The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 11, 1915, Image 5

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    rt,. wW -v -
f ' '
- V
l)l. ( Toss Jiiit Vuliilny ill FrtlllUlili.
Ihing lii your cream and Imj cunt
nulletin rf The Wcuk's Doings
An'! i ic s' uiiii I 1 1 1 l.' 1 1 o siipi i iir cum
Vsl, l
J O. Cildwill.
! routs iimi rftii's at
! Miner Unix. Co.
1'iii'e for Cash.
Nest Sunday 's St. Valentine's diiy
I. V. IMmi'i spent Siitlittlny in Uiist
Mrs. fox was n passenger to CovvKs
Attorney MoNuny was in Stipctioi'
Saturday. v
Win Klrknatrlek of Unldo Hock whs
in town Monday.
Coats and SultJs at ' Price for Cash
Minor Uros Co.
CluisStaike imidu his regular visit
to Superior Sunday
Frank Ileal of Aurora spent .Sunday
hero with his parents.
Arthur It. McAithnr wasin Hastings
Satin day on business.
Se mitor V. j Wecsner was iionio
fioni Lincoln over Sunday.
J. I'. Iletz will give a musical next
month. Watch for date.
Some bargains Saturday at the
Variety Stoio. Cotneeniiy. utlv
Representative (1. W. Litulsey was
home from Lincoln over Sunday.
Morton Smith ami wile wont to
Nelson Friday to visit her mother.
Last Saturday Will Koits shipped in
several ems of cattle which ho will
1 G Tiiriiurc entertained a few of
his friends at a smoker Monday even-
A few Hull" Wyandotte cockerels for
sale ul SI each. Inquire of Mis. G W.
Tim Llndsey building Is being paint
ed this week and is being prepared tor
' Mr. and Mis. Pnvo Kit ley went to
Cowies this morning to spend the day
with friends.
Miss Kdlth Shumati of Hastings
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miko
Attorney Halo has moved hie law
ollice to Franklin where lie will re
side in the future.
Wednesday night the state ot No
braska was quarantined for the. foot
and mouth disease.
Mrs. Barbara I'hares left Sunday for
Omaha and Chicago to buy spring ami
.summer goods for her store.
Ivl. Crurv, who has been winteiiig
h'Hcattlo over in (iartluld, spent Sat
urday in Guide Rock with Ids family.
Mrs. Walter Warren had the mis
fortune- to fall on the iey walks last
Thursday and was considerably in
jured Mr. nml Mrs. Ned Grimes nnd chil
dren went to lllue Hill this morning to
bpaiifl the day with his mother, Mrs. J.
P. Grimes
Herb Ludlow moved his restaurant
tins week into the Potter building He
now has the most up to-date restaurant
in tho city.
Prank Cowden and H. A. Letson
will leave in h few days for the cast
ern markets to buy their spring and
6iunmer goods.
Mrs. Paul Storey entertained the
second division of tbo ladies' afternoon
whist club at her home Saturday even
ing fit a seven o'clock dinner.
The thoroughbred stock breeders of
Smith County will hold a combination
sale Feb. 20th, consisting of l'ercheion
hor-os, Durham, Herefoid aud llolstein
cattle, and Poland China hogs, about
7:. head all told.-W II. Lewis, Soo'y.
liny Zidgler spent Sunday in Kiier
ton with his parents.
FOil HLNT--A pood 5-roi in liottna
llu'ehi-on A Halnden. adv
Tin Delnnoy llros. begin buying hog
at tin' stock yaids this week.
W. L. Wi oner shipped two ears of
cattle lo Katishs City Sunday.
Mrs. t). C. 'IVfl returned homo the
thst of the week from Lincoln.
Walter Marshall arrived homo from
St. .Joe last week where he had boon
attending college.
Mis. George SiiieKer went to lllvci
ton Sunday evening to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Taylor aud family.
Weesiiei iV IJowen shipped two cms
of cattle to Kansas City Sunday, .lolu.i
Wei'siier and Clyde Lhiweti accompan
ied the shipment.
Last Thursday afternoon while
wrestling at the homo of Kev. Meyer-,
llernaid llutdeu had the misfortune
to fractuie his teg.
Mr. N It. Simpson and daughte,
Mrs. Kenfro, weic called to Omaha on
Sunday morning by the serious illness
of Ituy Simpson, who Is in a hospital
in that city.
Tho Hoyul Neighbors Kensington
Club was entertained last Thursday
afternoon by Mrs. .1. M. Ilurgcss. A
luncheon was served and all picsent
'reported a good time.
Postnvistur Letson informs us that
a largo number from all over the
county have made application to
participate in the Civil Service exam
ination which istobo held in this clt v
on the -Ttli of this moiilh
Mrs. ( M. Walpole, aged S2 years,
died at tho home of her daughter.
