ft. ' l,4 !., I r . ,- V V f RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . M I - 1 4 1 TT HOT II JIT THIEF It Is Also Denied That Bluebird Preys Upon Crop. IS A HARBINGER OF SPRING In Selection of Focd Bird Is Governed More by Abundance Than by Choice insects Form Important Part ot Its Diet. (Prepared by the Unltrtl Ftntcs Depnrt inent of Agriculture.) Although tho bluebird frequents our orchards nnd gardens nnd builds Its nests In cavities of trees, there seems to "1)0 no evidence tlmt It Is n fruit thief. Neither does the bird seem to prey upon crops. Tho eastern bluebird, ono of tho most familiar and welcomo of our feathered visitors, In a common Inhab itant of nil the states east of tho Rocky Mountains from the Gulf of Mexico to southern Canada. In tho Mississippi vnlley It winters as far north ns southern Illinois, nnd In tho Kast ns far as Pennsylvania. It Is ono of the enrllest northern migrants, and everywhere Is hailed as n harbinger of Bprlng. It is evident that in the selection ot its food tho bluebird is governed more by abundance than by choice. Predaceous beetles arc eaten In spring, ns they arc nmong tho first In sects to appear; but in early summer caterpillars form an important pnrt of tho diet, and theso are later replaced Bluebird Above Azure Blue, Throat and Breast, Cinnamon, Belly White. by grasshoppers. Beetles are eaten at all times, except when grasshoppers are more easily obtained. So far ns its vegetable food Is con cerned, the bluebird is positively harm less. The only trace of any useful product In tho stomachs consisted of a few blackberry seedB, and even Uicbo probably belonged to wild rather than cultivated varieties. Following is n list of the various seeds which were found: Blackberry, chokeberry, juni per berry, partridge berry, greenbrler, Virginia creeper, bittersweet, holly, strawberry bush, false spikenard, wild aarsaparllln, sumac (several Bpeclos) rose haws, sorrel, ragweed, grass and asparagus. This list shows how llttlo tho bird depends upon tho farm or gar den to supply its needs and how eas ily, by encouraging tho growth of eomo of theso plants, many of which are highly ornamental, tho bird may bo Induced to mako his homo on the promises. Two species of bluebirds Inhabit tho western states the mountain bluebird and tho western bluebird. In their food habits they are even more to be com mended than their eastern relatives. Their insect food is obtainable at all times of tho year, and the general diet varies only In tho fnll. when somo fruit, principally elderberries, Is cat en, though an occasional blackberry or grapo Is also relished. Grasshop pers, when they can bo obtained, nre eaten freely during tho whole season. Beetles aro eaten and comprise most ly harmful species. The now Farmers' Bulletin (No. 030) of tho United States department of agriculture describes this nnd other American birds useful to the farmer, it may bo had by dropping a post card to the Kdltor Division of Publications, United States Department or Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. CHOLERA IS GERM DISEASE Domestic Animals, Such as Dogs and Cats, and Also Birds Are Fre quent Carriers of Infection. Hog cholera generally Is recognized ns a very contagious, Infectious, germ dlsenso It is caused by an organism described ns small enough to pass through any kind of filter and still re tain its disease producing power. No ono has been ablo to Identify the germ which is tho specific cause of the disease. It Is contained in tho blood of sick nnlmnls, and Is given off In tho urine; thus contaminating tho yards and pens in which such animals nro kept. It may bo carried by streams, on tho shoes of persons who ener tho yards or pens, or by horses or cattlo from ono farm to another. Dogs, cats, rabbits nnd birds also nro frequent carriers of the infection. i Temporary Hog Pasture. If you aro short ot hog pasture you can mako a good tomporary ono by owing a mixturo of oats, barley, wheat and rye. Sow all of them or a few. Do not be nfrald to put in plenty ot eeed. Uses for Peppers. Tho largo and hot peppora can bo used for many purposes and aro good to grind and mix with tho chicken food In winter. Ono packet each of two or threo good varieties will suffice. OWN REGISTERED LIVE STOCK Practical Knowledge of Business Should be Obtained Before Start ing With Purc-Bredo. The dclrc to own registered stock is praiseworthy, but until n man is well lit ted by experience and inclina tion to bundle tegistcrcd stock ho will find It better to go cautiously until ho has gained a