RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF OioDED IU5T A TALE OF CML STRUT TTV 4 1 T TV A Y Y Y" A TrTT f Y-Y VC1 ViNMXJUL MYKKlsMl 1U5TPATI0N$ 4fC.D.BHODE5 '! I coPYfitcrtr Ac.tvrciuxcuco ir SYNOPSIS. Confdtirute Hrrfti'iitit Wyutt of thn Htiiunton artillery Ih cnt iih it spy to lil nullvi! rounty oh tlm Cironti flrlai liv don rml J.ichwin. Wyult inci'tM n mountaineer liutni'it Iini Tnylor. 'I hey ride iokpIIiit to it Iiuiihu bejromi Hot HprtMKH. In tfio homo Wyitlt nncl Taylor inu't Major Hnrwood, fiitlii'r of Nnri-i'ii nml mi (ilil neighbor of Wyutl. who H sent (o littl wlille Iho two other moil tnlk. Wvutt Iiccomkh Minpl doiiu, unit IlinU Hint Tuylor Iiiih murdered llurwooil nml 'Huiit'd Wyutt cliatiRfs to tlio U. H. ciivitlry iinlfonn Im Iiiih with lilm, and rldi-n iinuy In the nlKtit. rimnlni? Into it detachment of I'Vdcrnl citvnlry, to whom Im Idditlfltn himself ili Lleutriinnt Ilaymotid, Third U, H. cnviilry. hy means of pnpurn with which ho Iiiih In n pio vldrtl. Cniitnln Pox llnds Ilurwood's body und followH Tnylor'n trull. CHAPTER V. Tho Night Attack. Tho IncliJontH of that rltla do not re main with mo In uny Rpcelnl clonrncHS of detail. Wo rodo steadily, keeping won together. conscious that iu nil probability wo wero watched by Iiob tllo oyo, peering out from behind rock and thlckot. Wo foraged through do Burtod shacks. Ilndlng poor reward, yet managed to subslBt, altliough with hunger unsatisfied Tho men gram bled and Vox sworo, hh, long before night camo. ho comprehended tho fact that wo woro on a fool'H errand; that lila llttlo Bqtind waa being lured deeper und deeper Into n hoHtllo country, but no opportunity to turn aside present ed llflolf. Tho night overtook us In tho midst of n mountain Bolltudo. Tho ncouts had discovered a spring nt tho bottom of u rocky hollow, and there Pox reluctantly ordered camp to bo mndo, tho horses Ilndlng aennt pas turngo beyond. Tho grumbling and cursing Boon ceased, however, nnd those not on duty slept lltfully. I nmdo the round of tho sentries with Vox, slipping nnd stumbling over tho rough way, through tho darkness. "Thin weird place gets on tho norves," bo said, na If half ashamed of tho confession. "Do vou knnw. Ilnv. inond, I havo felt for tho last hour as If wo woro riding Into Bomo trap." Ho glanced nervously behind him. "I donjt boltovo there has ever been a Federal detuchment dowu as fnr as UiIb boforo. WVro In old Ned Cowan's country." "Coufoderato?" I asked. Interested at onco by tho name. "Heaven knowBl To (ho best of my belief tho fellow doesn't glvo a whoop for either side. He's Just a natural born devil and this wnr gnvo him a chanco to get tho hell out or his sys tem. Still, I gucsB. ho calls himself a Rob." "And IiIb followers?" "Mountain men mostly, together with a bunch of doscrters and con scripts from both aides. Nobody knowu how big n band ho has. but It would tako an nrmy to run them out of theBo mountnlns Wo had ordors to do It but pllllol Itnmsay came down na far as Payetto Court Houbo with a regiment of Infantry, and a cavalry guard, and sent out a Hag of truoo asking tho old devil to come In and Uilli with him. Ho actually did comoj rodo right up to headquarters, with a dozen of his ragged followers, heard what UnmBiiy had to say, and then oltnply told thu general to go to hell, and rodo off again." "Woro you thero7 Did you seo tho men?" "No, but tho sergeant did; ho wna detullod at that time na headquarters' orderly." "yea," I said, determined on my course. "I waa talking with llaydon during tho noon halt, Ilo described Cowan to me, nnd I bclluvo he la tho sonio man I encountered nt Hot Springs, Captnln Fox tho fellow Tay lor wo aro In pursuit of." Vbo captain stnrcd Into tho black night, silent for Buvernl minutes. "I've- been suspecting tho saino thing for tho last three hours," he admitted at lost Blowly, "and that he hoped wo would follow him Tho fellow hasn't rlddon fast, nnd 1ms purposely left a plain trail. More than that tin wns expected along this rend and there wero relays of horses waiting. Ilo only changed ouco, but ho wna mot by another party near that ruined mill. Ever Blnco then 1 have felt that wo wero holng watched by uiiBecn eyes. Did you obBcrvo tho curl of smoke to our right Just before dark how It roao and fell In rings?" "I saw tho Btnoko, yea a thin spiral, but supposed It to bo from the chim ney of somo mountain shack." "Weil, It was not. That wna an out Bido tiro, and tho smoko was smoth ered und then thrown up by blankets. That Is their way of signaling I tell . lift... na.nm. (IllD .nilV-.lnt IT I I II !" UU, MUUIW'llUllb, WHO ,, WW. w. .....'