The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1915, Image 8

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SvVMI B.Jsc. ' e. a- ru
Do you want to get well? If so
iilliiiK your syptom full of poiBonoiiH drugs.
Thoy only nuikoji "b:id inattHr woivo.
,'il tlio Jolly of "romoviiiK" any organ wliicli God
in His wisdom lias placed in tlio human body.
lo reason. Ilavn tlio caiis-o ol your trouble re
moved by taking (Jhiropractic Ad.justmonts,
thereby relnasing the nrven from pressure,
caused ly xiihliix:itcl vcitclnac, whiuh iiitorfuio with
tlio trniiHinivHioii of Ment'il Impulses from Drain Cull to
Tissuo CVII and health will hu yowm.
Sue yemr local C'hiropraotor, who id a graduate of
the I'ulmor School of Chiropractic:, D.ivi-iipoit, Iowa.
K5TN0TICE Have moved to the residence
2 I door north of lied Cloud Auto Co. garage
ll:;felS.'f II
iijnmaH- m tm
The Standard Bred and Registered Trotting Stallion
Allercyone McGregor
AM.KItCVONi: MeClltKCiOlt, No. !WW. tho
suhjtct of tlilNNkutcli. Iiiih iv record of 'J CI 1-1 on a
lull ( mill! track In I 'l 1 1). Hols onu ol tlio stout
Imtrtid, rumcul-tumlc, wiiino raco Iiotsch, nnJ is
irom n rai o iinrx) lamiiy on noin siitm oi inu
i noime, oi ilium red ny .Miircjotic, nu ny nioijriui
I Allcrtoii.'.Mr) l-l. IiIhiIiiiu liclmr tlio brood
nnrn. All Mfllrm-nr. hi Urn Mltlrm-nr. Ilia
Uccoutl dam Im Muuilo Mdlrmor, ilniu ol Nut
Mcllrcunr'J.17.1 I, MiM'iliciliiiiiol mish Pel march
I tho urt'iiliHt nuo mnru Unit cir rated over ii
luilf-mltc track. Also tliu il.lin ol many othi ru
with Ktmiiliinl rctunlH. Ills tlilnl iltiin Is th,i
Ilium olhl friim -.1 1 to'J:-l, Mini with Hid lourtli
lilimi Is u producer mi his Hire's Nltlu. A III rejonii
icurt i;or conns i loin luourmi aim ruin laiuiiy
Ihi'liiic bv Alkrcone tliu lust son o( thountit
Allcrlnu. u lin In tils tlmn hc!d tlm uorlil'H
Ktnlllon rcuiiu, 'Jo1!! I tu liluli wlitt i Milk, iind wfistlmlimllni: sire til the world; on Ills
diitu'HKlilc the ilrst Ihrieiliium wi re McMrt unr mini x. width tnmtly mio lis tlm mlylity
Crieus. Mho held Ihoxtiiltluu iKiiril'.MU I i, (or hi w ml jiuis, unit n liimllv thai Iiiih bicn
rniiKlitcrcd tlic tiiuiitxt riuc liorxn Inodlj In exlslt nee. Allircvoiio .Muircuor Is n lino
InillNlituiil mid n uiinmr.ii'u linisc. Ii nliiKsliuti'd Jl limes unit hi-lux llrst or m ennd every
time but twin-. Ili'wiis liml h II. It Klull, Cnrllmm', Mo. Inn uveal loll do, Ohio,
bept. II, I'.IIO, tin Ik lit n k hluhi liiNsii Held ol JiJ p,n ers .is i ( r stiirtid user u hiill-mlUi track,
thullrNt lit ill In lim-'.i.' M.i iiii.iIIiii; llw. tinck ninnl tu'itlo liv .Miittlei'lilines tlio jiur lie
lore. Hewon tliiiluiil pulled In u Jo In Ihesireleli, and II was said hv alt tho horsemen
prt'seut tluil be eoiilil IniM) iti(iit tlm hi at In 'JnKnrtx ttur. Ills record Is no limit toll Is
Mici d, a, helms pun d n Imll-inllc on u lml.iille Irnck In 1 02 1-1, n iuurltr In U:2l, mid an
eighth In 0.1 1 1.. While IU ic one Mt (In or Is a inner ldini II, bo Is Htrlelly trottlnu
tin ill and what ten-col Ik ho has urn all trotters and hIiiiw IoIhoI njiliiI, unit Ho should lie us
rent iislroiiH was his urumMic, II uImii an opportunity.
Will stand for season of 1915, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
at F. E. Payne's farm; Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Red
Cloud Tie Barn.
TERMS: $12.50 for the season. 515 to insure colt to be ten
days old.
