The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1915, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Sunday will lie Easter.
Mrs. Ernest Welsch was in Hastings
Idaho Apples just received nt Miner
llros. Co.
Ed. Auinuk was in Uuldo Rock on
Frank Abel came down from Camp
bell Monday evening
Guy Zelgler was n passenger to
Omaha Sunday morning
Will Mountford returned home from
Orleans Sunday morning.
Tomorrow is Good Friday Are you
going to plant your potatoes?
M. W. Carter was in Nelson Monday
attonding the funeral of arolative.
For rubber boots and rubbers come
in and see us. The Ellis Shoe Store.
Miss Gertrude Uood is spending her
vacation at Cowles with her parents.
$50,000 to loan on real estate
security. L. P. Amnion r.
Editor A. B. McArthurof this pupor
was In Hastings Monday on builni'M.
Miss Louise Schumacher left Friday
evening for Orleans to spend hor va
cation with her parents.
Miss Grace Shcrer, who Is teaching
school near Uivorton, was home Satur
day visiting her mother.
Miss Kathryn Burke left Saturduy
morning for Walnut, Iowh, to spend
her vacation with her parents.
The Misses Chaplin and Ilolcotnb of
Lincoln were guests nt the M. W.
Carter home the last of the week
Howard Foe and Charles Sherer
arrived home Friday from Lincoln to
spend their vacation with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roborts re
turned home Sunday morning from
Imperial, where they had been visit
ing relatives.
Fred Phares, who is attending the
state unlvorslty at Lincoln, came borne
Monday evening to spend his vacation
with his mother, Mis. Phares.
Lester. A mack, Francis Lippencott,
Everitt Coon, Cecil Crowell aud Almo
Clutter accompanied by Prof. Boehr,
go to Lincoln the last of the week to
Dsrticinste In jui agricultural indln
contest, which. 1s to "be held at, that
place, and will be taken part in by
sonoo.s tipum nmrnmMytmv&
"!!, If .11 I ll 'I l ' ii.ii i ip i. i i ! ... I
For the Easter Season
Our Lines in All Sections Are Attractive
There is Simmons Gloves for
you that will complete your
costume in a distinctive way.
Staple and novelty colors in
cluding putty and sand.
ror Kaatmr Wear
It is useless to look for Better
Shoes. There is nothing better
made in the United States.
We have many that will in
terest you in our stock.
Agents Green
- F- G. TuFDare S Son 5,
Review ,
Patterns Purchases
Tndty Is April Fool's Day.
Tom Auld of Omaha was In town
Frank M Zfi- catno down from Hast
ings Monday i wiling,
The MIsms Myru Cook and Battle
Christian were In Hastings Friday.
FOR SALE 800 bushels of ear corn.
C. F. PiunES.
Mrs. J. A. Burden and Miss Jem
berg went to Kansas City the ilrst of
the week.
The Misses Fy Tcel and Margaret
Bcal are homo from Lincoln to spend
their vacation.
Henry Phares is expected homo Sat
urday, om Central City to spend
Kaster with his mother.
Dell WellB and daughter, Mabel, of
Edmonds, Kansas, spent the last of tbo
week In the city with Cbns. Robinson
and wife.
Harvey Rickerson, the popular bar
ber at Mercer's shop, was a pabsenger
Sunday morning on No. 13 for Orleans,
where ho spent the day with a friend?
Sheriff Hedge was in Hastings
Thursday. He taken a woman from
the north part of the county to the
Inglcside hospital.
FOR SALE One potato planter,
cutter, sprayer, digger and sorter, $30;
one now John Dccre truck wagon, one
18-ft. hay rack, nno new, ball bearing
irrimUtonr-, 525; one slightly used
Kl-lii. Kingman sulky plow, 3. (5oo
The lied Cloud High S hold Debating
'IVam consisting of Nettle Springer,
Florence tlohiituu iitnl limner Fully,
will go to Itlue Spiings, April tit Ii, to
debate with the High School ut that
place o i the subject, "tJoverninenl
Ownership of Kill KoirK" The team
will be accompanied by Miss Utah
Frauk Abel, who has bei'ii one of
the popular and obliging clerks in
Miner llros. Co., grocery depirtmeiif. I
for several j ears, has resigned his posi-1
tlon and has accepted a position in a I
lumber yard nt Campbell. The Chief,
along with Frank's many friends here
wish him success aud hope to hear of
him buying h yard in the near fu'ure
As bis birthday came on March 17,
and, we presume from his name, Edi
tor McArthur of the Red Cloud Chief
felt mighty friendly to the patron saint
of the Emerald Isle, St. Patrick, cele
brated by it-suing his weekly paper
nrlntAfl In fyrtnn Inlr. ttfUnit Mm
Arthur is giving the DemooratH of
Webster county a( good paper and Is
meeting with success -Superior Ex-
101 oJdsjao, 03 m!)rfJ a;BI
Unuiji. JiiJ )u iiAi I'jilJg
of Spring
Wash Goods
consist s of
Voiles, Organ
dies, Flaxons,
Dimities, Mad
ras, etc. Many
in 39 and 40-in
widths. These
goods are also
priced at popu
lar prices. Per
15 to 23c
Light, med
ium and dark
Next Tuesday Is city election.
