RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mtmnmrtmMim) arm UHivmnrM mmKr aaxrvmemmtnamtraman (J 1 1 ' I I I 1 ANNOUNCEMENT (W) Having purchased tho B. E. McFarland grocery store, and taken possession of the same, I wish to announce that I intend to carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, as well as alt kinds of fresh vegetables in season, "r Trusting to merit the patron age of all the old patrons of the store, I invite the public to (J CALL AND SEE ME D Walter W. fdarshall HARD COAL USERS WE NOW HAVE PLENTY OF PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WINTER IHE MALONE-AVERY GO. "Talk With Us About Coal Service" ..MUSICAL.. GIVEN flY BANDMASTER HETZ UNDER Tim AU3PICES OF THE KED CLOUD CONCERT UAND OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, MARCH 19 "J Tliomii Allen A. Tliomii Heniy Fillmore R. M. Stulti Von Suppe AT N.tlO O'UMICK ORCHESTRA PART I. Mirch-',Got'Em" Raymond Overture Lotus Trombone "The Birdi nd The Brook" "Mornins. Noon and Ninlil," Overture. "Dance of the Goblini," llesciiptive Faotsim, - Rccket Loraine Jynop,)i: A . . Adagio ' Near 12 o'clock midnight. Cricketi and nightbirdi are heard. The iteeple clock itriket the hour. Moderato Coblini aisemble at the old church yard. Alegro Mollo They begin to dance. Alegro Vivace (Shot) Frightened by the watchman' piilol. Moderato They return. Alegro Mollo Dance again. Alegro (Jig Tempo) They dance luelcr ihcn beforr. Steamboat whittle. Alegro Con luoco (Putol Shot.) 'I he ircoiid hol fr ghlens them away, Uniterm',- in nil direction! Xylet'l one ?o!o "Splitiin' Word" "Dccislcck ni d Oniom" Rnvmnnd Ti'imirc Cowlui) Capri i Cli.v.iclcriCic Mnrcc Whittling, "l ill ng and Shoctitift. PART II. I IcraM Trumpil Dilute "Swim Hoy" M. A. Wetter J. t. llcl Violin Duette Selected Geo. Overlteje - Allifon Coudtn 1'iano Solo (a) To Spring, (b) Hnddl I'locctnon - Greig Mrs. Ida iMiuuri Trombone Solo Coriomnn Polka John Klohr Glen Foe Clarinet Solo- Delectn - T. 1 1. KoUinton Chnrle A Meicrr Violin Solo Mazutka De Col ceil. Otide Mutiu J. E; Heli Cornet Solo "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp " Grand 1'antaiian T. 1 1. Hollinion M. A. Mirccr Admission j$c to Ml P. M. I lacker Mac Niemer Tho. 5. Allen Paul IlcVille ME RED CLOUD CHIEF RoJ Clovid, Nobranlco. UMSMIO) KXT.KV THUUHPAY iitirnl In tlu l'(Hl II (( nt but I loud, .SlI). as Ht-ujnil I'lntm MiUlir V It. MrAUTIIUU ntK UNI.Y DKMOOHATIO I'AI'KH IN WKHH1 Ml COUNTY Our leaders will notice that wo uro wealing green this issue. Tills is be cause the editor him a birthday today mid In- is glad to celebiatu vv 1 tit good old St. Patrick. We rather fancy the color nt nil times but just now itespec hilly looks good to tis "Mny you nil llvo long mid prosper." Tho roatls of this county lire in tho wotHt condition thuy have over been nlticu tho whlto matt uirivcJ, Chuck holeh liub deep aro very frequent u condition thought impossible itt this country. This makes hauling very tllfllctilt and traveling is very slow. There will bo work for all tho road overseers just as soon as the weather clours. The Boonor these roads are fixed tile bettor it will be for ub nil. Someone vory thoughtlessly smeared grcaso tho other night on tho cart be longing to (Jlarenoo Lewis. It might have been done in the spirit of mis chief but it Is mighty poor .mischief. Tho proporty is his and his right to it should bo respected. And this reminds us that there are too many gibes and thrusts indulged in on our city streets. Most of this Is thoughtless but it