T. J. Lemonds, Mgr. F. E.. Payne, Owner
City Clerk's Annual Report
Toe folbwing W h d'n'emont of the
dinhiirHt-monte of the City nf It d Cloud,
Nebrmkn, iiml the clusiifl'ttlon there
o' for the fitcul year ending M-iy .'I,
1015, an hIiowii hy Uim recoris In th" ('
lie of the city cl rk :
D'J gen. fund war l-sued ... ?2oG( 11
170 L3 L. cash fund war. Imued. l)78 .i
r,Z L. levy 17 t 2C,
19 wtrcaHh " " " .. 2803 12
,j " luvy !H? M
!H occupation ' .. 1!W7 fii
2'a " " " .. Ui 8
1 jilKinunt " 200 00
2'J-? warinntlueil Ttnl $203)5 2"j
Tin nlv ilidtiurHcniuntM uru el- '-t
Hod herewith its follow:
dilHriiH-Om'ors $ 180 00
Sihirieti Wuter and L'uht l)-')t
Stipt. of plant 51C80 00
Ul engineer 1W7 10
2nd tiiRlneer P'JO 00
I3x r a luhor 200 86 53707 90
Mlsccllaneuun Suliirits
City Mirahull $ 780 00
City Attorney 100 00
Bookkeeper 300 00
Street sprinkling " 240 00 1120 0)
Slreet Department
SurvejltiR $ 75 00
Dirt 49 00
Mowing Weedrt 51 53
(Jnidiiitf mid DraKing 384 45
Lthor and Material. . 051 16 1215 7G
Crocs Walk Department
Survejing $ 5IJ 00
Walks 425 50
Water Wy 497 54
Labor and Material.. 135 CG $1111 70
Printing nndSupplieB $ 101 85
Office Expense
Telephone $ GO 00
PostHge 37-41 $ 97 41
Expense Water and Liht Dept.
Coal $2793 52
FiulRht 32B1FG
Drrty ing 732 05 $G733 32
Ol and Waste $ 212 29
Muterlal and Repairs $1333 G5
Lilior 155 1G
Freight and Drayage. 99 L'G 81583 77
MitJcelUneoiiB DiaburBements
Elections ,. $ GO 30
Fire Department ...$202 00
Smith WellB 91 GO $ 293 GO
Thousands will tnalco t4iu const tour this summer. Only S.'O a round trip
getiei ally, dhuet routes; itml still more uttiuctlve is tho $(V7.r0 gruiid
Const Tour through the Xotthwest.
Low into touts of the Uooky Mountain legion Seetilu Colorado, Hstes
Talk, Yellowstone mid tilMuier National Parks, the Uig Horn Mountains,
the Black Hills; iishoituf tind loss expenslvu vnea'.iuii tour. Attractive
iiinuheH, hotels and rusotts.
Dining the mouth nttraetUo ensttru tonrl-t rates will bo uunouueed,
forming circuit tours of tho Atlantic Const that will include tho Lakes,
St. Dawrence Illver, Canada, Niagara Falls, AdirondaeUs, Lake Cham
plain leglun, Sa.tatoga Coast of Maine, Now England, Sound Steamers,
Coast Steamer voyngp, tho Vitginlas, Old Point Comfort, the Hudson
Klver, Boston, Few York n typical wedding tour.
Publications on request; unnecessary to enumerate them. Doscribe your
proposed tour. Let us send you descriptive matter antl help you plan
your journey.
N. B, BUBH, Ticket Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr
L. W. WAKKLCY, General rastcngor Agt.
1001 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Side'WalkH $ 32 00
IiiRuiauco S 3140
Sprinkler 85 0()
Citv Prisoners 15 W
Health Department GO .'0
File Department 112 85
Litigation 97 Kl
Incidental 3171
Bonds Retired 1350 00
Judgments Paid 911 !)(5
Funds Transferred 1 15 00
B B Sri Bv IS Es r BAKbI m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
H Hi H em R H hH Eh H hIbmIhhHIhIhIhhI
B huhuLhI H hi B hmh1h1Bh1h1h1
jLpKq ST fi it t? t9
Sixty years the standard
Dr. Price's is free from alum
or any doubtful or unwholesome
ingredient. It is made from
Cream of Tartar, derived from
grapes, pure and healthful
beyond any question.
Do you feel satisfied that the
baking powder you are using is
absolutely safe and certain?
Have you read the label to
see if it contains alum?
