The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1915, Image 6

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Twenty Bridges Destroyed and Paved
Streets of Austin Ruined by
the Deluge.
Austin, Texas. With the bodies of
fourteen perseim drowned hero to
covered, eleven persons missing mill
reselling parties still at work among
the tutus of iitm homes swept away
by recent HlorniH, the cltUenshlp of
Austin have begun u systematic! plan
Tor tho icllnf of tlm sufferers. Thu
property loss Ih estimated at $r00,000.
Temporary quartern aro being pro
vlded for all whoso homos had been
(.wept away or tit u not liaBltublo, and
food and clothing Ih being furnished.
Ten Inches of rain Tell In two liourH
nnd torrorita of water poured Into tho
homos of people living In tho low
lands, before the alarm could bo
Twenty bridges wero swept away
and paved striata ruined.
Tho body of Mrs. Charles It. Wink
ler was carried Hlxteen iiiIIch down
tho river by the forco of tho Hood.
Among the missing Is George Whit
tlngton, ton or A. O. Whlttlngton of
Houston, lce president of tho Inter
national and (Jroat Northern railroad.
In Dallas, llro caused by lightning
destroyed tho licreoFordyco Oil as
noelatlon'tt main warehouse, worth
More than ir.0,000 barrels of oil
have been destroyed In a llro caused
by lightning In tho big Thrall Held at
Taylor, Texas.
Wynnewood, Okla., and Knox City,
Tex., were damaged by tornadoes.
Ono man whb killed at Chrlstobal,
'" D.illns Is "rosIosw" ns a result of
tho storm. It depends almost entirely
on natural gw for fuol. Ono big
bakery throw away 7,000 pounds of
dough because of tho gas main break.
Fort Worth met a like fate.
Italy's Entry Into War Doubtful.
Homo (Via Paris). A protnlnont
Italian statesman wild tho other day
that tho participation of Italy In tho
war at least In tho Immediate- futuro
scorned less likely now than had boon
tho coso for Komo tlmo.
"To enter tho war Italy would first
bo obliged to break off negotiations
with tho central empires which aro
still being conducted at Vienna," ho
"Tho government would then havo
to find a plausible reason for denounc
ing tho treaty which created tho
trlplo alliance. Even woro that done,
it Is most likely that tho contral em
pires, tinder present conditions would
not consider such action as a cause
for war. Italy must find another rea
son if sho desires to pick n quarrel
with Austria."
Medicine Contained Strychnine,
llroken Dow, Neb. A report from
tho stnto laboratory shows that tho
stomach of Alva Street, tho boy who
died at his homo near Morna after
taking a doso of salts, contained
Btrjehnlno, as also did tho salts. It
was brought out in testimony before
tho coroner's jury that Guy. an older
brotlier. took salts from the samo
bottle probably n month ago, and
they made him 111. Dr. Lnndls. tho
coroner, thinks it possible from tho
iiyntptomH described that it may havo
been stryehnlno poisoning. A 12-year-old
sister took a doso from Uto
6ame bottle two weeks ago. hut no
111 effects followed. Coroner Lnndls,
Prosecutor Kelly and Sheriff Wilson
aro working on the theory that tho
poison enmo from the outside, and
have, started a rigid Investigation.
According to Stnto Food Commission
er Unrman, tho strychnine was not a
' natural Ingredient of the medlelna
and tho manufacturer of It will not
bo prosecuted.
John Cudahy Dies at Chicago.
Chicago, 111. John Cudahy, ono of
tho founders of Chicago's great pack
ling Industry, und a millionaire board
of trade leader, died at his home,
AVihi Michigan nvonuo. Mr. Cudahy
was born In Cnllan, County Kllklu
ney, Ireland, November 2, 1843. Ho
canto to America In 1S49.
Russian Alrcrafts Active.
Fetrogmrt. IlusBlan dirigibles nro
being used to harass General von
illlndenburg's lino of communication.
Ono of them dropped llfteen bombs
on tho enemy's transports near Flock,
'badly damaging them. Several Gor
man boats have been sunk.
Famine In Jerusalem.
