yrir-?t-- ,:..;. ji St ru Swfc-.r t A RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF '1 1 fi muummm m m i im b I The Last Shot BY 1 FREDERICK PALMER (Copyright. 1914, by 14 SYNOPSIS. At tliclr lioinn on the frnnili-r Ih-Iwci'ii tlio llrownti nml nrnjH Murtu (liillnnil and nor iimtlmr, rnlf rluliiltiK Colonel Wrutir llriK of llin (IruNH, see ('iitiiln I.tiiiHtrun 'of tlio Drowns Injured liy u full In hit 'luiroiiliitm. Ton years later VrnterlliiK, lioriillinl vlro but nml chief of ntntT. re-en-forc Hfititli I .a Tlr nix! meditates on war. Mnrtti tolls lititi of lier ti'Hi'hltiK children Tlio follies of wiir mill martini patriotism, wild Iickh lilm tu prevent wnr while ho Ih chief or Rturr. I-miHtion cfiIIh on Murtu it her lionii', Shu tlln l.tinslron Unit she, ,lelleve I'Vllcr, tlio Knrdener, to lm u Hiy. J.tiintrnn contonscii it H true mid hIiowh Tier ii telephone which Kollor Iiiih con t'civled In a si'crct pnssnKu under tin' tower lnr use to benollt thu Hiohiih In war MK'Wiiclos. Umstron ileel.ires his lovo for Alurlii. Westerllng and tin (Jray pre-' mlcr ilan to usu u trivial Inteiiiiitlotml iiffulr to foment warlike patriotism mid utrllto before declaring war. 1'arluw, Jlrown chief of BtnfT, ruvctilH lilt plans to iLatiNlron, tnnde vlcn chlof. Tim dray army crosses tlm border linn nml iittnckH. Thn Hiowns chech them. Artlllury, In ijnntry, aeroplanes and dirigibles engage iMurtu has her llrnt ullmpsn of war In Its modern, cold, selentllle, mtirduroiin bru jallty. Tim Urowns full back to tho Oul land hniiHO. Mnrtn sees a night attach. Tim flrays nttaeh In force. Keller leaves liln secret telephone mid goes bach to his uns. Hnnil to hand fighting. Tho Brown tfall baeh again. Mnrtn asks J.nnslron over ttle phono to appeal to 1'nrtow to stop tho -lighting. ViimlallHin In the (lalland house. Westerllng and his stun" occupy the (lal land house and ho begins to woo Mnrtn, Jvlm apparently throwH her fortunes with Jhe Grays and offerH vuhiahlo Information. Htm calls up Lnnstron on thn secret tele B'linno ninl plans to give Westcrllng Infor mation that will trap tlm (Jray army. CHAPTER XV Continued. "Yob?" tho monosyllnblo was de tached, dismal, labored. "A womnn enn bo that!" hIio exclaimed In an un certain tone, which grow Into tho dls truction of clipped words and broken Hontences. "A woman play-acting a woman acting tho most revolting hy pocrisy Influences tho Issue between two nations! Her deceit deals In tho lives of hoiib precious to fathers and mothers, tho fnto of frontiers, of Insti tutions! Think of It! Think of ma chines costing countless millions ma chines of flesh and blood, with their destinies shaped by ono llttlo bit of lying Information! Think of tho folly of any civilization that stakes Its tri umphs on such u gamblo! Am I not fight? Isn't it truo? Isn't it?" "Yos, yes, Marta! Hut I" If dho were weakening It was not his yluco to try to strengthen her purpose "It will tho sooner end fighting, ' won't It, Lanny?" the asked In a mall, tense voice. "Yes." "And the only real end that means real poaco is to prove that tho weak can hold back tho strong from their threshold?" "Yes." Even now Westcrllng might bo on tho voranda, perhaps waiting for novs that would cnablo him to crush tho weak; to provo that tho law of live pounds of human flesh against three, and llvo bayonets against three, Is tho law of civilization. 1 "Yes, yes, yes!" Tho cottHtrlctlon was gono from hor throat; there was a drum-beat in her soul. "Depend on mo, Lanny!" It was Feller's favorite phraso spoken by tho one who was to tako his place. "Yes, I'm ready to mako any sacrlflco now. For what nm 1? What Is ono woman compared to tiuch a purposo? I don't euro what Is said of mo or what bocomes of mo if wo can win! Good-by, Lanny, till I call you up again! And God with ub!" "God with us!" as Partow had Bald, over and ovor. Tho snylng hud conio to bo repeated by hard-headed, ngniyi tlo stnff-offlcors, who believed that tho deity had no relation to tho olllciency of guu-llre. Tho Drown Infuntrymen evon wero beginning to mutter It in tho midst of action. Waiting on tho path of tho second terrace for Westcrllng to como, Marta realized tho full meaning of her task. Day in and day out she was to liavo suspense at her elbow nml tho horror of hypocrisy on her conslciieo, the whilo keeping hor wits nicely bal anced. Whon sho saw Westcrllng ap pear on tho veruuda uud start over thu lawn sho felt dizzy ami uncertain of her capabilities. "I huvo considered all that you have Bald for my guidance aud I havo de cided," sho began. Sho heard her own volco, with tho relief of a singer In a debut