The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1915, Image 6

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i i
Grave Anxiety Felt Over Situation In
Dardanelles Pope Requests
Nations to Pray
' for Peace.
Western Newpper Onion News Service..
London. The Russians now nro
fncliiK tlio problem of evacuating War
eaw nnd tlio surrounding country with
out losing tholr armies, while thu Aim-tro-Gcrman
forces aro making a su
premo effort to get across their lino
of retreat. Tlio TcutonH uro said to
havo met with partial hucccsb In this
Attempt, a Dorlln olllclal report stat
ing that Field Marshal von Mackon
sen, resuming Uio offnnslvo, had
reached tho Chclm-Lublln railway,
about midway between these two
cities, and tho southeast of this, as
far as tho Hug river, tho Russian front
had been "shaken."
Pope Asks for Prayers for Peace.
London. Tho Homo correspondent
fit Renter's Telegraph company stntcs
that in tho Osscrvatoro Romano, the
official organ of tho Vatican, thcro np
pcars a letter addressed by Popo Bon
edict to tho heads of tho belligerent
countries Inviting all friends of peace
to unite with him in a desire to ter
minate tho war. In this letter, which
was written on tlio anniversary of tho
war, July 28, tho popo askB why thcro
should not bo initiated a direct or in
direct "oxchango of views" In nn en
deavor, if possible, to arrange aspira
tions so that all should bo contented.
(Grand Vizier Expresses Grave Anxiety
Over Present Situation In
Geneva. Telegraphing from Salon
Iki, tho correspondent of tho Tribune
"An Important conference was held
et Constantinople July 27, Germany,
Austria, Bulgaria, Field Marshal von
dor Goltr, the Gorman commander of
the Turkish forcoB; the Turkish grand
vlztcr nnd tho Ottoman cabinet being
represented. Field Marshal von der
Goltz and tho grand vizier wcro pres
ent in person. The question of tho
Dardanelles situation was discussed
and also Italy's presence there, which
tho Turks now consider inevitable. A
Greek and Turkish conflict was con
sidered as a posslblo eventuality. Tho
conference was Homcwhat stormy, as
the grand vizier and tho TurklBh cab
inet openly expressed great nnxlety
over tho present situation."
American Goods Held Up.
Washington. Goods consigned to
American citizens valuod at $150,000,
000, are lying In tho docks nt Rotter
dam, Holland, held up by tho order-in-councll
forbidding all commeroo
with Germany and Austria, Much of
tho merchandise is of German origin
and caiyuyifirtainvoj Jeniltig,,yrf yrr
suit of tho Brltlsh-Amerlrnn negotia
tions over the ordcr-Ino.ljjhflP'VioJ
kji iuu niiiPiiii-niB, iiuwurui, uru ui inn-
iglan origin, nnd efforts nro being mndo
,wlth tho unolllclnl aid of tho stnto do
ws Mffl&UjMfe vwiAu
Sing Sing Prison, Osslnlng, N. Y.
Charles Becker was put ,t
the electric chair here Frlifay mo
Ing for the
e killing of Heunnn Rosen-
thai, the
lormor No
'talned his comnosuro and protested
bis innnocence to tho last. HeTWeW
U1D 11111111'Y.VltV.d IU 111 (.3 lnt HO TYfTlll
to his death with a photograph of his
to his death with a photograph of his
prison phyBlclnnu PronWyjf it.f If
4nn.l nA r t EC n'nlnnlr V
swedisn Army in uooa snape. i
Copennngcn, via Lonuon. Tne
Bwedlali Jtimy Is muw tliu lliiui'kt UlIU
-most offlclent in tho country's history
"- -4"
ilSw'e''WWf ak vot tno-war-thr-
rmv has.lwaa almost doubled. It
- i k a .k ..m . . i
Irst lino and tho remainder, landsturm.
ew training schools c;&llshea stnctk
"Ihe wnr began hayoaudd GO.0TO non-
fommtHsloncd officers to tho army
Lincoln. A reward or"?i25 Ib out
lor tho arrest of Sain, Stprpy, .f hp,IV:.
iuiiu Cduviui, wnu i-ai-uiicu Hum iuu
pate ponitcntiarjiVSinday '.iftcYnoortf!