. lil-VH IMW.iJ, UtIU UUl PU U I JT 4Uil) wood la more than nn nrmy mutter. It for there were scraps of food on wrb cither tho culmination of a feud of tho overturned boxes. Unapi lono for personal revenge or olso tho major had papers In his posses sion bearing on tho situation here that could only bo gained over his dead body. Tho man who killed hlra was old Ned Cowan." "Hut Hnrwood must havo known him," I protested. "Of courso ho did; thoy wore neigh bora before tho wnr nnd mot there by appointment. For all 1 know tho ma jor may have had eomo confidential communication from tho war depart ment God knows what It was. All 1 MB sure about Is that I would give a good deal to bo out of this fix right now and twenty miles to tho north of hero." Wo Bat there for half an hour dis cussing tho matter und endeavoring to convince ourselves tho danger was less thun wo linnglnod. There wns nothing to ho done but wait for day light. Finally Fox crept forth ngnln to mako another round of the pickets, to nssuro himself they wore alert, nnd before ho returned I hnd fallen nsleep. Tho chill of tho night nwoko mo. cold nnd shivering. Thu wind hnd nrlson and swept down tho funnel In which I Iny with an ley breath ngnlnst which my single hlnnket afforded no protection. Tho man who had been lying next mo waB gone, nnd so there must havo been u chango of guard whllo I slept. I could distinguish, dimly outlined ngnlnst tho sky, tho ovcrnnngmg rocK-wnii wuicn inciosuu our camp, nnd tho dcepor ahado of a cleft n yard or two to my left, where tho dead trunk of n trcu stood liko n gaunt, ugly sentinel. As I Iny Btnrlng tho figure of n man slipped out from behind Its protec tion and, dropping on hands nnd knees, crept forwnrtl across the open space. Another nnd nnothcr followed, mere ghnstllko shadows, scarcely ap pearing real. For the Instant 1 doubt ed my eyesight, imagined I dreamed. Then, boforo I could rnlso volco In nlarm, a rlllo spat viciously, tho red flnmo of its discharge cleaving tho night. A fusillade followed nnd In tho Hiiro I caught grotesque glimpses of men leaping forward, and there was u confused yelling of voices, a din of nolso. I wns upon my knees, revolver In hand, but In tho mclco below could not distinguish friend from foe nllko thoy woro a blur of figures, ono In stant visible, tho next obscured. Yet there could bo no doubt ns to tho final ending of tho struggle Taken by sur prise, outnumbered, tho llttlo squad of troopers would bo crubhed, annihilat ed. Nor was there reason why I should sncrlllco myself In their defenso n valueless sacrifice. My cholco waa Instantly made, as there flashed to my mind what my fate would bo It I over fell Into Cowan's bunds attired In Federal uniform. On hands and knees I crept to tho cleft In tho rock wall und began to clatnbor up over the irregular rocks. Tho shouts nnd yells, tho cries for mercy, tho sound of blowB, grew faint er and finally ceased altogether. Lean ing back nnd looking down I could por celvo nothing in tho black void. A volco shouted an order, but It sounded far off and Indistinct. I wns In a nnrrow gully, tho lncllno less steep than amid tho racks below, nnd could perceive tho lighter canopy of tho sky not far nbovo mo As 1 crept out Into tho open space Bomcono touched a match to n pile of dry limbs In tho cove below, and tho red llames leaped high, revealing tho Bcene. I caught a glimpse of It staring down as though I clung at tho mouth of hell, seeing moving black figures, and tho dark, motionless shadows of dead men The ono glimpso wan enough, tho fenrful tragedy of It smiting mo like a blow, nud 1 turned and ran, mumbling over tho rough ground, my only thought that of escape. There wero Btara In the sky, their dim light BUtllclent to leld somo faint guldnnco. My courso led mo close hesldu tho edge of tho rldgo Hero tho ground fell away to tho banks of a shallow stream and somo Instinct of woodcraft led mo to wado down with lto current for u couslderublo distance, until tho icy water drovo mo to tho bank once more. I knew 1 had cov ered several miloa and was beyond pur suit nnd Bufo from discovery. I re mained there until dawn, tho first gray light giving assurance that my tlight had been to tho north nloug the foothlllB. From tho rldgo top a wide vista lay revealed of rough, seeming ly uninhabited country, growing