Mrs. Ellas (Soldo, last Pilday. Kev.
lliuninel conducted a short funeial
service at I o'clock Saturday afternoon
atthcGoble home, and the remains
were accompanied by IJIIus Goble' to
Montgomery City. Missouri, Sunday
morning for burial.
Frank Starr was In town a day or
two this week. Ho has been In Colo
rado for some time buying hotsos. He
bought a lot of them and shipped them
to dillcrciit points. Frank Is getting
to be a well known buyer over parts of
Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado.
Lebanon Times'.
There is some talk of tho Burlington
putting on a train to mil from Lincoln
to Oxford by way of Hastings and
Ked Cloud. Leaving Lincoln at 0:80
in the morning and arriving at Oxford
at 1:40 p. in. and leaving Oxford at
J p in and arriving in Hastings at (5
p. in. and Lincoln lo p. in. This
would give the Republican valley a
good passenger and until service in the
dny time and should he taken up with
the railway commissioner by all the
towns interested. Alma Record.
of the
K. K
rp si'iir U nielli in i-.'t hi-
Mrs .lidii. Wi-i'MH r Mini f miily
llailau ('.imp of l'.in 1'
arrived m the elt the Hrst
week to visit Ids bmlher, Or,
Hayinontl Tornnro, llttrnld Ludlow
and Unsipl Mt-yetn were In Superior
KntuiftNy nttonding a V. M C. A. c n
vcnllotl Frank MutlVr left Vrdmthiy mnrn
Ing for Danville1, Illinois, to attend the
funeral of Ills chtesl sister, Mrs Lama
Del Tin im ro of Pentium!, Oregon,
arilved in tint city the last of the week
to visit his biot her, F. G. Tllrliurc and
IM. Parkcsor Council IllutVs unhid
in the city Satuiday evening, being
called lime by the ilea hoi his lunther
Win. Paikes
There Is No Question
hut that indigestion nnd tho distressed
feeling which always goes with it can
bo promptly relieved by taking a
fe2g& DftSSta
before uud nfler each meal. 2jo ti box.
H. E. Griee Drug Co.
in- nt-eis and '."'(, in the senatH ulxmi
tM t lit f Is the nninhi-r in the lust sis
sum While the last I io dajs t.ioa.lit
(ill niHiiy Uioielhiu was expected in
the house jet then- had been consult t
ahle deinatiil frum over the slut,, fnt
the consiileration of vtiiiniis malteis
of li-glshtlion and If the public i stit --
lied CLtrialiily their servants haieii .
Ol'CUSioll tfl ItlllklKlliJi-Otloll. 7,
The proposed iinncMitinii or ennsoll i t
datlon bill, whi'iohy Omaha, S.niih S
Omaha and all thoMiln-rbs tlu-ieabtnii (
hit- in bo biouj,'ht uiuler one city got- m
tMiiim-iit. will have been voted upon Y
in the upper branch of the legi-datuio ! jl1
by the time this lelh-r leaeh.S tii.ui.l'lf
leaders. If we wete going to make a
guess at tins time o would say that
the prospects ale good for the success
ful consldeiatiou of the bill. The
Omaha delegation Is united and ato
lieiHlinifall their energies lo get their
lily a Mails brought under one set of
The Nebraska legislature will cele
brate St. Valentino's day ut home this
year for the most part, as the date no.
ours on nuuuay. tin it you nave any
tender sentiments to ex'piess of your
estimate of your member just remein
lier wheie to send his mull for that
pai ticular occasion
'I'hoie is alreadv some ncthPy and
preparation being uiiidu lor the IJryan
is at
bo given the public within the in n t
week or two.
sBBBsvesss smmm- sde&Kao
- w . . ii n, iw, ,a, mmitmmnm hhwim
t n ' i j
rien s j
r l KJ tu
r, 4
'iir.itioii being madu lor the IJryan (s
nil bati(iiet.' The local committee VV
work and some dollnitu word ni.iv f0
Mis Annie (iarloe's of Hod Cloud
who is visiting relatitts in IHudeii
n.isseil her JKIrd blrtlulay Tuesday of
this week. '(!r:iudinii"assii) is culled 4
by cvoiyotte is the tihlct ri-sldent in
yeuis of W-bster C'limty as far us the
knowledge of 'he writer extends and
she is also niie of theold time residents
of this county having o'liiio hoto with
l"i- liuslitind and family in l-7 1 itud
! ..I .... .. 1. ...... .1 .....1 .... 1 s I ... (-.....t.
KlIM'll lll U Ill'ltlVll itll nil mill 'll'ni ,. , , p.l . t i unstheneulh-.l ll.itin nost I side in ColllUlltteo of the w hole
('.ran. linn, who is still hale aud hear' ,
has 'i irreat fund of reminiscences i.
i i m i at
joys and hiidren s VI
IS Reductions from regular
plain figure prices.