London. "Tho situation of tho
people of tho lower class In Jerusa
lem is rapidly growing worse," says
the Morning Post's Alexandria. Egypt,
(correspondent. "According to sov
tenty refugees who nrrlved hero on
their way to the United States, food
'Is growing moro expensive. Prices
now nro six times those of normal
times. Money hns ceased to droit
late. Many deaths from starvation
'are taking place. Locusts, which nro
appearing In hugo swarms, necenuala
jthe distress of the people"
Cltlens of North Platto nro agl
latlng paving.
Alnsworth Is to havo u new $10,001
junior high school,
A $1115,000 school bond voted on at
Hastings was defeated.
Alliance gets the next convention
of tho Nebraska T. P. A.
Seven blocks or paving will bo laid
In Kearney this season.
Thltty-slx eases or smallpox havo
been reported In Hastings,
Work lias conienced on tho new
Carnegie library at llarvaid.
Pieruo went dry by thirty otea.
Mayor DtifT was re-elected.
Kiro destroyed the livery barn ol
A. J. Hutchinson at Dlller.
Tho Kearney ImBoall team will not
play Sunday ball this year.
Jitney cars have been started at
North Pintle by a local garage.
.Sterling has voted In fuvor ol
bonds to build a water plant.
Alfred Pont, editor of the SHanton
HeglHter, died at his home in that
200 ncros of orchard have been set
out In tho vicinity of Shubert this
Tho Odd Fellows of Polk will soon
erect a new building at that place to
cost $12,000.
Mayor Klbler of Kearney vetoed
tho ordinance raising the salaries ot
tho city councllmen nud himself.
Eugene V. Debs is to speak In
North Platto on Juno 2. He has been
secured through tho effort or local
Nebraska Eagles will hold their
annual convention at South Omaha,
June 15-10-17. An elaborate program
Is being planned.
Work has started on tho tabertm-
clo ror the Lowry-Moody evangelistic,
meetings to be held nt North Platte,
beginning May 2.
80,000 mules will b assembled nt
Grand Island by a Kansns City dealer
for use In tho Ilrltish tinny. They will
be shipped to Canada from that point.
Farmers In the vicinity of Grand Is
land havo been husking corn. They
report tho corn n good condition In
spite of staying In tho Holds nil win
ter. Suggestion of Crawrord Kennedy or
Lincoln thnt the republican national
convention bo held at Omaha in 1010
is meeting with support over tho
Mrs. Mary Francis Humphrey of
Obcrt committed sttlcldo by bunging.
Tho deed was done with a skipping
ropo used by the children or Dr.
Tho contract ror tho now Cnrneglo
library at Gothenburg was awrded to
Danlol Faublo or Grand Island. Ho
will begin the erection or tho new
$10,000 building at once.
Flro of unknown origin destroyed
four frame buildings at Chapman, and
the contents, and partly damaged tho
brink building or tho Chapman Stato
bank, rite total loss amounts to
Among tho "living wax figures" pro
vided by teachers in a special enter
tainment at tho Longrellow school nt
Hastings was a striking Impersona
tion of John O'Connor, dend more
than n year, but et unbiirled.
r.tnlitlni- limulu ,t n... ..ill...... ....
"" n .......... Wt ,,,! tuiuKl' ui i
Maxwell have been registered with '
htate Auditor Smith In the sum of
$G,)00. Tho village or Lyons has rog
Istered $15,000 worth or bonds, olso.
for an electric lighting plant.
Alvah Stteet, a 1ft-j ear-old boy liv
ing south of Merim, died In a ms-toi-lous
manner. Ho took a dose or
effervescent salt or a standnrd
brand, and a row minutes later went
Into convulsions, djlng a short tlmo
The grain elevator bolonglng to
SoortiH & neorson at Elkhorn, was
completely destroyed by lire. About
7,000 bushels of grnln were destroy
ed. The total loss Is estimated be
tween $10,000 and $12,000, the ele
vator being worth about $(5,000.
Atlas Smith was Instantly killed by
electrocution on the transmission
wires of tho bridge between Scotts
DttilT nnd Coring. Tho boy was flal
ing and undertook to untangle his
line from the llvo wire. His body,
when recovered from the stream, was
burned blue.