According to notices sent put py Wnr-(
lien Fenton, the state will pay $'fuV
or Information leading to,AhiCa)tur
pf the convict, nnd the warden will
klve $25 more. '' "
MTTrrmr-f i -
Petrograd. An Imperial nknse Just
Issued calls to the colors tho men'
born in 189G, It is reported that a
governmental ordor Is about to bo is-
wed for a 'genrnl mobilization
, Rome. A council 'of war al Bflrl' has
acquitted fivo monks belonging to the
I)omlnican monastery, whcyivore ar-
irested in Juniv chars;eriV 1th spyhigf
.The court ruffd,'that'-thlbBcharuo was
unfounded. The crowd In tho court
Iroomiiopplftuded tio decision of th.
president of tho tribunal nnd called
fcrtUrWjckfersr-for the--army, which
wroTlvTiirvitti great enthusiasm.
One of tho sacristans of tho Anconn
catbdril. iMr Pntriganlrhas becni'm:-?
TO'i k mVO foWlv alnnilltd!
,the Austrian wnrshlps during the re
cent bombardinnet of Ancoim
iow nsfctmfc 540,yo trf ed lf
f whlnf SCO.bOO nri? troflfm of thpT-
iCopjr tight)
Imperial Government Is Waiting While
Submarines Continue Activity
Nothing New In East
land Case.
Western N'cwnpaper Union News Sondes.
Washington. Demanding in tho
nnmo of Immunity that food bo per
mitted to reach tho starving people
of Mexico City, urgent representations
have been sent by tho state depart
ment to Generals Carranza, Villa and
Zapata. Tho note declares avenues of
transportation to Mexico City must be
opened to provision trains. Although
tho text of tho representations was
not made public, it is known that tho
document 1b a forerunner ot a final
doflnite demand that the Mexican fac
tions end their strife and establish
a constitutional government by moans
of n joint conference
Nothing New In Investigation.
Chicago. Nothing to throw now
light on tho causo of tho capsizing
of the Eastland has developed bofore
Secretary Red field. Inspectors and
others expressed tho opinion that un
derballnstlng or Improper manipula
tion of tho water ballast tanks had up
set tho ship. Robort Rcld of Grand
Haven, Mich., tho federal Inspector
who granted tho Eastland permission
to Increase Us passengers from 2,200
to 2,500 on July 2, test!(W that the
ship had plenty of room for oven moro
pnssongors nud had complied wUh the
law by providing tho legal amount of
Ufo pWfeervors nnd Ufa rafts. Ho had
fi'JjV tho jtfhlp carry 3.000 persona
sMtry.'hNHald; had Inspected tho bat-:
Insttunks, although not required tb
do so, and had no fear ot the ship
, Islnklng, i
''JOY tuanl i MtftH
Germany Is Waiting While SubrrMM
U f ll6 Continue Activity. '
Borlln. The Imperial
1 chnnccllor.
.eg, has re2
ernl headquar-
". but nothing regarding tho result.
ff-trlR conference with tho mperorfL
" - ww.....i.j "" wsu llt'
can be ascertained, beyond confli
can be ascertained, beyond conllrmit,
Viijt a'Jwi"1 wl" not bo lcHvored for
SOnjo" tlrte. If Indeed It is ileelilpd tn'
,1'ilfiVdtilMrtt JliWilft !IT l
II tWtrVVP 'iFAlpiif for-'-mui
nbuniloument of tho buumarluri'
wmfjm uu tnu tiirnuiii ' nnsiB, rii-
though submarine cominiuulerH may
tates and
s Ihey cMtrontf.-l biTV
gotlatlons with Great Britain unqJ
lonnbtojLirvPnn Important reliik
Lactlol dthlJIjTiiirinnn-Amcrlcan sluiu-
11 tin.