who, with knees shaking, flnds that hor notes aro truo. Sho was looking directly at Westcrllng In profound sorlousnees. Though knees shook, lips and chin couldalu, oyes in revealing tho pain ful'Tatlguo of a battlo that had raged In tho mind of a woman who wont away for half an hour to think for herself. "I havo concluded," sho wont on, "that It Is an occasion for tho sac rlflco of prlvato ethics to a great pur poso, tho Boonor to ond tho slaugh ter." "All true!" whispered an inner voice. Its tono was Lanny's, In tho old days of their comradeship. It gavo hor strength. All truo! "Yos, an end a speedy ond!" eald Westcrllng with a lino, inllexlblo em phasis. "That is your prayer and mine and tho prayer of all lovors of humanity." "It Is llttlo that I know, but such as It is you shall havo It," sho began, conscious of his guarded scrutiny. When Bho told him of Bordlr, tho weak point In tho first lino of the Charles Scribncr's Sons) Urowns' defense, sho noted no chango In his steady look; but with tho men tion of L'ngadlr In tho main lino sho detected a gleam lit his oyes that had tho merciless delight of a cutting edge of Btoel. "I havo made my sac rifice to some purpose? Tho Infor mation Is worth Homclhlng to you?" sho asked wistfully. "Yes, yes! Yes, It promises that way," ho replied thoughtfully. Quietly ho began n considerate cate chism. Soon sho was subtly under standing Hint her nnswers lacked tho convincing details that ho eought. Sho longed to avert hor eyes from his for an Instant, but sho knew that this would bo fatal. Sho fult tho force of him directed In professional channels, frco of nil personal relations, beat ing as a strqng light on hor bare state ments. How could a woman ever havo learned two such vital secrets? How could It happen that two such critical points ns Ilordlr and Engndlr should go undefended? No tactician, no cnglncor but would havo realized their strategic Importation. Did sho know what sho was saying? How did sho get her knowledge? Thcso, sho understood, wero tho real questions that underlay Westorllng's pollto In direction. "Hut I havo not told you tho sources of my Information! Isn't that llko n woman!" sho exclaimed. "You see, it did not concern mo nt all at the time I heard It. I didn't oven realize Its Importnnco and I didn't hear much," sho proceeded, her introduc tion giving tlmo for Improvlzatlon. "You seo, I'nrtow was Inspecting tho premises with Colonel Lanstron. My mother had known I'nrtow In hor younger days whon my grandfather was premier. Wo hnd them both to luncheon." "Yes?" put In Wosterllng, betraying his eagerness. Partow and Lanstron! Tlion hor sourco was ono of authority, not tho gossip of subalterns! "And It occurs to mo now that, oven while ho was our guest," sho Inter jected in sudden Indignation "that even whilo ho was our gueBt Partow was planning to mako our grounds a redoubt!" "After luncheon I remembor Partow saying, 'Wo are going to have a look nt tho crops," and they went for a walk out to tho knoll whero tho fight ing began." "Yes! When was this?" Westerllng asked keenly. "Only about six weeks ago," an swered Marta. "Later, I camo upon them unexpect edly after thoy had returned," she wont on. "They wero sitting there on Hint seat concealed by tho shrubbery. 1 was on tho ternlco steps unobserved "I'm Going on My Experience as a Soldier." and I couldn't hulp overhearing them. Their voices grew louder with tho In terest of their dlscusslou. I caught eomethlng about appropriations and aeroplanes and Bordlr and Engndlr, and saw that Lanstron was pleading with his chief. Ho wanted a sum ap propriated for fortifications to bo ap pliod to building planes and dirigibles. Finally, Pnrtow consented, aud I re call his oxnet words; 'They'ro shock ingly archaically defonded, especially Engndlr,' ho said, 'but thoy can wait until wo get further appropriations in tho fall!'" Sho was bo far under tho Bpell of her own Invention that sho bclioved tho reality of her words, ro fleeted in her wide-open oyes which Bcomod to havo nothing to hldo. "That Is all," alio exclaimed with a shudder "all my eavesdropping, all ray breach of confidence! If if it" and hor volco trembled with the in tensity of tho ono purposo that was shining with tho light ot truth through tho murk of hor deception "It will if- only help to end tho slnughtcr!" Sho held out her hand convulsively In parting np If sho would leave the rest with him. "I think It will," he said soberly. "I think It will provo that you have done a great eorvlce," ho ropeated ns ho caught both hor hands, which wero cold from hor ordeal. His own wore warm with tho strong beating