Iiv Passing jujia ? AVCLUPE YOUR FRIEND TODAY Ellznbcth and Martlia wcro friends. Ellzaboth Bald the word should ol ways bo written with a capital K. Martha declared that every letter that went Into the making of so precious u nanio should bo a capital, whereupon Elizabeth kissed her affectionately, and they both declared that no matter what tho years might bring them thoy would keen their tlo of frlondshlp pure, and true, and lofty. "And," Bald Martha, who was the mora ardent and Imaginative- of the two, "there aro to be no secrets be tween us; not even thought secrets." To which Elizabeth agreed In an ab stracted manner which did not quite satisfy her friend. So Martha suggested that they draw up nn agreement of eternal love nnd loyalty to he solemnly signed by each of them, nnd when Elizabeth said she didn't seo the use of such a thing, her friend burst Into a storm of grief that qulto took the less intense girl off her feet. "Why, you darling Martha," com fortcd Elizabeth. "Of course, we'll write tho vow, nnd sign It. I only meant thnt all tho vows In tho world couldn't make mo truer to our friend ship, or moro certain that I shall al ways love you Just as I do now." Whereupon Martha dried her tearB, and spent many weeks In tho compo sition of a vow of frlondshlp which "But Ho Doesn't Know You aa would have seemed more like a con tract of tho relinquishment of all per sonal liberty than a promise of undy ing love to on outsider. Rut tho docu ment quite satisfied tho friends, who considered it a masterpiece in Its own way. In tho weeks nnd months that fol lowed confidences becamo almost an obsession with tho girl, Martha. An ovcrconsclous little soul, sho spent a deal of her tlmo In self-examination for fear that sho would depart from the letter of her promlso and hold back the admission of sonio thought or action from Elizabeth. Tho vow was taken less seriously by Elizabeth, upon whom friendship eat with lighter meaning. Martha, in her frank nnd girlish ar dor, would have called her friend a traitor, had sho known that she did not share tho deeper Hfo of Ellzaboth. Elizabeth would have said that sho merely protected a God-given right, and that tho matter of the vow was a Billy thing, to which sho bad agrcod morely to humor her friend. So tho ycnrB wont by, and tho friends becamo women grown. Their companionship had been very closo, and their affection for each oth er was a matter for admiration among their associates, Tcoplo said that they had never seen such remarkable confidence be tween two young women. So far as Martha was concerned this was true, ilio shared her every thought of consequenco with Eliza beth. Sho unveiled her weaknesses as well as her strength to the elder girl, nor did sho notice that every year bad brought Elizabeth moro reserve, so grent was her absorption In her own confidences. Ono day Tbo Wise Woman, who had uwvaiGnYar NEWSPAPrR ayMDICATCf' heard much of Martha and Elizabeth, sat quietly by whllo the former ex pressed It as her belief that friendship Is tho greatest thing In tho world, "Tho sort that will stand tho test of actual self-denial Is very rare," said Tho Wise Woman. "YOUR FRIEND TODAY IS OPrEN YOUR ENEMY TOMORROW. THERE FORE, NEVER TELL, YOUR FRIEND WHAT YOU WOULD NOT WANT YOUR ENEMY TO KNOW." ' Martha listened as ono might listen to treason. Then, remembering Elizabeth, she abruptly left tho room. "She is young," remarked The Wis Woman. "She will learn." It came to pass that tho personal Interests of tho friends conlllctcd for tho llrst tlmo since, In that far away yesterday, they each signed tho vow of eternal lovo and loyalty. They fell In lovo with tho samo man. For a timo Tho Man, knowing tho closeness of tho tlo which bound tho two young women, was very nice to both of them. Then it became apparent that ho was moro Interested In Martha, and after a little ho asked her hand in marriage. And for tho first tlmo in her Ufa the girl, Martha, found it difficult to open the deepest chamber in her heart to her friend. Instinctively, she bugged her secret It was so precious I Do. He Doesn't Know You." a thing this matter of loving and be ing loved that sho did bo want to cherish it for Just a little whllo against tho knowledge of all tho world. But she remembered tho vow, the letter of which she had kept for years, so shyly sho told Elizabeth that she and Tho Man were to bo married. "And you have tho audacity to tell mo this, you sly minx!" hissed tho life timo friend of tho girl, Martha. "You're a perfect little sneak, that's what you are! You've enticed him into this with your confiding little ways. But ho doesn't know you as I do! He doesn't know you!" sho cried, beside herself with rago and disap pointment, for the girl, Elizabeth, also