R-dlts 'of Safety First Campalarl 1
Lincoln, iNehcrrProEj- of the
'"safety nm' campaign wncefl by r il
romlsv widl ntbnrinbUti erv!co ir
popitlons of the countrr tsay be s
in the'rcpclrt Hlcd'wltfrtlfo state r
w.oy ,ciml8!)loivby thdrthwest ml
rntlroad. Tho rop(irt sbews that !
mg tho 'year preeedlngMhd bpenlnd
tho camalBin,.a, ttaljpni07 peo'
were Ktned und 8,fi2!i injured. Tho
first year of the otJinpalgn'only n I nifty
were killed ,nnd 5,907 injured. Llja't
year thlrty-slx kero killed nnd CJ03
Ihjured.. . ' . ,L'
1 Defends 'its Rldht to'Blockade.
Wa8hlneton, Defenso of tho right
of a bolllgorent to bljckado a neutral
prurUShhifiBh rb1h ah enemy Is to
cwinV supplies 'fir attempting to mar-
oi jis own prouuqB is tne cnier ir
FU"?1"1 W ! iU"Q. Bi theljuppjementl
noto Great Britain Is preparing-In
Toply to t ly Nnf ymryggm&ms
tno enrnrcrment or tne oruers-m-coun
ell. Tho nrlglnnl noto has been with
yW rfrom nnMrcatlott'nt tip "request
JrJ'lr, Edw.njt flrey 'jhrltlsi 4 foreign
minister, p'ondlng tho arrival of the
(supplemental communication.
Turkish Government Denies Auto.
cratlc Intentions American
Forces' Are Landed at
Haltlen Capital.
Western Newspsper Union News Service.
Chicago. A coroner's Jury Wednes
day returned a verdict placing tho
blamo for tho loss of hundreds of
lives by tho capsizing of tho steamer
Eastland in tho Chicago river Satur
day on six mon. William II. Hull, gen
eral maangcr of tho Chlcngo-St. Jo
soph Steamship company, owner ot
tho Eastland; Capt. Harry Penersen,
of tho Eastland; J. M. Erlckson, en
gineer; Robert Reld, federal inspector
of steamships, who gavo the Eastland
llcenso to carry 2,500 passengers July
2; J. C. Eckliff, federal inspector of
steamships; W. K. Greenebaum, gen
eral manager of the Indiana Trans
portation company, lcssco of the East
land, Tho Jury recommended that thoso
mon bo held to a grand jury on Indict
ment of charges of manslaughter.
Tho jury found that the passengers
were not In tho least to blame for the
capsizing in any way. It recommends
further investigation by tho coroner
and other officers to determlno wheth
er tho men named nnd others may be
guilty of negligence or of contribut
ing In any way to the cause of thi
American Marines at Port au JPrlnci.
Washington. American, ,m,arlnes
have been landcjd tPo'rf. f .Frlcc,
Haiti, to protect tho lives .and prop
erty of Americans and other foreign
ers.'" Rear Admiral CnfVertdft advfstd
tho navy" dfcfMrtihent rh'iU'lin'h'nd'sr-nt
a-forcoinsWorer ffom rhO'croIMr'Wstah-.
Ington. itooRTAdmlrol BomsonvJ actfng,
secretary t then nay$J-i.decUa.t'. Ip
JIaW. Wo,iinesPfti nubile,, bjit, ,nj)d:
;;Adniiml JPnmtfiBl fl0TC.M fi&
itfKiRiilWM" ,irwi- ..ocm,,,.1
. . . -. ... I "'
nr ltIi nidi', i vti i. 'i.inin;ii!i I
ui i ia i' I 'i.mi-i-M on b imi-
T,upklsti GovejmRHn Denies Any3uch
.Jvinii.-V' llntentionwto .' iiibiltiill '
Paris. Tho Turkish govern'mwfrtj'. )n
ijti) reply to thojiGjwkvpratet) rtshilnst'
WisuUijjSi,, ftrpqkn Jpilurhoyjx--
.nlaui .tflafoUio.efrN sJ1n.,an,miwsfl of
let - . 1 . .
W ryvWMF WPWrtPP?8!,.
v"?"Aiw..?i '?ffl ,'iHn irs au.v
fo'"dB'siVilb"tho'Eec irfiv of"tKo Turltfsh'
empire and that'W's8lVn,o,?1,fiocon.r
sldered rth'erfecutlon' df'lHb'Weeks.'
iBilmsiiiftiiJ n v i'11-Unvl iriatiiii t
h"'Flood 'iWsens' 'of fHoWan'd1;.