of his heart stirred by tho promlso of what ho had just heard. Hut ho did not prolong tho grasp. Ho was an eager to bo awny to'hls work an sho to bo alonn. "I think it will. You will know In tho morning," ho nddod. Ills steps wero Bturdler than over In tho powor of flvo ngnlnst threo ns ho started back to tho houso. When ho reached tho veranda, Houchard, the saturnine chief of Intelligence, ap peared In tho doorway of tho dining room; or, rather, reappeared, for ho had beonstnndlng thero throughout tho Interview of Westerllng and Mnrta, whoso heads wore Just vislhlo, abovo tho terraco wall, to his hawk oyes. "A llttlo promonado in tho open and my mind mado up," said Westerllng, clapping Houchard on tho shoulder. "Something nbout an attnek to night?" nsked Houchnrd. "You guess right. Call tho others." Flvo minutes later ho was seated nt tho head of the dining-room table with lilo chiefs nround him waiting for their chairman to speak. He asked somo categorical questions almost per functorily, and tho answer to each was, "Ileadyl" with, In somo Instances, u qualification tho qualification mado by rcglmontnl and brigade command ers that, though thoy could take tho position in front of them, tho cost would bo heavy. Yes, all wero willing and ready for tho first general assault of tho war, but thoy wanted to stato the cofits as a mattor of professional self-defense Westcrllng could poso when It served his purpose. Now he roso and, going to ono ot tho wall maps, indi cated a point with his forefinger. "If wo got thnt wo havo tho most vltul position, haven't wo?" Somo uttered a word of nssent; somo only nodded. A glanco or two of curiosity was exchanged. Why should tho chief of staff nek so ele mentary a question? Westerllng was not unconscious of tho glances or of their meaning. They gavo dramatic valuo to his next remark. "Wo aro going to mass for our main attack In front at Bordlr!" "But," exclaimed four or five offi cers at onco, "that Is the heart of tho position! That is " "I bellovo it Is weak that It will fall, und tonight!" "You havo information, then, Infor matlon that I havo not?" asked Bou chard. "No more than you," replied Wester ling. "Not as much if you have any thing now." "Nothing!" admitted Bouchard wryly. Ho lowered his head under Wester ling's penetrating look In the con sciousness of failure. "I am going on a conviction on putting two and two together!" Wes terllng announced. "I am going on my cxperlenco as a soldier, as a chief of staff. If I am wrong, I tako the re sponsibility. If I am right, Bordlr will bo ours bofore morning. It Is settled!" "If you aro right, then," exclaimed Turcus "well, then It's genius or" Ho did not finish tho sentence. Ho had been about to say coincidence; while Westerllng know that if ho were right all tho rising skepticism in cer tain quartors, owing to tho delay in his program, would bo silenced. Ills prestige would bo unassailable. CHAPTER XVI. ' Marking Time. Soon after dark tho attack began. Plashes from gun moutliB and clow- lug shoots of ilamo from rifles mado ugly revelry, while tho benms of search-lights swept hither and thither. ThlB kept up till shortly nfter mid night, when it died down and, whero noirs concert lind raged, silent dark ness Bhrouded tho hills. Marta know that Bordlr was taken without having to ask Lanstron or wait for confirma tion from Westerllng. Sho was seated in the recess of tho arbor tho next morning, when eho heard the approach of thoso regular, powerful Btops whoso character had become as distinct to her as thoso of a member of hor own family. Five against threo! flvo against three! they wero saying to her; whilo down tho pass road and the castlo road ran tho stream of wounded from last night's slaughter. Posted In tho drawing-room of tho Gnlland houso wero tho congratula tions of tho premier to Westerllng, who hnd como from tho ntmosphero ot a staff thnt nccorded to him a mili tary Insight far abovo tho analysis of ordlnnry standards. But ho was too clover a man to vaunt his triumph. Ho know how to carry his honors. Ho nccoptcd success as his duo, In a matter-ot-coureo manner that must In spire confldenco In further success. "You wero right," ho said to Marta easily, pleasantly. "Wo did It wo did It wo took Bordlr with a loss of only twenty thousand men!" Only twenty thousand! Hor revul sion at tho bald statement was re lloved by tho memory of Lanny's word ovor tho telophono nftorjjroakfast that tho Urowns had lost only five thou sand. Four to ono was a wldo ratio, sho was thinking. "Thon tho ond then peaco is so much nearer?" alio asked. "Very much nearer!" he answered earnestly, as