loved The Man and wanted to bo his wlfo moro than aho wanted anything elso In all the world. Becauso of tho vow which Martha had always kept to tho letter, and which the wiser girl had always set aside as a mighty foolish sort of thing, Elizabeth was as familiar with tho weaknesses of her friend as she was with her own. Sho know her as sho know herself, for In her interpreta tion of tho word friendship Martha had always uncovered her very aoul for tho other girl's inspection. And, so it was that tho confidences which tho girl, Martha, had given in tho sacred name of. friendship were mado tho property of all who cared to hear them, and bounded back liko boomerangs to hurt her a thousand times with a hurt bo poignant that sometimes tho injuries dono her seomed moro than she could bear. And Tho Wlso Woman Bhook her bead gravely and remarked ngaln that, bo long aB human nature Is human na ture, it will never bo safe to tell your dearest friend anything that you would not want your blttorett enemy to know. jmwrizL. BASEBALL HELPS REPTILE HUNTER American, Once He lllustrateo the Curve, Had All Na tives' Aid. CATCHES 500 SNAKES Not a Reptile In All Santo Domingo Wan Safo After Clarence R. Hal ter's Enthusiastic Following Took up the Trail. Now York. This Is whero sport put ono right over the pinto for sclcnco! It nil happened down in Santo Do mingo. It was to this land thnt there trav eled last May Clarcnco R. Halter, oi tho department of herpetology, nnd Frank E. Watson, department or ento mology, both of tho Ametlcan Musoum of Natural History, ono in quest of Bnakcs, tho other of bugs. Thoy had letters of introduction nnd hopeful dis positions and a zeal for work. And yet, Bomohow, tho rcspcctablo natives of Santo Domingo did not warm to them at first ns thoy might, and especially the Honor Halter. Caught Five Hundred Snakes. Ho caino back from thure a day or bo ngo laden with spoils, Jlvo hun dred in all tho strnngo nnd solemn EOlunodon and tho shrinking and sight less typhlops, dragged, unresisting, from its inir. Everybody helped when they really learned to nppreclato what a very wonderful man indeed wus tho Scnor. It was a hot day, and at a certain city thcro were gathered nouns hun dreds of tho natlvo boiih watching otghtoon men playing at nit American gamo I would not gc so far as to say that thoy really wcro playing It. Thcro wero nlno players to a Bide, though, nnd thcro wcro bats and balls covered with horsohldo, nnd things wcro going rather slowly on tho wholo. Tho pitcher tossed a ball aa though It weru an npplu ho was be stowing on a calf. "la It not tho great American gnmo of baseball?" asked a prominent citi zen of tho Scnor Halter. "It certainly Is not," nnswered tho Scnor, who wa then taking his day off and some clmncey. Thorn caino over tho features of tho1 Santo Domlngan an incrcdiilmui smile. Ho called tho manngor of tho team and said that tho gentleman from tho States would ho glad to show how tho great game was played. Then Box Didn't Go. Just about forty seconds after that tho Sonor Halter was in tho pitcher's box. First tho hall trickled out from his fingers and then turned tornado. It camo as though Btralght toward tho stand! Down on their faces went tho The Inmates Were Dragged Wriggling Into the Light. spectators, nnd looked up ngnln, nnd a mlraclo indeed tho ball had turned about in air and had disappeared! Tho batsman was fanning tho air. "Play yet again, Sonor; you are tho great wonder!" criod tho most proml nont citizen, and from that moment tho reputation of tho young scientist was made. Now ho mado tho ball speed llko lightning until it smoked ItH course. Agnln it Bwopt about in a graceful sorpontino curvo. How mar voloua tho drops nnd tho inshoots, Been for tho first timo In that part of tho world! Tho mysteries of tho spltball hold tho populaco In thrall. They shouted for moro. When tho garao was over the younger element Insisted that tbo Sonor should teach thom all tho "American pitch." Then It was that they drew from him that ho had been on tho sneond team nt Columbia Unlvorslty and for a tlmo had pitched ovon for tho regu lar nlno. Messrs. Halter and Watson told how much thoy desired to have snakes and hugs. After tho explorers had scored in thin way thcro was no Bnnko in Santo Domingo too good for thom. Tho awainps and thickets wero ran sacked and tho inmatos woro dragged wriggling into tho light. Natives who had been afraid ovon of a frog hunted up reptiles and placed them at the feet of tho expedition. GETTING RID OF INVENTOR How General Miles Handled Wlldcyed Man With Bulletproof Army Coat. When General Miles was n tho bend of tbo army ho used to bo continually besieged by cranks with pncutuntlt firing guns, dirigible war balloons ami other martini