The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1915, Image 3

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    PRJW l
PiMMWwwMIBBBBBBM--, pIT, . ssl''sw , T 1 w.
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But Little Confusion Among Ei
ther Passengers or Crew.
Calm Sea and Lifeboats Already Swung
Out Help Materially In Prevent
ing a Great Sea Horror Many
Passengers Bruised.
Quoonstown. No survivor of tho
Arabic disaster who was intorvlowod
horo saw tho Gorniun subtuarlno that
Bout tho big liner to tho bottom, Au
gust 19, though Boverat said thuy saw
tho U boat that a few minutes beforo
torpodood tho Urltlsh steamer Duns
loy, and bcllovod it was tho sumo sub
marine. Thoy agreed that tho Arabic wan
lent to tho bottom without warning.
Throo things, tho pnssongcra agreed,
provonted a larger loss of life. Thoy
First, that tho sua was calm; sec
ond, that lifeboats had previously boon
Bwung out to meet such an emergency,
and third, that thcro was no panic and
tho crow displayed good disclpllno in
getting over tho boats.
Little Confusion Shown.
Prom tho moment tho heavy blow
struck by tho torpedo rocked the
Btcamor with a violent explosion until
Bho Bank beneath tho waves, thero was
llttlo confusion among either passen
gers or crow. Men who had passed
through othor disasters said that noth
ing improssod them so much as tho
calm, ordorly mannor in which tho pas
BongerB got over tho Bides within
eleven mtnutos after tho vessol was
Tho drowned woro in two boats
which capsized almost immediately
after thoy struck tho water. Ono of
.them was caught by tho llnor aB sho
rollod over in her death plungo. Somo
Df the occupants struggled to rafts and
clung fast until thoy woro picked up
by other boats. Thoso that could not
swim went down beneath tho wavos
rollod by tho sinking Arabic. Several
of tho crow, it is bolloved certain,
woro blown to pioces when tho torpedo
plunged into tho vessel's sldo.
Many Passengers Bruised.
Many of tho survivors landed horo
wero suffering from sovero bruises.
They had boon thrown about violently
when tho explosion shook tho Arabic.
Probably a scoro of women who es
capod in their night clothing wero still
under caro of physicians, suffering
from exposure Nono of tho Injured,
It was bolloved, will dio.
"Most of tho passengors woro on
dock or at breakfast when wo wero
struck," said Josoph O. do Lorrinior,
Montreal lawyor and son-in-law of a
former Canadian minister of marine
"Possibly fifty of tho passengors wero
Btill In their berths.
"It was about nlno o'clock, or a llttlo
after, whon sovoral of us sightod what
wo thought was a submarine qulto a
dlstanco to starboard approaching a
steamer wo later found out was tho
Dunsloy of London. Whllo wo wero
watching wo caught tho faint sound
of an explosion, and took it for grant
ed that tho Dunsloy had boon torpe
doed. Attack Prepared For.
"Our courso was taking ua over In
tho direction of Dunsloy. We prepared
for an attack at once. Tho crow ran
about distributing life preservers and
swinging out tho boats.
"I adjusted my llfo prcsorvor and
ran bolow to get a suitcase full of
Sailors from ono ot tho battleships
now llfo rafts recently adopted by tho
Diversified English Agriculture.
Agriculture Is tho primary industry
In tho west of England, where it 1b
notable for Us diversity. Dairying
and cattlo and sheep raising aro car
ried on in Somersetshire. Tho Ched
dar cheoso Industry is altuated thero.
Uncle Ebon.
"When a man tells you what he
would do If ho wus somebody else,"
said Uncle Eben, "ho'B generally neg
lectin' to accomplish as much as be
pucbt tA. Je by help' hU o sell."
