RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF AMWD10DY ILLUSTRATIONS kRAYVALTERS cofirttcftr er 7he 0ooasnrnRiU.cortp!rY CHAPTER XXV Continued. 17 Sabron could not rniily. Her rib borui and flowers ami Jewels shook In his eyes llku n knloldoscope. Hlfl flush Imd mndo him moro natural. In btit invalid stuto, with hln lialr brushed back from IiIb flnu brow, there wan something nplrltuul and beautiful about hlin. Tim Mnrqulso d'Escllgnnc looked oiv a tnnn who hud been fur uid who had determined of his own uc son! to oomo back. Sho Bald mora rJitl', putting her hand affectionately over his: "(Jot strong, monsieur got woll Eat dl tho good things wo nro mnklng for rou. I daro nay that the army cannot paro yon. It needs bravo hearts." Snbron wns no nglUitod after her floparturo that tho nurso said ho must rocolvo no more visits for soveraf days, and lie mcdltntcd and longed and thought and wondered, nnd near ly cureod tho life that had brought him back to a world which must bo lanoly for him lioncefortli. Whon ho sat up In bed he wan a shadow. Ho had a book to read nnd road a fow lines of It. but ho put it town as tlio letters blurred. Ho was adtting bo, dreaming and wondering ham truo or how falBo It was that ho had soon Julia Kodtnond como several times to his bedside during tho early days of his Illness hero In tho hos pital. Then ucross his troubled mind seddonly enmo tho words thnt he had bwinl her sing, and ho tried to recall thorn. Tho Hod Cross nurso who so BbartUibly sang in tho hospital oamo to tho wards and began her mission. Ono nftor another bIio sang familiar songs. "How tho poor dovlla must lovo It!" Babron thought, ,nnd ho blessed her lor charity. How familiar was her voice! Hut that was only bocauso ho was so 111. Rat ho began to wonder and to doubt, and across tho distance camo tho taotaa of tho tuno, tho melody of tho ong that had haunted him for many months: Ood krop you nitfc, tny lovo, All through tlio nlKlit; Beat oloao In hln unclrcllni; urm.i Until tho llKlit. Hjr lionrt ta with you nn I luiool to pray, Oood nlKhtl Clod keep you In Ills euro alway. SHilck ahmlowa creep lllto ntlcnt gliosta About my bond; I loao tnysnlf In tender dreams While overhead 9rn moon corned Mealing through tho wlndow-bors, A ellvor alcklo Rleamlng 'mid tho stars. for I. though I am fnr away, Fool aafo and Htromr, Co trout you thus, dear lovo and yet, Tho nlRht Ih Ioiir. I aay with snhblnR breath tho old fond prayor, Oood ntjihtl Hwont drcamnl Clod keep you ovorywhorol" Whon sho had finished singing thero iroro toars on tho Roldlor's cheeks and ho was not ashamed. Pltchouuo, who romembored tho tuno nB woll, crept up to him and laid his head on his master's hand. Sabron had Justtlmo to wlpo away tho toars when tho Duo do Tromont camo In. "Old fellow, do you fool up to soo ilng Miss Rodmoml for a few mo tmonts?" Whon sho camo In ho did not know irbethor ho most cloarly saw hor sim ple summer dress with tho slnglo Jowol at hor throat, her largo hat that franiod hor faco, or tho gontlo lovoly ifaco all swootnoBs and sympathy. Ho fcoliovod hor to bo tho futuro Duch csso do Tromont. "Monslour do Sabron, wo nro all so glad you aro gottlng well." "Thank you, Modomolsollo." Ho Boomed to look at her from a rareat dlstanro, from tho dlstnnco to tlio end of which ho had bo wearily been traveling. Sho was lovellor than ho had dreamed, moro rarely sweet and adorable "Did you recognlzo tho llttlo sonc. Monslour?" "It was good of you to sing It." "This Is not tho first tlmo I novo itoen you, Monsieur do Sabron. 1 Icarao whon you wero too 111 to knov )ot It." "Then I did not dream," said tho officer simply. Ho was as proud as ho was poor, jllo could only suppose hor engaged (to tho Due do Tromont. It explained hor prosenco horo. In his wildest Id reams ho could not suppose that sho lhad followed him to Afrlcn. Julia, on Ihor part, having dono an extrnordlu- iry nnd wonderful thing, like overy pravo woman, wub seized with torror land a sudden cownrdlco. Sabron, ftor all, was a Btrangor. How could sho know his feelings for hor? Sho spent a mlserablo day. Ho wns out of all danger; In n fortnight ho might Icnvo tho hospital. She dd not feel that sho could soo him