Inventions. Hut tho gen oral would weed those crunks out with admirable spued. An Inventor In Ills office one day tolls of a cm hum Inci dent In this relation. A card was brought In and laid bo foro tho general. "Oh. send him In." said Miles. "Ills business won't tnko moro than u min ute or two." So In caino a wlldoycd, longhaired man twisting his Boft hat nervously in both hands. "General," ho said, "I hnvo hero" nnd ho took out n small parcel "a bulletproof army coat. If tho govern ment would adopt this" "Put It on; put It on I" said (ioncrnl Miles. And ho rang tho bell. Tho clerk nppearcd ns tho Inventor was getting Into tho coat. "Jones," mild tho general, "toll tho captain of tho guard to order one of his men to load his rifle with ball and cnrtrldgo and" "Excuso mo, general," I forgot some thing," Interrupted tho Inventor. And with n hunted look ho disappeared. Two Birds Indicted. Tho complaints against tho robin have dwelt on his fondness for cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, pearB, poaches, primus, grapes nnd even olives In California. Tho bluebirds' consumption of culti vated fruits seems moro limited, being practically confined to cherries, rasp berries and blackberries, and Its trun cating porlod is vory Bbort. being only from Into fall to early spring whon tho Insects which it prefers are scarce. He Took a Chance. "lt'fl a good thing you hnd accident Insurnnco, Isn't It? That Tall must have laid you up for two weeks." "I know, but It doesn't help mo out In this enso." "And why not?" "Why, It carried a clatiso forbidding mo to cngngo In any oxtrn hazardous occupation." "Well, you weren't, were you?" "Yes, 1 wnB trying to sell .lones sotno llfo insurnnco." Mutual Benefit. "Why do you Bend your wlfo and daughters to tho Bcashoro whllo you stay nt homo?" "Wo'ro all moro comfortable," ro pllcd Mr. Cumrox. "Mothor and tho girls liata to seo mo In n wilted col lar and I'm very much annoyed by their bnthlng suits." Some Town. "Wo'ro a growing town," Bald tho loading citizen of Painted Post. "I don't know," said tho traveling man, "thcro aren't any moro people hero than thcro was last year." "I know that," said tho proud resi dent, "but tho Smith twins put on long pants last week." Experienced. "What cxpcrlenco hnvo you had?" demanded tho hotel proprietor to tho applicant for tho position of mana ger. "Exporioncof Why Bny, I'vo had n homo in tho country for yenrs, and ovory friend I'vo got In tho world ownB nn automobile" Doesn't Miss It. "Docs your furnaco smoko to a dls agrooablo oxteut, Mrs. Jags?' "No, but my husband docs." The Best Mill Cannot grind good flour from poor wheat, nor can the human body get good health from food and drink which is not fitted to the individual. Right food the kind the system re quires, goes a long way toward putting one on The Road to Wellville. This road leads to comfort, happiness and long life. Grape-Nuts is a delicious food scientifically prepared from wheat and barley. In the making, the starch of the grains is partially pre-digested for quick and easy assimilation and furnishes the nourishment Nature requires for the daily rebuilding of body and brain. It pays to keep oneself in the highest condition of physical and mental vigor. "There's What Women Will Do. Suppose you tried to think what fashion never could do Wouldn't you have fixed on furs In summer ns thn Ann! Impossibility? And yet they did wear furs this summer with the thermometer at SI, thn humidity at HI. tho breeze iilmuiil, and In that month In which the llantlle fell and tho Declaration of Independence was signed I Of cnursu yoli left our coat nt homo during those dog days? Collier's Weekly So Paw Says. Utile Lemuel Say, paw, what Is a lending cltUouY Paw A lending citizen, son, Is n man whoso evatnple It Isn't always snfo to follow. No Mistake About It. "A mans homo ought to bo tho denrost spot In tho world to him." "When tbo bills nro coming In, It Is." Clinrlty also uncovers a lot of our neighbors' sins. ills iiifiwh a Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land WM Get rid of the stumps nnd prow bit; crops on clcnrcu land. Now ilk The Wholo Truth. Tho reputation of children for toll ing tho truth about their elders was enhanced in Massachusetts recoutly when Coventor Walsh, attending tho dedication of a public building, ad dressed a number of pupils In tho elementary grades. Ily way of giving his youthful audlcuco an object les son In various forms of patriotic service, tho governor pointed to his military aid, who waB In a gold laced uniform, nnd asked: "Who Is tills man?" "llo is 11 Boldlcr." "What does ho do?" "Fights for his country." "Who am I?" "Tho governor." "What do I do?" "Nothing," chorused tho children, who, lucredlbln an