WfhtB ' vfcftttp dlitf?t3VflWiYd',tfoV'
la tens of thtlt&MM! ",,SnVltfWe.l
UMwa'HBtatdiriHhip' 'Callao took 100
bags of rlcettTSIfirytnrrg and rescued'
iicnes from llio dikes of tho town. I
irUVtt aalllil49aiitinon arrived nt'
Canton wlth4Jl(LJiaB3of rlco. In co
operation wlt,hithftinTlli&bjnnd Amerl--
,iit''3til"''i,ai v,w""'ifMn.ynv"',
Ing; ottUor fqito lwmolQhs,iava starv
uig rcuiigecn through mlBsionarlcB.
Ing of th BllH;"Slinrinry'tab(rnacle"riti
'he)en"nlVM)Cforo Juflgo ldcjj 'Tlie'ro;
iy i' ii. ill ji.uui,'ii )iuyui.iiie uu,).lir uv
J'pndiin't.s arq.the, Qmaha CvnnjTeisto
association and (Superintendent J. JI.
Spclce, who .Ib Bundny'R building ttp
rcsentallve. Tho iplalntlffs nro' sur
rounding property owners. -The 'petl
tlon lrt' nn application for Jh restrain
Ing order and injunction, nnd alleges
that tho construction of tho proposed
structure would constitute a fire haz
. To Spare the Churchts. -Vienna.
Tho papal nuncio. Count
Scaplnelll, on behalf of'.Pope Bene
dict, has comnvuhlcntcd to the Aus
trian govemtrifnt tilri fenrs concerning '
the fa,to' of churchC3 and, moAijtnepts'
in the n'nUan. const, lawns, espcplally '
the, fniijous saitctuary at Loreto.' Tho
government replied that It w,ou)dkaro-,
0lly spare all the structures, nud
ttjpeclnlly thn sanctuary, provided the .
Itnllan mlHtnry 'authorities" refrained
from usltlg- lHd cMiurMioV5 nnd 'nfoflil
ments for military purposes or to coer
the movemeuts of positions,
Searching Inquiry Into Cost of Mak
Ing Cane Sugar New Sources
of Food Supply for
Western Ncwonnper Union News Sen lea
London. The anniversary of the
outbreak of the war was pasbed with'
out the Germans occupying Warsaw,
which wnB understood to be part ol
tho program. However, newB of this
climax to the Austro-Oermnn offensive
In the east, which was begun In tho
early days of May, 1b dally expected,
for what little Information is allowed
Lto leak through Is to the effect that
the Russians for several days have
been withdrawing to the Breast line,
leaving small forces to fight rear
guard actions, so thnt the main armies
might mako good their retreat
New Source of Food Supply.
Berlin Protracted experiments with
the Japanese "soy" or "soja" bean,
out of which, nmong other things,
Worcestershire sauce is mnde, are be
ing conductod with a view to deter
mining whether this vogetnble, which
can be nnd Is raised In Germany, can
not be tised In the mnny prison camps.
A propaganda for nnd ngnlnst this
vnrlcty of bean has been conducted
for years by hygienic food experts and
botanists. It Is the contention of Us
sponsors thnt It can easily bo used as
n complement to Germany's other
foods, nnd thnt from It can ho made
food that will appeal to the European
Inquiry Into Cost of Production for
Use In Future Tariff Legislation.
