The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1915, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nebraska
Entered In I lie 1VM II cnl I! id (ktul.Ntti.
nil Stroud (Inf.)) Matter
It will not bo long now until tlio
-political pot will lie ngnln boiling a
l'olltlcnl prophets tire already making
Ihclinirdlctlons wlilrh are plentifully
Interspersed with Ms. The primaries
will be held In April mid April is not
so fur nwny but what tho nsplrontmny
"begin to get his fences In order for the
running. Hero's hoping that tho very
best men In the state will toss their
hats In the ring.
Weeds grow so fast that one cnti
hardly turn nrouutl without seeing
nuothcr crop coming on apace. How.
ever In order to keep tho city looking
trim this fourth crop needs to he cut
just ns much ns the others. Big,
thrifty growths of weeds may be seen
jn Hcvcrnl purts of tho city inviting
BOino one to lay them low. "Lend on(
MnoDiilT, mid be him who llrst
tisnys 'hold enough.
Lincoln Letter
"Insurance Commissioner Knsthnm,
nlthotigh a now mnnlii Ills department
1b showing himself no Hinull u Hector,
liaving In one day In the past week
taken In S2.HK0 from the foreign Insur
nnce companies doing business In Ne
braska. This Is u two per cent license
tax on the business tinnsautcd in thu
That the prices paid by different
counties for bridgo work vary vastly
Is shown by statistics being compiled
by State Engineer Johnson. For In
stance, In Hall county tho lowest bid
onn bridge of a certain sio was S17.50
per lliu id foot, while in Dixon county
thu lowest bid on the same kind of a
brigdc was Slft.Cli. Prior to tho pass
age of the Smith uniform bridge plans
law by the legislature of lUHi, there
wnH no way of making a comparison
of the cost of bridges. Under the
provisions of this law the cost must bel
Teported to tho state engineer, where
the figures aro uyailnblo for Inspec
tion by any citizen of the &tnte. That,
the law bus Improved condltionHthore
Ibdo question, but why there should
be so great n difference in prices Is not
apparent ou the surface. If more of
the county commissioners of tho state
would avail themselves of the Infor
mation that may now be obtained
irom tho engineer's oillco it would
.doubtless result to the deckled udvant
nge of their counties in the matter of
bridgo contract letting.
That tho state of Nebraska has not
"been securing what It should from
leases on Its common school lands, has
Irtsen an open question for somo time,
nd a few da s since an expert made
un examination of tho matter and ills
report gives tho following llgurcn:
There was l,G3nt&Gl acres of Nebraska
school bind under lease November .'10,
1014, according to the land comuils,
doner's report and the rental on these
Hands for the bieiinium closing on the
same date amounted to 9343,7.1. These
lands are located in eighty-four couti
lies and with a fair average value lis,
returned by the various county assets!
tors would show a valuation of more
Chan 813,000,000. At a 0 per cent rental
this valuation would nroduce an
me for thu common school fumt
T3B6re than four tlaies the amount
baoaght Into the statu treasury in tlM
Uat bienntuni. As a sample of tas,
Tental on tnene leases we give tha
SollowlDg figures gathered at random:
Adams county, fio acres 72; CherrJP
-oanty,GI0 acres, J0.GO; Gage county,
3G0 acres. 1104,40; Hitchcock Co., HBO
mcrae 4fl; Jefferson county, 12o acres,
VSO; Lancaster county, 1C0 acres, SH57-
SO; Bheiidan county, tWce sectian,
1144; Webster county, 80 acres, Hid;
"Wheeler county, 1C0 acres, 823 4Q;
7ork couuty, 80 acres, 87.80.
The present Hoard of Educational
"Hands and Funds, which is composed
of Governor Morehead, Secretary of
.State Pool, Attorney General Heed,
ITraosurer Hall and Lund Commls
doner Beckman, propose that in tho
Inturen much larger rental will be de
.rived from these lauds and have be
gan the work of revaluing them. As
a sample in the line of revaluation,
Secretary Pool and Commissioner
IBeckamn, during a four day trip, made
m short time ago, raised tho valuation
Tin two counties more than 17,000.00. It
is the intention of the present admin
istration to see to it that the common
'school fund get all that is coming to
Jt out of school land rentals.