B ijMipifrWoySPBBSfc JV.jjaateaaflaaaaiaajBBSa? Vy a -j-K P-" W'4SBBBBBPBSBBBBBBBBBBbbSBbV9E?' N 5
Important documents. 1 had Just re
turned when I saw n white stroak
rushing toward tho Arabic, churning
up foam, nt n great rato. Then thero
was a tremendous explosion. Tho
ship stopped nlmost instantly. Sho
rocked from sldo to sldo nnd began to
keel ovor. Most of tho passengers
wero In tho boats in an Instant, aud
thero was not the slightest panic.
"I baroly had tlmo to mako tho last
llfobont. Wo woro launched success
fully, but hadn't got clear whon
the Arublc rollod ovor and went down.
Sho was half turned on her side, and
her starboard quarter struck our boat,
caving in tho sldo and throwing us
Into tho water.
Clings to a Raft.
"I thought it was all over, but I
finally enmo up and swam to a raft.
I don't know what happoncd to tho
others. Whllo I was clinging to tho
raft I saw another lifeboat about to
sink. Thoy called to mo nnd throw mo
a hawBor. I tied it around tho raft
nnd hung partly to tho hawser nnd to
tho raft until I was pickod up ex
hausted. "I counted ton lifeboats pulling
away. Ono of thorn filled with water
Just after it cloared tho Arabic's sldo
nnd sank. A woman, who I later
learned was tho sister of tho Arabic's
surgeon, wnB thrown into tho water.
Ono of tho Arabic's sailors swam to
her and tho captain of a French ship
thnt camo to our rescue dived off tho
deck of his vessel nnd helped get
her into a boat. It was n lino piece
of work."
Women Cool In Danger.
Stolla Carroll, a professional sing
or, who was among tho survivors, said
thero was no pnnic. Tho women, sho
said, wero particularly cool; hut sev
eral of them, very scantily clad, suf
fered from tho cold wind after thoy
got Into tho boats.
"Thero wero four women and 29
mon In our boat," Bald Miss Carroll.
"Wo got away safely, nnd wo saw tho
captain dlvo off tho brldgo as tho ship
settled under him. It seemed that
our boat drifted a long whllo before
wo woro picked up. When tho worn
on hecamo greatly distressed I sang
'It's a Long Way to Tipperary' to
choor them up."
D. Curry, tho assistant purser, and
sovoral othor officers and passengers
who woro on deck whon tho Arnblc
was hit corroborated tho story told
by Captain Finch.
"I wns on tho brldgo at 9:15 Thurs
day morning, watching tho Dunsloy,
which appeared to have boon torpo
doed, when I saw tho white wake of a
torpedo 300 yards away," said tho
captain. "I saw no submarine Tho
torpedo struck about ninety feot from
tho stern on tho starboard sldo at
about right angles.
Lifeboat Splintered.
"A big stream of water spouted up
to a groat height, carrying a lot of
wreckage and splintering ono of the
lifeboats. Tho vessel began to scttlo
almost immediately.
"Tho greatest ordor prevailed. Tho
boats had provlously been swung out,
becauso wo know a submartno was In
tho vicinity, nnd 14 of thorn woro filled
nnd lowered in no tlmo. Two of tho
boats capsized for somo unaccount
nblo reason, and had It not been for
this tli or o would havo boon scarcely
any loss of llfo.
"I remained on tho bridgo until tho
water was lapping at my foot, and
then dovo off. When I camo up my
head struck somo wreckage and I was
slightly injured. I swam to a near-by
raft, but was unablo to draw myself
up on it. Two women with a baby
wero clinging to ono Bido. I helped
them to clambor on tho raft, and thon
hung on until all of us wero rescued
about 20 mlnutoH later."
Optimistic Thought.
We must not permit sincerity and
candor to expose ub to tho arts of the
in tho Dardanelles testing ono of the
British admiralty and supplied to all
Scamander a Remarkable Stream.