more distinct as tho light strengthened There was no house visible no sign of any road; all nbout extended a rudo mountain solitude, but to tho north west there was a perceptiblo break In tho chain of hills, ns though u pass led down Into tho concealed vnlloy bo yond. With this for guldanco I plunged forward, eager to got out of that drear wilderness. It was considerably after tho noon hour before 1 came upon u dismal shack of logs In tho midst of a small clearing. Tho light streaming in through tho open door revealed that it wns unoccupied Yet someone had been there, nnd not so very long ago, ono Uuappctlz presence. A few log huts appeared along tho curving road, the one near est mo In ruins, whllo a gaunt chim ney beside a broad stream unbrldgnd was all that remained of a former mill, lleyond this, In midst of a grovo of noble trees, a largo house, painted white, wnB tho only conspicuous font turo In tho landscape. 1 recognized It nt once as tho rcsldenco of Major Ilnrwood. .My gazo rested upn It, ns memory or tho man, and his fate, surged fresh ly back into mind. Tho placo had been spared destruction; it remained unchanged but from that distanco It ha4 tho nppcarauco of desertion. This condition was no particular surprise, for llarwood's daughter, senrcoly more thnn n girl to my remembrance, would doubtless bo with friends, either In Lowlsburg or Charleston; and that tho mansion, thus deserted, still ro malncd undestroyed was, after all, not bo strange, for tho mnjor's standing throughout that section would protect hla property. I moved on down tho steep descent, losing sight of tho house n3 tho rand twisted about tho hill, although mem ory of It did not desert my mind. Somo odd Inclination seemed to impel mo to turn aside and study the situation there mora closely. Possibly Borne key to tho mystery or Hiirwood's mur der some connection betweou htm and old Ned Cowan might bo ro vented In a search or thu deserted home. Fox had said that his party halted at tho houao on their inarch east toward Hot Springs. Somo scrap or paper might havo been left behind In the hurry or departure, which would yield mo a cluo. If not UiIb, then there might bo other papers stored there relating to military affairs In this section of vnluo to tho Confed eracy. Hnrwood wns tho undoubted leader of tho Union sympathizers throughout tho entire region; ho would have lists of names, und memo randa or meetings, containing Infor mation which would help mo greatly In my quest. An exploration could not be a matter of any great danger, nnd might yield mo tho very knowl edge I Bought Tho grant houso loomed before mo blnck and silent. If 1 had over ques tioned Its desertion Its appearanco lulled every such suspicion. Nor had It escaped unscathed from tho despo liation or war. At a distance, gazing from tho sldo of tho mountain, I could perceive no chango. Put now, close at hand, even tho Intcnso darkness could not hide tho scars left by vandals. Tho front stops were broken, tho door saucer, a half loaf ot oicnd. with a slice cut, part of a ham bono, with considerable meat remaining un touched, and a small china teapot For an Instant the unexpected sight of theso articles fascinated me, and then my eyes caught a dull glow in tho fireplace nt tho opposite end ot tho room tho red gleam of a live ember. Tho Bhock of this discovery was ao sudden as to give mo a strange, hnuntcd feeling. Tho house had seemed bo completely deserted, bo desolate, wrapped In allenco nnd dark ness, that the very conception that someono else was hiding thcro camo upon mo liko a blow. Who could tho person bo? Well, 1 would find out. Thus fnr tho ndvantngo was mine, for I know of another presence, while tho follow, whoever ho might prove to bo, In all probability possessed no knowl edge of my entrance. My heart beat fnst, but from exclto ment, not fear. With cocked revolver In one hnnd. tho lamp in tho other, I silently opened door attor door, peor lug Into vacant apartments, hair thinking every shadow to bo a skulk ing figure. Tho search revealed noth ing; not even further evidence of any presence In tho house. Tho kitchen lire was cold, tho conking utensils clean, and in their proper places. Satisfied nlrcndy that tho mysteri ous Invader had departed, yot sternly determined now to explore tho whole house, nnd huv dono with tho busi ness, I mounted tho back stairway, a strip of rag carpet rendering my steps silent, and, with head uhovo the land ing, flashed my light