r i- L i K ,tn HWtnrlc' Souli-ty tC " -..j$-- ' vv." ;-.- ""-- - . ' t"Zr,', v ic . --'.rjscr 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For Sl.oO - -i-- Zug- - p ft tafcciyM mmiifwmi'MWJiMii m t.finmmm mamnKjniwiarmkvipr in wwTiwrM jiwrwi vmar jcwKaMntrv I itwvrtfftwftran3ftivwiftBVMftfanp VOLUME I. '3 RED CLOUD, XISlSltASKA, Al'UrsT 'JO, !!!."). NUAIUUIIUS unMMWM.cvMwtiraKUMurMBlciUAjnMnviaCHvri( nMwjuai wrtnHjiqmipp'WjLawMwt-iwiriif hw .m m -sgB3SS2Bs I 5 "SAFTPJ 'ST'Rirn.'H'TT'rsrr ffi WIG J!EiUJQ& I THE PLEASURE V --- " Of conferring with you as to youi A''''unt. While adhering to a pohv : oC safety and con servatism, we make it a point to give to our customers close personal attention and an in telligent recognition of their needs. If the highest character of personal banking service ap peals to you we shall esteem it a favor to be honored with a visit from you. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL Hilo.OOO SUITS At 20, 25, 50 Discount The backward season and general conditions make it imperative that we unload. We are going to offer you the greatest opportunity to save money on CLOTHES that we ever did and you cannot afford to miss it. ONLY BLUE SERGES EXCEPTED In This Sale of Both Men's and Boys' Suits SPECIAL PRICES ON OXFORDS AND STRAW HATS THIS SALE IS FOR CASH And Cash Only. No Other Terms at These Prices Think of it! $25 Suits Going at $12.50 JUST Vz PRICE Do Not Delay! Get In First And Get The Cream! Do It Now! Owen Daily Wins From Young Russell' i On l'mliy otoiiuuiii Hit? Nu house building iiuotli.T u'-tlin' nntoh was pull' doll. Tho pti'lluiin tries ueto lli-st on thi inoKiitm. Mr Make, of Uncolii, ttiMnp on l In oi of our li uno 'lots. Ho thiowod Allan Ubu'klodKe lilist lu '-!1, minutes I'aul PulnlcUy In r I minutes, then uloiifj enuio lied Ctuud's ' fnt in t hone in tlm lii:ivv tveleht class. I Winon V.k iss, who tlnowed Mi. Stake in 10 inluutos This last iniitoh was oiy IuUmosUiik, ami tlto crowd was loud in their praises lor Voi non. Two youiiK hoys. )ulu Tumor and Wallace I Halation, then put on tho last pioliin- inary, tho foiinor winning tho nictoh anil also bleak inn Wallace's bij? too, which causes him to bo on crutches this week. The niitin fcutuio of tho evening was tho liaudlcap match hotweou Young Kussoll, who formorly hold tho welter weight chunipionship of tlto woild, uud Owen Daily, who now holds the light weight championship of the world. Chief Montour was the roferoo and umiouuced tho wi ostlers as thoy taken their places. This agreement, nnuounet'd by the rofereo, was that Kussoll was to throw Dally twice In an lfor. Hoy Oatmun was chosen as timekeeper. Tho vfrottlcrs, both of whom were nt their bstt, thea began, amid loud applatuo by the lurge uudl cno present. The turtle lasted one hour, during which at uo time was- Russell able to pain & good bold on Diilly which tho latter aouid not break. Both of the wrestlers put ou a clean match, and Daily was doclaied the winner when time was called. Young Hussell, whohns participated in several matches here in tho past few weeks, has gained it large follow ing of admirers. Owen Dally, who mado his llrst appearance bore that evening, made many fiieuds nil of whom would like to see him return hero in tho near future and put on another match. Tho largest crowd that has ever attended ouo of these matches, was present Trld.iy evening, and all were of the opinion that they hud secured their inottoy's worth. If present plans materialize so'nc of tho best matches held in the state, nrc to be pulled off here this fall and winter. i " - Real Estate transfers. Wymore Brakemaa Injured Here Tuesday Jhiiio i no', of , inure, a buiko matt !u tu' fmplo. nl iliC U. Q , was paiuiiiUt, though Ho' (otimisly Injured in the milium yuids at this plucc on Tuesday morning. Me was a new Ulan in the l did. mid just how the Hceiileit oeeurred is not plain, but it is prfsiiimxl that lie was struck by the uoal vintes, while eudenvoiing to alight frmu the ladder of a bos car. His iiijiiru s, which consisted of two broken ns, and several deep llfsh w omuls w.is piontptli, attended to by the com nuijS surgeon heie, Dr Wolit. S. Mitolull and he was taken to his humu in Wjuiuio, on No. 1(1 that same morning All Is In Readiness For The First Day Of School Thioug'i the kindness of .loo llmta we weie taken In'o tho Lincoln school building this week. The entile build ing has been treated to paint and iilubustlne The desks have been haul oiled and every speck of ditt removed. Cvery room Is in splendid condition and janitor It.irtu feels justly proud ofhlsvroik. tie has spared no paint to make these rooms (irit claws in every particular. When school takes np everything will bo new and clean, a vory fit place for our rising generation Art Exhibit Art treasures, aggregating ?107,0o0 in value, will be exhibited Ht tho Ne braska stato fair .Sept (5 11. Stale fair patrons have never before been given mi opportunity to see those master pieces. "Sylvia" by Lel'ebie.n match less pointing so well executed tli.it the observer at ilrst feels that ho is In the piesenco of a living woman, will be in tho collection. "The Village Mack smith" by DoMaieau, co-ting S'lO.OoO will also bo exhibited. mumww i mwrw ywwm jwwnp o fMHKPiKatairmtflvi kj I. I ill f.n c IJ . 