hurts just the same. No gentleman will join n crowd that picks ou one of his follow townsmen. Wo trust none of our citizens od whom Cecil Matthews, editor of tho River ton Itovievv, litis heaped his "mud" feel in tho least hurt thoroby. His insults an, in reality,compliments. He abuses anyone, whether acquainted with him or not, if by so doing he can futlhor his owu selfish ends. Ills "mud" is for anyone who wishes to uso it for political purposes or other wise, and it has been so used on sev eral occasions, to the disci edit of those who employed It. It is impossible toestfmatu tho value of tills vast blatiUot of snow that! fell over the DakotHs, Nebraska, Kilt&ufc, and Iowa. All ready it has given thousands of men omploymcht in the cities just at the time whontliey need ed it trio-it." The ground is wet down ti distance of five or mote feot which uill make the iirst crop of alfalfa, boost tho wheat so that it will not need more than one rain to mature it and the soil is in splendid condition for spiing woik. The outlook at this time Is cci Utility blight. Hie t& rimer IR-mi BSUS Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska The Store That Sells Wooltex If dollars count with you- you will surely have a Wooltex coat or suit Women who are economical are among the greatest admirers of Wooltex garments. They know by experience that Wooltex gives more pleasurable wear than ordinary gar ments made in the ordinary way. They can tell you how much this label means. hTue1LBuckCompanij V PARlS.CltVtLANOV 31 It will be found inside the collars and waist bands of garments designed by America's most skillful style artists. Never extreme or freakish, Wooltex gar ments appeal to the woman who appreciates apparel that conforms to the season's correct style tendencies and may be worn for at least a full season with the assurance that it is always in good taste. And then, Wooltex clothes are so carefully made that they will retain their handsome trim--ness, their smart individuality and their fresh ness much longer than garments less skillfully tailored. Judge them by 'your own standards of garment making and you will see why Wooltex garments are for women who make dollars count. 1711 Copyright 1015 The II Illack Co. Suit No. 1711 -A choice spring model for mioses nntl young women. Jacket litis sti night box-like effect; is 22 inches long in front with partial belt; has '27-inch panel bach trimmed across bottom with closely set Muttons de tachable white over collar; full petiu de "cygne lined. Shirt Ian new-circular model gathered to yolce at sides. Wooltex garments are sold in Webster county only at The Miner, Bros. Co. of Red Cloud 'jy '- -"''' WOOLTEX COATS WOOLTEX SKIRTS WOOLTEX- SUITS In our account of the business men n dinner by tho domestic science class last week wo omitted uiuklnj,' mention ot the hand sewing whitli was on display This was duo in l,., of spsee Since Hint time we hnvi I . ,i.t this work highly iiiiisul Tliei. ws gaiiiient tifler giiinient hung nio.n.d tho loom which showed illllin'e pa si and gient kill ami thee called fuith tho iidiiiiiatioii of all the men M ss Thornton who has chin ge of this dc-ptu-tiiieiit is a most competent ai d ellieieiil instiuctoi as undone eoul ImO by uMimin'iig tho dihda Now is the lime to think of Painting and Cleaning, not only outside the house, but inside also. SewalFs Chemically Pure Paint F-rrr?.