he dropped on tho bench bestdo her. Ho stretched his arms out on tho back of tho scat and tho relaxed atti tude, unusual with him, brought Into relief a new trait of whlca she had been hitherto oblivious. Tho con queror had become simply n compan ionable man. Though ho was not sit ting close to her, yet, as his eyes met hers, sho had n desire to move awny which sho know would bo unwise to gratify. Sho was conscious of n cer tain softening charm, a mtiguetlBtn that sho had nnmutlmus felt In tho dnys when she ilrt know him. Sho realized, too, that then tho charm had not been mixed with tho Indescribable, Intlmato quullty that It held now. "In the midst of congratulations after tho position wus taken last night," he declared, "I confess that I was thinking less of success than of Its source." Ho bent on hor a look that was warm with, gratitude. She lowered her lashes before It; beforo gratltudo that made her part appear In a fresh anglo of misery. "There Beems to bo a kind of fa tality about our relations," ho went on. "I lay awako pondering it last night." "I'm Not a Human Being." HIb tono hold moro than gratitude. It had the elation of discovery. "Ho Is going to mako it harder than I ever guessed!" echoed her own thought, In a flutter of confusion. "Yes, it was strange our meeting on tho frontier in penco and then in war!" sho exclaimed at random. Tho sound of the remark struck her as too eub dued; as expectant, when her purpose was one of careless deprecation. "I have met a great many women, as you may have Imagined," ho pro ceeded. "They have passed In review. They were simply women, witty and frail or dull and beautiful, and one meant no more to me than another. Nothing meant anything to me except my profession. But I never forgot you. You planted something In mind: a memory of real companionship." "Yes, I mado tho prophecy that camo true!" she put In. This ought to bring him back to himself and hie ambitions, Bhe thought. "Yes!" he exclaimed, his body stif fening free of the back of the seat. "You realized what was in mo. You foresaw tho powor which was to be mine. Tho fato that first brought us together mado me look you up in the capital. Nojv It brings us together hero on this bench after all that has passed In tho last twenty-four houre." Sho realized that ho had drawn per cpptlbly nearer. Sho wanted to rise and cry out: "Don't do this! He the chief of stnff, tho conqueror, crushing tho earth with tho tread of llvo against three!" It was tho conqueror whom sho wanted to trick, not a man whoso earnestness was painting her deceit blacker. Far from rising, sho mado no movement at all; only looked ut hor hands und allowed him to go on, con scious of tlio force of a personality thnt mastered men and armies now warm and appealing In tho full tide of another purposo. "Tho victory that I was thinking of last night was not tho taking of Bor dlr. It was liner than any victory In war. It was selfish not for army and country, but born ot a human weakness triumphant; a human weak ness of which my career had robbed me," ho continued. "It gavo mo a Joy that oven tho occupation of tho Browns' capital could not give. I had como as an Invader and I had won your confldoncc." "In a cause!" sho Interrupted hur riedly, wildly, to top him from going further, only to find that her intona tion was such that it was drawing him on. "That fatality seemed to bo working Itself out to tho soldier bo much older than yourself In renewed youth, In nnothor form of ambition. I hoped that thero was moro than tho cause that led you to trust mo. I hoped" Was ho testing her? Was ho play ing a part of his own to mako certain that sho was not playing ono? She looked up swiftly for nnswor. Thoro wnu no gainsaying what she saw In his eyes. It was beating Into hers with, tho powor of an overwhelming mnscullno passion and a maturity of intellect as his egoism admitted a com rade to Its throne. Such Is evor tho way of a man In tho forties when tho clock strikes for him. But who could know hotter tho crnft of courtship than one of Westorllng's experience? Ho was fighting for victory; to gratify a dcslro. "I did not expect this I" the words escaped tumultously and chok ingly. Ho was bending ao close to her that she felt his breafli on her cheek burn ing hot, and sho was slckenlngly con scious that ho wns looking her over In that point-by-potnt manner which sho had felt across the tea-table at tho hotel. This horrlblo thing In his glanco sho had sometimes seen in strangers on her travels, and It had made her think that sho was wiso to carry n little revolver. She wanted to strlko him. "Confess! Confess!" cnlled