RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF r i RUGS! Our Fall stock of Rugs just arrived and our lines are now complete both in size and quality. We were fortunate in buying our Rugs early before the ad vance, and our prices will be the same although the mills have advanced prices from 50c to $1 a rug. Axminister from $18 up in 9x1 2; Tapisiry Brussels, Body Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons, Wool Fibre and grass in all sizes and at the right prices. ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Red Cloud Nebraska O v EXPERT WITH ROLLER SKATES How Two New York Youngiters Got Enjoyment With Limited Amount of Material. 0 Two roller Bkatos for ono boy Is the customary demnnd for complete satis faction In sidewalk skating. Hut 'passers-by on Fifth avenue near Thlr-,ty-fourth street the other day saw two hoys nnd one roller skate In thorough iworKiiiB cooperation. TJiey weni gliding down the slope of Murray hill las happily as might be, and with i (maintenance of balanco truly wonder ful to behold. Ono hoy wore ono skato on hlo foot ln conventional fashion. The other foot ho held slightly aloft, nnd oir jtho foot that held tho skato sat tho' other boy a good-nfcod youngster oi 'ten or twelve, who ought to grow urJ .to ho n tlght'ropo walker or an ncroj ihat. IIo sat aitrldo of his friend's foot ns If it hrul been a rocklng-horuc; hls own sturdy legs he stuck stralgttf .out In front of him, nnd with both Ihands ho clung valiantly to hie ifriand's kneo. How tho other lad balanced himself! 'It Is Impossible to guess. Hut balance himself he did with ono unnd thrown' out Just a trlllo. Ho pushed himself! , ilong when necessary with tho skate. , icss foot, and with that, too, ho guldJ , od himself nnd his load. And there i in tho busy part of tho day It wail about eleven In tho morning on tluj busiest stretch of Fifth avenue, thej tuo of them slid merrily nlong down tho slope of the hill, nnd nlong tho Hat stretch toward Madison square. New York Times. Notice of Special Bond Election ss C3C3u H 'vS99 Buy Your Groceries Where You Receive Full Value There's a reason why you should buy your groceries - from us. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point We Have the Goods and Make the Prices. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY - ONE THING HE ACCOMPLISHED ES3g3 ,69SS 33HI fc.- fl-B-B-Ctt 2 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 I UNDERTAKING LRDY HTTENDSNTI Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES - McFARLAND BUILDING SSSKS3SS &SS CHBSBK$S3Q Inebriated Sailor Got a Little Satis faction as a Result of His Heavy Potations. Marines nro sort of first cousins to soldiers. Mighty llttlo difference be tween them, excepting that a. marlno doesn't get seasick as a general thing, and soldiers nlways do when they get n chanco. At a local hotel whore they sell lit. tie libations nt two-bits per, they aro telling a pretty good story about a marlno who enme ashore from ono of tho American warships recently and started to Invest a lot of his month's pay In things they sell over tho bnr, says tho San Francisco Chronicle. Ho .started to do this thing nt tho water front, whore libations nro n dlmo nplece, and gradually worked his way uptown to this hotel, where It's two bits n shot. And In tho hotel cafo ho butted Into his lieutenant. Tho lieutenant cnllod him down In front of the entlro crowd. "Drown," ho snld, "you loft tho ship two hours ago cold sober, nnd now you'ro lit up llko n torchlight parade. Have you got nny Idea you can drink all tho hoozo In town?" "No, shur," paid Urown, saluting re spectfully, but unsteadily. "Town's too big to drink It nil up, shur, but I've dono sho well they're steadily rais in the prlco tho farther I go." Pet Colt Figures In Divorce, A pot iclt was Introduced Into tho complaint of Mrs. Sarah T. Langdon 'for divorce from Lesllo Langdon. It wns sot up as contributing to one of tho many arts of cruelty charged against Mr. Langdon. IIo Is thirty .thico and Mrs Langdon nineteen. In tho trial of her divorce action heforo Judge Mont op tho other day Mrs. L-mgdon said hi r husband thieateucd to tell tho colt Sho wanted to keep It beenubP pho hail raised it. Ills threat to dispose of the colt was to SCHOOL BONDS I'uriimnt to a resolution mloptul by the Hoard oj IMucatluii of the cliool District of tlief Itv of ltd! I'loinl, In WeliMur County, .V'lirnkti ibillli: School IiMrlct No.'