- n rrn i tAiiYi ur an ujsan ur "j cannot be surpassed for SPREADING and durability. I Sewali's Interior Paint j for walls is the finest wall paint in the market. CI II u NAMEL Varnish and Stain for your finishing work has m been used here so long it is a household word. They B are all sold by I CHAS. L. COTTING Z The Drufcist Now thiit tlio Ice is hitikcii we trust that the bnitnl of ediicaiioii will each hear in the ftituie call an uieetitig of the pat i oils of the schools That theie was nut as huge an atlei.d auce us was i H'itcil may In explained hi n 1 1 I y the condition of the mails and in pint bic.mse not turjmo knew what tho natiiic of the meeting was to be. ' HimeU'i, a meeting of this kind would give the hotiid a means of llniing out what I hit public sentiment is ami WH-aio sure that nil lioaidx desiici. can j out the wishes of the dtsttk't it thej had ui.v moans uf itceitiiliiing whit tho-e wishes aro The idea is all nulit, but will our po.iple use it? 1 JiBlMiin II Ml BAKING POWKSR I m w JjS TWWl UT- i ricc s uream "QKingr a a Qa cCiir-ClL Povdor contains no alum or 5 I IBiJ! '&.-'': ..: "' '"--V liine ohosDhate. -- it H . 'J V;1 V ;i::::" 4r 1 'v V" ."!!" Chemists have shown that a large tjj I BSBtuh" ' '' ''," 'f&ftTt-rjl percentage of tho chemicals of which Qui I BBfflBKnC,!",V,'",',--'"r(& alum baking povders are made gfl I Hiffl3BEV'?:S ''VfSKitl remains in the food in the form of H sireSj jm PfflMi Glauber's salt, hydrate of aluminum I HllllHllWsMlli nly'J an ot-ler impurities. H UHllly M Bui Roaci tho label on thc can" ReJ'ect I EMBBBB aP Ksff Q baking powder unless the label H H mMmMi&i shows cream of tartar. H &--69 1. ibti'in ohscniis state that tho Iimsoii cattlH ate silling low on the market at the piesent time iA btcauo the laboiing man in the cities Ihcatiug no tut at. Tho icasoii for this is be cause the mills uio ncailv all itinniiig on light bhitthiiud ho has no tnony with which to puicluibo meat. The remedy has been pointed out and It will worh if utllicd and that Is for (thc fuimcia whoUnow wiiatniiicl.liieijr thev in going 10 iifcd to placo their 01 decs with the local dealers now fur future delivi'iy The tlealeih will .semi in thxic tuilcis. the mlllfi will begin to turn, the latioiei will luv iiioiiey. he will buj tiiHiti, this will cuiute a'ltet I'tiil the pi ice will advance. It is wot tli 1 1- 1mi. IM&URANG EVERY KNOWN K51UD O.tts to (ircw Twenty varieties of oil's llS'etl at the Nebnisli i;.petlim'lit ,Stlllloii show that the eatl.v vaihtles outjleld Od tho late vtuletlth ll hlishelsan unit The eaily vittletles which tlpenot l.ily II, ou tint iivuiiige, jiulded !t'i '. loi-'ln Ih while lltiisn that ripened on duly '.'ll pioduced about 10 J bushels KheiMiu. Hurl ami Te.vis licit ate atuong the eutlj vatlties that proved best. Among tilt) lute vntieties, the l.b coin imts linvo givin tho hebt re stills. About uu'ht pechs an aero gives the best lesulth when ICheison outs ate dillted mid iihoiit 10 pecks an ueie vv hon thoy arc sown Inoiuk'imt Vat ieties with laruei gntliiH itipiiio a cor icspondlngly heavier into of recdlnp. THE OFFICE WHERK YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME G. Mo VanCamp Ovir Store's L'lothliii Sion: If You Aro Nervous find nro losing tv eight, wo recommend that you tako ygexogg. oiivooii vWhwm tmuision contammi lJjpophotphtti for a short time. A prc5cri)tioa which w BlAtlly endorse.. H. E. Grice Drug Co. Do Mot Cripo ' Wo Imvo n iU -uuht l.iMitivo thr.t will no ji.-t what you want it to do. JVo sir-il tbousttiida of them nntl wo lmv o never tren a better rrmfdy for tho bowels, bold only Ly us, 10 cents. H. E. Grice Drug Co. "$ ,,' a ' 'A .. . S I Wf