Washington. A complete Investiga
tion of the cane sugar industry is In
progress by the bureau of foreign
and domestic commerce, and a forco
of four speclnl agents Is now on Us
way to tho Hawaiian islands to mako
a three months' study of conditions
there. A report will bo laid beforo
congress prior to May, 1916, when
sugar automatically goes on tho free
Frank J. Sheridan, chief special
agent, Is in charge of tho investiga
tion, and the department of labor is
cooperating. Dr. Victor Clark of tho
bureau of labor statistics Ib accom
panying the party to collect data on
wnges. and aondltWJus.,,of; .labr0OI,Tihe:
Investigators will also visit Cutyi anclc
rortcMHcc and bri'thlr'Wtttrn'to the,,
Unifed States, ttike M survey"1 of' 'tho,
TjnrttKinHaiimlfcnr' Industry .' ' sr I
i C'-t'J '
, , wcAiqnn; swmfMvn i;rM'?"Fi"
J, reocpupatlonAof Mexico CUi'i byficn-(
oral uonznjqBlljacHa.iinwjWV1':,'uV
Hnn. It ta known that General Car-'
ranzft'mfs ordered his tfrWWk lnto
tho VaultSl'.'ttenerar0 CAW;Jil2a-' 'also
MVrectert'thrfP 8trdhf?"patnllK be estftU-t
ltshcdi niwigntlfo' MKica rauroau.i
between Apizaco nnd MexlooiiGit)" IWj.iiniiWbBiintinln'i prospectal :tn JohnBcm"1
rEFc u if.?PJnl ityll(ll,ir,lll-S,i
orner ioiiow.eei mubULy inc. ii-i ji'i- "....uonto. an(i..comjnorc ;u orcnariiB,rnpti
rieiiorni (Tarrnnza Of lllO, -VigOrOUS' TCP-
;ni carranza oi ,c3vBorouBxep-
L - k' .'Vril'iJil LH PL1-'
flaiftfrfg "urglnfc tmit tn'raiiwny"uo'
reopened and kttti'liPtMnhti
L Btarvlnffiponylatteft.fl6,1lox)i City)it7,olH6ri;nldrcla r?lb. Aifto"cIub,
.jsould-bo fecLi, H tm,i , )()u i.:rutu 'f
Lil . (3 Hill il A' It J Illd. I"
. r i .i J
..i.., Fire on imojria,c'artv.l,,,lli,mi
Jackets were kllloil In an, attack by
&Ylto AtV 1fftff,rlr('WMZP.,, Haiti, hold
- -: : "'.'. ." i -
(by' ReS?' XMWHP tiffflWlt 'w!tW00
tmeri'om1" rtio WrfrseVM'afilimBtdn.
Thi nttabklnRirtaty'wnAL'bbatwf' bff
.iihtitt.-hiiTintairim)machirtialoH tohuAMf&rJL V1" Jn.8iTlt0.AS4ila8 posiwi
tlwjv?MtflHlrABi of; iUm -fittf
"---"- " m
t i c
;,. i
fil fei'Atttt"tt'eUaritf'',,l"l
i-iji'l ,1 ei)iyiiH((n 4iiLnrj ,oi
.. ' Xondpn. A-v BiwlLarfi-st,, dlaiuach, to
.HiiTvlmefiutitha lh ltMr'Q ij
,.l)oat:comwttiJt,uiUunnaiiai' un iia,
ivnrvunhimdHiit. f'An tbi''nliVda!ielhes
irr'ctfdffl,'h,e''AM8', ir'is tfieetn'ttal
'nb-alit 3,'0(J0 totisdf,BViiin,V;i11"feo hi
"ffcrrnVn 7r,'n ,l ' l"1'' 'II'" i
,ji - uni,
V" ."".
r f'-vi
i i (i
i i - fi i.
iti! ,'. '," ,, ii''V '. .I'll ii
,;', T.'-lpl-ff.-ln, yau lnH Years, , ,
, Lincp,lAi,1fVqh.-rEorce .ot.nniiifiUU
ifiiislncss aoriHQ hae ejinbled n Montana
to increase 'tv Nebraska -estate
vns malnta Q,jn the r HprtL o
,?ho, qfl$Vigj,forSq,)iaB, mt.fmxf4d
"fron"?12,000 no' 35,000jMh lourtefen , Qran uemh1lt w . electro
yoaVB'"thte. T hb 'younW Mad whoae , Mtedrnt T,0U1UB( wh nnk,Bla.con..
guardian ho la is. about to attain hof ..,-,. n nnntnintion work alon
.Aurora, .has refueol to, tflv.ulgo her
name. As ber lattornoy, ho mys hnt
wero it known she would 'bo besieged
with proposnls of marriage on act
count of tho comfortnble sum sho
could salt In the bank for her husband.
j ' '
' Adds to Goverpmen Revenue.