2 "1 Don't Feel Good" "r
'Slat is what a lot of people tell us.
"Usually tbeir bowels only peed cleansing.
Ca do tho trick and make you feel fine.
"We know this positively. Take one
.teifcbt. Sold only by us, 10 ceata, """-.
oo Bnjrj 3HO '3 H
County Commissioners
Transact Business
Krd Cloud, Aug. 19, 1915
Wei stcr County Heard of Equnllza
lion met pursuant to adjournment.
Members present: Paul Store?, Grant
Slntller, W. G. Hcffmnn, T. J. Chap
lin, J. 0. Hutlcr, Clerk J. J. Giirbernnd
Floyd MrCall, Chairman of said board.
In tho matter of making levies for the
year, 191C, it was moved and seconded
that the following levies be made against
all the real and personal property of
said Webster County, Neb,, viz:
4 mills on the dollar for special court
house fund.
4 mills on the dollar for general fund.
3 mills on the dollar for road fund.
I mills on tho dollar for bridge fund.
As an emergency exist, 1 mill on
tho dollar emergency bridge fund.
Tho following levies were made for
school and bond purpoaes as follows:
No Mills No Mills No Mil's No Mills
1 35 2 35 3 14 4 28
G 11 (5 20 7 8 14
!) 11 10 21 11 15 12 12
13 17 14 15 15 3 1G 11
17 17 18 1G 10 20 10
21 10 22 15 23 17 24 14
25 10 2G 15 27 31 28 33
29 17 30 0 31 30 32 8
33 11 34 17 35 14 3b' 24
37 10 38 i) 39 14 40 12
11 15 42 10 43 17 44
45 0 40 11 47 13 48 12
49 24 50 8 51 4 C2 14
C3 9 51 12 55 18 5G 15
57 58 13 59 32 GO 20
Gl 25 G2 12 G3 8 01 15
G5 12 GG 10 G7 G8 15
G9 15 70 15 71 35 72 10
73 35 74 30 75 12 7G
77 15 78 9 79 474 80 15
81 20 82 15 83 . ,11 84 15
85 25 8G 17 87 ty85 88
89 20 .
On motion Hoard adjourned.
August 2G, 1915
Hoard of county commissioners met
pursuant to call of county clerk. Mt tu
bers nil present.
In tho matter of the complaint of
Sam Buzzard regarding ditch in Ouk
creek precinct, the matter waa referred
to the ubovc board for investigation.
The following claims were audited
and allowed, and the clerk authorized
and instructed to draw warrants on
their respective funds in payment of
RowlcsCo $ 4000 00
Steel Fixture Co 1998 00
City P&HCo I, 1433 35
A. Saish and Door Co . . . 3C59 00
A. M. Aullz
II. H. Allen
Chris. Ailes
Mary Abel
Geo. D. Harnard Co
Branchoft-Whltney Co
A. J. Horcn
3 50
90 50
81 00
3 43
5 10
1 00
IS 00
Louis Hangert 75 40
J. O. Hutlcr 191 40
John & Frank Derg 9 1G
K.J. Cox 93 00
W. C. Cox 83 43
Gertrude L. Coon 238 07
T.J. Chaplin 112 55
W. D. Edson 2130
J' H. Ellinger 4 00
E?S. Fitz 135 00
H. H. Fetty 117 00
Jackson Fincher 2 00
Guide Rock Signal 28 70
Wm. Good 8 09
A. J. Grant 6G 2
E.S. Garbcr 150 00
rjammond Stephens .... 21 87