The abstract of the condition of the
nntlonnl bnnks of Nebraska, occlusive
of reserve cities at the close of busl
iiess on March I as reported to the
comptroller of the currency, showf
the reserve hold nt 27 15 per cent:
loans nnd discounts. $."il,5SI,S."0; gold
coin. v$l,0S.:M3; lawful money re
serve. $2."fin,S2.1; deposits, ?52.'Kt!U 11
Richardson county Is claiming,
with many other sections ot the coun
try an Interest In the preliminary
training of tho present champion of
llstlc circles. It la assorted that Je
Wlllnrd, a few years ago, was it cham
pion corn shucker In tho vicinity of
Barada, and Is quite well remembered
by many of tho people or that vicinity.
Catching her skirt In a chair rrom
which she was nrlslng, Mrs W. 11
Lynn, wife of the former city physl
clnn of HnsjlngB, fell, breaking her
loft wrist
Hastings Commercial club, major
and postmnster wrlto Secretary of
Stato Bryan asking that "Liberty
Boll" train stop there on way to Pan.
nma exposition. ,
Prosldont Wilson has appointed
John C. Morrow of Scottabluff to ho
receiver of public money at Alliance,
and Thomns J.O'Kecfo to be register
of tho land olllco nt the same place
The Cleopatra Headband
P, 1TW
'(y . Kg8!' ' V X' .
-. J "
One of the fads or the hour, which
s particularly strong with debu
tantes nnd other youthful devotees of
fashion, Is tho Cleopatra headband.
This Is a very simple hnlr ornnment
to bo called nrter the wonderful queen
whose name Is associated in our
minds with all things splendid and lm
portal. It is mndo of sparkling
rhlnestones nnd hinds tho brow ufter
the manner or Egyptian and other
headdresses. And It Is entirely sue
cessrul. Two patterns of this now hair ornn
ment nro Bhown In the picture. They
are among tho prettiest of mnnf de
signs, all mado In about the samo
way. There Is some variation In (ho
size or tho rhlnestones; the smnller
ones, used In the more elaborate fig
tires usually, represent more work In
making tho band, and nro therororo
more expensive. All the band a of
brllllnnts nro mounted on narrow vel
vet ribbon nnd rnstcn with a snap
fastener or hook and thread eye. at
tho back.
Tho Cleopatra band looks well with
nearly nil the now coiffures, which Is
ono good renBon ror Its popularity. It
Ib shown hero worn with tho "Bobby"
colffuro. This particular style seems
to havo Impressed Itself on women
Distinctive Style
P i:
, 3 H '
fc, i i SO ''
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For the woman or average meiins, a
aeparato coat, to he worn with rrocks
of vntled character, Is a necessity or
the wnrdtobe. Such a coat needs to
bo cutefully selected, since it Is to do
duty as a street cont, for traveling, for
driving In tho nuto, and ror such occa
slons as muy demand a sport coat
But great numbors of separato coats
wero designed this spring that aro
suitable for all-round sorvlco, nnd have
much Btylo to recommend them as
Among them, coats of covert cloth
In tan and kindred rfhndes nnd thoso
In black and white checks eem renlly
to fit fn everywhere. They nro rull
of stylo and snap; Just tho sort of
garment that tho American woman
needs and delights in.
A lino exnmplo of tho general utility
coat Is pictured here. It Is a black-nnd-vvhlto
check, with collar and cuffs
In leather color. These accessories
aro often shown In emerald green nnd
In black with white pipings, so that
there Is a choice In color. Tho coat,
as pictured, Is worn over a fiock of
black taffeta. A combination of black
and white appears In tho Breton sailor
hat ni'd Is repeated In tho low walk
.1 K . . ?t i?S r ! R T'K
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more forcibly and more favorably than
any other recently launched. Somo
persons hne gone so far as to havo
their hair bobbed nt each sldo, In or
der to adopt tho new style, but hair
dressers manage to achieve tho right
effect without resorting to so extreme
n measure. If tho hair Is not too long
it enn be rolled nnd turned under nt
the sides It is coiled at the back,
rather Hat to the head.
Do not Imagine that the Cleopatra
band Is confined to tho uso of youth
ful maids. U looks unusually well
with thosd styles of halrdressing In
which tho middle part In tho hair is
used, and lends its brilliance to many
a stately colffuro that matrons at
Scarfs Match Hangings.