"Washington. Figures complied, bj1
ithe internal reconue bureau, treasury
depnrtmenti show that the special to
bacco' dealers' and manufneturors'
taxes provided In the war 'tax 'act hhvq J
' yielded tho United' 'States' ji,sai),us
,111 WIU BHYV1I, liv.lliuil.n ..ft
that tho o'c li,as Veen lu ofTt., Tho
flgurcB, for the, month pf . J.iino, ,whlch
closes tho fiscal year, trqtnotj yet
nvnilablo, but It Is .probable thnt. this
elnglei seatlon. of tho net hns added
$2,000,000 -tn tho ' ftfVLlmetlt's, -iwe-uuo,
Peru will shortly have a new broore
A community club has been organ
ized at Lyons,
Lincoln will have a new 300,000 Im
plement plant.
A new drainage district has been
organized in Richardson county.
Creditors will take over the Inter
ests of tho Wnhoo Milling company.
Crnb Orchard will have a new
park, centrally located, on a four-acro
Tho next meeting of the Nebraska
Saengcrfest will be held In Grand Is
land. Omaha merchants will hold their an
nual market week August 31 to Sep
tember 4.
Lincoln county Is arranging for a
display of her county products at tho
state fair.
Wm. V. Arnold of Vcrdon will have
charge of the camping grounds tat
the state fair.
Thurmnn Snrvls, a former Stella
boy, was stabbed to death by a tramp,
at Madison, S. D.
A syndicate of Chicago moving pic
ture men will erect n $5,000 "movie"
theatre at Falrbury.
Wm. J. Bryan will ho one of the at
tractions at the Ord chautauqun,
which openB August 3.
Tho annunl convention of the State
Federation of Labor will be held at
Omahn September 14.
Mrs. Thomas Grady of Omaha dis
located a shoulder when she at
tempted to "swat" a fly.
Tho AInoworth board of education
will put an agricultural department
In the public school course.
A. L. Star of Exeter, wbe stricken
with apoplexy on a train at Seward,
dying within a few minutes.
Three hundred tramps Invaded Falr
bury In one day, and police were
powerless to cope with them.
Ellery H. Westerfield,, former treas
urer of the village of Dundee, has
been found short $21.04S.81.
George llgon of Cpntral City fell
from a four-foot steplnddcr and broke
a leg, an elbow and n wrist.
J. S. Swan reports a loss of more
than 10,000 bushels of npplos from
scab in his orchard near Auburn.
Dr. M. M. Butler, for over forty
years a practicing physlclnn at Weep
ng Water, Is dead of heart failure.
A four-Inch rainfall at Stella caused
the overflow of Muddy crock and
flooded thousands of acres of bottom
Jesse Doty of near Hastings wne
dragged to death, when a team ol
spirited colts he was driving, ran
Many wheat fields north and north
west of Fremont aro still covered with
water, and harvesters nro unable to
Hala Brothers, an Ashland boy, lost
twt9 fingers from his right handlwhen'
a'g'u,n he(was handling jyas", a'ccjdent
ally discharged. ' ,.,
" PaWl ScMlssVer. a" Hastlncs hlan
lW!l3dllgradaa,t6.'h'a,B,D,ecn, erigagefd as.
athletic 'conch' for Doaiifcoircgc' 'for
thd''cbmtngAioar p-'' ' " f '-
Tho tfathollcvchurotoi at FnlrburV'
lHituivJtiga.$,500jplpaiQi'nn installed.-
,.. North PlaUo.Ja to, iUrio a? new. hotel
jyiljdlng, to,,bp, rcpteil,, n,t ,a cofsti ot
' JnminV n. i,m n' lUi!i nmn
W nMY'fflln slnc6 'VMS:' arid' 'real-
,tMt wAv hn A'hnhn rtihW"Hrl-.:irl!
nreiftct'Ulc'lIlirKest crop the' conn'ty" has'-
00ar rwfbdudcd. ' i up lu
.ctymty wntinuento Improret both 'W
"" " ' - ' ' '' - ' M
, mnn
mcnnlntlnn nrrVinr,1a nvnor-t in mnrlllit
-Thursday, SABK'nilior p. will' ho
We-rfimafiS I'lmfffia 'state' fdfr? x - Sar
SotiHut'Ohmha-' Llvo"toc'-'cxch,a1nge,
kif,l n4lulM41ifktlliit.Miil11 4skia . tMnliit 14
nmuii.uwuwwriii jiHuw-uMncu
iifiinifi oatv jmiq i jif me y
u Twp.,beev0B, fourhogPvoanjlcO.OOO,
"H WiK.iH1 jiuio-uu ma
crowd that Is expected at the Seward.
