1,.1 )v i k,)i ( M v guto Historical Society , vya-'i ."".'"Cl?i!'3iljr' jJr2?i;": S! F ;Wto :z V - W VI. HW !STWS.'yt,T frTTi if "wfj. ajwugjnorrwtnriTJtty nwwmi 1 ijpjuraffayaagiacraj uw , VOLUME 1:) ftvrvRrwiVKvni 'yv A Newspaper That filvos The News Fifty-two Wcr.ks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 120, 1JH5 NUMBER 'J 1 )NUSnrvarKCuiBMUHUiaBarBBnHHVanaiBunRHVi; IS ANYONE CAN DRIVE AN OVERLAND m start, other undorslung road at all The electric control buttons on the dash stop and light it. Nothing could he simpler. No arrangement could be as convenient. The long wheel base, large tires and rear snrinifs insure comnlete comfort on the times. TJie high tension magneto means dependability under all conditions. The Overland is, in every sense, an all-around family car. It was designed to make driving and riding comfortable. In no other car can you get so many comforts and conveniences unless you pay a much higher price which is absolutely unnecessary. Model 81 $350 F. 0. B. Toledo Ml James Peterson Red Cloud .... Guide Rock HammF EiWlbsl E 30 m i i A Great it- i 1 y" ; I ,i n a nt " r .UJLJULU UA O 3E3S1QSS25 - ro aw Flats Silk Hats O c xroras A Shirts ' T rousers infc K-JU.LLO i IT- f Pay Cash and Get Stamps : : AUL STOREY The Clothier msss&sMi 1 'in" . EIliS8 ,. E$2S Our spring stock of shoes have arrlv (d and tliey uro beauties. Thu Klli& Shoo SI ore. Several of the High saliool boys will go to Superior Friday to tako part iu the truck meet. Miss Gertrude MMigau enmo down from McCook Sunday morning to visit relatives uud friends. Harvey Farulmm, Kmory llean, l-'roil Muchow, and Clarence- Hubbard pur chased Ford touring cars of Jas. Peter ton last week, Fon S.vi.i::-200 bushels good clean cane bee 1 7.1 per bushel. Myers Uros , route S, luuviilu, Xebr. Charley Mllllgan Jr., come down from McUook Saturday morning to visit friends and relatives, Mrs. Herbert Ludlow and daughteis Nova and Esther were In Harday Mon day, guehts of Mrs. Vanorveu. Beginning Monday, May 31, the "1'ollywog" will run through to Ox ford, as Is usual during tho summer mouths. School Board Accepts Moritz's Resignation Uki Ct.orn, May 17th. Adjourned meeting of tho Hoard in tho olllee of L. II. lllneklcdgo. I'reM dent Hlueklcdiro presiillng. Members present Huicklcdgc, Coon. Weesiior, (.Silhain ami Pope. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved us read. Superintendent gave monthly report. Reported delinquent, tuition fees of Maxon, alo of Shuck; whleh by order of President Ulackledgo were referrod to Finance Committee, who were in structed to make report lit next regu lar meeting of the Board Superintendent Moiilz presented his resignation us Superintendent, of the Red Cloud schools which after being read by the Secretary was submitted to the Board. Moved by (illhuni and seconded by Coon that resignation bo accepted. Motion carried. The Teachers Committee made the following rcpoit: May 1.1, l!)tr. Teachers Committee met in Dr. Cross' olllce: All members present and have their rcpoit to make; To till tho vacancy of Huglish lonelier Miss Fllza belli Holmes of Boone, Iowa received three votes at tho salary of (m.00 per month. KorSiiperiutendent.wo recom mend P. M. Whitehead of (lothonburg utSlOot) per year Hi'.nrvCii.IIam, Chairman, C. 13. Cuoss, C. .1. Pon:. Board proceeded to ballot for Super intendent, Mr. Whitehead receiving Mm vote of all members present and was declared elected. On motion his salary was llxed at $1,100 per year and tile Secretary was Instructed to notify to Mils ellVct. On motion Miss Holmes was elected teacher of 13nglish at a H'llnry of (!." per month Miss Holmes received live votes M's! Furlyone. The following bills wero presented: Hansen Laundry $ It Xi American Book Co., 211 1)0 Moved and seconded that tho above cl ilms be allowed. Motion carried. The following Committee assign ments were made by President Black ledge: Buildings and Cirounds-Chalrmau Coon, ( i i 1 tin in and Cross. Claims Chairman Weesner, Pope and Cross. Text Books nud Supplies -Chuirimm Cross, Coon and Oil ham. Finance Chairman Pope, Weesnci' and Coon. Teachers Chairman (illhuin, Cross and Pope. Discipline Chairman Coon, Weosuor and (iilham. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried C. .T.Poi'i:, Secretary. Graduating Class of 1915 Red Cloud High School Allan ), Blackledge, Blacho A. Bon ner, Anna A. Brnmmer, Muuriuo Cald well, Aluon 13 Cowden, Fluta V. Davis, Carrio L. Dlederich, Connor C, Daily, Josephine- Ksslg, Wyotli J. Fogel, J. Caesar (Jiger, Helen S. John son, Paul Undley, Harry F. Maxon, Boy W. Mofiett, Mario A. Nelson, Bertha I. Osborne, Hazel P. Ovorlcese, Klton Pope, I3mil J. Polnicky, Churles W. Perry, Irinii II. Itunney, Hazel Spires, Wilma M. White, Klslo W Weaver, Orace K. Wilson, Gladys Wil son, Paul S. White. Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for tho weoic be ginning Wednesday, May 1!), 1015 Issued by tho U. S. Weather Bureau, Wash ington. 