Only High Grade Clothing Sold Hero
ltisa tather pl'asant oustnin fur
tho ineinhers to aeciird applause to n
man who Is called to the chair to iv-
the early days of Xohraska and also of
Ohio whore her girlhood was passed
Sin- has soon the development of this
country fioiu tho day oT the stage
coach to the hi of tho automobile,
telephone, telegraph, airship and c
press train, isho saw tho llrst steam
boaul malo its maiden trip on the
Ohio liver. She Is tho mother of eiuht
children, seven of whom arc still liv
ing. She lias 11 living grandchildren
llo great-granil-ehlldrn'i and S groat
great, grand-children. Her oldest great
grandchild is ','1 years of ago whilo her
vouiiL'est ariived at tho home of hoi-
grandson, Claude Crriner, Friday of
last weolc whlcli is a Duiiy gin oi usual
Nebraska weight.
Suits and Overcoats
Farm loans
At best rates and tonus to be had in
this state Call for me at State Hank
of Hod Cloud. C F. C Tlli:u.
If You Are Losing Weight
and your nerves are in bad condition;
wo recommend
4900 Olive Oil
JSsSsSm Emulsion
, containing iiypophotphittt ,
A food and nerve tonic prescription.
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
Methodist Mention
The District Superintendent will
hold tho second (Juarteiiy Conference
on April If. at 7::i0. Don't miss it.
Our Sunday school Is on the increase.
Where do you attend'.'
Wo wiui twenty live inou to attend
tbo prayer meetings for lliti next stnen
weeks. Mny 1 count on you'.'
Next Sunday is l'oace Sunday.
Everybody Is supposed to attond
Itiblo study in tho Epivorth LcHgno
Is giowing in interest. Study for
next Sunday is Exodus :i7-;iS.
Tho Hiblo Readers Circle lies 105
members now all reading the new
testament. Will you not join?
Methodist War Relief Fund totals
S38,ti2i) 70.
Every Methodist home should have
a bible, hymn book, discipline and
church paper.
If you are Rolng to the Exposition
be sure and seo the exhibit by the
largest publishing house in the world.
The Methodist Hook Concern they
lire prepared to entertain you.
A pair of furs and a gold ring was
fouua in tuc ouurcu. inquire hi, iue
Standing of Contestants
i .
The following Is the standing of the
Contestants in Tho Chief's and Cook's
Drug Store Free Trip to tho PmiHinn
Exposition uontest:
K Yy.'.''.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.v.
Bick headache, biliousness, piles, and
tad breath are usually caused by inac
iivo bowels. Get a box of Rcxall.
(Orderlies. They act gently and effce-'
ivcly. Sold only by ua at 10 cents.
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
.() . .
:$ .
10 .
ill .
1)3 in:.
lie sure find attend
April 10 at 7::i0 p. in.
the Conference
1 EC
Extra Fancy
Mrs ICutnislcy is q'ulte ill at present.
Harold llurcr is on the sick list this
Harry and Heitha Whitoly arc iiulto
sick with measles this week.
Clyde Mitchel and wife visited rela
tives west of liuiviilu Sunday.
Il.Stoncrand wife were guests at
the Ott Stevens' home Sunday.
Uncle Hiram Holcomb visited rela
tives in tins vicinity last week.
A1va Stoner transacted business in
Franklin a lew dajs last week III the
inteu-st of tho Farmers Union.
Frank Stokes, .Sr., and wife, Frank
Stokes, .Jr., and wife and little son
weic guests at the W. 11. C'onlcy home
Charles Olmstead is carrying the
until on route L' duriiiK the illness of H.
Lawson, who is substitute on that route
until u new carrier is appointed.
The Legislative Grind
T tl 4f vr 4 tt 4 4f V" ffc jV f Vi v
- - I , - y
3 HI 3D C
The Kansas legislature evidently
needs a little of the Nebraska brand of
reform in the mutter of employes. Our
n iKhboring state lias two bundled and
beventeon employes' repoitid on tho
pay roll as against seventy-eight in
both house and senate here. Aud by
tho way tho total number In Nebraska
tills session is but a trillo over what
was had in tho senate alono two years
Wtdnosday, of last week, was the
last day fpr Introducing bills and the
total number for tho session was 1011,
of which 718 wire tillered by house
Some men aic natural presiding mil
cers but others who kiu.w the rules
much better are failmes In tho cliaii
I'eplosentatlvc I'etrus Peterson t f
Lancaster county made a hit with th
uieiubeis Saturday afternoon Henry
Uichmoiid is a popular chairman as
a io Cronin of O'Neill ui.d Nichols of
I Madison.