Tho Scamander is ono of tho most
romarkablo rivers for tho grandeur ol
its Bourco a yawning chasm in
Mount Gargarus, shaded with enor
mous piano treos, and surrounded with
high cliffs, from which tho river im
petuously dashes in all tho greatness
of tho dlvlno origin assigned to It by
ancient fablo.
Sliver In England,
Silver U not legal tender In England
for sum over $10,
(rty O. E. BKM.KIIS. Aotltm Director ot
the Smuliiy .School Courso of tlio Moody
LESSON TEXT-I Kliisn 17:1-10.
OOLDKN TEXT-Custlnc nil your nnx
Icty upon hltii, bcciiUHo ho cuiutii tor you.
I l'ctur 6:7 It. V.
Wo now skip thirty to forty yours
to consider tho first ot thoso great
prophets whpso lives aro recorded at
length. Samuel aud David fought unl
mnls, armies nnd giuutB, but those mon
fought engagements In the moral uud
spiritual realm of equal nnd greater
importance. KmphusUo Elijah ua a
real live Heali-and-blood hero. His
work was with tho northern kingdom
and ho probably first met A hub at Sa
maria, his enpitnl in 912 II. C. (?) Tho
Moublte stoiiu (A. D. 18(18) is n re
markable confirmation of tho lllblo
story of this purled.
L The Challenge, v. 1. Tho lesson
la a great Illustration of fulth. Sin
had ugalu mndo vuBt inroads ukiii the
peoplo (eh. 10.30-33) uud this "man of
tho hour," wIiohu mime laenns "Julio
vnh My Strength," (1) b.iw the condi
tions; (2) responded to tho need, uud
(3) had faith In his cuubo because It
wns that ot Jehovah. Tho source of
his faith was the word of tho Lord
Ood (Dcut. 11:18; 32:20). Ho that
"llveth" and before whom tho prophet
Btood in dally, hourly communication.
Elijah was u niuu with u mlsslou
(Matt. 2S:19) who trusted In Uod and
considered it safe to obey. Ills power,
"according to my word," wns In rntlo
according to his llfo of faith (Horn.
10:17). Ho wus also u man of prayer
James 5:17) uud showed his fulth by
hlB works (James 2:17, 20, 2G).
II. The Command, vv. 2-7. Elijah's
faith wus not audacious. Ho took each
stop as commanded by God (v. 2).
Thero is a tlmo for seeming retreat
as well as for tho spectacular chargo.
Elijah's first placo ot testing was
"Cherlth," a gorgo to tho east of tho
river Jordan. This command was con
trary to human reason. "Would it not
soon bo involved iu his prophesied
Again, ravens frequently feed upon
carrion, and ho know all tho regula
tions regarding cleanness. Thus to bo
secluded would prevent his observing
tho effect of tho drought upon both
king and people. Still tho command Is
explicit. It was "there" (v. 4), aud
thero only, that Jehovah wus to savo.
The miraclo of saving was to be
wrought undor tho most udverso cir
cumstances and by tho most unlikely
means. "So ho wont." Having faced
the peril, God bid him to presorvo him,
and at tho proper tlmo God also re
vealed him (ch. 18:12). It wns a dally
testing for Elijah ut Cherlth, thus to
bo fed and to seo tho wator evaporat
ing, but it was a tlmo of communion
and after the brook wus dry tuora
camo a now command (vv. 8, 9).
III. The Continued Deliverance, vv.
8-16. Zarephath wus (Luko 4:20) iu
tho dominions of Jezebel's father, on
tho coast of tho Mediterranean soa be
tween Tyro and Sldon, a dangerous
Journoy for Elijah through Abab'tl
kingdom (ch. 18:10). Tho word Zaro
phath means "smelting furnace," and
It too was suffering from this samo
famine. Commanded to hide in Cherlth
Elijah Is told to "dwell" in Zarephath
and that a widow was to bo tho agent
to supply his need. Again Elijah's
prldo had to bo ovorcomo for thero
wero abundant reasons for disliking
such a Journoy, such an abiding place
and such a dependenco Uo:i a poor
widow. Elijah, however, "arose und
went," a contlnuanco of his llfo of
obedience. Ho 11 rat asked for water
and as sho went ho added his request
for food. It was a particular widow to
whom ho wastscnt (Luko 4:25-27) and
through her God wus rcudy to work a
miraclo of salvation on his behalf.