A. C. Hosmer 8130
O. D. Hedge '..... 188 41
Fred Huppert 78 00
W.G.Hoffmni 88 50
Chas. Jackson 12 00
lopp A Bartlati C 312 80
Klopp printing Go M 00
J. P. Klopp 28 81
Sim Lmdsey 2 50
tffc-B. Leggstt 2 00
M. R. Lewis 130 Oft
Julia A. Lama 4 0B
MinerBro.Co 12 05
H.J.Maurer 39 00
$. Myer 4 CO
Mslone Avery Co 877 10
Edith McKcighan 55 11
iljB. MeArthur 3 70
Carl McArthur $ 00
Floyd McCall 168 40
Geo. II. Overing 176 80
F Peters 135 00
W.Patterson 82 20
A?. D. Ranny 35 35
O. C. Tcel 42 51
J. A. Tomlison 10 97
Red Cloud Cemetery Ass'n 135 50
Remington Typo. Co 7 55
Dr. M. S. Reed 25 00
Anna B. Spanogle 65 05
John SorenBon 2G 00
State Journal Co 8 57
School Diat. No. 61 8 00
Steel Fixture Co 52 00
Bert Sherman 2 00
Roy Sattley 2 00
Otto Skjelver 75 00
Oliver Sutton flO 00
Adolph Sidlo 87 00
Joo Saladcn 60 00
Geo. SmeUer l 75
Grant Shidler 11250
Paul Storey 150 00
Uuderwood Typewriting Co. .. 72 50
W.'M. Welch Mfg. Co 1 65
LE.JI. Weber 17 75
Lew Walters
Rout. Damereil, Dr
Fred Muurcr
John Olto
EI. E. McCoy
Glen Phelps
J. E. Denton
S. F. Green
Elizabeth McCoy
I)r. P. H. Bartholomew '...
Mary Sutton
Daniel Lindsey
Grant Christy
BertMiller , '.
J. B Pegg
Geo. G. Hoit
R. B. Fulton
C. E. Vaughn
J. R. Horn
Piatt & Frees
Bridge Fund
Ambov Mill k Elevator Co....J
HC Auto Co
I T Amuck
Leu Aructt
A Buckles
John Beyke
Bladen Lbr Co ;....
BE Burr
Chicago Lbr Co, BIuo Hill.....
Citizens Lbr Co, Campbell
Geo Clauson
Chicago Lbr Co, Rosemont....
Dave Clark
A.I Drain
B J Bmerton
Ole Brlckson
John Frcy
Joe Guruey
Guide Bock Hdw Co
Joseph Ilolverson
Blkis Houchla
4 00
21 00
6 00 j
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
4 65
r.8 oi
23 00
(1 oo
m oo
10 3.1
3(5 00
50 00
GO I 33
8 nr
r.13 or.
8 oo
05 Oo
714 GO
or. 00
n oo
U oo
18 20
78 00
CO 75
576 83
38 75
210 1C
54 V,
Hastings Foundry Work
Joo Jaqlrson ,
56 U
45 SO
6 5t
Lawrenoe Lbr Co . .
August. Lampusan . .
A B Martin
Malonc Avery Co
John S Marsh-.
Dale Montgomery
WJ MoPherson
James Mcintosh
Wilbur Peterson
Platte Frees
6 N Portcnler
ItS Proudfit Lbr Co
USProudflt Lbr Co ,
J A Sllvey Lbr Co
Fronk Stanley
W A Seeley & Co
W 11 Sawyer . . .
George Tine ,
Omar Wolf
Jil ti
44 4'J
2 50
2 SO
00 00
14 50
71100 25
43 CO
2240 05
732 00
433 50
77 35
30 05
125 00
40 22
12 00
50 00
32 07
S 40 00
, 21 00
, 82 25
1 0Q
40 37
, 11 25
45 88
0 50
, 4 50
. 5 00
35 00
11 25
35 00
. 7 87
. 17 00
CM Wilson
White Hdw Co
County Farm Fund
Ed Amack
P II Bartholomew
Cowden Kalev Co
I W Crary Mer Co
J C Etherton
Koehler Twidale El Co
James Loy
C B Laird
P Merten &Son
Minor Bros Co
Geo Swvlber
, ?