.' of MiM count1, i. nt tliu ri'Kiiliir iihc'.Iiii; Auyiiit 2. UUO. Notlco Ih hereby lven to tho fiiinllildl otirsof s-ilil ichool district that :i inclnl t lection Menlli'il to lip litlil on seipteiiiliirK, l!H3, In mill for salil nchool district, the poll liiK plan to he at the I'ln iiitn'n Hull In IU.1 i loud, ami the polls open httwitn the hours of) o'clock ii. in. nnd 7 o'clock p. in, olnald day. nt which rlvtluii thtrels siiliinlttid to thoiildottrs, who may cast their ballot thtrcon, the follow Iiik proposition: Mhnll the Hoard of education of the mild school District of tho ( Ity of Hid (loud, In tho count of Websttr In the Stateof .Nubr.r kn hi authorized to Issue nnd negotiate the fmiulnof mild school district, to bei known a.s tliulllich school lionets of suld dLslrlct. In thonKijreKnte sumof itt.0u0.oo, to be Issued In ile iiiiiii nations from fiOO to g-YOcnch, ps. ablo tobe.iror. la firliiu -nimuiil luiertst at C percent purniuiuin, representee! b) coupoiw Attiiulicd to the bonds, nnd to bo Issutd and dated Niivember I, utrj, maturing twenty iears after Kald date, but pajnblu at the option of snld district nt nny Interest paj iiient date after live jtars, and panblu at tho olllco of the state trrnsiirer of Nebraska. .Said bonds to bo ollercd on tliu open market nnd sold to the hliihtst bidder for not kss than par Milne, with accrued Interest, and may lie ottered liisipnrnto nmomits or lo's, nnd the proceeds thereof to be used only for the purposuof erection fiirnlslilnirand llnlsk Ini! n 1 1 lull School bulldliiu.for said district upon the block oturouiid now occiiled by, and to take tho place of the present hlvh school hiilldlniT, know tins the "Washlnyton School." And shall the Hoard of Eihicallcn, or other prrpcr If trnl authority cnut e to be levied nnrninl ly upon the taxable property In natil district n tax sulfide nt In addition tnall other tnxes. to pny the Interna on Mild bonds ns tho samo matures, iir.d to iinnlilc n MnMnit fund for tho raiment of the principal by the linal maturity thereof. The form of ballot to be u cd at nli! election shall bens fol'otvp; IIIC1I SCIIOOI. IIOND I'ltOI'OSITION Vote for one. For High "School on Is ami tax ( ) AifaliMt Illvrh School bands and tnx ( ) Atvl to to voted and innrlte t by mnklntr a crois In thuutual minncr In the space provided for that purpose. Sluuid a mnjorlty of the votes cast at tnld elec tion bo In fnor of said proposition, then the Uoard of Education of said School District of Hcd Cloud Cltv. will bo authorized to Issue and neKOtiatosnld boniKns Dpeclfled, alias contem plated ly Sotclon CJ71 Kovlscd Statutes, 1913. asami.lwUiy I iwlOIG. Chapter ISI.nml it ehallbe tte lu'yof tho projIJont and secretary of said bou-d toiEcutn.ilJ bonds, The proceeds there of fhnll I cileuosltnl with the treasurer of said dUtrlct and kept by hhi In a separnte fund, known ns tho HlBh School Uond Fund, and paid out only upon unrrunt ordered by the H;nrd cf Education, for said specified purpose. Dated August loth. 1915. Uy crderof tho Hoard, Auk. 13-lw C. J. l'oi'E. Secretary. FOR THE BEST OF CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO POWELL BROS. SMOKE HOUSE I 6SesM6S 6SM636S IF YOU WANT A. ZJ H0WHEIT OR A IWARPH IHade Right, bettered Right And Ereeted Right In tin; County Court o! Webster County ., Nebraska. STAIEtU'NKIIUAICA, I M Wtbsttr County, f ss In tho mutter of the (.state of Ellabetli (oihrane, elieeased. CltEIMTUKSof stld estate, will uiko notlco that the time limited for pnuiil:itlim and llllin; of claims ai;aliist thesame U I'ebruary I ith, lUirt: and for tho iiayment of debts Is luly Hlth, liilii, that I will sit at the county court room In said county on the 15th ilsi of February lint), at lOo'clock a. m.,to rt eUe examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dulj tiled. Dated this lllth day of July A. D wis. (Seal.) A. D. KAN.N'liY, County JuiIko. Special Notice To Red Cloud Folks Wi-wl-h to announce Unit we tire e.Noliislvti Kod Cloud Hirents for the iu'no hei. fchu fuI.1. nnd thereby bho i """I'l" iiiImuib of lmcltthoni Imtk, Amazing Yields in Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorrdo Muny h furtn In thu above lou.illly will pity for itbulf with thU yoar'a yield. Tho advance in values of these hinds U due to the splendid crops of the last few years Ineludlnjr tho leeojrnltloii of those lands for d.ilry purposes. Tho history of