Tho bcarfs for the furniture of your
room may bo mado to match tho
hangings by cutting out single mo
tifs of cretonno and applying them
to tho scarf ends. Place them on
tho material In an nttractivo way and
baste. They can either bo sowed with
nn over-and-over stitch around tho
edgo or buttonhole In place. If, how
ever, jou wish a quicker method, ma
chine stitch close to the edgo around
tho entire motif.
in Utility Coat
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ing shoes No one needs to bo as
sured of tho smart appearance of such
n toilette for tho promenade.
But nn equally pleablng picture pre
seiits itself if one Imagines tho coat
worn for traveling. The hat might
bo a Panama or small outing shape,
the shoes havo tops of tan-colored
cloth, nnd the dress be a plain suspen
der model worn with pongee shirt
wnist. Tho coat would lit In and com
plete a perfect outfit for tho Journey.
Thoso conts are nil cut on flaring
lines, but thoy vary sotncwiint in
length, Pockets nnd buttons nro fea
tured In their finishing. There is a
great variety of Btylcs In collars, and
in tho covort models buttons, collars
nnd cuffs nro usually all of tho cloth
In selecting a coat for general wear
It Is necessary to make suro that tire
matorlal has been shrunk or Is water
Outing Collars.
Whether tho blouse 1b of silk, tullo
or crepe, the collars aro shaped llko
tho collar on n man's outing shirt and
are held together In front with a bow,
linked butlons or a long bar plu.
Money Set Apart By Four Adjoining
States Shows Nebraska
Fared Well.
Lincoln. Governor Morehead, whe
lias been gathering a few figures oc
tho appropriations of the live statek
adjoining Nebraska, deems the com
imrlson not wholly unfavorable.
So rar as he has heard front font
out or the five stntes, and In but one
state, Coloiado, Ima tho total of ap
proprlatlons been leas than that ol
Nebraska. The total Nebraska appro
priatlons, Including those for schools,
was a little less than $8,000,000.
Appropriations In Missouri amount
oil to $11,112,000, exclusive of schools,
for which that state Is to spend the
nddltlonul sum of $5,550,000. Iowa ap
propriated $12,750,000, Kansas $!,
530,044. The Colorado legislature ap
propriated $:i,S74,0()0, and the govern
or of that state cut this figure down
to $3,150,000. A per capita rating
might change tho comparative stand
ing somewhat, however.
Ab yet South Dakota has not been
heard from by the governor.
Governor Must Select Men.
Creation of new offices by the lnsl
legislature has set candldntes fot
them afire over the state, and us a
result Governor Morehead has tele
phone cnlls, letters and personal vis
Its. which he must sandwich In be
tween attention to other business.
A new district Judge must be nam
ed In the Ninth district, a public de
fender In Douglas county and a Hat '
or candidates Tor supreme court com
missioner must be prepared from
which tho high bench may make Its
Ono provision of the bill sets out
that 100 oases now pending In tho
state court shall bo given to the com
mission for hen ring. Another pro
vision allows the court to list cases
with It from time to time as It dis
poses of litigation.
There are to be three commission
ers, with a salary of $:!,000 apiece.
The list of possible candidates Is to
bo prepared by Governor Morehead.
It Is understood that one nlready fa
vored hy the latter Is former Attor
ney General G.G. Martin.
Nebraska Lassie Wins Honor.
According to nn official announce
ment just made, Myrtlo Mann, ago
12. of Dawes county, won fourth plnco
last season In the national competi
tion of the Boys' and Girls' Gardening
club, conducted cooperatively by tho
United Statea Department of Agricul
ture and the extension departments
or the different state colleges of ag
riculture. Myrtle's reports, filed with
the state leader of hoya' and girls'
clubs, at the University Farm, show
ed that she made a net profit of $71 to
on n patch slightly larger than hall
hc slzo of the .average city lot
School Act Faulty.
Tho hill passed by the last legU
laturo for state aid for consolidated
rural schools teaching home eco
nomlrs, agriculture, vocational and
Industrial training Is rendered liiefee
tlve hy a bit of legislative careless
nesa, it has been discovered. The
measure. Introduced by Hepro
i.ontntlv'0 Klmorlund, falls to provide
for tho appropriation In tho title, nl
though tho body of the bill provides
for tho appropriation out of tho gen
eral fund Tho appropriation must bo
In th title.