I Tho senate has passed a icsoliitlou
calling upon congicss to pass a bill
lorbidditig tho shipping of munitions
of war to the licUgerout nations. The
measure has been slumbering in a
house standing coiuinlttco over since
The house resolution commending
President Wilson's ship ' purchasing
policy is now In the hands of the sen
ate awaiting action. It is past tho
bolioT of sonio of the Nebraska legis
lators that Congress can continue to
grind along without knowing tho sen
timent of tho local statesmen on Hiosh
impoitaut matteis.
, Seciotary of State Pool and Auditor
Smith have inaugiiiateil a reform that
Is appealing to visitors at the state
hous'o. Members of tho legislatuio
have little time to lisit state olllccs ex
cept timing the noon hour; people
from out in the state frequently conn
in about eleven o'clock and want to
get their business done at the capitol
in order to get away at, '5 o'clock, Tho
clerk's ollice and the auditor's olllces
will not bo closed during the noon
hour while the legislature is iiisossion.
(leo. W. Fuller, representing Seward
County took a stand last week which
was in entire accord with the policy of
economy commenced by the present
session. Through a resolution intro
duced by Mr. Fuller tho members of
the committees are requested to refrain
from sending members on "Junketing
trips" to the diffcicut state institutions.
A new committee has been organized,
W. .1. Taylor who has been so active in
cuttimr down expenses for this session
was not satisfied with tho manner in
which appropriations wore matlo for
the Mate University aud tho Normal
schools. This new committee drafted
by request of Mr. Taylor has charge of
all appropriations for schools and in
sists upon supcriutcndciitsatid Hegeuts
coming befoic the committee and ex
plaining for what pttipose they desiio
money. It is a check that has ntnur
before been applied.
In order that the readers of tills
column may have an opportunity to
know just where the taxes of the state
are going the following statement from
the Auditor is given on an explanation:
Statu Warrants Issued In Jan. l!lr.
General Fund 8 18(1,870 15
Temporary University .... :;0,7l7 2(1
Institutional Cash Fund. . . 12,510 59
University Casli 24,897 02
Morri 1 Fund 100 CO
Experiment Station 47,377 82
Temporary School 312,421 02
State Aid Ilrldge Fund .... 0,859 .11
Normal School Fund 27,130 47
University li come 70,770 91
Smith Lovor'Fund . . .'. 4.r0 (ill
Tfre G
omden-aley plotting
Always Reliable
nsss mill esesmm
In order to clean up the balance of our
Cotton Bats we are offering them for the rest
of the week at the same prices as quoted in
our Two Days Special Sale of last week.
And Remember We Are Still
Giving; a 20 Per Cent Discount
On Ail Blankets and Outing
Night Dresses. & & &
Also Vz PRICE on the few
Winter Coats we have left.
lyoseoe r. lltfeesn 6t U0.
Gervcra.1 Auctioneer
Will Guarantee CoinpotcntServico. Ask
Those Who Have Had Him Cry
Their Sales
Write or Wlro For Dates
Guide Rock, - Nebr.
S Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5
Calls Answered Day or Night
Total S 7:19,121 11
A night session of tho House was
had one evening last week to give a
lust oppoi (unity to introduce hills. A
"phony" hill providing foi chaining an
occupation tax for dill'orcnt husiuuste.s
was oH'cind by Mr. Neyloy and croatcd
much amusement and parlimciitary
practice. Among others, lawyers
would be requited to pay !." cents per
year, editors 100, physicians S1II.0O
aud lutliul farmcis 83,27fi ot), bankers
would pay a heavy annual toll S'.i.lWU.'.m,
The Mount) worked Saturday ami
turned out a big gi lit. It is planned
to hold sessions ultuinately on Satin
days hereafter
Commencing March 1st, a ?:.0 round trip rate will ho made to
Francisco, Eos Angelesor San Dlogo, over direct routes, with ?17.fi0 additional
one way via Portland or Seattle, Approximately these rates from Central and
Eastern Xchuska and Kuiimis.
The I'acltlc (Joust tour Is the World's greatest rail journey. These ex
positions will bring before you tho ioiiiiiiich, and thu modern civilization of
(Jiilltoiulu. When you go, make the tour more complete by iiitiiuling l'"J
ocean voyago between Kim Francn-co and Portland in the new Steamers, "lire it
Northern" or "Northern Pacific," p.ilaces of tho I'aoltlo, with tho speed of ex
press trains and tho pi otcction of ocean steamers; lhtv$17.fiQ additional In
eludes tiei His aud meals ou these steamers. Our publications will tell you
atiout th. s gnmd lour, our thiongh i-ervice, the ocean coast voyage, etc,,' or
write cither of us.
N. D, GUSH, Ticket Aont. Red Cloud, Nebr
L. W. WASICLSY, General P.Tisonsor Agt.
1001 Farnani Street, Omaha,