Weekly Weather Forecast
Why Stay in Nebraska
Everyone Knows
Weather forecast tor th week bo The four liiidiug ngtieultural ciopsj Eveiyono knows that these mcrch
ginning Wednesday, May 1'.', UHii issuul o' each ol the stites where tlio value tints tire selling o.outls us cheaply as
by tho U S. W.'iitlior Itiiieuu, Wash' i kcolmIs one bundled million of dot they cut be pu'chased elsewhcie, tittd
1 .rs as compiled ny uio sitito ouhmi ii is out. iilmii iiuir mey siiouiu ue
Ingtoti, I). C , foi the Upper Missis
sippi Vtilioj and Plains Mates:
(ji'tietally fiilr wealhei' is indicated
dining the week, rwept that local
showeis arc iintien'ed early in tho
week ocr the eMivuio Nut thw est
Tempoi attires will bo motleiuto with a
rise Widnosdiiy over tho t.stieiue
Nut thw est
Red Cloud Boy Scouts who ate not
timid to putrid tho alloy, streets iitul
pi finises- of all places whete tho s. un
til! laws tire not tegiitded. Wo want
these boys to get busy mid look ahead
for epidemics and Hot ullow them lo
K'ctlho start ol them. We will not
havo typhoid fever, tuberculosis,
mumps, measles and scarlet fever, for
these ate tibolutely ireoutblc, if
tlio boH will do their duly. Wc want
es ei i lannly wliose name goes on the
end, tube Jioiilled, and give ihttnls
and recommendations made for im
provements if ilieseoic is bad; instruc
tions explicit witn time limit; If very
tind older place closed tmd cleaned
of agriculture fiom the figures ot the given tlio lit st consideration.
I . S. Department of Agiicultureshow , nveryotie knows that justice icqulres
i hat coin, wheal, oats and hay make that evory eiti.tjn give tlic local tnereh-
up t!i. list from each stato with the ,us a lair show that, wo keep the
inception of Kansas and Nebtaska money at i,mo, if possible keep It
where alfalfa displaces hay; in Texas whore we may at least see it again, Oklahoma cotton is more valttab o whoio Its power will bo of benellt to
tlitiu hay: in Wisconsin bailey Is of ut, all.
U eater value than wheat and tobacco
wis mote valuable Chun oats in Ken
tucky The total values for the four loading
cf"pi obtained l the inldiliotl is as
Side Vtiuiition
.elna kit
N till Dako'a ....
Mtnueso a
Ill liana
OK aliomii
W sc u iii
Michigan ..
Kentucky .
l'ervonp knows that sueh would he
tit" put of justice, of fail ties", of
loya ty to our own
Ale we j is' nr -ue i nut?
Axaill, I'Vi'Piotie k II iws.
Bin al Population
1 or Capita Value I
. ...yo7,,.,li',ion
. . .UTOr.'.o o
. :ii'j,:iu.oi'u
... l ifi.airi.t o
. . IS t.1'2 1.01)0
, .. K-t!..s,'.ni'(i
... r.'.-..t).fri.o io
....119,01 ,U
" t.i
2 2)
y O'l
I. 4
I Is
1 l.-i
will relievo your indigestion. Many
peoplo in this town havo used them
nnd we have yet to hear of a case v, hero
thev havo failed. Wo know the for
mula. Sold only by us 25c a box.
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
All sin luce closets, Karlmgo and gar-1 These es show NebiM.ka second
m s.
Total Disbursements by City
Council S20,3i; 21
Bonds Retired from Sinking
Fund 2,050 00
The present condition of tliu vurlous
funds after deducting all outstanding
warrants (except old Light Plant debt)
at close of business May 3, 1915 U as
(Joneral Fund uncol luvy 8128Q 00
Elee. Lt ' " " GlO 00
Water " " " 472 00
Oo'patlon ' " " 010 00
Electric Lt. fund cash on hand
bage pills, iiiaiiuie nod refuse of all
kinds lepoited. The pay for this s r
vieo will be placed as a fund for tliu
bcuellt ot the Boy Scouts.
Something of tho report like the
following will bo tequhed handed in,
.is Uio result of the daj's inspect ion:
Restauiatits, hotels, bakeiies,
diugsrores, stable-, guinges,
butcliei shops and any pi evador
to ihepulilic.
Sli cut
Name Pioptietor
lioneraliy tntinltary, kitchen is bad,
no scteeus and tniiueious Hies around.
Veiy bad water ulusut about 20 to 30
leel awaj ti oui bacU door, hack jaid
diity Older a genet al cleaning and
placed scieened. If this is not done
ill reasonable time, this place also
should be closed
Hexhy Cook,
Physician to Boaid of Health.