cautiously along the upper hall. There were doors on either side, tho most of them open, but tho third to tho left wns closed. There wns no transom over It, but tho door wna far enough nwny rrom tho rndlUB or my lump bo as to reveal n rnlnt glow or light nt tho floor lino I set tho lamp down on the landing, and crept noiselessly forward to ussuro myself; It was truo. a light was burn ing within the closed door. TO UE CONTINUED.) ENTIRELY A STATE OF MIND TWO DEAD BESIDE HIM, STOPS TRAIN Automobile Struck by Engine, Three Carried on Pilot and Fourth Injured. Wlnstod, Conn. Two of his com panions killed when nn express train struck their nutomobllo at ti grndo crossing, II. Cuthbert of Coleman sta tion, N. Y., escaped BcrloiiB Injuroy, nnd after being carried an eighth of u mllo on tho pilot clambered back nnd nsked tho cnglnn driver to atop. This wns learned nt an Inquest hold by Coroner Hrown of White Plnlns. N. Y. Miss Kathryn Itcllly, twenty-one years old, of Anicntn, N. Y nnd Ken neth McArthur of Coleman station, twenty, wero killed when the Rutland milk express on tho Harlem division or tho Now York Central railroad struck the nutomobllo n( Amenln. Miss Mary G. Ahearn or A men la was seri ously Injured. Cuthbort suffered a Blight Injury to his foot. Cuthbort, dazed by tho crash, was helpless for a few moments, and when '" M$& And Began to Clamber Up Over the Irregular Rocks. lug ns theso nppenrcd, 1 sat down and ato heartily, then got to my feet and, closing tho door securely behind me, plowed through tho tangle ot weeds back to tho road. Just boforo sundown 1 omerged from tho narrow gap and looked down Into tho broad valley of tho Green Briar. It w as a, scouo to linger In tho mem ory, and nt my first glanco I know where I was, recognizing tho familiar objects outspread before me. Lewis burg lay beyoud a spur of hills, invis ible from my position, although dis tant spirals ot smoko indicated its above was tightly closed, yet both tho windows to tho right wero smashed In, sash and all, leaving a wldo opening. 1 crept forward, and endeavored to peer through, but tho darkness within was opaque I was wet through, chilled to thu bone, my uniform clinging to mo like soaked paper. At least tho Insldo promised shelter from the storm, a chance for a flru, nnd popslbly fragments of rood And I had nothing to fear but darkness. My revolver was under the flap of my cavalry Jacket, dry and ready for uso. I brought It forward, within easy grip, and stopped over tho sill. My feet touched carpet, Uttered with broken glnss, nnd I felt about cau tiously. My recollection of tho Into rlar of tho houso wns vnguo nnd Indis tinct, but I kuuw a wldo hallway led straight through from front door to back, bisected only by a broad stair way lending to tho upper story. I groped nlong the Insldo wall, fqund tho door at last, standing wldo open, and emerged iuto tho ball. Tho way was clearer hero, and thero camo Into my mind tho recollection ot a bracket lamp, on tho wall at tho foot of tho stairs. My remembrance of the position ot tho lamp was extremely vaguo, yet my fingers found It at last. and lifted It from tho brackot Tho globe contained oil, and, In another moment, tho light revealed my Immo dlato surroundings. Tho total desertion or tho placo was evident; tho destruction which had boon wrought wns plainly tho work or cownrdly vandals, who had broken In after tho Harwoods left Convinced ot this truth, 1 proceeded fearlessly to oxploro, seeking merely tho warmth of a 11 ro and food, Tho library, a largo room, tho walls lined with bookcases, afforded no encouragomont, but I stopped in amazement at tho door of tho dining room tho light ot my lamp revealing a table at which someono had lately eaten, apparently alone. Thero was a slnfilb plate, a cup and So Just Feel Sure You Have the Se cret of Longevity and tho Years Are Yours. Centenarians nil know why thoy havo been blessed with long years. It Is becauso thoy never drnnk, or be cause thoy did drink; because thoy novor nmoked, swore, quarreled, wor ried, sat up late of nights, or because they did all theso things, yet counter acted tho evil effects with dletB of milk, mush, cornhread or an npplo a day. Neighbors and relatives and doc tors may wonder why tho tooth of tlmo has proved incapable. But the subjects of their wonder have never any doubts. They know exactly why they and death keep apart An lntlmato study of the chnrnctor of centenarians might roveal tho true formula for long llfo. Theso