Though about to preparo what Hhu
thought wus to bo hor own and her
Bon's Inst meal (v. 12), yet sho at onco
proceeds to obey tho command of tho
man of God as it was conditioned upon
tho word of Jehovah (v. 14). God,
through his prophets, has commanded
us, given us ussuranco and promised
to sustnln (Phil. 4:19), yet wo hesi
tate. "Sho went and did" tho seem
ing impossible, but according to tho
word of command, und those of "her
house did eat many days." Obcdlenco
saved her own, her son's and tho
prophet's lives. Thcro is sound philoso
phy In Prov. 11:24 which found its
complcto fulfillment In Jesus who
"camo not to bo ministered unto but
to minister." Head carefully Prov.
3:7-10 und II Cor. 9:0-11. As with tho
Israelites in tho wilderness tho supply
was only from day to day (v. 1G) noth
ing ahead, no, accumulation, yet a per
petual supply becauso based on "tho
word of tho Lord" (v. 1C).
God worked this miraclo: (1) to up
hold und to presorvo his chosen mes
senger for his great work in iBraol;
(2) to show his loving kindness and
sustaining graco to tho poor; (3) to
strengthen tho faith of his prophet
against his spectacular conflict on ML
Carmel; (4) to tho cud that ho might
show Israel and all others down
through tho ages a great object lesson
of his sustaining graco and providence.
Tho widow's "two mites" aro filling
church treasuries today, and Mary's
box of ointment has filled all Christen
dom with its aroma and fragrance.
Providence la progressive.
That Knife-Like Pain
Havo you a lamo back, aching day
nnd night? Do you fcol sharp pains
after Btooplng? Aro tho kldnoya
floro? Is their action irregular? Do
you havo hoadnchos, backaches,
rheumatic pains, fool tlrod, nerv
ous, nil worn-out? Uso Doan's Kid
ney Pills tho modlclno rocom
mendod by so many people In this
locality. Road tho experience that
A Nebraska Case
Samuel Tllxlor, Gor
don, Neb., says:
"Four PfirV service
In tho army left ma
with rlironlo kldnoy
complaint. I lmd to
get up often nt night
to Jinan tho kldnoy
secretion nnd my
wliolo body nrlied.
especially my tmck.
My linurt uatpltntiM
nnd I lind fainting
polls. IVmu's Kld
noy ruin h it v a
brought mo crent re
lief from nil thoso
nllmnntii nnd I enn't
be too Kratorul."
Cat Doan'a at Any Store, B0 In
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nino times in ten when the liver lj
right the stomach and bowels are right
gently hutflrmly com
pel a lazy liver
do its dutv.
Cures Con
tipation, la
and Dittrets After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
br Cttw-t BlMkl Plllt. Iaw
irind, (CMh, tfltiblt; Drafarrad br
trti ntnrkiirn. baiauia tkiy
rataat wliara allur vimIam till.
VVrlta for IxMklrl and t.atlaianltU.
ii-itM kit. Bii.kiii rim ii.m
M-ftM (kit. Bltekltt mil 4. It
uh any injaeiar. dui Lviiara om.
The tuptrtorlty of CutUr nroducti Ii ilut to oter II
rarc ot tpfrUlltlnf tn VMtlaM tad Hrumi aaly.
latlit Outttr't. If unobulnabl. anltr illrect.
Tka Crttar LakMilary. Birktlay, CH.. r Ckltui. IU
Nothing to Be Said.
Judgo You admit, then, that
atolo tho loaf ot bread?