2 4 5l The Edison Diamond! Phonograph is the one 8$'3Si&''&8 ment thai fully Satisfies POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Heal Musical Tom.' and Volume IVrfeel Reproduction Non-I3roakal)lc Records Diamond Reproduction Point lCliniinalos All Needle Chanti'mi! Perfect Running and Moat Durable Motor and Mechanism Demonstration Free or Catalogs on Request You Are Always Welcome E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist :"3TC D. & Q. Watch Inspector iiiiiUiiiH Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for tho wwoli, bo ginning Tuctdajr, Ang.i'2t, '10 Ususd by the U. . Wonlhar Ilnreau, Wiuh ington, D. C , for h Upper llissiit slpiii Valley and Plaint Statn: Cool nnd fair weather for two or throe days will bo followed by rising tomporaturei that will not b'e unusunl 1 hlffh, and probably by ehovvois to ward the end of the week- Frost Is probable Wednesday morning In low lands and exposod places lu the tobac co region of Wisconsin and lu noitli east Minnesota. Miss (Ireta Tiirnure who tins been the guest of the Misses Agues Johnson, Maiio Woolsoy and Faith Dedrick for several duys, will return to her homo nt Uod Cloud this evening. Tliurdduy'.s Superior Impress Another Old Land Mark It Being Dismantled Auother old land mark U being torn down this work Tho Odd Follows hull has been sold and in bolnj; dl mnutled. This i building has.Jichl tunny nu linfurtaut meeting ah(Lni3ny a ballot battle hai been fought out on tho lower floor If this room could npeak it would tell of schemes and. counter sclioiues as tho ward healers of tho past waged tholr relentloss war fure. Soon this building will bu but a memory, just as the struggles of by gone battles. Apples For Sale (uod eating and cooking apples, 2Gc por bushel. V. K White, 3; uillci. north and 'J utiles west of town, j PAUL STOREY The Clothier MR. FARMER:- Are the dollars you spend for thresh ing coal giving "value received." "Illinois-Egg Size" produces more steam units per dollar than any other threshing coal on the market. I HE WALONE-AYERY CO. "TALK WITH IIS AMUT Cf AL" Ileal r.stute Tiansfors compiled by U. W. Stewart, Bonded Absttactor and Attorney, Keel Cloud, Nebraska. C. E. Henderson and wife to Isaac U. Uolviu, wd, nli lot Ss lot , Uik Roberts Add Uulde Koclc S SoO .1. II. Iliilloy and wife to Nancy M. Oreen, wd, lots-Jl, 2.', 2.1, 21, Bile. J, I'latts Add Uod Cloud. Win. Hhoimgans Sr. and wife to Win. Itheimgans dr., wd, n neKn :i 10 Eugenia II. Albright et nl to Homer W Sherwood, wd, lots .'1, 1, Bile. 2', Kert Cloud 1 Dennis Lindsoy and.wlfo to Anna IMwards, wd, pt Blk. 8, Hall road Add 'I00o Lewis I' Whitney nnd wife to Edward Q. Ingrahem, wd, nwjf ar.2 u ssoo Mortgagos Filed 81.1,300.00. Mortgages Uolonsed $21,030.00. 2050 1000 Billy Sunday Negotiations are under way to give 1 state fair pations a chance to hear Billy Sunday, the ovangelist An effort is being mado to secure William J. Bryan to introduce him. Sunday has expressed a willingness to come If a satlstautory date can be agreed upon 'find the management hos suggested JMoiuuy evoniug raepietnuer utii. It is an old Indian sign that u big mosquito crop is sure to be followed by a bumjior crop of babies. If that is true there will be no startlint? uvl- jdenccs of race suicide iu Nebraska . this year, for raosqultos aro certainly 'a numerous article just now, Orleans laser. iff ci i r Y7:n c ocnooi Lays win ouuu Be Here. Outfit The i Children Now. R.P.teneF&Go. Hed Cloud, Nebraska Consider the children's necessities for school wearables and come here for them. Every thing for school wear must be selected with an eye to the rough-and-tumble, care-free use that ener getic youth puts to clothing. Here you will find us ready with the most dependable goods and varied assortments of just those thinors careful mothers are mindful o t ..- 4,. i: r Or. We especially Commend the Ginghams. Toilc de Nords and SturdineSS as Well as the pretty Red Seal Zephyr Ginghams o 1 r . . . r r ' neither fade nor shrink. Their siyies or our assortment oi omg- pretty paUerns and colorinfjfs hams to make the most lasting are shown here in a very large blouses and dresses for the little folks. runeni of fancy plaids, cnccKS anu stripes as wen as the plain shades all of which is guaranteed fast colors. 27-inches Wide 122C Yard viw 131 " rx n -t.i A 'i H h -1 i t . i i ? m !..f . r fi t4 t '. .' hi ll , l! ': i 8 t wgaSffBpyyff s ,rrT;YT.i-MP r f.