Will Remember Blllle Burke.
Blessed ovct hereafter will be tho
ttnme and memory of Bllllo Burke, tho
actress, among the llttlo crippled
children nt the state orthopedic hos
pital at Lincoln. In addition to nil
the attentions showered upon the
children during hor stay In tho city,
came, recently, to the Institution
n beautiful, shiny now phonograph,
of nn expenslw make, with a hip as
sortment of records. Moreover. Miss
BurKo loft a standing order with a
local music hotiso for three new rec
ords ench month.
Lincoln School Debaters Win.
Lincoln won In the Lincoln-Omaha
High school debate last week, and
nlso gained permanent possession of
tho Amherst nlumnl cup, which had
been won by ench school twice. Tho
subject of tho debate was, "Govern
ment Ownership and Operation of
Itallroads," the Lincoln team taking
the affirmative. The debate was held
In tho high school auditorium and a
large crowd Was In attendance.
Will Readvertlse for Bridge.
At a conrerenco between a North
Platto delegation and tho Stato Board
or Irrigation, It was decided to read
vertlso ror bids ror tho stato aid
bridge to bo built across tho Platto
river near North Platte. Tho contract
was originally awarded sovoral weeks
ago to tho Canton Bridge Co. or Can
ton, 0 for a concrete bridge Tho
company revised to sign unless thu
attornoy general should giiaranteo
protection on tho concroto patents
This ho refused to do.
You never tasted
.. at. m
daintier, lighter, llutticr
biscuits than those y
talced with Gnlumct A
They're alwayt '
Rood delicious. It
I'or Calumet In- 11 K
cures perfect
YVnrM'. Pur Fnod
Exposition, Chicago
Pari Eipoiltion,
Franci March.
Too don't ure rnonty n yea lay cietp ar ltf-a I
WVIoi powder. Doo'l b niiltd. BarCaluott. It'tj
mart aconamical mora vraoieiomc jin bf it rttolU.
Calumet U far tapirior to lour milk and lada.
Wntnon K.rolpimin.Wa
. Inittoii. li c. ltouk-lrw; llli
. IikIoii, li c. lloukHirn-; lliidi.
' eat references. Heat result.
Dogo in Warfare.
Tho Belgian use or sheep dogs to
seek out the wounded Is a return to
tho methods ot warfare of an earlier
day. In the Scottish clan fcuda, ns
well as in Ktigllsh fights with Scot
land, both sldea used dogs tor thut
purpose, though generally It was with
tho Idea of killing them off when
round. Unwounded fugl'tlvos, too,
were sought by tho dogs, nnd both
Wallace nnd Bruce nro recorded to
have had nnrrovv escapes rrom Eng
lish bloodhounds. And In Elizabeth's
reign live hundred hounds figured aa
part of tho army sent to settle an In
surrection in Ireland.
Plan Humane Sunday In May.
Tho American Iluniuno association,
a federation or societies and Individu
al Tor the prevention or cruelty, re
quests clergymen or nil denominations
throughout tho country to observe
Sunday, May 21!, ns Humano Sunday,
calling attention to tho need tor pro
tection tor suffering und helpless chil
dren, and nlso for unfortunate ani
mals. Dr. Win. O. Stlllmnii, president of
tho association, Albany, N. Y will
send lltenituro to all persons interest
ed in tho work of humane societies.
Cheaper Plan.
"I see," said tho ninn who reads,
"that to bring sleep to insomnia vic
tims an English woman has invented
nn apparatus to (low water or medi
cated liquids on tho forehead gently
until the desired roBult Is attained.
What do you think of thnt, Pat?"
"Sure, I think It would bo cheaper t
turn tho hoso on 'em."
In the Cloudland Flats.
Hnrkor Do you live downtown?
Parker No; twejity-threo stories
up. -Indianapolis Star.
Pursuit of wealth Is the great hu
man hurdle rnco,
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
Rooms trom tl.00 up alngtc, 75 centn up double.
s r
& Bk1
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 18-1915.