1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t 11 ('' f t WW HOMENEWS Bulletin of The Week's olngs P.vimNiE Ciiiep AnvKHTir.its. James Ilurden was in Hastings Tues day. Lloyd Kust was a passenger to Hust Ings Tuesday morning. Advance showing of Wooltex Coats nml Suits at Miner Dros. Co. Attorney L. H. Hlaeklodgc went to Kansas City Sunday morning. Han 1'umroy and Frank Shephordson were down from Klverton Friday. Robert Kelherwent to Lincoln Tues. day morning to attend the state fair Will Fisher went to Lincoln Tues day morning to attend tho state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weesner autoeil to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state fair. Two second hand buggies In good condition will be sold on Main street Saturday. VA Taylor left Sunday evening foF Leadvillo, Colorado, where he will teach school. Some of those pretty Wooltex Coats, Suits and Skirts have just arrived. Miner Ilros. Co. Mrs. J. W. Morauvllle is enjoying a visit with her nelce, Kuby Belle Hill, of Topeka, Kansas. Mrs. C. E. Taylor of Graham, Miss ouri, is visiting at the homo of F. O. Turnure and family. Wooltex Coats Yes the Host are arriving now. Come in and see our fine new Btyles. Miner Bros. Co. I'aul Ncwhouse returned home Sun day from St. Francis and Blooming ton where he bad been visiting friends. Miss Blanch Pope went to Central City Friday where she will teach in the public schools of that city this year. Ben Williams of Oheycnne, Wyom ing, arrived in the city last week to viBlt his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. II Holmes. Miss Josephine Essig will leave the last of the week for Bloomington where she will teach school north of that city. Miss Mabel Pope went to University Place this morning to resume her duties as teacher in the public schools of that city. Miss Louise Sohumuchcr of Orleans j thrived in tne city Saturday, morning ito take up her duties as 'teacher"! A 'the Lincoln school. ' JMiss Gertrude Blacklcdge of Red (Cloud came up to McCook, cjoieof, last "ivjeek, on a visit to relatives' south of i tile city, the Johnson families. Motf dray's McCook Tribune. I have opened up an ofllce for tho buying and selling of real estate, and will make a specialty of Webster county land. List your farm with me. 'Office with Webster County Bank. J$. F. Mizkk. .: You'll Be Interested IN OUR Advance Fall Showing Those Who Have Visited This Store During the Past Few Days Have Been Given a Delightful Glimpse o! Incoming Fashions For Fall ' Women's Fall Suits - Women's Fall Waisls F. G. TURNURE S. fc H. STAMPS Silver Longtou of Alma was in town Monday K P. Wccsuer returned home Friday from Oinuha, How Kaley returned home from Denver Saturday. Fred Wallln returned home the llr&t of the week trom Colorado. Flare (trice and his mother tcturn cd home Friday from Omaha. Hen MuFarland ami Cash Suilvuer wcro In Lebanon Sunday morning. Mrs. J. C. Myers returned homo fioin Minneapolis, Minnesota, last week. Frank l'lliugor and wife left Sunday for AUell to visit her brother, Harry Burden. L. E. Kindlo and Andy Hart of Lebanon, Kansas, wore in the city Saturday evening. Before having your fall dresses fitted ho suro to get one of those tlnu new Corsets at Miner llros. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Albright of Omaha arrived lu theclty Saturday to visit his patents. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Albright. Mis. Barrett of Kansas City, who had been visiting her brother, J. D. Crans, returned to her home Satur day morning. Howard Yost was u passenger to Blue Hill Saturday morning. He will teach school iu district No. 25, west of thai place tills year. Georgo Swain of Archie, Missouri, who was called hero by the death of his sister, Mrs. J. D. Crans, returned to his homo Monday. John Grimes left Friday morning for Billings, Montana, where he will take up his duties as assistant chemist in a sugar beet factory,' Mrs. A. S.Thomas of Mt. Sterling, Ohio, who was called hero by the death of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Crans, returned to her home Monday. FOR SALE: 1000 bu. of early spray ed summer apples, 20c per bushel picked and windfalls 10o. D E. Norris, 1)i miles southwest of Red Cloud. Wallace and Lavaughn Moranvllle, who had been visiting relatives and friends in this city, returned to their home at Ambearst Monday morning. Joe Havel and Mike Strobl, two of our prosperous farmers living north of'town, have purchased tractor en gines with which to do their plowing, "Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Throckmorton and son, John, left Saturday via the Ford for Exeter and from there they went to Lincoln to attend the state fair. 'Mrvand Mrs. 