SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsW5TL7a7!IUSBSSBSS-i, j. , .?isss 1 i All HillIIHMatlifcilliiailMHlm''iin I . - - -" lmTE'BBRBSBMSmmJ S&'afe3 ht. pw .,-....,r-, -.- -,.,.- w.... ... .. .v-mn, iiimphriiii hwwi jo -jw1 p'i iipv"PHn' "g.iwini t 4MrvvM'iirtiwMWfiviWA ' "iiiiiwi P'piwiipjpiwuwjw "ssjsTgtrayiy'iPipwys:sjCTisyfpEsmsjs w nm mfymmwmwwwww ! WH "" " -,----.- 1 ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF L 'ES iwwi wipiiimim ! miMW.mnnmi n nnwiummn i m tuwwrJ?JJJ!2!!J ,,T!T- - iwnmn 1 ISSS&$2 I- 51 5S3SSSa Explains the Big Dividends qg$9G3S&6S636S. v:;''-' ' ,S3S8SSSSS$!E) ' & "' CM "A Smith Ci-iilivgroorr Is i- mi;iriiiir A , A 7a V- (A,.SHlllilli.att..rn('lil.Vn fi R3 3 yffl SK M 3S2M P fW IE fi IVi $?( "3fcv n ( ' . nliT Iii-hmj mill mlvt-riUInK Him Ui fW iMjg&M AVWi iffiMkl fiST ffev tffl m ffl M W m8KA? --- A !...., of llwr.... F.r I.Ht ll.o l.m.l . WRW MM W S Bl iBSffl? 11 W f tt?Lj' 'v't!Sr flJriN. ffll i ",,,n,,,nl11 sus '"' w '" s''" '"' fcl ' J"' ' ' -W w j&i JJagUhj TBI". Ar &fia?55v Pnmnlphp MiiiiIihi.hi M.m. uiy v 3?4Lriflfir UUliJJJlblU I iiilli..w.v..i-nt,n.,K.i II limy s.-tfm. H ffifeK W f ?ft Tf 91 uMTfe? Line - Zruv!TZt!lJr!: f) lltes?i?i 1H J.,01IjO g vUiyi yi WL u.i,k.,Kif io m.iiiuu u, ti. stock. w gc;MpM (j 3VJTO l,J W mVspTr . Iiulduf of ii hlg Chicago mull concern. U) MwMMWfM- JD ' f) WY ft UiL ff " Hut inspitonf It, you will occasion. ( WvmaSSW fi&0ssp,&S ,iHiiiiiopi.sionit iimroiiMi iii viiim.. fx PSsSSfflraS4 Wy rf W fed C? YL UJ Vj21lWjLL6irS Pi.iiHlwIiolu.lU.vMlii llio lonif rim ho Jg L1mSWq V it fi il M a T-n & iv. u..i, ii i, .). I..-,.!, ,viUii i... ...wu v 5'?fw 7 .. is? ' .TirsajBitev .' - -Ri. vSwy .w ;,iafliK.JAr iyy i V viv M M t M T "RTi r P8 SB F5 TTft cs LJl J-i. JK..a.iiL XL U nk Ba, wr Prices Ranging From $37.00 to SGG.00 In ordur to compete with catalogue houses and since the prices in leather are advancing, I have decided instead of raising my prices, to sell Tor cash. Remember I carry everything in . LEATHER NOVELTIES Such as pocketbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well as a full line of lap robes, blankets, etc., and my prices are the lowest. Explains the Big Dividends "A Smith Ccotii'KrociT Is c -m);iriiiit li - prices with th' su "f a Clilcitfo ma 1 i tiler lioiiM) anil tulvi-riUiiitf tin' tvM -ts of lU'iires. I1' ir vvloit I lu mail ni li r Iioiivh w. mtil -eil fur Sl.'l'o, H.f iiiereliniil lie will -ell lor fell 0", ' Manila' i,ui Meii my Anil Imwi vei 'tiaiiKu It may seem, t'lls cnmpilKii Is Imvlii otTccl with ttii'caii'fol liiijei. I)nriii' the lat week tln"iiewspiiptirh uniioiiiujo a divlilcml of 10 million to Hie stock holilui'' of u IiIk Chicago mall concuiu. Hut in splto of It, you will occasion, .illy liml a man who owns liW honu i ami hopes to suo it InmvaMt in value, ami who helievus III (ho Idol? run hu Is on tin) riKht ti-Kflt when lie semN his cash to the mail orli-r house'.. .Joe rvits'iii of the liiijjo prollts ol tliisi fiiiiuerns is i1iuk'II'K "f hotter prtM'H f ir ulint lh"y -ell, ami another ami wry important ieaon is that tiny sell ewryihiiitf lor cash, no expanse for culleutioiis. Smith Center .loormil. nil o JOE F HI ktlt't JT 'II, I ifttl'iitl"l"!l .,'1,, Q3n -toms" SS I 111 'li I p l& 'nyfr -a T -n ffetfko flln V,l ft )' Jnn Load VJr ' I A I I 1 1 1 r9B A ' Diseoant ft Diseoant g i SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE 8 f! To clean up everything in Winter Goods, I will T It . i f m tC al give a discount or iu per cent orr on tne following goods: Automoljile Shov lliiirh Clmlmeisof Detroit will likely hu i vi-itor ut the annual Hutoinolitlo show, which will ho hehl in Om.ihu, I'V'hruary I." to 'JD. An indent Invita