again ns things wero. Tho Com- tosBo do la Mnlno had returned to Parln ob Boon as Tromont camo in from tho desort. "Ma tnnto," snid Julia Redmond to tho MnrqulBo d'Escllgnnc, "can wo go oacK to Franco immediately?" mint, In surprlso and delight. "Hub ert will bo enchnntcd, but ho would not bo able to leavo his friend so soon." "He need not," said the girl, "nor need you leave unless you wish." The .Marquise d'Escllgnnc entertain ed a thoiiHnnd thoughts. Sho had not studied young girl's minds for a long tlmo. Sho had heard that tho mod ern American girl was very extreme and she held her In rather light es teem. Julia Redmond sho had con sidered to bo out of tho general rule. "Was it possible," sho wondered, "that Julia, In comparing Tromont with tho Invalid, found Robert more attractive?" "Julia," sho said severely, as though her niece wero n child, pointing to n chair, "sit down." Slightly smiling, tho young girl obeyed her aunt. ".My dear, I hnvo followed your ca prices from Kranco to Africa. Only by pleading lienrt-fnlluro and mortal Illness could I dissuade you from go ing Into tho desort with tho enravan. Now, without any apparent reason, you wish to return to Franco." "Tho reason for coming horo has been accomplished, ma tanto. Mon slour do Sabron has been found." "And now thnt you have found him," said tho mnrqiilso reproach fulfy, "and you discover that ho is not nil your romantic fancy Imagined, you nro go ing to run away from him. In short, you mean to throw him over." "Throw him over, ma tanto!" mur mured tho girl. "I hnvo never had tho chance. Hotwccn Monsieur do Sabron nnd myself thero Is only friendship." "Fiddlesticks!" said tho Mnrqulso d'Escllgnnc Impatiently. "I hnvo no understanding of tho modern young fl felilll tlrely unconvonttonnl nnd nns ocen slnro wo left France. It is I who should speak to tho Cnpltnlno do' Snbron, You art- ho extremely rich that It will bo a dllllfult matter for a poor nnd honorable young man. . . . Indeed, my dear, I may us well tell you that I shall do so when wo ronott home." "Oh," said tho girl, turning per fectly palo nnd stepping forwnrfl Uf ward her aunt, "If you consider Bticli a thing ,1 flliall leave for Amorlca nt once," Tho Mnrqulso d'Escllgnnc gave a petulant sigh, "How Imposslhlo you nro, Julia. Understand mo, my dear, I do not want a woman of my faintly to bo a coquette. I do not want It snld that you aro an American lllrt It Is In bad taste and entirely misunderstood in the Faubourg St.-Oormaln." Tho girl, bewildered by her aunt's attitude nnd extremely troubled by tho threat of tho mnrrlago conven tion, snld: "Don't you understand? In this caso It Is pecullnrly delicate. Ho might ask mo from n sense of honor." "Not In nny sense," said tho Mnr qulso d'Rscllgnnc. "It Iiiib not oc curred to the poor young ofllccr to suppose for a moment thnt n. young woman with millions, ns you nro so fortunnto to bo, would dcrango her self llko this to follow him. If I thought so I would not have brought you, Julln. What I hnvo dono, I havo dono solely for your pence of mind, my child. This young man loves you. Ho believes thnt you lovo him, no doubt. You havo given hlru sufllclcnt renson, heaven knows! Now," said hor aunt emphatically, "I do not in tend thnt you should break his heart." It was moro tlinn likely that the Mnrqulso d'Escllgnnc wns looking back twcnty-flvo yenis to a time, when ns a rich American, she had put aside her love for a penniless soldier with an Inslgnlllcnnt title. Sho re membered how sho had followed his cumpnlgn. She folded her lorgnon nnd looked nt her niece. Julia Red mond saw a cloud pass over her aunt's tranquil face. Sho put hor nrma around hor and kissed her tenderly. "You really think then, ma tanto, that ho will como to Paris?" "Without n doubt, my dear." "You think he enres, ma tanto?" Her aunt kissed her nnd laughed. "I think you will be happy to a bour geois oxtont. Ho Is a fine man." "Hut do I need to promise you?" asked tho girl. "Don't you know?" "I shnll bo perfectly nshamed of you," snld tho Marqulso d'Escllgnnc. "If you aro anything but a woman of henrt nnd decision In this matter." Evidently sho waited, and Julia Red mond, slightly bowing her lovoly head In deferenco to tho older lady who had not married her first lovo, said obediently: "I promlso to do as you wish, ma tanto." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Thero Is a tlmo In tho llfo of near ly overy man when most of his monoy goos to tho support of a rnco horso. SOFT WHITE HANDS Under Most Conditions If You Cutlcura. Trial Free. Use Tho Soap to clcanso and purify, tho Ointment to sootho and heal. Nothing better or moro cffcctlvo at any price than theso fragrant supcrcrcamy emol lients. A ono-nlght treatment will test them In tho soverost forms of red, rough, chapped and soro hands. Sntnplo each freo by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Loston. Sold everywhere. Adv. From ono family In Franco 72 men enlisted for tho European war. A Benevolent Refusal, "Senator, I wish you would glvo mo a Job as your prlvato secretary." "Oh, my boy," responded tho oily senator, "don't get mixed up with tho government servlco. Nothing to It. Ruins a young man. Resides, 1 havo promised that position to my sou." Kansas City Journal. An Expert. Johnny What Is nn expert, pa? Pa A fellow who tells others how to do tho things ho can't do himself. Kansas City Star. Rut It Is Letter to quarrel over trifles than over something of real importance. Sweden is Increasingly using kero sene and gasoline motors. I Save the Babies. NTANT MORTALITY Is oomothlnpc frightful. Wo can hardly rcnllzo that of all tho children horn in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent., or nearlv ono-nuartcr. dio beforo they reach ono vear : thirtv-eoven tier cent., or moro than ona-third, beforo they aro five, and ono-lialf beforo tnoy aro uitccn i Wo do not hesitato to say that a timely uso of Castoria would ravo a majority of theso precious lives. Neither do wo hesitato to nay that many of theso infantile deaths nro occasioned by tho uso of narcotlo preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's comulninut contain more or less opium or morphine They aro, in considerable quantities, deadly poisonB, In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly tho reverse, but you inUHt bco that it bears tho slgnaturo of Chas. 1. Metchor. Castoria causes tuo oioou to circuiato property, opens mo ores of tho skin and allays fever. (Jcnulno Castoria always bears tho Bignntnro of University of Notre Dame NOTRE DIME, MDIMt ThorotiRh Education. Moral Training. Twentr one coursm leading to ilpgrre In Classic, ttmlrrn Lett rs.Juurnallsm.t'olltlcal Economy, Commerce, ClieraUtrjr, Ulologj, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture, Law, Preparatory Hchool, rarloua courses. fur Catalogues address DOX M, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA 4O00 SAVED Thousands of Nebraska automobile ownen have taken advantage of the low rates and liberal policies offered by this HOME COMPANY We save our policy holder! 40 We want reliable ngents to represent us. Write lodayforsamplepolicyand rates. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO.. 155 0 St., Usc.U, NiV, ADMIRAL POWER HAY PRESS IWg .SUMMIT HWJW006 fyrlikfc a vjfl!!Dna rH I ADMlrULHltrmSSCa IS'W 4isr DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 26 YEARS IN OMAHA Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10 years; Fillings. Crowns, Bridge-wotk and Plates that stay where I put them. Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It's free. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed. Crowns from $2.50 up. 92122 Woodman of Woild Bldz., Omaha. Neb. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because it Docs Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purpose sit nas no equal. 16 01.. package 10c 13 more March for same money. OEFIANCL STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska DAISY FLY KILLER fisj S5"S!ftffi Hit Nut. eltkn, or namental, convanltnt, cbtap. Loots all season, atadsot metal oan't'plllortlp ortn ulll not loll or I njnra anything Uuarantrea trtctUa. Alldaataraortunt ipren paid (or ll.M. HAROLD 0MERI,U0 Da al At... erotkljn, R. I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tolltt preparation of merit. Help to oriullcata dandruff. For I! tf nrin Cnlnr and Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. 