practical knowledge ot tho business. There Is no mystery regarding tho breeding and management of pure bred stock, still they rcuulro Mate rially different treatment than is usu ally afforded tho common scrub stock. Theso improved animals do not re quire pampering or babying but they do require good care and enough to eat and that they cannot obtain when wintered around straw stacks and ienco corners. The farmer who hns made good success with ti grade herd or Hock w 111 not tlnd tho transition to pure breds very dllllcult If a man knows abso lutely rothing about breeding regis teied stock ho will do well to gain the necessary experience by grading up his scrub animals before he Invests In pure-bred stock. At least he should gain the actual experience in some way before he makes the plunge. There nro many men who buy pure bred stock who should never bo In tho business and tho result Is that their stock Is n byword and a de rision a very dlsgrnco to the name pure-bred. Some men have Jumped suddenly Into fame by breeding Im proved live stock, but usually we will find that theso men gained a practical knowledge of the science of breeding while handling their grado animals, that mudo their success possible. CELERY FOR SMALL GARDENS As a Rule It Is Only Moderately Profit able Crop One of Most Dell clous of Vegetables. my L. M BENNINGTON ) Celery Is a fairly good market crop, but there arc many other crops that pay better. In tho famous Kalamazoo district In Michigan, where the crop Is grown exclusively on hundreds ol acres by experts, It is stated that the average profit after rental of land growing nnd marketing expenses nro paid docs not exceed $100 per ncrc. Oc casionally wo hear of a phenomenal crop, but as a rule celery Is only mod erately profitable. It Is a fine crop for every farmer to grow because It Is one of tho most de licious vegetables produced. It Is not dllllcult to grow celery It requires ex ceedingly rich land, some commercial fertilizer and great care In cultivation and blenching. In the Kalamazoo district, where very line celery Is grown, the soil is a very black, rich, spongy sort of loam, but good celery Is grown on sandy land and on clay loam. The ground must, however, bo put Into thorough cultivation and very Excellent Crop of Celery. heavily manured; in fact, it ought to bo well fertilized for at least two years before being plnnted to celery. To prepare tho ground for celery, rpws should bo mado about four feet apart, and a light application of well rotted stablo manure and nitrate of potnsh placed in tho furrows. The plants taken from the seed bed should bo set nbout eight Inches npart In tho row and great caro should bo ob served In placing tho roots In their natural position without crushing and doubling them up. Tho soil then must bo drawn firmly about tho plants and all weeds must bo kept down. Drill In the Seed. Do not brondcast small grain. It done a largo portion of tho seeds aro not covered or aro likely to bo cov ered only slightly. More seed will be required and tho chances for a good stand will not bo good. Drill in tho seed. Thnt Is tho modern, up-to-dato method. You can't afford not to drill in your seed, for economy's snko and n larger ylold at harvest time. Superior Clover Honey. The quality of sweet clover honey 1b bo far superior to any other that it is worth whllo to try it, even if tho seed costs 30 cents n pound, Watch for Rabbits. Keep watch over tho young orchard for after heavy snow fallB tho rab bits may turn townrd tho young trees for food. && &&&? ; m To help you to remember WRIGLEYS for the kiddies and yourself; its great benefits to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion; its cleanli ness and wholesome ness in the air-tight sealed packages; its two different and delicious flavors and the gift coupons too: Bringing Selfish Automoblllst. In an argument about world politics welt polltlk Senator Lodge said the other day in HoBton: "Tho morality of too many govern ments seems ns frankly Hellish nnd as frankly unjust as tho man Smlthers. "As Smlthers, Havana in mouth, enmo out of an expensive restaurant and started to get into his automobile a creditor held him up '"I tell you what it is, Mr. Smlth ers,' said the creditor, 'you wouldn't go riding round In a fine nutomobllo llko that if you paid your debts.' "'Ua,' said Smlthers, 'quite right! My point of view oxnetly! Glad to know you're In agreement with me. Vho golf club, Alphonse.' " THICK LOVELY HAIR Because Free From Dandruff, Itching, Irritation and Dryness. May be brought about by