vM,jtHJ& V J. st-ilo Historical Society .1 .1 -"1 it 1 ' in 'a- "v P ; i' V '. t-sj0tr i ;5iSi-r fefeS vrtntru luiwiujiwi VOLUME 13 It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL iSrt.O( N E If Satisfaction Or PAUL STOREY MR. FARMER:- Are the dollars you spend for thresh ing coal giving "value received." "Illinois Egg Size" produces more steam units per dollar than any other threshing coal on the market. IHE MALONE-AVERY CO. "uui win us amvt cal" -1 i SUITS $10 to $25 HATS "Snappy Styles" CAPS "New Shapes" SHOES "Up To Now" MACKINAWS "Great" SWEATERS "Latest Weaves" Your Money Back The Clothier A Newspaper That filves Ihc Nchs Flftytno Weeks E.tclt Year Por Sl.iiO. KKD OL.OUD, XtililiASKA. SWPTliJM 1JH1 1(5, VMTu Angel Of Death I Darkens Many Homes MltS. DAVK CI!TVI:I(!11T Mt-a M ti Ptn I l ft. tilt 11 ft Mir twill t Ksbon was taken to Lincoln lust week (or medical treatment She was oper ......1 .... '1 1.... 1... .11... I -I...I. .. !... ' IlllMI Mil I II I' Sllll UliL lllt'll IIUIIIIK IIIC operation. A husband mid nine child ren are left to mount her death. The Chief along uitli Hid uiiiny fi lends of the family extend sympathy to t lit be- leaved ones. ItP.SblF. lulttVAlIUFFER On Sunday night, Ihc 1 venr ami l niniit lis old daughter ( Mr. and Mis. Warn Huller dkd at their homo in the past jinn ot litis city after a short IP ncss Tho funeral set vices weie held at tlio homo Ttiesdtiy atlcrnoon, Uev. Myers otlleiatliig. IiiteruiGtit took place in the city cemetery. The bo tonved paiontshaio the sjnipathy of the in tire community. ANNA STitOlth Atuiii Strobl, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. KuinU Slrobl, who was taken to tho hospital at llast ings for ttcatmctit tor septic poison, died at tnat place last Tlniisduy I'vott ing The loinuins weie bi ought to this city Friday for burial. The funeral horvlcos weto held ot the home nf her parents Sunday mottling, Rev. (5. W Hummel ollloluting. Intoinieiit took plr.cu in the city cemetery. The bereacd parents have the sympathy of the entire community. ELMER WILSON On last Thursday evening Elmer Wilson, who has been superintendent of the l'oor Farm for several years, died after a brief illness. lie was born in Ohio and watt 41 years old at tho time of his demise. lie wus the eldest sou ot Mr. and Mrs. .John Wil son of this city. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at tho Uretliren church of which he was a faithful member, Uev. Ira Wagoner otlleintlng. A largo number of fiieuds were in at tendance to pay their last respects to a kind friend and neighbor Inter ment was made in the city cemoteiy. Hesldes a wife and four children, he leaves to mourn his death his patents, one brother and five sisteis. The Chief along with the entire community extends sympathy to the beieavod ones County Commissioners Met On Tuesday lino Ci.oti), Ni.n., Sept. 11th, Hi 15 liuiud ot County Cummissioners met pursuant to Hiljuitrninent. Membeis present vl.: T.J. Chaplin, Grant Shid ler, l'tiul Storey and Floyd McCall Chairman of said 13oaul. In the matter of the road petition (lied by K Fearu and others, asking for u road to be opened and establish ed, commencing nt the Kuusas line, at tho South west corner of section .'JO township 1 range 12 running thence North, the said road to be 40 feet wide and terminating at the North west corner of section 21 township 1 range 12, Webster County, Nebraska. It was moved and seconded that above line of road be and is hereby opened and established as prayed for in said petition. Motion carried On motion the following list of claims wcro audited and allowed and the clerk authorized and instructed to draw warrants on their respective funds in payment of same. General Fund Chas. Uarrett 810 00 Tas. A. Uurden 11 Ht Grant Christy a 10 W. II. Cloud r.0 00 A. IJ. MoArthur 02 ()0 Nebraska Hospital for Insauc... 