Electric Lt. levy
Water fund
Water levy
General fund
Oo'patlon "
Judgment "
Fireman's "
313 2.1
2:io no
412 15
210 05
113 13
BIS 00
101 87
42 42
Imported French Percheron Stallion
DAMIER, No. 40282
IUMinit Is well known in tliU vlclnlty'na
a Brent ilrafOtulllon. Ill colla nlwnya
nhow his brceillnK. mul hnvo Fold at
much lilk'lior lirlcca on tlio market than
colts from any horse evtr stood In Camp
bell. I.yiiiim 1'untinnn ralstil soma fino
colts from tilm; ono nt 3 ymrs wcIkIiciI
U'SSpounils. Hn poM lilm for $100, ami
tlio man Hint bouclit Mm nM hini for
fCOO. Joseph Ilrunko raised 2 that at 3
icars wclKlieil 1700 nml 1IKXI. nml hn snl I
them for M). His rolls ulnios tirlm;
blir money mi tlicmarkt. 1 lm n pair I
ha bien oltrrril tls for. Ho is tlio 7-sKttEfrl
the horM) that ou want to rn!s colts L,Vv5tSriAj.
from that you can bo nrr.uil of. iVme anil TfjCixT'f .?''
looli at tho flno strlnc of colts I havoof n.1
Total available resources 1(I02 80
No registered warrants outstanding.
Water Bonds outstanding.... 810000 no
Elee. Lt. ' " .... 7500 00
Old debt Light Plant (esti'ted) 5000 00
Total liability 331500 00
Loss icsouroes 4002 80
in pel capita value tlguied on the
rural population.
In analysis of thu values, as given
b the III st place oi'i'tiptiut Kansas In
compatisou with Nebraski wu Hud
that Knusis values corn at 03 cents
per bushel as against T3 in Nebtaska,
oats ut 42 cents as against 10 here, and
alfalfa at SS 00 as again -t S7.00 heie.
Wheat is lik'iircd at same price. If nil
tho four ci ops had been the same price
in both slates the per capita Kansas'
valuation would liaio been i'l 2l( as
aealnst Nebraska's 62 33 Why should
farmers leave Nebitiku to better their
Total net liability 820897 11
Llubllity deot cased (1758 07
vjvn - iji ii n
um.- .-w-
"tu,l!fV fl J i
-y.W -
m HPzl-''
u. J
Will stand for season oC 1915 at V. M Payno'a barn,
section IM-8-12.
TERMS-S12.50 for the Benson; $15.00 to insure colt to be
ten days old.
Should owner of marc part with same, or remove from county,
Bervice fee becomna duo at once. Care will bo taken to prevent acci
dents, but will not be responsible should any occur.
F. E. PAYNE, Owner
Liability May 4, 1911 S33055 21
Water Bonds retlrod 3000 00
F.leetiio Light Bonds rotlrod.. 1000 0i)
Judgments paid I'll 00
Gain In Cash Resources 2 158 07
City's Liability is $1.51 for eachjelOO
of valuation.
No Bonds Issued or refunded during
Dated May 3. 1911.
(soil! O. C. Ti:ri City Clerk
For First Class
i ; SEE
C3TPrlces reasonable
In The District Court Of
Webster County, Nebraska.
Henry U. Cutter,
I.Mwanl II. I.mlcrer,
Mrs. IMwnnl It. I.adurer, his wife, real immo
W. M. llatililil, real iiaiuo unknown,
Mrs. W. M, HntileUI, Ids wlte, real niimo mi-
Itlchnril V. .lew ell,
Mrs. Hlvluird C.lowcll, Ids wlte, real naino
A. C. lirlKiuiin, real name unknown,
Mrs. A.C llrlKuiati, IiIh wife, rial naiiiu un
known, Cyrus T. Warren,
Mrs. Cyrus T. Warren, his wlte, real naiuo
K. I.. I,j on, real iinino unknown,
Mrs. K. I.. I, yon, his wife, real name, un
known, John Doe, present owner ot tlio uiortt;ni;is
recorded on pauotilJ, Hook C, ami ol tlio
ninrtKniso recorded on pane bl't, Hook 8, ol
tho iiiortKiiKis ol Webster County, Ne
braska, real linmo imkiuiwn,
I. N. Smith, rent uiiuio utiknow n,
Mrs. .1. N. Smith, his wife, rial imuio un
known, '1 ho utiknow n lairs and devisees of tho aho o
IMuard II. I.iuknr, y. M. Ilatlleld, Itk'li.
ante. Jewell. A. c, llrlmnan, Cyrus T.
Warren. K. I.. l.on, and .). N. hiullli,
real nanus unknown.