shampoos with Cutlcura Soap preceded by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. A clean, healthy scalp means good hair. Try theso supercreamy emollients if you have any hair or scalp trouble. Sample each froo by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Her Patience Wearing Out. Little Lola had been censured for some mischief sho hnd been engaged in. After thinking It over for somo time she exclaimed: "Oil, 1 do wish I had n baby brother!" "Why do you wish that?" '"Cause," sho replied, "this thing of being scolded for ovorythlng that happens around this houso makes me tired." Pleasant Prospect. Countryman (buying a clgnr) I hope this Isn't ono o' those weeds that burn out in no time at all. 1 want a good long smoke. Tobacconist (Impressively) Milio frlendt, dnt cigar will last till you va sick ot it. DON'T VISIT THE OAMIOUNIA. KX I'O.NITIONS Without a supply of Allen's Foot Eise, the antiseptic powder to be shaVen Into the Shoes, or dissolved In the foot-bath. The Standard Remedy for the feet for 25 years. It elves Instant relief to tired, achlre feet and prevents swollen, hot feet. One lady writes: "I enjoyed every minute of my stay at the Expositions, thanks to Allen's Foot-Ease In my shoes.' Get it TODAY. Adr Of Course Not. mil Do you carry any llfo insur uico? Jill Not on your life! YonkorB Statesman. Paradoxical Diet. "To what do you ascribe my poor digestion, doctor?" "To your rich food." Riches have wings, but they don't seem to havo any tall that you can put palt on. AI.FAf.IM HKKII, 1 8 00 Furma for aale on crop paymrnts J Mulhall, Soo City, la. Adv. It's sometimes enslcr to settle down than it is to settle up. Ttit Coupons with each paokagt iwmawwii are good for many valuable prewntY SAVE THEM! Sunshine WOULD HAVE MADE TRADE Disgusted Drummer Was Willing to Accept Joking Offer If the Law Had Allowed It. A traveling salesman for a Gnnso voort Btrect wholesale grocery firm, recently bnck from a trip through tho rough lnnds of eastern Pennsylvania, tells this possibly true tale: "One day on my last trip I had a Blx-mllo rldo to mnko to tho county sent, and tho small vlllago In which I was had only ono horse thnt I could hlro and no other form of convey ance. I may say that a friend had landed mo In the town that morning from his car and I had sold goods enough to pay tho expenses of tho trip. "Well, I got awuy on tho Borrlest specimen of a horso 1 ovor straddled, and I was to semi him back by mall carrier, though not as a parcel post package. It took mo two hours to cover tho dlstanco I wnu sorry enough I hadn't walked and as I passed tho county Jail on my old bag of bones n faco grinned at mo from between tho bars of a Binall square window. I was too soro to smllo, but 1 nodded to tho grin, and tho prison er called to mo: " 'Sny, mister,' ho said, 'how'd you llko to trudo that critter for SO days In Jail?' "Just then I would havo been glad enough to havo traded, but tho law wouldn't let mo, nnd I rodo on." New York Sun. Rooms for Rent. Even college professors furnish somo of the humor of school llfo. It was tho registrar ot a largo university who, to an Inquiry for n suito of "largo, light, airy rooms," answered: "Why, I don't just recall any now; but I've got n lot of 'em In my hend " And a flustered professor told a class of young ladles, "You may hnvo fifty minutes of tho hour to tell mo what you know on tho subject, nnd I will tako tho rcmnlnnlg ten and tell you whut I know." Everything Higher. Tho Old Skipper Don't you como tcllln' mo none of your cock an' bull yarns about waves 80 feet high. Why, I'vo been at sea, man an' boy, for nigh on fifty years, and I never saw none higher than 40, Tho Young Sailor Ah, but seo 'ow things 'nve gono up since then! Punch. A paper dollar is said to last about six yenrs unless It visits a church fair. Tho lowly egg hns tho best of man kind In ono respect; it can sproad It self better after It Is broke. A fat stranger passed down tho stroet yesterday. "Who Is tho dirigi ble?" Kph Wlloy.nskod. St. Louis has opened a now $2,000, 000 Woshlngton university group of medical buildings. We a unique "WRIGLEVS MOTHER GOOSE" introducing tho SpoarmenI -'.V, -SOME I A 1-VEAH-THC I UOOK k. SUBJCCTSECMSl JAOCZ'" J. TO DE WELL I You ought to see the merry antics of these little men 28 pages, litho graphed in handsome colors! Fun for grown-ups and children. Send a postal today for your copy! WM. WRIGLEV JR. CO. 1331 Kemnor Building Chicago, llllnolm to the Darkest Day He Knew Daddy. Tho eight-year-old son of a famous lawyer was ono dny taken