barbecue next week. .
wmn nmroay.'fvn ajmruirn inun,
ilms to De the 'xhamplon horsosho'e"
.),ani..flnie'T'WM" looa,iC"nK toaac
bbbisbbi m u m i r irt iiwai
ck his conJ
Eight Omaha, .firemen .will . null
jM5-wiar -hippi Yi"? Ai,ralwr' 9U
i.incoin nremen as one pi mo eveum
i oi tno ntneiic program ai me cum-
Jng'-sftfe fair. ' "'" ' w "" '"
Flr'MaTting'ln Pe'terb' burchor shop
t!oWtvdrly 'thVeiUonert for'a-itlmo to
f-xlestroy thei'entiro businesB sdction
t bLhd .JSf
t Jln'njJ got tho blazq und9rll.contto. , , ,
(F.llcn.iiiuii. Jnin'." "'11 i nM D-Tf "
Stocgmenna ?,nipperp,.oi enswic,
ai-Q, to gahqr. in Omnhn, August qndt
for a meeting "at whlcli" quarantine
and"rtgulatIon thefebf ' will bo dls-3
1 'eus86d pro ad con. ' ' '" ' '
fftlfAT IT."-f AOInlw QK IkfAnk ,nA 9k"
M.KMIMIII ww,.jrB,.,w- ..- W
, the Lqup river,
A great(cpwboy race frojn tpo range,
country ,lntp Norfolk, Bimjlaj; to the
spectacular race from Cbadron to tho
Chicago' world's In 18fl3, will be
a fenture of Norfolk's fall festival,
September1 30 and October 1.
Mrs. Goorgo Hood, widow of an
'Omaha fireman nvhc died from in-
juries received at n fire, has been
granted, a .pension. by the city com-
m.issIonorfll (
A Etalkqf ?orn eleven fet hgh, In
full tnsslo, Is on "exhibition at tho,'
Lincoln Commercial club, It (was
grovn by Jesso K Pound on n' seven
aero field' near tlial plhce.' ' '
'Forcetf'by want find tho dWerlldn' of
hpr hurtand,- MrH. J. UV'-Jamlson of
Phicagcv carrylngiMl-inonthold ibabyi
in 'her arms, visited a pawn, shop nt-
Omaha And,,,l,er ,lmR ('
sold to the proprietor
Didn't Look Much Like Hard
Times in Western Canada.
A. Meyer, who left one of tho best
Counties in Minnesota, probably bo
causo he got a good price for his ex
cellent farm, nnd left for tho Canadian
West, writes to hlB local paper, the
Bagley Independent. H1b story is well
worth repeating. Ho snys:
"To say I was greatly surprised
when I reached Saskatchewan and Al
berta would bo expressing it mildly.
In a country wbero so much Buffering
was reported,, I found everyone In
good circumstances, and especially
all our frlendB who have left Clearwa
ter and Polk counties. They all have
good homes and thoso who were re
ported to have sold their stock through
lack of feed, I found with their barns
full of stock, nnd It did not look very
much llko hard times. They have
from 1C0 acres to two sections of the
finest land that can bo found.
Thoso that left here two or three
years ago have from 100 to 400 acres
in crops this year.
ProspectB for a bumper crop are
splendid. It is a llttlo cold now, but
nothing is frosted, either In gardens
or fields. Land can bo bought quite
reasonably hero from thoso who vol
unteered their services in the Euro
pean wnr. Hero aro certainly the
best opportunities for securing a good,
homo with a farm and Independence
for Ufo In a short time. Beforo I
etarted I heard that prices wero so
high. Flour was reported at $12 per
hundred it Ib $4.25 here. In tho west
all tho groceries can bo purchased
for nearly tho samo as in Minn. The
only artlclo that I found higher
was kerosene at 35 cts per gallon.
When I Baw tho land I wondered why
people do not llvo whero they pro
duce enough from tho soil to make a
comfortable living. Wo visited T. T.
Sater. John Dahls, W. J. and R. D.