The Best of Shoes "Queen Quality" nt
Miner Bros I o.
Miss Mary Christian wns a Hastings
visitor Thursday. '
FOR RENT A good 5-ronm liouso
Hutchison & Saltuleu. adv
20 percent, discount on Wall Paper
and Paint E. S (larber.
Have you seen those line spring Shoes
and Oxfords at Miner Bros Co.?
Georgo Warren went to Lincoln and
Omaha the (list of tho week on busi
ness. George Hadcll has accepted ii posi
tion In Walter Marshall's grocery
Several of our stores have their win
dows nicely decorated iu keeping with
The assessor will soon bo calling on
you to find out how much you arc
The Red Cloud band is going to put
on another play in the opotu hoiiHO in
the near future.
Roy Oat man returned homo Monday
evening from Saronvlllc, where ho
spent Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. Hoy Oatmuti returned homo
Wednesday evening from Saronvlllc,
where she had been visiting relatives
Charley Uclgle has loslgued his posi
tion In Walter .Marshall' grocery
store and will move his family to
l-'oit Morgan, Colo, where he will
Leonard Uollicr, who is attending
the state mil verslty at Lincoln, came
home Miluiduy evening to spend his
vacation with lib prreuts, Ed. Ileiher
and wife
I Misses Dessio Taylor and Marie
Hollister, who arc attending the state
tiuivuisity at Lincoln, arrived home
' the last of the week to spend their va
cation with home folks.
I Lew Beers, who for some time past
. has been the brukemnn on the Red
I Cloud and Hastings passenger train,
lias been tratiifered to McCjok and is
now the brnkeman on trnius 15 and 10.
The Odd Fellows lodge will meet
Monday evening nt 8 o'clock In their
new hall and all members are request
ed to bo present. The'hall has recent
ly been repainted and cleaned lupuanri
they now have tho best lodge room, in
WANTED A good steady gentle
manlv salesman to handle a Ward's
. .,,.., ...
w"un m !"T"r . .'
No ex peri-'
ence nee fled. Jjor lull particulars
writeVNftVly "Dr. Ward's Mtfdical
Company, Winona, Minn. EstaMMhed
V I -
aoaa f
W . .li" " Tk t T-7j
The new things in Spring Cloaks
at attractive prices. From
96.50 to $14.00
New Colors as Well as Staples
Bring in your cream and buy coal.
J. O. Caldwell.
A. IlV Knley of Lincoln is in town
thls'Wl'ek visiting relatives.
(icorgo Harris shipped two cars of
eat tin to Kansas City Wednesday.
Order your Lettuce, Radishes, Celory
and other vegetables from Miner Bros
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McFnrland re',
turned home from Hustings Tuesday
Our spring stock of shoes have arriv
ed and they are beauties. The Ellis
Shoe Store.
Mrs. Flora Tcel of Quick, Nobr ,
visited with O 0. Teel and wlto the
Ilrst of the week.
Several of the farmers from here at
tended Ed. Crary's sale north of Guide
Rock Wednesday.
Miss Flossie MuKimmey left this
morning for a short visit with friends
at Bird City, Kunsns.
no to .Miner iiros. uo,, ror nil your
wants in Women's Wear aud In Dry
Goods, Groceries and Shoes.
Aucil Crablll shipped a mixed car oj
stock to St. Joe Wednesday. Win
Crablll accompanied tho shlpmoiit.
Howard Ailes express messenger of
the Red Cloud and Hastings passenger
train Is enjoying a vacation this week
Mrs. J. O. Liudley tetiirned home
Wednesday morning from Culbertsou,
where she had been visiting relatives.
Spring Suits! Spring Coats! Spring
Skirts! Spriug Dress Goods! Every
thing new for Spring at Miner Bros.
Miss Minnie Christian, pilucipal of
the Lincoln school, left Saturday
morning for St, Joe to spend her vaca
tion. Miss Belle Ilumlltou of Guide Rock
was In town the last of the week visit
ing her brother, W. O. Hamilton and
Beach Robertson was iu Mindeu
Friday where he secured a saddle horse
for his brother, Will. Uu rodo the
horse home.
Mrs. D. M. Abel returned home Tues
day evening from Hebron where she
had been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
W. W. Wright.
. Attorney E. U. Caldwell wu a pass
enger to Kansas City aud Slater,
Missouri, Sunday, to visit his aunt,
who is very ill.
The following shipped stock Sunday
to Kansas City: Weesuer & Koontz, 2
cars of hogs; Delaney Bros., 1 car of
cattle and 1 c'vWbMlogS; Frank Bean,
'fl'carS'ofcalMW'Mi 'ail bna
Si.-Mtrnn riJiw lm nmw idrl ,bi
JlUltjMjnMiilr Ik HlH.iyL !