tenacious old folk all havo ono thing In com mon, and that Is perfect confidence They nro never troubled with mlsglv IngB, nover afflicted with self-questioning. If n person Is absolutely cer tain that ho Is going to defeat time, perhaps that Is as effectual as It Is with tho man who Is absolutely cer tain that ho Is going to dofeat a caso or typhoid. Confldcnco may bo a good nnodyno for sleeplessness, n worthy aid to digestion, a protector against accident. Tho records Indlcnto that It does not matter so grently thnt the can didate ror a hundred bo abstemious or moderately Indulgent, cnrcrul with his rood or reckless, ns that ho reel sure that ho has tho secret or lon gevity. So, It would seem, tho first duty or aspirants Is to cultlvnto a dogmatic act or opinions. Toledo Illndo. Mr r4lte Express Train Struck Their Auto. ho recovered his senses, ho saw the bodies of McArthur and Miss Rellly bcsldo him on tho pilot. Tho englno driver already had applied tho brakes when Cuthbert was climbing back along tho running board and shoutlug to him to stop. Miss Ahearn wns found unconscious CO feet from tho crossing. FARMER'S WIFE TOO ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Knsotn, Minn. "I nm glad to say that Lydla E. Pinkhntn'B Vegetable Compound has dona mora for mo than anything else, end I had tho best physi cian here. I was so wenk nnd nervous that I could not do my work nnd suf fered with pnins low down in my right sldo for a year or more. I took Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, nnd now I feel like a different person. I bcliovo thero i9 nothing liko Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound for wenk women nnd young girls, and I would bo glad if I could inlluenco nnyono to try tho medi cine, for I know it will do all nnd much more thnn it is claimed to do." Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Mnplo crcst Farm, Knaota, Minn. Women who suffer from thoso dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of tho ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound to re store their health by tho many genuine nnd truthful testimonials wo are con stantly publishing in tho newspapers. If you havo tho slightest doubt that Lydia K. IMnlcliiim's Vcj;ota ble Compound will help you,vrito to Lydia K.PinkhamMcdlclncCo. (con iident ial) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will bo opened, read ami answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Would Be Interesting. "Did you henr about Mrs. Wombat's party?" Inquired ono lady. "Mrs. I'lfTla Is Invited." "Hero's tho Interesting point," said another. "Mrs. Flubdub Isn't Invited." "Dear mu! And did you hear how Mrs. Soandso snubbed Mrs. Van Squawk?" "Hum!" romnrked a passing editor. "Judging by the interest tho women tako In the samo, I think I hnd better get out n column of social activities." BOY CUT OUT THE POISON FACE BATHING WITH Cutlcura Soap Most Soothing to Sen sitive Skins. Trial Free. He Beat the Clock. "I once conceived tho beautiful Idea," Bays a Philadelphia school teacher, "of requiring that my pupils should wrlto for their day cxcrclso a brier account or a baseball game. "Ono boy sat through tho period seemingly wrapped In thought while the others worked hard and turned In their narratives. After school 1 ap preached the desk of the laggard. " 'I'll glvo you five minutes to write that description,' I said sternly 'If it is not dono by that time I shall pun ish you.' "Tho lad promptly concentrated all his attention upon the theme. At last with Joyful eagerness, ho scratched a lino on his tnblot and handed It to mo. It read: " 'Rain no gamo.' " Phlladelphh Inquirer. 'resence of Mind of South Dakota Youth Saves the Life of His Sister. Dupreo, S. D. Tho presence of mlud of Lawrenco Minker, tho thirteen-year-old son of County Commissioner Mink or, saved tho llfo of his nine-year-old brother Nell when tho latter was bit ten by a rattlesnake. The older brother i whipped out a knife nnd cut around i tho spot where tho roptilo's fangs had ' entered tho flesh, nud then sucked tho j poison from tho wound. I Ho then tied n whip lash tightly about his brother's leg nbovo tho wound, tightening it hy means of tho btock of tho whip to prevent tho poison reaching n vital spot, nud then walked i homo with tho llttlo follow, causing him to walk slowly in older to avoid heating his blood. A physician found hut very llttlo poison was loft In tho wound, and stated tho prompt action of tho