6(v. ana si win uniirci.xB. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33-1915. WOMAN THE HOME BUILDER Undoubtedly the Chief Trade Which Females of the Country Are Engaged. In When He Sat Up In Bed He Was Shadow. Substitute for Horn. A cheap and easily mado nubstltuto for born cau bo mado of wheat flour and sodium silicate. This nubstltuto is very hard and strong and, by Insert ing organic dyo Into tho composition whllo mixing, it can bo colored to Imi tate alinoB'. any kind of horn sub Btanco. Tho compound Is mado by mixing 10 parts (by volume) of so dium slllcato (40 degrees Daumo) with distilled water, and thon stirring the resultant liquid into a thick paste with fine whlto wheat flour. The mass Is then allowed to stand for three weeks, during which tlmo it undorgoes a chemical reaction that produces a hard, hornllko substance. This com position can be molded without pres euro when first made and turned and machined llko brass after it has set. MUSSEL MUD AS FERTILIZER Points of Similarity. "That match was the union ot nat ural mates." "In what way?" "She was dovo-oyed and he was pigeon-toed." girl. Sho makes her own marriages nnd hor subsequent dlvorcos. I am our aunt, my dear, your mother's sister, nnd a woman of at least twenty-live years' moro experlenco than you hnvo." Julia wnB not following hor nunt's train of thought, but her own. Shu felt tho hint of authority nnd bondage In her nunt's tono and ropnntcd: "I wish to leave Algiers tomorrow." "You shnll do so," said her aunt. ''I am rejoiced to got out of tho Orient. It Is Into to order my dresses for Trouvlllo, but 1 can mnnngo. Hoforo wo go, however, my dear, I wnnt you to mnko mo a promlso." "A promlso, ma tanto?" Tlio girl's tono Implied Unit alio did not think she would glvo It. "You hnvo played tlio part of fato In tlio llfo ot this young man, who, I find, Is n chnrmlng nnd bravo man. Now you must Btnud by your guns, my dear Julln." "Why, how do you mean, ma tanto?" "You will go to Paris and tho Cap- Italne do Sabron will got well rapidly. Ho will follow you, and If It woro not for Tromont, myself, your Ited Cross Socloty and tho prosenco hero of Madnmo do la Maine, you would havo been very much compromised. Hut novor mind," said tho Mnrqulso d'Kscllgnnc magnificently, "my nnmo Ib sufficient protection for my nleco. I nm thinking solely of tho poor young tnnn." "Of Monsieur do Snbron?" "Of courso," said tho Mnrqulso d'Rs- cllgnnc tnrtly, "did you think I meant llobort? You havo so well arranged his llfo for him, my dear." "Ma tanto," pleaded tho girl. Tho marqulso was merciless. "I want you to promlso nm, Julln, boforo you sail for homo, thnt If Sab ron follows us and makes you under stand thnt ho lovos you, as ho will, thnt you will accept him." Julia Redmond looked nt tho Mar qulso d'Kscllgnnc in nstonislimont. Sho half laughed and sho half cried. "You want mo to promlso?" "I do," said hor aunt Ilrmly, regard ing hor nleco through hor lorgnon Yos, of course, it Is homomaklng. Evorybody knows that, but tho figures for It, compiled by tho United States Hoard ot Education statisticians, aro worth noting. Ot tho 31,000,000 fo males over ton years of ngo in tho United Stntes 21,000,000 aro engaged in homemnklng. Girls may bo enter ing moro nnd moro Into other trades, but In tho last analysis they general ly fall back or advanco to tho rank ot homomakcrs. Hence, snys tho Federal Education nl bonrd, tho importnnco of giving spe cial attention to scientific cooking in tho vocational schools. Tho girlish hope of being ablo to hlro a cook is npt to bo disappointed as frequently ns tho hopu of keeping ono when she is hired. It Is ono ot tho oddest things ot Ufa that cooking, tho prep aration of tho food that sustains llfo, tho nrt that can wnsto or economize In tho chief item of family expendi tures, Is so largely left to bo picked up as best It may bo without serious consideration or training. If the woeful wnsto resulting from umatour cookery could bo computed In dollars and cents It would rivnl tho war bills of Europo. It tho Indigestion, dyspep sia and kindred physical disturbances caused by lucapablo cooks could bo tabulated they would dwarf tho list