'True Taylor and ii sister of Graham, Missouri; visited, the F. G. Turrrure and Rob. Mitchell homoB last week. They were home from California. enroutc i A,t a meeting fit Jhe I. O. O. F. lodge Monday everting, Ted Harris arid Walter 'Warren were elected delegatus to attend the grand lodge which meefts in Omaha next month. r Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bradford. Clark Stevens and daughters, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Clare Pope, left Tuesday morning via the Ford car for Lincoln to attend the state fair. ' L. A, Graves was in the city Sunday. Meredith Butler spout Sunday In Guide Kock. District court will convene In this city next Monday. Louie Beck of Superior was lu the city Sunday evening. VA. Overlng returned homo Friday morning from Lincoln. Dr. Asher and Editor A. B. Me Arthur were In Klverton Saturday. Dr. 11. V. N'lchohon spent Sunday In Guide Rock with Dr. Brookmati and wife. Miss Stella Shute left Friday even ing for Dickens, Nebraska, where she will teach school. Mr. and Mrs Ned Grimes and child ren are uttondtug the state- fair at Lincoln this week. The Now Gossard Corsets, tho origin al Front Laced Corsets, now In stock at The Miner Bros,. Co. Miss Lela Woods left Thursday morning for Lodgopole, Nebraska, wheroslie will tench school this year. Miss Ruth Johnston returned home Thursday evnlng from California, where she had been visiting the Ex position. The New queen Quality Shoes have just arrived. Everybody knows they Hie the Best. Sold in Red Cloud by Miner Bro9. Co. Carl Hedge shlppod u car of cattle to Kansas City, Sunday. He and Ills brother, Aaron, chaperoned the ship ment to market. Mrs. Belle Keagle nil 1 daughters re turned home Monday night from San Francisco, where they ha, I beeu taking in the Exposition. Miss l'earl Sherer was a passenger to Rivcrtou. Sunday eveulnir where she will teach in the public school of that place this year. Abel Jcrnburg, wife and daughters, returned home Friday evening from San Francisco,-, where they had been visiting the Exposition. Miss Cecile Thornton arrived In the city Monday morning to resume her duties as domestic science teacher at the Washington school. Editor A. C. Hosmer of the Com mercial Advertiser and bis grandson, Harold Whi taker, returned home Thursday evening from Michigan.' ' ' Mrs. W. H. McKlmmcy and son, Earl, returned home Sunday morning from Edison and Oxford, where they had been visiting friends and rela tives. The wrestling- match which was billed-to take place hero Friday even ing has been called off,-Tommy Doctor who was to wrestle Young Russell, having notified Powell Bros, that he was unable to come. r The first of the Wt;ek at McCook oc curred the wedding of two of Red Cloud's popular young' people, Mr. Ray Simpson and Miss Ethel' Turner being the contracting parties. The groom is the day clerk at the Royal hotel and is a son of Mrs. N. R. Simpson, while the bride is operator at the Farmers1 Independent Telephone cen tral office and is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Turner. FALL FROCKS FALL COATS FALL SUITS In the Most Becoming Styles Im maginable For Women and Nisses We'll say nothing of style you can appreciate that better by trying them on. But in kind and character, in the fit and finish, the tailoring and trimmings--in every detail that goes to make SERVICE this showing is far more superior than we have ever shown at this time. - Wonen's Fall Coats & SON 75he TEPEE Monday and Tuesday Sept. lit and 1 1 A 3-Rccl Special Feature The Working Of A Miracle A strlklmr 3 reel drama one of Edi son's best thrills. No preaching. Regular Prices Wednesday, Sept. IS Afternoon and Evening GN'E DAY ONLY Mary Pickford in Tess Of The Storm Country In 5-Reels Afternoon Evening At I 8 nnd IU0 Prices Evening ifi and 10 Afternoon, 10 and f Thursday, September 16 3-Reel Special Mrs. Jekyl And Madam Hyde A woman's bot'er self Is unconsol ously dominated by her worst self. Awakened to u knowledge of her dual nature slio overcomes evil with good. THi: PICTORIAL WEEKLY will open the program. Regular prices. Friday and Saturday Sept. 17 and 18 THE MISSING MAN in two reels. THE CORPORAL'S DAUGHTER a military drama. A SAFE INVESTMENT comedy. COMING Sopt. U2-MAN ON THE BOX OctoberC-DIAMONDS FROM THE SKY. Elmer Wilson Is very sick this week Ed Piatt is in Lincoln this week at tending the state fair. Joe Fogel went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state fair. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was, In town Wednesday. You can always get the Best (Iroccr- ieb from Miner Bros. Co. R. L. Cuinmiiigs aud wife of Rivcr tou were iu the city Tuesday. Bye Shepherdsoti and wife of River- ton were in the city Tuesday. Leonard Relher went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the stato fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pegg are in Lin coln this week attending the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miner and J. L. Christian were iu Smith Center, Mon day. Miss Flora Shute left Friday even ing for Wellfleet, Nebraska, where she ?ejll teach school. 