Paul Storey 10 00
Indian Creek Phono Co t 00
F G Turnure fc Son 01 ns
Elmer Wilson 1M) 00
Dr C Wcgman 21 75
Roscoo P Weesncr&Co !i 21
Piatt & Frees 1(5 fit)
On motion Board adjourned to meet
September 14, l'Jl.'i.
S. R. Florance Honored
Wo arc advised that S. R. Florence
of Red Cloud has been made a member
of the Advisory Committee or the Ne
braBka Republican Publicity "Association
The appointment was made by Hon. F.
M. Curric of Brewster, president ot
that organization.
This Association was formed in Omaha
in May, and will devote its whole ener
gies to the promotion of republican
measures. This Association has adopt
ed a constitution which provides that
its activities will not corflict in any
way with the regular republican state
and congressional committees, and will
avoid diecussions.of candidates for cilice
its province being the spreading of
republican doctrine?, tho advocacy of
republican principles. Mr. Florence
has been appointed to represent the
Association id this county both because
of his prominence anl of his reputation
for If ective party work. Hom-Ad.
Tho Chief extends congratulations
to Mr. Florance. Were it not for his
political faith, wo know of no heights
of which he is not capable of sur
mounting. Nebraska's Growth As
Lire, Stock Market
Tha growth of Wabneba as reflected
by its vaat live stock markat at
trnaha rstids like a "best seller" af
fiction, flare's kow it has grown
nlfcla the rasmory of men yet yovng.
In 184 tbe racsipts of live stock at
South Omaha were Bach as to justify
tho belief in' a great market in the
future Compare them with 1914,
thirty years latsr:
1884 Cattlu 88,003; hog8,3,CSG;skccp
5,503; horses, 480.
1014088,817; hogs, 2,259,620; sheep,
3,ll3,f-8); horses, .'10,083.
During this thirty years the Omaha
market has received and disposed of
one hundred twenty million head of
stock of all kinds. It has kept pace
with tbe great territory for which it is
the natural trade terminal, steadily
passing its competitors until it is now
the second largest live stock market in
the world, being led only by Chicago.
The ten big packing ulants ut South
Omaha manufacture and ship over
52,000 cars of products every year,
valued at over 1115,000,000. During
this same period Nebraska has de
veloped the largest creamery and but
ter business in the world at Omaha.
From this industry nearly seven mil
Bon dollars worth of finished products
are sent to the world's markrt every
I Watch Your Children Jf
Often children do not let parents know
they aro constipated. Thcv fear some
thing distasteful. They will liko Rcxall
Orderlies a mild laxative that tastes
like Bugar.Bold only by us, 10 coats.
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
Catalogue House Prices
$10.00 and $20;00
Combination Orders
Spend Your Money
at Home and
Boost Home Enterprise
Bring Your Orders
To us to fill, and if we do not have
every item we can very quickly
secure them.
The Miner Bros. Co,
General Merchants
"A Mighty Safe
:." ;, , ;. '"' z fsu jEKirMJi:
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College
Red Cloud -.- Nebratka
Red Cloud Druggist
Pleases Customers
C. L, Cotting reports customers
greatly pleased with the QUICIC notion
of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as mixed in Adler-1-ka. This
simple remedy drains tbe old foul mat
ter from the bowels so THOROUGH
that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost
ANY CASE of coustipatlon, sour or
gnssy stomach. It is so powerful that
it Is used successfully In appendicitis.
Adler-1-ka never gripes and the
INSTANT action is surprising.
' :, ,. I !'!,:, :.,.!, I1! LiKl
"Vi a, utssm iimiMiiiiMiiiiwiiiiniiHiti'iiiKiiiBiiiti'iil
R. E. CAMPp D. C.
Independent 212
Bell Red 1G1
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
E" Office Oveii Aumioux's Stoius
Place To Trade
mm ww ,inimfpt0mn
i . rvrwKntt'yfW'lfr?",
uw.i '.ot -