1). C , for the Upper Missis sippi Valley and Plains States: Uencrally fair over northern districts, followed by rain toward tho end of tho week in tho extreme Northwest; rising temperatures after Thursday, Rain Wednosduy over central und southern district, continulngThursday over east ern sections. Otherwise genorally fair weather during tho week. Cool for two or throe days, followed by rising touiporalures, Red Cloud High Defeats Blue Hill On the local diamond last Friday afternoon the local high school nine de feated the Itlue Hill high school team byaseoioof II to I Zeiss pitching! for the loe ils hold tho visitors to time hits and two free tiips to first unci struck out thirteen men, having them at his mercy at all times, For the! Visitors Prof. Wright pitched the llrst six innings ami was lilt for ten hits and two free trips to first striking out! eight men, lligglus who twirled the lust two inuinus was touched for three hits and two free trips to first.. Lludley starred at bat for Ihe locals getting a single and two two-baggers out of live limes up to bat, Polnicky o'aiini'd Ids regular home run tho first t me up. Otgcr, Zeiss and Klild also received doubles Blue. Hill executed a fastdoublo play in tlietcventh inning whleh stopped u few more scores. The umpiring was done iu a first class man ner and pleased evervonu. The locals played a better game than the one u week previous with Franklin having settled down iiii'1 only iu a few instances did the boys loose themsel ves, but recovered without any costly errors. Score by inning: 5 1 ! 3 I .1 117 8 11-11 BE' Blue Biii4r-o o o o o 'i i l o i ;i r Bed Clnnd-.(J 0 1 1 0 1 0 ! x 11 13 I Batteries oiss and Pitchier. Blue Hill: Wright, Biggins and Shcppard. Umpires Hassinger and Whitesell i Advertised Letter List The following is the list of unclaim ed letters at the post oil Ice in this city, for the week ending May 20th: O. N. B. Heed Catherine Stevens If not called for before June 3, they will be sent to tho dead letter olllce B.C. I,i:tson, P. M. Help Us Pick The i . . . . rlost Popular uiri in Red Cloud The best qualified people we know of to settle this momentous question are folks who carry the FOUNTAIN PEN Every owner of a Parker Pen is entitled to one vote for every cent the pen costs. A $2.50 pen will count Cor 250 votes a SI pen for 400 votes and so on. Every one who purchases a Lucky Curve Pen of us durum the contest gets double voles. Ask us for folder Hiving rules of contest. Tho wlnnor ot tho contest will receive a beautiful pearl and fiold mounted $7.00 Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen as a prize. .. J Cnnf rkL ends June 15. Read tho rules and go to it. Watch our windows for daily records. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist Former Red Cloud Boy Likes His Work (lo to Miner Bros. Co., for all your ( wants in Women's Wear and in 'Dry, (Joods, (irooeriesund Shoes. Don't you enjoy talking with a man who likes his business'.' Wo do, and for that reason we put In some very pleasant minutes with Klectrlcian Union Bobinson every onco In a while. Bast Monday morning we wero called to his nlllce on business and, that over. Bruce took delight Iu showing us through the place. New lighting de vices, electric sweepers, fans and nu- 1 morons other labor savors and com fort inducers were called to our atten tion and demonstrated, not because Mr. Bobinson thought he would make a sale, but. because he likes his busi ness and is proud of his lino, It is needless to add that he is making n success of his calling and is one of tho most highly thought, of workmen iu tills city. Clay Center Sun. ftj BTOih BIG SPECIAL r Week Sale Beginning Saturday, May 22- -Ending Saturday May 29 Plan to attend this sale and make your dollar buy you 200 cents worth of merchandise. Some o the bargains offered: 8 Pieces Silk Taffeta, regular price $ 1 .00 per yard, sale price, 2 yards for - $1.00 2 Pieces Printed Crepe Meteor, regular price $2.25 per yard, sale price, 1 yard for - $1.00 1 Assortment of Wool Dress Goods, regular price $1 .25 to $2.00 per yard, sale price, 1 yard for - - $1.00 Embioidcry Flouncing, regular price $1.25 per yard, sale price 2 yards for - - - $1.00 A FEW OF THE GROCERY BARGAINS Regular 25c Coffee, 5 lbs $1.00 Regular 40c Coffee, 3 lbs $1.00 Regular 30c Coffee, 4 lbs $1.00 Granulated Sugar, 1 5 lbs $1.00 ABd many other items Bot listed here. Sugar will not be sold alone. These prices are for CASH and phone orders will be charged at regular prices. Watch for the large bills giving full list of bargains. Remember We Give Profit Sharing Coupons With Cash Purchases. R oscoe P. Weesner & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska $ &.?, . s w-ijt'3 tHO ,r I !&l .V 1 (M m l! : HI 8 t !r iftm 3S - m f; l M I-' l.m Jk tt 0&3SS2i222 MJrtMH"SWt WittvwS mm3ZERSS5B8$ffi!m yjHPSTX flil ii lii