nil her own self-respect. "Mako nn end to your nbasement!" "Confession, after the Browns havo given up Bordlr! Confession that makes Lanny, not Westerllng, your dupe!" came tho reply, which might havo been telegraphed into her mind from tho high, white forehead of Par tow bending over his maps. "Confes sion, betraying the cnuse of tho right against tho wrong; tho threo to tho conquering llvq! No! You aro In the thing, You may not retrent now." For a few ttecontls only the duel of nrgument thundered In her temples seconds In which her lips wero part ed und quivering and her eyes dilated with nn agitation which the man nt hor side could Interpret as ho pleased. A prompting devil a devil roused by that thing In his eyes urging" a finesse In double-dealing which only dovlls understand, niado her lips hyp notically turn In n smllo, hor eyes soften, and ent her hand out to Wes terllng In a trancellko gesture. For un Instant It rested on hla nrm with tell ing pressure, though sho felt It burn with shamo nt the point of contact. "Wo must not think of thnt now." sho said. "Wo must think of nothing personal; of nothing but your work until your work Is done!" The prompting devil had not permit ted a false note In hor voice. Her very pallor, In fixity of Idea, served her purposo. Wefiterllng drew a deop breath that seemed to expand his whole being with greater appreciation of her. Yot that harried hunger, tho hunger of a beast, was still In his glance:) (TO UK CONTINUED.) SAVING THE VENUS OF MILO Extraordinary Precautions Taken to Guard Art Treasure Impos sible to Replace. When, during tho war of 1870, the German army drew near tho French capital, one of the first measures tho Parisians took wns to place tho art treasures of the Louvre in safety. The paintings of Raphael, Titian, Paolo, Veronese, Itembrnndt and Rubens wero carefully packed and shipped to Brest. Thero they could, if necessary, bo put on shipboard and taken from the country. It was not so eusy to save the pieces of marble statuary, for their weight and fragility made them difficult to handle; but the French determined that the famous Venus of Mllo, at least, should not fall Into the hands of the Prussians. So they took her down from her ped estal and laid her in a casket carefully padded and wrapped. At night the casket was taken out through a secret door and hidden secretly In the cellar of tho police prefecture, at tho end of a certain paseageway. They walled In the cusket and clov erly gavo tho wall an appearance of great ngo aud dilapidation. In front of this wall they laid a number of val uable public documents, bo that If they should happen to bo found their Im portance would lead tho discoverers to think thero wus nothing elso hid den there. In front of tho papers thoy built another wall. Hero tho Venus of Mllo remained, much to tho distress of thoso patriotic Parisians who did not know whero she was and supposed that she had. been stolen, through the Blego of tho city by the Germans and through tho disorders of tho commune. Ono day tho prefecture caught llro and was pretty completely destroyed. Tho distress of those who knew that the Venus wns concealed thero can be imagined. As soon as tho fire was extinguished thoy hastened to tho sink ing ruins attd nfter Bomo digging found tho casket, burled in heaps of dirt and stones, hut uninjured. It is understood that tho Venus has gono into hiding again this year, not to reappear until penco is restored and Paris Is freo from danger of tho in vader. Youth's Companion. Activities of Women. Fifteen women aro seeking eeatB In tho Washington legislature. Tho former Biiltan of Zanzibar Is stranded In Pnrls with his 15 wives. Baku, Caucasus, has a population of 217,853, of whom 03,982 aro women. Under the provisions of tho will of Mrs. Emily Zoller of Now York city, her pot dog Is left $200 for his keep during tho rest of hie llfo. Toxtllo workers in Jnpan threaten to go on a strlko unless tho 32 women who wero discharged from ono of tho mills uro reinstated. To avoid tlio uso of tho name of a German town a Paris magazlno has opened a competition asking French girls to find a now name for Cologue. Helping the Youngsters. One ot tho Chicago municipal court Judgos has established a library for foreign boys in, tho boys' court. Ar rangements have been made by him with the public library to furnish books written In the natlvo tongues of tho nationalities most frequently represented In tho court. Tho Living Church. Interrupted Communication, "You don't mean to say that this is the first you'vo heard of It?" "AbBolutoly." "Why, it's the talk of tho neighbor