I uFl
-Next Tuesday the -rotera-will d
f ' - i
mine the 'character of;:lW Clou
Mfc 'ilJll'i ?E ueiinll nr.t hif
'Ii rot tiajfl'jlfxilg id! thtami n,
p, mww;mawflTiimr' i
Vr ui men av oumiHy.BiLHriiuuQ
Mrs. Sullivanto.HU 'equally Jarge nuin
ber of women. '
Will your vot,e make a liceuse town
of Red Cloud? '
Interest in the Revival grows with
eacli service.
,-lf you vote for license aud the town
goes wet- you are an accomplice iu
crime aud equally guilty with the
More than fifty persons have been
converted. Have you lent a baud?
A saloon in a towu does not reduce
tax. Each dollar of revenue costs nine.
Our publio schools are a valuable
asset and do you know that statistics
show saloon towns have less boys in
the High school than the dry ones?
Rev. Sullivan will be with us uutll
Monday when he must return to Lin
coln to register.
If you bring the saloon to Red Cloud
will your boy patronize It?
The church is an institution for sav
ing meu, the saloon is an institution
for destroying them. You stand for
one or the other.
Meetings each afternoon at 3 o'clock
for prayer and at 4 for girls and at the
same hour one for boys.
Rev. Sullivan will tell the story of
his life Sunday afternoon at the opera
house at 3:30 p. m. Everybody invited.
The Epworth League will hold a six
o'clock service Sunday morning to
which everybody Is invited. The bell
will ring at 5:30.
In wet Missouri one farmer In a
hundred and in dry Kansas one in five
owns his own automobile.
C. L. Mvkks.
Take a '
', Tonight
'It will act as a laxative In the
N morning
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
The New Hardware Store
As Spring Is now here we would like
to have you call and look over our
Garden Tools, We carry nothing but
the be-t aud our prices are right. We
also have u nice liro of OH Stoves,
Kitchen Cabinet-, Washing Machines,
Conk Stnvfs, Sewing Machines aud
most anything in the hardware lino.
How to Secure
the Booster securing the greatest number of coupons before the
close of tho Booster Clirii campaign. Thirty days' notlco of close
will bo given. Iu case of a tie for any premium, tho premium will
bo sold and money divided.
REMEMBER It will not cost you one penny more to trade with
us. Our prices stay Justus low besides, we olfer many special bar
gains. Our goods will stJJI be of the snme thoroughly rellablo
quality. There Is overy reasdn why you should do nil of your trad
ing at our store. Booster Coupons given for cash purchases or in
settlement of old uccouuis. .
The premium will arrlvo in a few days. Watcli for it and como
io our Bioro to ee it.
Enter Your Name or tjie Name
tho Booster Club and Commence
of any person aotlwriy connected
join iiiu nooster (Jinn.
See the Ad next week which will
MunIc each Saturday Afternoon.
wait on you.
Booster Club Store
I wish to iiomluute us a member in your Booster Club
I understand this Is merely a nomination, aud docs not obligate
me in any way
(Only olio to a member)
(Kill out, cutout and mall or
. samnlc nomination counou.)
IJhe Qoaiden-Kaley Qlotbing (jo. I
The Booster Store I
74EwKV lBSBRMSBlMklHiHHnr k m JpVV
Mm r n o n ill
P" af--"llwuiMbMH 111 III
Costless by $285 than any other car K In its M
' elaas. Easy to underateml and easy r to
operate. ' See us and learn, how you will get
a rebate of from $40 to $60 on a Ford Car
Touring Car $490 - Roadster $440
Rmd Cloud ... Quid Rock
If You
Deposits Guaranteed
p )
JBWaga--; ' ,i ' " i in,
. j
A little slip, An Income stepped
A heavy fall, A month or two.
A broken limb Had he Insured,
No, thats not all. Motor the fall,
A doctor's bill, Tho Travelers would
The rent past due. Have paid It all.
(ver Storey's Clelhla Stare)
In. 241 ami 173 tell 121
This Piano Free
Cut out tho coupon' in this
advertisement, Ull it In prop
erly, mall or bring It to our
store; got your friends to buy
aud have your friends to get
their friends to buy. Collect
nil their Booster coupons and
place them to your credit In
our Booster Club ballot box.
With your friends' help you
con secure several hundred
dollars' wortli of Booster
coupons every month. This
capital prlzo will bo given to
of Some Friend
as a momber in
No near relative.
with our store will bo allowed to
explain how to get the Booster
Listen to Music whllo the clerks
bring to our store or use this as a
i rD
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
by State Guaranty Fund
r it
4 i
' I,
George W. Trine
'!tLlkiutiJ.ii.'.-!:iJtvi L-ta-i&t J '
t.iTit m
it J . rt-