iwtwweJM . BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF v33 - 696SB v ty 1 ff If t t 1 " i"' f'. h tf". WW HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's olngs A. P. Hly of McCooli was In tho city Saturday. Lvan Hutchius was down from Cowles Saturday. Tlic county commissioners were u session this week. You can always got the Best (Iroeor ies frpm Miner Bros. Co. Don Saunders of Kansas City whs in the city this week on business. Fred Hedge returned home from Kansas City Tuesday morning. Attorney A M. Walters of lilue Hill is in tho city attending district court. Attorney L. H. UlacUlodge returned homo from Kansas City Friday even ing. Chas. Whltaker was In Lincoln the last of the week attending the sta'e fair. A new lot of men', women and children's Hosiery Foot Kuse Variety Store ndv Huv. lleebo went to Omaha this morning to hear Kev. Uilly Sunday preach. Jean Smith of McCook camo down Sunday to attend tho funeral of Kliuer Wilson. Miss Ktliel Wiseoarver left Monday night for Uiilvidero, Illinois, to attend college. Dr. Cross returned from Lincoln, Sunday, where lie had been attending the statcfalr. Marlon Meteor went to Lexington Monday to play with tho baud at the Dawson County fair. The NewCiossard Cutsets, the origin al Front Laced Corsets, now in stock at The Miner Bros. Co. Fred Pharos returned to Lincoln Tuesday morning to resume his saidies at the state university. Several of the members of the W. C. T. U. attended a county convention at Guide Rock Wcdnesdny. Before having your fall dresses fitted bo sure to get otto of those line new Corsets at Miner liros. Co. Itud McCune of Kearney arrived in the city Wednesday morning to visit his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. H. A. Mc Cune. New Styles in Coats, Suits, Skirts, are now being shown- nt Miner liros. Co., the Store that" stlls" Wooltex' in Red Cloud. The New (Jueon Quality Shoes have just arrived. Everybody 'knows they are the Best. Sold in Red. Cloud by Miner Bros. Co. ' V- Mrs. Bcrnicc Sanderson, of Chicago, is visiting at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Potter, this week. SGhool Days Mean Item Glotbes YOU start them off with rested bodies from a Summerful of pi ay, fresh minds, for I J 1 law aV Just The Right Prices To Please The Mothers, Too We Will Give Free Tickets To Tho Tepee Theatre To Out-of-Town Customers Saturday Afternoon I G- TENURE & SON S. A H. STAMPS FREE ENTERTAINMENT Invitation To All Living Outside of Red Cloud You Arc Most Cordially Invited To Come To Red Cloud And Do Our Guests At Our Free Open Air Band Concei ts And At The Tepee Moving Picture Shows Each Saturday Afternoon. Band Concerts On Main Street At 1:30 P. M. Tepee Theatre Starts At 3:00 P. N. These Are Positively Free Entertainments For All Out-of-Towm Friends And We Want You To Come And Be Our Guests. Be Sure to Bring the Children Get Your Tepee Tickets At Any of the Following Places of Business. They Are As Free As The Water That Flows: Cowden Kaley Co , C. L. Cottlng M. A. Albright Malono-Avery Co. F. 0. Tiiriiure Son Koy Sattley J. A Tomlluson Ovcring Bros. 13. II. Xowhouso Powell Bros. S U. Floranco C S. Roiuini' W. A. Sherwood .1. C. Mitchell Uoy Oatiimn (i. .1. Warren Dr. Damerall Dr. 0. K. Cross Stevens Bjos. Uoy Iltisslngor Minor Bros. Co., II. Neuerbcrg II. K. Orice Drug Co G. i:. Hull A. C. Hostner W. (J. Warren ). C. Teel A. B. McArthur Mrs. It. Phares Hutchison v Snhidoit W. L Koon II. Ludlow H. O. Lotson U. P. Wecsner A- Co C. II. Uust Dr. J. C. Caldwell Dr. N. H. Mauror Fern Avetill S. P. Bailey A Son Fied Wallln Admission To Tepee Come, Be John Kose of Blue Hill was in the city Friday morning. Ira Smolsor, who is working at Nel son, wns home Sunday. The Diamond Milling Co., is still using old wheat for making flour while several of the surrounding mtits are using new wheat. FOR SALE: 1000 bu. of early spray ed summer apples, UOc per bushel nioked and windfall 10c D. K. Nonis, 744nlUp southwest of Red Cloud. !--'.,. -'j . T A llritrlfnrrl nnd "Vir. puu .urn. w. " ---j- - Clark Sievsns, and daughters return ed homo Friday from Lincoln where they had" been attending the etate fair. Mre Lo.tson returned homi Sundny from.San Francisco, California, where she had been visiting her son, Will Letson and family and taking in the exposition. their new lessonr- how fine they look, you think, in their freshly new clothe. You want coats that will afford them warmth1 comfort style. We have them ready fine looking coats, -just the right fashions and materials to make the children look their best. Paul Stotoy Ft auk Smith .1. B. Yost .1. W. Auld Mot hart Bios. Mrs. .1. A. Burden Bed Cloud Auto Co Kills Shoo Store .1. O. Caldwell C. W. Kaloy .loo Fogle W. S. lloezley Geo. Trine Webster Co. Argus R W. Koontz W. W. Marshall P. A. Wullbrandt .fames Peterson Dr. Nicholson Will Be By Ticket Only h Our Guests! Kd (Jarber went to Seldon, Kns Tuesday on busini"-. Earl Dickerson wis np from (.uidc Rock Saturday nig'it. Clare Wolfe, who Is working at Nel son, was home Sunday. Advance showing of Wooltcx Coats and Suits at Miner Bros. Co. The Franklin County Fair is in full ewlng at Franklin this week. ' Frank Cowden was a 'passenger to Palisade Wednesday morning. ' See the new Glassware and ' China ware at the Variety Store. ad? " - Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grimes returned home from Lincoln the first of tbo week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry and children are visiting his father at Har vard this week. Some of those pretty Wooltex Coats, Suits and Skirts have just arrived. Miner Pros. Co. Curt Wilson was down from McCook Sunday attending the funoral of his brother, Klmer Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Garber anil Miss .Tosie Igou returned homo Monday from Hutchison, Kansas Mrs. L. K. Rust returned home Thursday from Illinois where sho had been visiting her parents. Wooltex Coats Yes the Rest aro arriving now. Come in and sue our fine new stylos. Miner Bros. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Avery and son, Doyt, were in Frontier counfy Sundoy looking over Itis farm and crops. William Mitzenfeltaud Amelia Dank, both or lllue Hill, were granted a mar riage license by Judge Ranney, Wed nesday. J. A. Burden, K P. Wecsner. P. A. Wullbrandt, W. W. Marshall and P. O. TttrnUre autoed to Lebanon and Bebon, Monday afternoon Mr. apd Mrs. Bert Ducker j-eturndd home Monday evening from Rochester, Minnesota where she had been for medical trtfatnent. Mr. and Mrs. Drab Robinson of Clay Center arrived in the cfcy Toes day evonrug to visit bit parents, C, D. Robko and wife, for a (aw day. Dr. WarrUft, the special bit, will meet eye, car, nose ana tnroec patients aad those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell'9 office, Wednesday, Septem ber 22nd. MIsb Myrtle McConkcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark McConkev, cele brated her fifteenth birthday Tuesday. tier pareuts made nor a present of a new piano. The following students returned to Lincolu, Tuesday, to resume their studies at the state university. I'ltll Sherwood, Chas. Sherer, and the Miss es Dessie Taylor nnd Margaret Deal. On last Saturday whett Mr. and Mrs. Al Decker were on their way to this city to do their tradlmr the team of mules which tltey were driving became frightened nt an automobile. Mrs. Decker jumped out of the buggy and was considerable bruised. Mr. Deck er soon got the team under control, but not uiK.il after tho tongue had ueen uroieu out ot mo buggy. Tho United church members are boosting Btt athletic movement for Red Cloud. The old V. M. C. A. board has turned over tho V. M, C. A. equip- meut to the church people to be iited for tho benefit of tho young people of the community. Tho Christian church building may bo used for this purpose. This will reduce the expense question to a minimum and uiaUe an athletic organization a possibility. This Is a boon to the young people of both school nnd church. As soon as piibsi. bio this good work will be inaugurated. T5be TEPEE Monday and Tuesday Sept. t!0 and 'Jl Special A Dignified Family Opening with a one reel comedy, THINK FIRST Qt'AKHF.L. Wednesday, Sept. 22 Afternoon and Evening OXB DAY ONLY The Man On The Box A Klvo Keel Famous Players Comedy Drntun, A f lei noon livening Alt 8 and S 10 Prices, levelling I", and Id Afternoon, W and .'. Thursday, Sept. 23 The Bond Woman A Three Keel Special The evening program will open with thol'ICTOKIAL WP.I'iKLY. Mr Perry and wife of Ilarvaid spent the last of the week lieio with his son. Prank Perry and fattiily. If you noed glasses or have nose or throat trouble see Dr. Wat rick, Wed nesday. September L'L'ud. The following shipped stock to Kan sas City Sunday: Delaney Bros, tear of hogs: Weesnor v Knout'.,! ear of 111- . FillinK.ir X MeCull.l ear of cat- !' d Hedge. 