Woman Prlsonor Yos, your honor.
Judge What havo you to say for
Woman Nothing, your hoonr. If It
was laco or Jowolry, I might plead
kleptomania, but wo can't try thut
whon It's bread.
Tho exportation ot orchids from tho
Phlllpplno islands is increasing. In
Mnrch, 1914, 10,000 plants woro con
signed to a San Francisco firm and
nrrlvod in excellent condition. Dur
ing Muy 5,000 plants woro shipped
to tho samo firm. Tho consignments
Included four variotlcs Sollorlans,
Amanitas, Studlanas and SandorlanB.
These United States.
Tho United States has 3,000,000
square milos of territory, 1,903,000,000
acres of land. Thero nro 878,000,000
acres of land in tho farms of tho coun
try, but 478,000,000 acros of this area
aro unimproved and unproductive.
Small Comfort.
Askor Ho calls mo a donkoyl
Should I challongo him?
Telllt You might to provo it!
Tho United Statos produces more
talc and Boapstono than all of tho rest
of tho world combined.
Go slow but you'll nrrlvo Into.
r iji
.ilHSW' Wll ILL
pr- Jar ii
Food for the
It takes the highest type of nerve
and endurance to stand the strain at
the battle front of modern business.
Manv fail. And often the cause
is primarily a physical one improper
food malnutrition. It is a fact that
much of the ordinary food is lacking
in certain elements the mineral salts
which are essential to right building
of muscle, brain and nerve tissue.
made of whole wheat and barley, contains
these priceless nerve and brain-building
elements in highest degree.
Grape-Nuts food is easy to digest nourishing economical delicious, and
as a part of the menu of modern business men and women helps wonderfully
in building up the system for strenuous demands and keeping it there.
"There's a Reason" for GRAPE-NUTS
Sold by Grocers eTerywbere.
Hardship and Death Dnred by Thou
sands That They May Gain
Riches Quickly.
It wns In 1S98 thnt the rush ot gold
Rockers to tho Klondike reached Its
flood. Tho nlnely-elghters probably
novor will know tho fnmo of tho forty
niners, hut they havo a plnco In tho
long history ot tho gold hunters, tho
men of nil nations, ancient, medloval
und modern. Tho book has a hundred
chapters telling of failure and of death
to every ono lightened with tho story
of succoss.
II. M. Cndoll recently visited tho
Klondlko nnd there mndo a study of
present conditions. Ho describes thorn
and ndds an interesting account ot tho
early day rush to tho Northwest terri
tory. The SmlthBonlnn institution has
put Mr. CndolPs report Into print. It
is nn Interest lug document. Somo of
tho happenings in tho Klondlko woro
duplicates of Ilka happenings In Cali
fornia and AiiHtrnlln during tho first
years of tho surface washing in thoso
Holds. These duplications show thnt
humnn nnturo is unchanging.
Men wont to tho Klondlko dnrlng
hardship and death that they mtght
get rich milck. Konio of tho gold
seekers woro quickly successful. A
lnrgo percentage of tho successful
ones almost literally throw their mon
ey away. Knsy come, easy go. This
sort of thing hns marked gold min
ing In all ages. The Klondlku Is nut
what It was, but human nature stays
tho samo. Tho discovery of gold ut
tho North polo would start a north
ern migration that would tuko no ac
count of tho itiHiipcrublo obstucles ot
dlstanco and cold Tho luro Is Irro
slstlblo. Chicago Post.
Saves Steps.
When tho best and hnpplost house
koepor known to tho writer wns asked
to toll tho Bccrot of hor Bpced In
housework sho replied: "I never iron
with n cold Iron, cut with n dull kntfo
or go to my kitchen to propnro u meal
without u clean smnll hand towel
pinned tn my apron belt on ono sldo
and a similar dish towel plnuud on
tho othor. Try It, and you will bo our
prised to hoo how much tlmo nnd how
many extra steps you will save"
Family Days.