Holt's, Martin Halmen, Ole Halvorson",
Wm. Walkftr and Geo. Colby, all
from Bagley. Wo found well and pros
perous farmers who wished to be re
membered to all their Bagley friends."
(Sgd.) A. MEYER. Advertisement.
Perfectly Natural.
"So you wero a witness in a law
suit?" "Yes."
"Did the opposing attorney bother
you much?"
"Not at all. Ho kept interrupting
me so much that It seemed I was at
home 'telling' my' story and ma was
correoUag: me.asrl went along."
if 1 1,'IHI' II )
iK " Going to antjExtnemq,,
"BlUglns has, an idea that., be con
mn fVio iind'Aroa "
fY" "- "'"tfllv 1 "
. :eBl l ,U.naCrSla
lndhq Is graining
o that ho" can bo
a net crounuhoc so
itiiLi V -i...ii;L- ., i,ini?',.,-nhn-
BUIU Ul UUWUfe L11U nmu UI nuuiuvi
pre'dfetiohs' be" 'wants 'cvt'ry' year."
:,' il r n. 13 i
- it i- ."Why rtei.Falled". 1 1 1
,.,,VI understand tiii uMinrlage -was a
failure." (-,,. . , u
i 'ZSFr.h trH tPW tWi-W he
ran his business." . , , ,
1 ' 'now do you mean?" . ,
,r "lie was rievcY'ln thd dftfee'."'"
'I i it J n'i tf" r ii ij'i
-'' GIvlr1g,JHlm thevHiie' Ha?vV1c
'" Sh HbW vcftji'votfTiapperitd be
called Jack? V" i" v--'' 't t'3i
He Oh, It's just a nickname.. ,Why?
,MPv,'U1)0lj'i,i..M yianmio o l
wn6CfcorfflrflTtfenl DTtcretflffl! '
" ,'Peopie"'Hro,ridV,UbHcM'dt'o "jell all
Ith'eJ'Wlow,"satd Mb caluttofcs person.
"Ndp teplledi MlsBCftjerincv-"espe-i-cteJly
iuubfitse days oiiiiopTilarlred scl
encc.V v l o mafif'i" a v'ti - ;-
tin f.irrn k;i: i1 . i
i'(foonctiin!l f.-Dffejifte.
Applicant lip ojp uv .ginj wot
v,A"P.lU v,.WSif ''
'Afipllfcant-PrflthJ afl''do yoUso fink
Ol'm afther-loekln-lolk a female, sor?
"What Is i'our opinion of govern-
'f ,j,,in9H . 1
piled Senator
Sorghum, "it mo government owned
every tilling' ahd Hhki to 'p'ay nil Its
own tafcefc a "rot of my cofastituenta
t wduld'bo better BntlBfled.'J." ' ft
i nt i .n J hi ' nl ' ' ' i'
r in - Sympathy. . -
Mr,s Gray-r-Tho jwlndowiln -my hall
las stained filnss,.,, , , r..,,ii
Mrs. Green Too ,bo.d Cap't, you
find anything that'll 'take tht stains
out? ' '"'
The'Nevcomer. 4
Nurse It has itfl father's hair.
Fatbor I am glad 'It's 'using' kept In
the family.. '
Nurse An it has it's mother's voice.
Father Lord help itl-r-Llfo.
Proper Classification,
parson Snowball (a M,elipdlstJ Is
yob all a Boijah' In do
Lohd?' ,:,' ,j"; " ' ;
St.rang'er Yassah. " AVs a merabab
ob 'do Barltlst chrirth. ' J ' ""
Parson Snowball Den yoh' all ain't
In do ormr;'yob'8 iu do'nttvy. -
;l ., r-r) I " -'lit , ' '
, Drawlno 'tho iLlne..
"Imitation Jb tlie4Hncer,oit flattery."
"Maybe,". replied .Mr,.Curorox. "But
-1 $n lUi, ftrW. L.nnSf
cony m' mistnkoa in grammur. Do-
trolt Freo Prcsa.
aaverrojsc jpr.ppfier, Bor,; ,
', Hotel Proprietor Yes but I sjated
"fn' th'ti ad 'Vhat all" applications must
'xx wt-aS -tju.-5i- -T!--.i!irg.,vynuT,,7.iWttw
. . .