land values anil the demand for our crops should tell you that atuo future time can you e;et hold of these lands as cheap as you can today. If you aro not in a position to buy outrlgrlit, then homestead .'l.'O acres of Mondell lands in Wyoming While this is called a dairy and stock country this year these lands are yielding 20 to 10 bushels of wheat per aero. Tho general healthy condition of Nebraska farms anil the success of their owners ought to tell you to quit paying i eat and make the move. You owe it to yourseir or your son. Send for my booklet dcsctiblng this tenitoo Tho Uurllngton pajs me to help you. otiReie (1 menially Hut di can't nlwnya keep tho colt a pet; It will rron ttJ0 hia for that,'' uiinincr.icd the couit. Hut In hor mind, rnrc a pet, nlwn a pet. 'I ho' decree una granted em the pround of desertion and nonoupport. Los An geles Times. Prlicd Rclico for Museum. The collection of Egyptian nn-j iiiuis in Dundt'O tauscuin has just been enriched by a He-lection of Inter cstluK nrtlcles jiresented by tho Hev., Dr. Ced in Campbell In a letter to tho committee. Doctor Campbell said that, lie could vouch for nil tho articles bo-, lug genuine, ns ho had got most of them himself, ami they wore found, .at Thebes Included In tho gift nro nine Inscribed funeral cones, IS os-j (traca, or potsherds, consisting of let-! .tors, petitions, receipts for taxes, con-) (tracts, accounts, etc., written with S.B. Howard, A ss't. Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska v o ibMrSKWEX2MHBgHW DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud " - Nebraska E. S. Gourber Ileal Kstate, l'nrm Loans ami Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. blnck ink In Coptic and Demotic, sov-' oral fragments and strips of mummy! linen cloth. Inscribed In hieratic writ-, ,lng to servo ns charms for tho do-! icensed, nnd other similar objects. Iron Cross for a Gypsy. Gypsies of Europe nro tho outcasts ot( outcasts. For centuries they hnvo wan-' .dored, refusing to bo absorbed by tho populations of tho countries whero .their tents havo been pitched. Tho "bestowal of tho Iron Cross on n mom ,bor of this dc&plsed raco for gnllnntry Jin action upEcts a wholo aholfful of raco prejudice. Hut tfomo day tho Idea Ib going to Alter through men's heads that all mankind is at least 90 per cent hu manand nmybo 95. Somber Procession. Somebody in connection with tho public health exhibition at tho City club of Chicago has estimated that tho victims of tubeiculosls In Chicago, If they marched four feet apart, would form a procession renchlng from Lin coln park to South Chicago. Facts llko thoso aro being used to promoto tho battlo agnhiHt phthisis. ulycerine, etc , known as Adlei-t-ku, This teiiiedy. ued successfully for nppHiiilli itis, is the most THOltUl'liH luiwi'l cleanse! tve ever sold. HI- so pmwrlul Unit ONE M'OoNl HI, re' lifs almost ANY CA.SE of constipa tion, sour or gassy stomach Adler l-ku never gripes, U safe to use and the INSTANT notion is surprising, C L Colling, druggist El. E. AS1P, P. , Chiropractor ( Independent '2l'J Phones . ,. Uell Red 101 j3 B Sn'feiEM THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for tho man without Insurance. Evory time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up iu his throat if the fire Is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alouo is worth It ninny times over Have us Insure you to-day O. C. TEEL, . Reliable Insurance. SEE: 8 OVERING BROS. & GO. (m Makers of Artistic Monuments J Red Cloud, Nebraska ' I1 J Qi FOR THE BEST IN THE PRINTING ART p QUALITY The Quality of printed mat ter depends largely on the style and originality displayed in the composition. Mechanical finish and good workmanship are only obtainable through the use of proper equipment. If you de sire Quality printing CONSULT US THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA LINCDLNrffi DiLlqyd Thompson BamwQldfield tomtwm 5Pro:bEPnr AUTOMOBILE PACESJHQPSE DACES 7 fRIDAY AND TSfflHSIM.El1BW' SATURDAY ol -Tg ' iMjStlffiBr!6,7, A 5ept. mr jmzrFiZZ&xomiM tr : IM ...,5s !s,-St; rkm WM&: '( mmrAs pkoduc IN IIUMN ANIMALMKiETABLt WFEC DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON (iraduate Chicago Veterinary College nvKiA'i: vn.viis i:xri.nn:.vcE AT HAI LEY'S Tin BARN Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist Red Cloud ALL WORK GUARANTEED Nebraska C3T Office Oveii Amiiiiqiit's Store ( v 4 r i 4 4 I