older brother had saved tho younger one's life. Especially when preceded by llttlo touches of Cutlcura Ointment to red, rough, Itching and pimply surfaces. Nothing better for tho skin, scalp, hair and hands than theso super creamy emollients. Why not look your best as to your hair and skin? Sample each free by mall with book, Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere Adv. Naturally. Teacher In tho scntonco I havo Just read, tonguo Is a noun. Why? Observant Pupil Hocnuso It Is a part of speech. Tasmania imports practically all Its hosiery. STALLION SAVES GIRL'S LIFE No Italian Anthem, Musicians will doubtless wish to add an Italian nntlonal anthem to their repertoire. They cannot And It Italy has many patriotic songs, as tho "Royal March" and "darlbaldl's Hymn," but no recognized national anthem, though tho last-named song has almost come to tho supremacy. In this respect Unly Is at tho same disadvantage as Turkey. After tho revolution the Young Turks offered a prize for a natlonnl anthem, but bo far tho poet of patriotism has not come forward to claim It Attacks Panther Which Sprang Upon Canadian Young Woman When Out Riding. Vancouver, P. C. A novelty saved ;ho llfo of Ethel Enstorwood. tho thir teen-year-old daughter of E. E. Easter wood, a cattleman, when sho was at tacked by n mountain lion, uccordlng to advices brought Into town by B. V. Nichols, a neighboring rancher. Tho girl was riding on tho rnngo when tho mountain lion leaped at a colt. Tho colt escapod and tho Hon, seeing tho girl nnd her mount, charged on them. A stallion coming out of tho brush sprang upon tho lion ns it crouched to spring at the girl. A fear ful fight followed, and as tho girl turned her horso for homo tho lion was In flight, with tho stallion pursuing. KICKS OUT SIDE OF SHOP Value of Expert Testimony. Tho value of Insanity exports and nandwrltlug specialists grows of loss and less vuluo tho moro thoy are used In tho courtB. If n man doesn't demonstrate his mental Incapacity to tho extent that It is observnbie to tho Judgo and the Jury there lBn't much uso to attompt to prove him crazy by export testimony. The old Quaker who said: "They aro all crajy except theo and mo and tboo are ft little queer" spoke a uear truth. Thlrty-Flve-Year-Old Horse Ruins Building In Sudden Access of Energy. Grecncastlo, Ind. Ago docs not seem to affect Dolly, a thlrty-flvo-year-old horso owned by T. C. Utterback, a Clovordalo grocer. Dolly is tho horsr used for deliver service and sho has boon owned by Mr. Utterback slnco sho was n colt. Utterback took tho animal to a blacksmith shop to havo her shod. When the dust clonrcd away, ono wholo sldo of tho blacksmith shop had heon kicked out and ovcry window In tho building was broken. Ropes wore then obtained and tho refractory Dolly was thrown and tied. Sovoral mon hold Dolly while tho blacksmith nailed ou tho now sot of shoes. Makes Rapid Headway Kidney disease, often advances bo rapidly thnt many a person is firmly in its Rrapp before awnro of its progress. Prompt attention should he given tho slightest symptom of kidney dionler. If there ii a dull pain in tho back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired, worn out feeling, or if the kidney secretion aro offensive, irregular nnd attended by pain, iio Dotn's Kidney Pills at once. No other kidney medicine is so w ell-recommended. A South Dakota Case Picture Tellia Story" C. G. Ellis. 610 N. Lincoln St., Canton. B. D says: 'Tor flvo years I hnd sharp, shootlr.h' pains In my back which bent mo almost double. I wnH worn-out nlclit ami day nnd any exer tion brought dizzy spells, i was mis erable In ovory way. Threo boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo nnd I hovn had no sign of Kidney trouuio since." Cat Doan'i at Any Stora, BOo a Bos DOAN'S WAV FOSTER-MOBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. I aWT fwS8 illlMUAKICKd .bibiW bSITTLE iirrj .aiaaiBW Hivbix piawaT an dills. The Wretchedness of , Constipation Can quickly be overcome Dy CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana gently on tne uver. cure Biliousness, Head ache. iiim. nnrlTndlcestlon. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature 0&&&zif AfcKER'S. HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation ot tncrlt. Help to rllct dindruft. r. n.ilntlnif Color and Baauty toGrar or Fadad llalri 600. anil 11 Wt Drugiflita, J W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39-1915. '' ," l A I f 'fiar?. '7TSrrSHV