1 Chas. Wolfe of St. Francis, Kas. arrived in the city Wednesday morning to visit relatives. O. W. Hummel Is in Lincoln this week with the Webster County exhibit at the state fair. Delbert and Howard Hunt of River ton spent Sunday with their brother, Will Hunt and wife. Mrs. George Holllster and daughter, Miss Marie, returned home from Lin coln Thursday evening. Attorney B. W. Stewart went to Lincoln Saturday morning to visit bis parents and also a friend? W. A, Mayuard and Attorney Ber nard McNcny were in Smith Center, Kansas, Monday attending court. L. P. Albright who has been sick for some time was taken to a hospital" at Omaha Wednesday for treatment. Ed. Cook of Nowato, Oklahoma, ar rived in the city the last of the week to visit his father, Dr. Henry Cook. New Styles in Coats, Suits, Skirts, are now being shown at Miner Bros. Co., the Store that sells Wooltex In Red Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Frazicr moved to Smith Couuty, Kansas, Friday. Clydo will teach in the Red school house dis trict this year. Hubert Huston, who has been hold ing down a position In C L. Catling's drug store, has resigned, and moved to Superior. Tho Diamond Milling Co., is still using old wheat for making Hour while several of the surrounding mills ate using new wheat. Mrs. S, W. Foe is having her house on South Walnut street disinuntlsd this week aud will build u new bunga low on the lots. Ou last Wednesday evening at Friend, Owen Daily and Young Rus sel mot on the mat for a wrestling match. The agreement was made that Russell was to throw Dally twice in ninety minutes, but by using the scissor hold, he accomplished the feat iu twenty-seven minutes, Jill fr"""l"lli"M7 luTflTilTllft"WWWS' m all A CONTEST IN A good imagination Is tlm foundation of many a success. A good imagination Is as essential In any success as Is a good memory or reasoning. A good Imagination is tho special essential to tho Inventor or wrltei of stories or plays. Many of the noted Inventors or writers of stories or plays were born and raised in tho country or small towns. Some of the most noted wi Iters of stories became such through home llttlo Inci dent that causod them to Hud themselves iih well as the world to llud them. Wo have some noted latent latent hidden lu our midst and wc are olferlug an opportunity that may waken and arouso It to life and start the possessor on the road to fame. We shall give 1,000 Booster Coupons to each poison who will wrlto a description of tlfty words or more of tho baby that wo will give away on October 2nd. We shall give 5 oiiO to the porson who writes the best description. Those descriptions must bo at our sloro on or boforo Saturday, September 18th. Tho Baby will bo brought to tho store on Satur day, Septembor 18th. ' New Fall Shovving Men s and Young Men's Suits, Hats,, Furnishings and Shoes Jhe Qowdeft-Jyaley Qlothtog Qo. f) The Booster Store fj M -um l M . . u ' ., - v- m SB22jqJ& our new jJv 1 1 l tr v ill 1 Lrti L Wk- MSB it 1 I UfrBi tJ Irlll-Pu "M i V W a JNrcSl taULine m: . 1"L Mmk ' OF iyiiii SHOES s S neaiih. - IP mmea nave Arrived ! ' A'ttA BEAUTIFUL. well-shod foot appeals just - as forcefully today as in the time of Cinderella. The Prince knew what'he was about when he chose the BEAUTIFUL. .well-shod foot appeals just - as forcefully today as in the time of Cinderella. The Prince knew what'he was about when he chose the girl who wore trim, pretty footwear. He knew that she would make him'S j&fcd wife. And if he had known about the Treadeasyhoe's, he would have stipulated that she wear them. ,,',!, There's a last in eVerV" style to fit your foot, and a style in every tagf"ip fit your individuality. COMB IN AND SEE US The Ellis Shoe Store 10j.i WHnuiELttnni:iuiiMi!iii)iiiiiii.i:uiii!ii!iH 1 5 JJ iSrl - 1 HBNRY.COOK, M. D. ' DRUGS, EOOitk,, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES XNb' TOILET ARTICLES j -aaBBaaaaBVisBaaaaaaB-1 BBaaaaaV s7 aaaaT saaaav "l. TXVV w I JBaaaVL- n.nw... . jf l VSJ i.fii. BHSsabJva Walter W. Marshall the grocer IMAGINATION :i;iatifiitatRi c, ...iSv?. &?) -- Ill . x .' &PENIESS TIME IN THI KIT.CHEN. r You can if you will buy more PREPARED foods. Then you can give more time to ENJOYING your children and h e 1 p i ng them with their lessons. We have many "goodies" for you to put into their i lunch boxes , and we can sell them to you CHEAPER than you oan make them yourself, i t . r. m sa ': 'JlJtl H 1. i.i 1x1 HI 'INI !" Ji:i r3 . I : y ii 'fi: -7h is L.IT .-- ' 51 i 'fl m iTi'irraia-TiHtwwitr.i.-iL., jiunMUMuu, 4W Yj--r . JU,...L.Jj.-.: -127 W3mMMk-- - . :- . .-.-. - -- Jt-i-..TT-" y'C ! -ssaas?.-''T-TJwwa'K;,:.-; -ii!HwSftai A .i WK