Family occasions ought to bo colo
hrntod frouuontly, oven If tho celebra
tion Ib tho slmplost form of llttlo fes
tival. Bringing tlio family together
helps to promote affection. Whatever
tho event, birthday or wedding anni
versary or a welcomo homo from a
journoy, it ought to moan something
to every mombor of tho family, and
can bo mndo an occasion thnt will
remain bright in memory whon tho
family circle is broken.
Baby's Eyes.
Do sound a warning to mothers
about letting tiny babies lio flat, gaz
ing straight at tho sky. Unless n
baby is sitting up In its enrriago, tho
top should always bo ovor its faco.
Safest Marriages.
Tho safest marriages nro declared
by a statistician to bo thoso contract
ed with mon under twenty-four or
moro than thirty-four years of ago.
"In what state does it cost tho most
to llvo?"
"In tho stato of matrimony." Hob
ton. On tho wholo, it Ib hotter for tho
small boy to soil his llngorB with mam
ma's Jam than to havo thom blown off
by tiro cannon crackor.
Ordinarily a young man refers to
hla father as "tho old man." But it
ho desires to bo particularly polite, ho
refers to him as "tho old gent."
Tellt How LydiaE.Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound Re
stored Her Daugh
ter's Health.
Plover, Iowa. "From a small child
my 18 year old daughter had female
weakness. I spoke
to throo docton
about it and they did
not holp her any.
Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Com
pound had boon of
great benefit to me,
so I decidod to havo
her glvo it a trial
Sho has takon five
bottles of tho Vege-
.tablo Compound ac
cording to directions on tho bottlo and
sho Is cured of this troublo. Sho wM
all run down when sho started taking
the Compound nnd her periods did not
como right Sho wan o poorly and
wenk that I often had to help hat dress
herself, but now sho Is regular and Is
growing strong and healthy." Mrs.
Martin Hrxvia, Plover, Iowa.
Hundreds of such letters expressing
grntittulo for tho good Lydla E. Pink-,
ham's Vegetable Compound has accom
plished aro constantly being received,
proving tlio reliability of this grand old
If you nro ill do not drag along and
continuo to suiter dny in and day out but
at onco tnko Lydln E. Pinkhom'a Vege
table Compound, a woman's remedy for
woman's ills.
If you want special advice write U
lydla E.rinkham Mcdlclno Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
bo opened, read and answered by a
woman and held la strict confldeBce
a tn4l.t prparltoo of marl!
H.lpa la erwlloaUi daodrnfr.
r or KMIonas l-mor ana
Bulr toO or Fad ! Hair,
aOn. aiMl tloo at lmrnta.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 35-1915.
These Men Forget to Provide Water
for Their Desert Ride and
One Dies.
Fnlluro to thing about evaporation
in n-i automobile radiator brought
death to ono man and frightful tor
tures to two others, who arrlvod la
Los Angeles from tho desert and told
of tholr Bufferings. Tho trio James
S. Rocho and John II. Welsh, attor
neys, and James Q. Clarko, a real es
tato dealer loft horo Sunday In an
automobllo for El Contro, In tho Im
perial valley.
Monday morning the car stoppod In
tho sand. Tho radiator was ompty and
thoy had no wator. Roche and Welsh
started after a mirage which thoy bo
lloved was tho Salton soa. Clarke
waited n day, and then, bollovlng
thom dead, mado his way to Mineral
Springs, whoro ho was resuscitated
after falling hlmsolt In a faint and or
ganized a roscuo party. They found
Rocho unconscious and Welsh dead.
Rocho said they drank lubricating oil,
Philadelphia Record.
One Left.
"Tho fag system Is obsolete ti
schools now, Isn't It"
"Ycb, except tho brain fag."
Sympathetic Turn.
"Tho first tlmo Cholly took his ante
out it turned turtle"
"No wonder: he's such a lobster."
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