it may soem, had not boon coached boforchnnd. So Friendly. Tho women who called Just becaimo thoy couldn't get out of It wero met nt tho door by tho maid. "My mistress Ib taking her beauty sleep," Alio said. "How long does It tnko her?" asked ono of tho womon. "Oh, less thnn hnlf an hour." "Sho looks It," said tho other wo man In a whlnpor to her friend. Then they loft their cards and trotted nlong. Year After Year. "Thoy can't fool all tho pooplo all tho tlmo." "Hut tho Bummer hotel proprietor manngcB to stick us for two weeks of It." Whon a young mnn Is sum ho enn't llvo without n certain girl ha ought to marry her and dlscovor hla mis take. Many a man who apparently acts llko a fool fools us by not acting nt nil. Bad Food a Reason" for Grape-Nuts 5-7 The General Saji: m mizl-A -,r" , Wfir irntl yttnr rnonjr away n "litri.ln rnuffni" when you tin not ill h.lt rnnlm. .1 jex.i IHriW m ratonnlla -..! ..( own local dr-tttr whom you lino.? Certain teed MaBaM Roofing i pinrtntrrd In vmtlnR 5 yciirt for 1 ply. 10 yenrt for 2 ply, nnd 15 years for 3 ply. nnd tlir repnmilillty of our bin mllU itnnils belilncl II1I1 kii a ran (. Ita quality It the highest nnd it piice the moit reasonable. General Roofing Mfg. Company IVotti'i latoft mutufattHttrt n Itoaflno din! llulMl10 JMjvri N.wT.tVCilr BMtoa CUu flttAartfc FhiliitlpMa AllmU CI.t.IiwI IMitit St.Loiii Clottaritl K.iujCllr MIumimB Sa Ft clit S.itlU UaJ.o HmW Stimr I'nr Nile, i:nj- 'lrri, or 'trml I6S n. In No. Ark fruit licit Uiiiuh linn tlnintliy hy. ever l.tplltitf tprlnit. I mi ilwrllliiKn, burn, rinnUn lniiim', lirn limine ill1 Will not aril llirouvli mil mtitr niitn t'nntiln In farm. II (I IIoiIktu I .a t'niMf Arl run iiiiiur aw vt w u- - ms;r- " M4TTi aoui, l?m is the time to elenn up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest nnd easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Explatlvet No. 69F, and name of txearttt dealer. DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE HE ASKED THE RIGHT MAN Railroad Man Has His Curiosity Sat isfied In a Startling Manner. A Loulsvlllo attorney and n railroad man who lias his "stopover" hore went to a theater tho other night. Tho railroad man saw a llashlly ilresood, rod-faced, sporty-looking Individual sitting In 0110 of tho boxes. "Who In that tough person Hitting lit the box?" tho railroad man askod pleasantly, "llo looks llko n drunken hurglnr." "That,", said tho uttornoy, "Ib my cousin." Tin) railroad man gasped a couple of times beforo ho could get a grip on himself. Then n smile nprend ovor bis. faco as bo romnrked: "Woll, 1 wont straight to hcadriuar torH for information, didn't I?" Louis ville Times. Ills Plea. "Well, Oiuldyhump," Bald 8qulr Peavy, addressing a colored citizen who wan suspected of having wan dered from tho straight and narrow path, "what hnvo you to Buy for your self?" "Dos dls, yo' honnh dls yuh am muh prevarication:" was the roply. "Nemmlno waddor I's guilty or not. but doss tempt mercy wld Jostlco and tuhn mo looso. Ttihn mo looso, sab, nnd hIio'h yo' bawn I'll do as much foi yo' aomo tlmo!" Waning of the Honeymoon. Young Wlfo (six weeks mnrriago) Darling, do you lovo mo utlll? Husband What a silly qucstlontf Why, of cotirso I lovo you Btlll and tho stlllor tho better. A good many cases of lovo In a cot tage turn out badly through lack oC tho cottago. WON'T MIX and Good Health Won't Mix. Tho human Btomneh stands much abuse but It won't return good health it you give it wrong food. If you feed right you will feel right, for proper food and a good mind is tho sure road to health. "A year ago I bocamo much alarmed about my health for I began to suffer after each meal no matter bow llttlo I ato," says a Denver woman. "I lost appctito and tho very thought of food grow distasteful, with tho result that I was not nourished and got weak nnd thin. "Thoro was no ono to Bhoulder my house hold burdens, and como what might I must hear them, and this thought nearly drove mo frantic when I realized that my health was breaking down. "I read an artlclo In tho paper about soma ono with troublo just llko mlno bolng bene fited by Grape-Nuts food and acting on this nuggestlon I gavo Grape-Nuts a trial. The. first dish of this delicious food proved that I had struck tho right thing. "My uncomfortablo feelings in stomach and brain began to disappear and in a short tlmo I was again myself. SInco than I have gained 12 pounds in wolght through a sum mer of hard work and realize I am a very different woman, all duo to tho splendid food, Grape-Nuts." Sold by Grocers everywhere V tl ,i Mifi MX .Jl T i Vi) &t ! MS. I (M 'frfl ,i 'fl L l I m I u p i hfl Sfr EftffiWMfcftimiWtnOTiuugiMOT I T-mT-IITfTTinilllllliri.ll.l I wl.i. mmimii mi.ll.il lll.il I WwwStsrfW'W HJHhiJJ-t