by his govemesB to a court of law in which his father was expected to mnko a particularly brilliant speech. "Mother, I henrd father mako a flno speech today," said tho hoy on his return home. "And whnt do you think? Father nlmost cried, nnd ho mado somo of tho Jurymen cry, too!" "And you, too?" asked his mother. "Oh, no ho can't got over imi!" ro pllcd tho heir nnd prido of tho family. Importnnt to Mo thorn Examine carefully evory bottlo of CASTOIUA.aBafoaudsuro remedy for Infants and children, and ueo that It rtnnra illn f Signature of QJM&i In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's CaBtoria Doubtful. "How Is your mother, Tommlo?" "Sho's hotter, but not so better ns sho was yesterday." A Doubt. Hob So Bile's rejected you again? Nod Yes worse luck! Uob Oh. I don't know! Judge. YOt'Il OWN IlKl'llfiINT WII.I. TKI.I. YOU Try Murine Bje llnuindy for Iti-U, Weak, Watnry M;ca and (Iranulutrd Kri-IICU; No Smarting tual H;n eniufort. Writ.) ful Hook of liin KfO 7 uiiUl Free. Murlnw Kje Uemdy Co., Chicago. No man Is qualified intelligently to discuss tho "lelsuro" classes until ho has run for ofllco. OmErnvmrmm aimmimi SPOHN MEDIOAkCOiiOaBUtiaadBMtarUlatbla, OOShn lnd.tU.SA S r A I Yes waiting for every farmer or farmer'a JLfKttf ,4 MrZA 80n any lndustr'0U9 American who is f z fkl V&Hm anxious to establish for himself a happy rac I v M MH H m just as cheap and in the provinces of Aimaa 160 Acrt Homesteads are Actually Frtt to Sottltrt and Othsr Land at From $15 to $20 ptr Acra The people of European countries as well as the j American .continent must be fed-thus an even grcaUr demand for anwjlaii Wheat will keep up the price. Any farmer who can buy land at $15.00 to $30.00 per acre -get a dollar for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to the acreii bound to make money that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Wonder ful yields also of 0U, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farming is fully as prof Stable an industry as grain raising. The excel ent grasses, f uU of nutrition, are the only food required either f o beef or dairy purposes. Good schools, markets convenient, climate excellent. M ltaryserv'ce is not compulwry In Canada but there it an unusual demand for farm labor to replace the manr younB men who have volunteered for service in the war. Write ?o l?eratu?e Tami particulara as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa, Canada; or to ' W.V. Denneft,22017lh SI., Room 4, Dee BulldlBQ, Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Goverment Agent. have published little booklet: 502 Showed Discretion. Hetty wns milking tho cow when the mad bull tore over tho meadow. Hetty did not ntir, but continued milking. Observers who had run Into safety saw, to their astonishment, that the bull stopped dead within a tew yards of tho maid and cow, turned around and went awny, sadly. "Weren't yU nfrald? Why did h run away?" asked every ono of Dotty. "Ho got Beared," said Hotty. "Thi cow is his mothor-ln-lnw." His Fitness. "What's become of your nsslBtant?' asked tho newspaper mnn In tho bar ber shop, nbout to get tho once ovor. "Oh, bo's quit tho harbor gamo to become a ucwHpnpcr man," replied the boss barber. "What does ho know nbout the newspaper game?" "Well, ho can handle tho shears, all right." Fascinated. Hill Is Bho a good dancer? Jill Well, sho looks good to me when sho dances. Nothing makes a mnn bo quickly forget that ho has been jilted ns the society of another woman. Maybo they say silence Is golden because It Is about ns raro as the yellow metal. When no one will Bny a kind word of tho dend man it is a sign that he did not dlo quick enough. COLTDISTEMPER Can be handled vrff oulty. The etck rnird.andallo(hnt mmoKtftble.nonwitfcr how "eiriow.1." kept froinj hTtof the die muki, It uila HI-DUN'S MQUll) DlSTKHl-Klt CUUKToira a tlie tonirno.or In fenL Acta on the Mood and etpls rerme mt nil fiinua of UlitemKr. llmt remedy eror kuown for nana la (oaL ()uettttepuirantPilUoureoneca. bMaiidllabotUeiMaM IIOdoMin of !lruKirtf and iiarora iltalan. or iwnt eipraaa mid by mannrurturere. Cut aliowa how to iKmltloo throat. Our fra iiooklatKlTiaeTfrTthtnir. local menu wanted, latrgwjt eelllmg t borMreiueurmesuiioiiweiveyini. nome ana prospenry. wnauu a ucuiy w vitatlon this year is more attractive than ovor Whent is hlcrher but her farm land S ll- l--A.. 1 Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta V i v M -KI it'-K v ll Jl'l it M M i ! i.i 1 X. 8 tn r, v t 1 h 'H .. 'i I in ;.'?! n 5i .i I i i i r m. -cv -.-liWwu"'',ii,' riR