All of tho above named dufendantH will
tnkotiotUo that ructho.lnl day uf Mn, 11115,
Henry ('. Cutlir, plnlutlll luroln, illcd his
petition lu Uio District Court ol Webster
County, Xohiaskit, ai;nlnt K.dd defendant,
tboolijiit aiidprajir nl which are to estab"
lMi and iiulot lu him the title to all of bloik
Thlrurii ill) lu Kali y and liu'kum'K Addition
to tliu Town now City at Kid Cloud,
Advertised Letter List
The billowing is tlio list of uuulaiin
ed lettHtsat thu post olllee in this city,
for tliu week ending May 0th: Frank
Arp; W. Brookott; Clyde Chenuult;
Frank Ephes; Clarence Hal ; Mrs Nora
Gregg; Boyd Vane.
If not called for before May 20, they
will bo sunt ti the dead letter olllee
11. C. Lktsox, P. M.
Bick headache, biliousness, piles, and
bad breath arc usually caused by inac
tive bowels. Get a box of Rcxall,
Orderlies. They act gently and effee-'
AS...!.. CaU nn1. t. a.M n If! AAnfa
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
1. J. Howt.tN A sos-, a Corporation,
in. mu in i: ic,
HerlRrt nd:, ilefendant will tako notice
that on tliu 22ml, dny of April 11U5 1'. J. How
llu .i s!nl)l corporal Ion, plalntiil lieriln
Illcd Itsactlou lu the County Court of Web
Klcr County, Nibraska, the object and pray
crol which aro to neover from Mild dcfiud
nnt tho sum of 52.M.II due plalutltl from de
fiudant as a b.d.inio duo for itoods and
luirelianillhesold and delivered toitifiudaiit
by plalutltl 'llntou the 21th, dny of April
11115 plalntiil can-ad to be lllid lu said action
the uc(sr.ary niildult a t liondanil an order
of attiichiiK nt was Issutit In said action
nunlnst said deli tidnut upon which orderol
lUtiH'liuu nt tliu shirlll of Wijister County
lev ltd upon and attiulud woods and nier
ehaiiilSc bcloimlim tnsald ilefindnut of tho
apprnlsid miIiio of fiul.W), coiiHlstlnu of clours,
lliiiors, disk, (Imir, wall cape, ono Na
tional cusli-register, clock, etc. all found lu
the tLrtaln saloon bulldluu' at Illiulen, Ne
braska undir tho I'harKu and toutrol of Dirt
Colllcott as intent of said llerbirt i:ck.
You will take notice that ou aro required
tonnswir In said case on or before tho 7th.
day of June wtii and that said caso will bo
set for trial on said date.
1'. J. liowt.i.N A Son. A Corporation
lly 1'itKii .Mauiu'.ii, 'llielr Attorney.
Giaduate Chicago Votetitmry College
twelvb Yi:ns i:xPi:nti:xcE
Red Cloud -:- Nebraska
."" " ;.eiv'l
FB rap
B B arm.
We have moved our fix
tures from the Royal barber
shop to the Geo. Fairfield
shop, under the Tepee pool
hall, which we recently pur
chased. When in need of a
first class hair cut, shave,
shampoo or massage, see us.
THE ALARM is a dieaiirul thing
OF FIRE for tho man without
insutauco. Eoty time hu sees the
. . .1 I.. I ,.. .,Afn. ..!....( ...!
KIl nxaillhl lliu eianunui inu ih-iuiiiumiiq aim . , , , , . .
e.u hot then .itidtnoropurdcularly to quiii engines racing along his hetiit comes
the title In bald pl.ilntlll to Lots One (D, two up in his throat if thu flro Is anywhete
U). ihrcotb and Smin (7), and night (8), j near his place. What folly, what mis-
Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska
E. S. Gao-ber
Real Rstnte, Farm Loans
and Insurance.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Nino (U) Tin tlO) Kli'Mii (II) and i'wclo (12),
l'winty-two (.Jj.THiiity-thrie (il) undtwen
l -four (21) of bitld block agaliiHt thu elahua
ot tho dcfeml.inlH and each ot them and to
exeludu allot tho defeudatits from any Intir
est or title thorilu.
You are required lo atisw er said petition on
or bilore Monday tlio28th day ol June, l'JI5.
llKM'.VC. ClflTUt,
t lly Iienmrd McNcny,
Ills Attorney.
taken economy.
THE COST OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
alone Is worth it many times over
Have ns Insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
Rbd Cloud, -s- Nebraska
Second House North ot Red Cloud Garago
Graduate Palmer School
of Chiropractic, Davenport,
Consultation and
Spinal Analysis Free
At Office
Phone lnd.212
' I