lion ha hi't'ii 'cut ami the lueiil com mittuti has iissiirancc that ho will proh ahly come. Chalmers .is one of the pioneers of the iintomobllH industrj, mil has ilouo iiiucli to popularl.e thu iiutomuliile. Many eiitcrlalumeii' Intiovittio'j.s are lioiiiK luraiip-oil lj' Chu'lui Powell, man iiKur. Chief aiiiuiiK them is u uaharel i otiM-laiiimeut for at least one. nllii. rrofcssiomil singers and musicians will mingle with the crowd ami x'iv the ialest souk hits. A similar do parttire in the. wa of music has never lieeii attempted in an auto show be Tore. TiieMlay nielli will ln trivotioiitiroly to music. A spooial coneert has lecn I an augcil which will appeal to lovers of music. On Wednesday evening automohlle dealers trom Netnaslca and Iowa will have their inning as this iillil has been set asido for thoin A special on lertaiumont feature has been pio vidod and the hoys from tho siate.s will have M)methiii(,r to reinomber foi a Iiiok '.iiue. tsccdUL Underwear Outings Outing Night Dresses v Wool Hose Blankets Fleeced Goods Hoods Caps Yarns ' Outing Petticoats. Knit Petticoats Sweaters Mittens Dyspepsia Tablets will relievo your indiRestion. Many people in this town lin'vo used them unci wo have yet to hear of a caso whero thev Lavo failed. Wo lmow tho for mula. Sold only by us Mc a box. H. E. Grice Drug Co. P3 It will pay you to anticipate your wants on tho above goods. j s w m ill! Mrs. Barbara Phares New Line o! Spring Laces and Embroideries Just Received ti . nniiikk j .fs'iiiminiin'iniiniinmiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiininit iin .. a i: 'iiwraiffiHii'iiiin, ,",i. :i7!,iv.!:iiii.,,.;:ii.."i"i,r 'Xu ', ",.; iJ'.iii'iri'.i'miimiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiirraiiiara HENRY COOK, M. D. 4. in '4 DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j HjiiiiiniiiBi'iii:,,; j, jieiii iimjiii!iiiiiiiiiii!i:iiiiiiiiii n & iiKiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiJiiiiiiiraiiiiiira1! jwi nucrii; & ; kaiiiiiii'inniiiiiiii ma i;r ilia 53s3?a BEST REPAIRING UNDER THE SON 1-E Etm&mmmm Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten-tion.- Send Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? Willi BE AT II OUR MONUMENTS t? Our Prices Are Reasonable Are Made Right Well Lettered And Carefully Erected COME IN AND BEE R. G. Hassingef Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones k" AnrVrt F I RE .1 B Bp4 f burl tpffl h 11 KQQMYZ'S BMRM J I want to buy horses, mares and mules, 5 to 10 or 12 years old if fresh looking and good short teeth. Must weigh 1250 to 1700, right at sound and good working order. Mules 15 hands to 16 hands, 5 to 10 or 12, same condi tion as the horses. Little mules 5 to 8 years old, 14 to 14.2 hands. I buy for Wolcotl, Beers & Grant, Kansas City. They are the largest war contractors in the U. S. and have the largest eastern order trade. Most of these big Worses are for the eastern trade. If you have what this bill calls for don't be afraid to bring them in as I will pay you the high market price as we have no middle profit. Will be with you regardless of weather. J O Kansas City SS3SSSSS3SSe3 ;S3$SS9SS334L mmmimmmmmtmmmmmKammmmmmmmmmmmmammammmammmmmmmmmmtKmammmammKmmmm fcimmmmam n i tfi In the bounty Court of Webster County Nebraska. STATr.OKNMIIIUASICA, I s ubsti-r County, I In tlio mutter of tlic cstato ol Wessel WiwHclh, Sr., ileet sisvil. (.'ItKIUTOKSol wild iMatu will take notice, that thu Unit) lliiittfit lor ircMiitatloii nml lllliiK ol I'laliiiHnKHlnst tliu hiiino Is AukiirI 'tali A. It. l'.ll.'i: ami lor the navmuiit ot ilobts Is January ii, l'JIii. that I will sit at the ( ninny court room la i-ald eoiinty on ilio iSih iliiyof Aumist I'.llo, at 10 