of killed, missing and wounded. Women employed In the United States arsenal In Philadelphia have naked tor a 25 per cent lncreaso in pay. Organic Remains of Shellfish Secure Fertility to Poorest and Most Exhausted Soil. Consul Frnnk Deodmeyer, writes from Charlottetown, P. E. 1., Canada: In most ot tho bays indenting tho shoros of Princo Edward island aro found extensive deposits of mussel mud, so-called locally, being organic remains ot countless generations of oysters, mussels, clams, and other bi valves of tho ocean, and of crustac erous animals generally. The shells, usually moro or less intact, are found Imbedded in denso deposits of mud like substanco and this combination Is a fertilizer of high valuo and potency. It supplies small quantities ot phos phates and alkalies. An ordinary dressing of it secures fertility In a striking manner to tho poorest or most exhausted soil. The shells decay slow ly, year by year, throwing off a film ot fertilizing stuffs. Tho deposits around Princo Edward island vary from five to twonty-flvo feet In depth. They aro taken up by dredging ma chines worked from rafts In summer or from tho ice In winter. Only Two Legs Left. Cnrmargo, In Dewey county, Okla. has dogs big dogs, llttlo dogs and In fact all kinds of dogs, but it has one that Is somewhat of nn oddity. This Is 11 dog thnt travels on two legs. Several months ngo n dog belonging to Mr. Storey, section foreman of Sup ply, Okla., was run ovor by a train and two of his legs cut off. for some time ho was unublo to move around, but now has recovered so that he can nav igate qulto handily. Tho two legs on which ho Is forced to walk are both on one side. Ho not only walks, but can also run, and seems to be about us well ablo to get around as a dog with four good legs An Empire Ranch. Wo hoar ofton of "captains of In dustry," "Napoleons of flnanco," ana "land barons," but what title Is Im posing enough to fit tho Australian cattleman who owns or controls 28, 800,000 acroB ot ranch land a domain as largo as Pennsylvania? Youth's Companion. A woman's heartaches; a pleasures often begot man's headaches. Doauty Is only skin deep and lots ot so-called wisdom la llkowlso Tho worst thing about frionds Is tho caso with which they aro converted into enemies. Australia and Now Zealand aro tho greatest wool-producing countries, Window Boxes. Deforo putting earth In window boxos whitewash tho inside ot the box. This not only keeps a wooden box from rotting but provents Insects. McCall'a Magazine. Tho nttempt to form a scparato in ternational union for the bartenders was voted down at tho recent conven tion at San Francisco. Lost Hand Digging Grave. Grave digging Is not nn extra haz ardous occupation, oven though in ex cavating graves It is necessary to use dynntnlto to break hurdpan, tho indus trial insurance department hns decid ed. Tho department rejected the claim of John Uorgford, a Seattle sex tan, whoso left hand was partly blown off by a dynamite cap. Although uso of explosives gonorally makes a class extra hazardous, tho general occupation of grave digging Is such a peaceful one that exception can not bo made when blasting is neces sary, tho commission holds. Olympla (Wash.) Dispatch to tho Portland Oro-gonlun. "My dear Julia!" exclaimed her "in tho ilrst placo tho affair U u. Flag for New York City. Tho board of aldermen ndopted a ling for tho city cf Now York throe porpendlculnr bars of blue, whlto nnd orange, which wero tho colors of the Dutch Hag used when Now York was Now Netherlands. Tho board also adopted a now city seal, which will appear in blue 011 the whlto bar ot tho llag. Tho now einblora will bo raised on tho city hall on June 12, tho tvo hundred nud fiftieth anniversary ot tho establishment of tho board, of aldermen, 1 A Delightful ? I I Treat I I Post Toasties I I and cream I I Dainty, delicious morsels of white Indian corn, I toasted to a delicate brown. An appetizing dish I I served with cream or crushed fruit I I "Toasties" are ready to eat direct from pack- I I age Breakfast, lunch or supper Enjoyed by old 1 I and young, and I I "The Memory Lingers" I Grocers everywhere sell Post Toasties. ktJaMSMBJMBHBMBJSHBMS V k.isi I V. U ., -'H V v.i - '. 4