1 car of cattle hi' ;e Duncan and Court Reporter M. Halril of HastitiL's arrived ' city Monday to hold district it Mr. Ilaird's son. Dorsey ac- cniupttitieil him ami is assisting in the Mioi'tliauil department. I have oponcd up att ollice for the buying and belling of real estate, and will make a specialty of Webster county land. List your fattn with me Ollice with Webster County Rank. B. P. MliKit. On Monday evening, Horace Prlsbio, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clms. Prisbic liv ing at Amboy, while playing with a loaded US calibre pistol, accidentally discharged It. The bullet passed through tltc yottn man' arm, making a painful, though not serlotia wound. On Tuesday the business men hold their rasnlarlv monthly banmtet at the Royal hotel, Owing to this being! oourx Trees wiurc t?h. nui very iimry in attendance and the committee was unable to piepave a program. Rev. Ileebe filled thv toastmaster's chair, and be together with F. W .Cowden gave a short talk relating to tho Com mercial Club. 1NAVALE Tom Jones went to Rlvorton Monday. Ily Dunn took n Hying trip to Bloom lngton, Mondny. Mrs. Orval Reed of Kansas City is bore visiting relatives and friends. The M. E. Ladles Aid will moot with Mrs. Matkins Wcdnesdny afternoon. (ioorgo Hastings and wife returned the latter part of last week from Lin coln. Misses llcssio Blunt nnd Genovieve Miller aro attending school at Red Cloud. Dan Garber of Rivcrton in'ido a busi ness call on the Justice of the Pence, Monday. Mr. Wondorly and daughter, May, left Sunday for Lincolu where May will attend school this year. Mrs. Cula Burwell and sister, Ktliel Stickney, left Mauday to visit Roy Sttcknoy and family for a few days. The.Uospel Team of Womerheld ser vice at the Christian church Sunday afternoon.. A Inrge crowded attended. The moving picttre show at Hunter's hall Tuesday night was attended by a large crowd and everyone seemed to enjoy the pictures. Mrs C. B. Joyce and children re turned Friday night after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. L. W. Thorn p sen, at llllliags, Montana. KANSAS PICKUPS (Prom Smith County) Albert Meyers has Oriole store. purchased the Denis McCartney is attending high soiooi at annul uenter. Miss Ethel Million has accepted a position In the Lebanon post oftlee. Ray Simmons and family wero Sun day visitors at the'B. F. 1'ayne home. Roy Upp and family returned to their itome near Yuma, Colorado, Tues day. MJsses Melba Spurrier and Tlielma Lannigan have entered the high school at Lebanon this year. Misses Lavina and (llenotto I'ayne have returned to Lebanon, after spend ing vacation on tho farm witli their parents. Tito Pawnee Aid held n business meeting nt the i'awneo church last Priday ufteruoou and elected olllcers for the coming year. Mrs. Oliver Noble is President. Albert MoMurray and Miss Kva Hill drove over to Smith Center, Saturday, ana oner a nnei laiK rrom tno Jtiilgu t ic happy couple rotttrneil homo Sun day two hearts beating as one. Tho Helping Hand Sunday school class was pleasantly etitortained at the M. lii. Pay no homo, Thursday evening of last week. Cake and ice cream with served. About fifty of tho young people wero present. Music was fur nished by Melba Spurrier and Lavina Payne. THE LIVE BABY Will bo brought In our stoic next Saturdny afternoon. Will you bu here to seo tho nurse bring it to us? We shall take caro of the baby from that tiino until your ballot decide Into what homo It shall go It will not be necessary to take out adoption papers, as we have arranged to glvo legal title to it Do you want tho family of your neighbor to havo It? Thou get your coupons in for them. It will be brought to tho store next Saturday SEE OUR NEW FALL LINE Men's and KUPPENHEIMER SOCIETY BRAND CLOTH CRAFT SUITS Also New Fall Hats, Shoes And Furnishings he Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo. The Booster Store jBagBsj The Heatth, Shoe for ' 'women m - V I A BEAUTIFUL, well-shod foot appeals just as forcefully today as in the time of Cinderella. The Prince knew what he was about when he chose the girl who wore trim, pretty footwear. He knew that she would make him a good wife. And if he had known about the Treadeasy shoes, he would have stipulated that she wear them. There's a last in every style to fit your foot, and a style in every last to fit your individuality. COMB IN AND SEE US the Ellis Shoe Store jr w&:Mmmaj)iirmiii'ximiui i "i .it i WW m. m. . wk v - nzrswx wcuii, m. u. 7. U 1 ?0 DBAI.MU IN K DRUOS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL & SUPPLIES ANfr TOILIT ARTICLES jl u inmmittwM twihm wMiirn!3iriMim MiO LflHBltiiLL SSTSmL Lunchu - Walter W. Marshall e grocer Young M ens i OUR NEW Fall Line 0F- SHOES : I Have Arrived ciis :ao ir Aiiaaiztwu twoj&j;,Hro;p fj v w w -mm . SPEND LESS TIME IN THE KITCHEN. You can if you will buy more PREPARED foods. Thea you can give nora 4 time to ENJOYING your children and h e 1 p i ng them with their lessons. Wo have many "goodies" for you to put into their lunch boxes , and we can sell them to you CHEAPER than you oan make thorn yourself I A I i rci m n rs U i 'H b 'if IJflnigSWOTSftg W&. (.Ct,4ff.i "ZTV-trir, r js ;ntwi u..ii-.la.'A. 'jjrf-stgjaiia v"""fy(