o'elouK, A. M., to rieelvii, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claliutantl oliJeelloiiKiluly tiled. Haiti! this 'JJtli day ot January, A. I)., lUlo. A. I), IIAN.NKY, (si:ai.) county Jiulije. C. It. Stasciilii, Attorney. I lii the li'sutity Court o? Webster County Nebraska. Statoot Nebraska, I hSl Webster County, f I.v the matter ol thu cBtato ol Trcdrlck Wlttwer (licensed. CKiyilTOHSof saiiUstato will tako notice thatlho time limited lor presentation and illlut; ot claims against tho sumo Is August Uilth, 1'JID; ami (or thu payment of debts Is January 30th, 11)10, that I will sit at thu county court room In said county on tho 30th day ol AiiKUHt 11)15, at 10 o'clock A. M., to re ctlve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims ami objections duly tiled. Dated this 30th day ol January A. I)., 1D1&. (Seal). A. I). HANNKY, County Judue. Notice of Final Report. In tho Comity Court ol Webster county, Nebraska. In thu matter ol tho cstatuol Amos Gust, deetaswl. All persons Interested In Raid estate, aro hereby notllled that tlio,Admlnlstrator has lllt-tl a ilual account and report ol his admin. Istratlon, and a petition lor Until settlement ol his account and mi order lor thu distribut ion ollho personal cstatu In his bauds and a discharge Iroin his trust, which havo been set (or hcarlnt! betoro said court on tho Sid day ol I'ebruary, IDIS, ntlO o'clock, A. M when all persons Interested In tho promises may appear and contest tho same. Dated this 3d day ol February, 1010. HKAI. A. D. ItANNKY, County Judge. What Preachers Do For Is I (By Artemus Ward) "Show me a place where there isn't any meetin houses and wiicre preachers is never seen, and I'll show you a place where old hats air stuffed into broken winders, where the children air dirty and ragged, where gates have no hinges, where the wimmen air slipshod, and where maps of the devil's wild land air painted upon men's shirt bosums with tobacco jooce! That's what I'll show you. Let us consider what the preachers do for us before we aboose 'em." EVERYBODY WELCOME United Church J l beebe, 1st Door West I. 0. 0. F. Hall Pastor C3)'" Read The Chiet and Keep Posted on Church Natters. fr -n : I I Notice I'ebruary 1, 1915. Annual Statement ol Tho Cowdcm Kalcy Clothing Co. IIESOUUCKH Merchandise, Fixtures, Accounts and Cash 128,71X1.93 MAIIII.ITIK.S Capital Stock, Surplus and Hills Payable- 820,400.07 OVEtffliG , BHOS. & GO. THE ALARM is n dronilful thing Of FIRE for tho man without hiBtirnnce. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat If tho llro is anywhere near his plnce. What folly, what nils tiihett economy. THE COST Or is so small thnt it INSURANCE need htinlly be coiiblilereil. Tho freedom from worry alone Is worth it many times over Have us Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ol I. 0. 0. F. Hall A MAN IS AS GOOD a AS THE FOOD HE FEEDS OND The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on good, pure, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for selling fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Our gro ceries are the best in town for the money. j GIVE Um A TRIAL ORDER j P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office' Photie Ind,2l2 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' a " Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Oruduato Chicago Veterinary College iwelvi: vkahs i:xri:mi:.NCE AT HAI LEY'S TIE BAIIN Rod Cloud ' -:- Nebraska E. S. Gaurber Ileal Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Dr. Nicholson DENTIST ) --v . i .. ? .r wi-yr-'U; -l ofi-ici: ovrn ai.hiiiqiit'8 stoiik in Rivi:urox ox jioxdav Red Cloud, Nebraska ' v. qoe 4'iwMiwiHuwMKr' f g a;j.CTutaairaiw.KT I - ;- ' itj.. um -m i s