hood." "Yos, but my wUo U away om a visit- ' ' i I A. BUS, IH, SICK "CMEIS" ) Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-ccnt box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzl. ness, coated tonguo, foul tasto and foul breath always traco them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in tho In testines, instead of being cast out of tho syBtem 1b reabsorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches tho delicate brain tlssuo It' causes con gestion nnd that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. CascarotB Immediately clcanso tho stomach, remove tho sour, undigested food and foul gases, tako tho excess bllo from tho llvor nnd carry out all tho constipated wasto matter and poisons In tho bowels. A Cnscarct to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work whilo you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your llvor and hovels regular for months. Adv. No Task for Tyros. Ono of the men nt tho front has told us how ho tried to milk a cow with out tho expected result. This is not nn ensy task for nn unprncttccd hand. Lcslio Stephen wns once on a long tramp In Switzerland, accompanied by his friend, Doctor Morgan. Thoy missed their way nnd found them selves, parched and hungry, far from any dwelling place. At length thoy came across a cow, from whom they determined to extract somo nourish ment, but lifter trying their best for an hour, each holding on to her horns in turn, they had to abandon all hopes of milk. TIiIb, remarks Doctor Mor gan, Is "ono of tho very fow occasions on which I ever Baw Stephen fairly thwarted." IMPORTANT THAT PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. The testimonial I am to give you comes unsolicited. 1 have been suffer ing fiom lumbago for ten years and at times was unable to Btand erect. A Mr. Dean of this city, taw me in my condi tion (bent over) and inquired the cause. I told him that I had the lumbago. He replied,- "If you get what I tell you to, you need not have it." I caid I would take anything for case. He said, "You get two bottles of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root and tako it, and if it docs sot fix you 0. K. I will pay for the medicine my self." I did bo and nm a well man. For five months I have been as well as could be. Before I took your Swamp-Root was in constant pain day and night. This may look liko advertising, but it seems to me most important that tho public should be made familiar with this treat ment as it is tho only one I know which is an absolute cure. I owe a great deal to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd ant anx ious that others situated as I was should know and take advantage of it. Hoping that this testimonial may be of benefit to some one, I am, J. A. ITOWTiAND, 1734 numboldt St. Denver, Colo. State of Colorado I City and County of Denver J88, Personally appeared before mc, a Notary Public in nnd for the city and county of Denver in the State of Colorado, J. A. Ilowland, known to me us tho person whoo name is subscribed to the abovo statement and upon his oath declares that it is a truo and correct statement. DANIEL IT. DRAPER. Notary PubCc. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Cv Co. Blnshomton.N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binfihamton, N. Y.,. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling nbout the kidneys and bladder. When writing, bo sure and men tion this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for mIo at all drug stores. Adv. Smallpox Stamped Out. Of 3.1G4 deaths In tho groat opt demlc In Montreal 85 per cent woro of children under ten years. It Is es timated that CO.000,000 persons died ot Binnllpox In Huropo lu tho eight eenth century. The dlscaso Is prac tically stamped out now in civilizod countries. Doctor Rotch reports that In Boston In 15 years thero has boen no death from rmallpox In children vaccinated. ' SELF SHAMPOOING With Cutlcura Boap Is Most Comfort. Ing and Btneflclal. Trial Free. Especially If preceded by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to spots of dan druff and Itching on tho scalp skin. Thcso supo-creamy emollients meet every Bkln want as well as overy toilet and nursery want in caring for tho Bkln, scalp, hair and hands. Sample each freo by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston, Sold everywhere. Adv. Wears Many Crowns. Ho ShoV a thoroughly queenly womun. Sho Yes; oven hor tooth havo gold crowuB. Town Topics. Decidedly Unneutral. Mrs. Knlcker Is your husband neu tral? Mrs. Bockcr No; ho blows np orcrj brldgo I giro. fm JJ a 'rt ', rTiiTTrTgrecre. --"iwasw:x