00 Co A D. Hanney 0 00 Anniellelle Spanogle 7 25 IIIUDGE BUND Hirt Armstrong S 3 00 Wm.Uohrer 41 25 J'lckJJarnea 20 f0 W. A. Carpenter 15 30 Dave Clark 40 00 Geo. Clauaon 4125 Henry Frisbie 5 50 F. It. Gavcka 9 CO Chas. Graham CIO .Ton .Tnnkflnn .1ft 9. I Inn tfnarrln .14 lt F.S.King 12 50 John Mulder C 00 Hollie Quiggle G CO Wm. A. Sawjer 310 00 A. W. Smith 12 00 T. E. Topham 25 00 Wells and McTaggart 42 92 COUNTV l'OOR FUND I. W. Crary Mercantile Co.... 22 25 Joe Fogel 10 25 James Lor 70 00 On motion board adjourned to meet October 5th, 1915. W. T. Coons and Ed. Crary of fluide Business Men Are After The Crowds The business nifu of tin. city have at'iangcd to give lieu baud conceits eveiy Nilurd.iy afternoon litis will be tor the betiellt of our out ot town visit. us and ciistonif'is Auani;emeiits liui also been mink with Manager Win rcn for free tickets to the moving I'letuie show limine; the ilaj on Sat urdnjs. These will continue fur at least tlin e mouths, and it our liiends like the lepee well enough the plan is tokicpnii indellnately The Tepeo has (.'itiiu d a teputatioit fot llistclass plot UK- shows and it will be kept stiietly up o standard so these day etttei tiiiniiients will 1)J as good as niiiM'j cait l.uy. Come iiiio, come all, and accept the liotpiiiilit of the business men of Wed Cloud Hi:al Istntc transfers. Heal Instate transfers compiled by U. W. htewHi'i, Hontlod Abstiactur and Attoruev. Ileil Cloud. Nebrasitn. II Irani Ileud icli.s and wife to Sorell Sotiisoll, vd, pt iic'j ne'i is. i 11 , :ioco l .Joint rtitoiteet al to Margaiet Jlitone, wd, s'1 se'4 'J7-2 II... Hobeit Harris and wifoto School Dis No 27, wd, pt n wj ne'i 11 2-11 2" W. ll.Crtttlt and wife to F. A. Good, wd, lot 4, I3lk. lit, Uowles Ufo F. W Miller and wife to Elia beth PjIois, wd, s tO ft lot 8, lllk. I, Talboti Add Cinide Rock 000 Philip Fassler and wife to John S. Derr, wd, sj sw)f sco 15 BUilsJ. nwJseH 10 'H '-'0000 Wo. Strickler single to John .1. Jones, wd, j int. nj so., pt nVi nelM-ll MOO John J. Jones and vufo to Win Strickler, wd, sj se'$ 18 Ml. .1000 Martha I. l'othoinus et al to Samuel Richardson, wd, lot 1.1. lilk. 8, Vances Add Guide llock 13J0 F. W. Alsleben to C. F (Jund, wd, wj swj', r-:i-10 0000 Mortgages Filed $21,217.00. Mortgages Released $20,700.00. New House For Sale A now four room house wlth'screeti ed poich s by 1(5 feet. Will sell at a very reasonable piiee. For fuither information inquire of The Chief. OUR LINE of Winter Coats is now complete and we in vite your inspection. You will have an unusual oppor tunity to see a splendid display of the newest styles and materials of the season. You will also be interested in our showing of beautiful Dress Fabrics for Fall and Winter. All the newest weaves and colors. All Out or Town Customors Will Bo Qlvon Froo Tickets To Tho Topoo Thoatro Saturday Afternoon. v Ask for Them. R oscoe Our Timepieces ,. are moaern- Keep correct timvggLi vM too -s O WHEN YOU WANT A TIMEPIECE, WHETHER IT IS A WATCH OR A CLOCK, COME TO US. WE HAVE ALL KINDS, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES. AND YOU CAN RELY ON THEIR ACCURACY. OURJEWELERY.TOO, IS "ON TIME;" RIGHT UP TO THE LAST TICK OF THE CLOCK IN STYLE AND OUR QUALITY-WELL, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T BE DISAPPOINTED IN ANYTHING YOU BUY IN OUR STORE. GIVE YOUR CHILD A WATCH AND TEACH PUNCTUALITY. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT;THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowelor and Optometrist l3f"C. B. & Q. Watch Iniptctor Subjects at Gospel Tent Tonight "The Christian or Seventh Day Sabbath, And Why 1 Keep It". l-'rldav "Sunday Sacrodness". Subjects Following: "II o w Tho Ohiuiiri Citnio About; IJ. S. In Prophecy; The Two Covenants, and kindred sub jects All aie welcome. Come and hear for ynm self KuiKitE L. Cook. Paihowe Ciuei Aivi.HTisi:iih LET YOUR Fflliu GOAT SUIT or SKIHT ittwiim Express Your Personality P.W eesner KUMISISRUS ll&SSiS. LEARN TO OE ON TIME , Sfia$sss-A. N'"t, y -.-f Notice If there tiro cltl.ens who are willing to give pupils places to work for hard, or who would bo willing to give pupllH a reduction on board for small services about tho hone, they will confer a groat fuvor .by notifying Miss Kutli Johnston, pilneipal of the High School or telephoning the olllco Dell Hcd 121); Rural 1!H). 1. M. Viiiii:iie.W), Supt. of Schools. &Go. JlC-3i-2v!' v "h.r r- !,$ J 'I i4 W m si Bl ft m iltt m m .B, v. ' '. h IWI Zv1 -ivarKm-nmnMUaaT " &.. tm '.XTT- irv? -SlT-MSK Mf?i 'tt-a mamkmmS IwjBfiiiiwiiai were la tho olty Saturday.