-.. J IV" f-Vv. . . M-4?rim?vn&j&$zM'l d&X'tf fe jg. It ? t -v - J- JJ)4AJ. f V .St. , -., nrjr:rHjiriiTitYUffr.irrTMTTittrfnOTTrT'fr,t'''v- i r"K OC 4th Number of- Lecture Coots Don't fail to see and hear your old time Favorites At the Opera House Wednesday, Feb. 3rd A New Ford Slory O BS3S9v TS: vS9SSSD UNDON MAKES CELEBRITIES LIVE IN MINOS OF AUDIENCE . w A M' ct. UA. t BPiM ! & Pr to : $ m 7 w0M ' wv' V iiaftss - i tJ ISgiE yi !; JSjr ZTfS!0fflm2l 1S5S AMD FOUR OF HIS SPEAKING LIKEMES5ES." I It'll is .1 III' I "II I S .. J lM SOtlll'U licit'. Illl' ll'li' f 'If,' J'll'll whoic, A mull In Ctlitiiiiii.i write-tn the Kuril -o 1 1 1 p 1 1 i i iiikI tells i hf mi they slltilt'tl ft'l'l Vi-l,V lllttu'l I'Milloil fur tin' ii'msi ti that tlu l-'nr I N Mil' nnlj ear iiiiMitlinii'il iii iln Ul til . mill to prove i die llti'in In piis-uee In Is.iah w 1 1 1 1 1 SliyH! "IIh VVMut I p IlllO llt'llVl'll on IiIkIi" and asks wluii I'tlicr cur lint n Foul could i!o tlmt? r'x. I Ring Around .Mai; IiikI h little ring, 'twas given her !' ilui1. And oveivw hero thai .Mary wont tlmt i inu wes sure lo o alio took tho fliitf with lit i' oiu ill when hIio wi'lit nut t u'u VA lit to she tnlnlit slum It to tlio U I r s wttii nttniliotol t u en t v-t h ice And wlion tlio ulr's all aiv tho riii I luy niiulo agieat ado. And till exclaimed in choro: "Has it al ln-l nui ioiiimI Mi Vol .'' . .rii "SIDNEY LANDON IF the loml I- rcnn Coitrn.llco wua nblo to linn unco tlittl dear old Mark T : ':. wan to locturo hero this stasun, or that Mill No of oher lnnml memory, would ta'm' his iuer ulotia voice In our mld.it, every himl nesa jilnco In town would elosc; l'aim era would look up their houses and Tmrns; Industries would suspend, to do thorn honor. So with a host of departed men of Renins, whoso works aro cherished by their follow country men. In preparing his entertainment, "Speaking Likenesses of Great Men," Sidney Ijindon has performed a note worthy siirvlco to the American plat form. Through Mr. Landon's Inter protntlvo ait, men llko Twain, Nye, Longfellow, Ilolnics, Robert E. Leo, Edgar Allan I'oo and countless others, llvo ngnln. By tho uso of wigs and groaso ptllnt, he gives his audiences visualization and Impersonation of tltPKo men which Is stnrtllng In Its ap proach to nature. Ho completely loses his own personality, submerging t-olf lu the great character he portrays, and so cotnpleto is tho Illusion that tho audience fcela that Land on has In deed vanished, and the man ho Im personates Is present. So, while unable to announce the actual appearance of departed celeb rities, tho Lyceum Committee tukos pleasure In announcing that they are noon to appear hare through the me dium of Mr. Landon's art. X Strong "Pull" and Drawing Power in All of Our Printing nonoon N Wo Mako a Specialty of Printing Neat and Attractive Sale Bills OT ALL advertising matter is consigned to the waste basket. Some of it finds a place in the files of the receipient or on his desk or his table. The printing upon which one can depend to win this dis tinction is of the oul-of-thc-ordinary class. the well-designed and .well-executed example of the printing art. Evcry business man desires that his printing should have what is known as "pulling" power; that is, it should accomplish its intended mission, .namely, to set forth the value of goods and' secure orders for those goods. The printing we do is of the kind that win the coveted place at the elbow of the prospective customer. Try us. S'? Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska K IEGU ISO! ICE. In Thr. Dlstrkt :otirl of Wr.bsicr Count. Nebraska. I.ticj M. HUuii'brnikir. IMiilntlll', vt. Sntuni'l (.'. Nliuck, l.lzlo A. SIkuhIicI, .1. W. Slmntlii'l, tier huHlmiiil, llrtt name un known, rissiN(l. Marlln. Nellie Martin, Ills wife, OKfnr i'. 'let I, Duvlil I'. Moinlui'li, Cora A. Melnlneli, his wife, Orati M. lit tle, and I'lon in o II. llitlo, Ills wile. William A. Kent ami Adillo Kent IiIh w lie. Hifemlanlx. TliealMire-nnnied iion-risl.lent clelcnilantH. I.Ilo A. HIiarnliFl, J, W. Stinrhliil, hir liim tiatul, wliusollrht name l unknown, Ulyssts (I. Martin, anil XdlloMartln. IiIh wife, will take notice that on the 2nd tlav ol .liiniiary I'.liri. I, ney M Stonelireaker, pint tit I It" herein, Mild her petition In tho District Court ol Wilister County, Nehraitka, aKiilnst said tie lendauts, tho ohjeet and prayer ol w hleh aro to foreeloseiieertnln mortKHKO exienteil hy tliodulindaut Suiiiuil '.iShuok to tlio plain till upon tho following ik'scrHjcd pretulis, to-ult: Coniineurlii'JIO It it north o( tho south cast corner ol the south west (ii:irter ol the south east iiarter ol heetlon X In town '1 uortli. of r:ini;o II, west, oltlio litli 1. M In Weliitur County, Nebraska; thence north to the north nist eornirtit thonorth west iiunrt erol the so it h east i 1111 rter til sect Ion 3"i, town 'J north ol ratme II, west; ruuultiK wist ;!S0 feet; t hence MJtith ittllstautoKiuat to thetast Hue til said laud lu iiitstlou: thence last '.M (tt t to tho point til departure; coiitatiilnt; :t I -'J acrts inoieor liss, all In thonorth wt si iiart erof tho south 1.1st unarter of mcIIoii ;i.i, town 'J, north of ramie II, wist of tho ilth I' M. lu Weliitel Cotuitv. Nebraska, mow j known as lots I ti:w lu Shuck's SiiIh1IIIoii i ol Annex I to lied ( Itiudi to stcurt tlio p.i- inent of a certain promissory unto dated March 'i. Iivs for the sum ol sl.VW. a and due and p.l utile Marth'.i. I 'J 10, tlmt llareK now due upon said note and inortmme the sum ol Jl.tss :l for w lilrh sum w Ith Interest from this (lute pi. 1I1, till prays for a decree; thattlclind ants berenulred to pay the saino or that said promises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount louud duo. You are riiilred to answersald petition on or beforo tlie'J.'d day ol 1'ebruary, 11)15. Patid lanuaryJ, Itiiri. l.oev M. SrosKiiunvKi'.u, Ity Bernard McNeny, Her Attorney. QUALITY ON THIS VE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS V?llEN we began our YV business career in in Red Cloud we took as . our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan all this lime? Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared lo supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY s MOVED S s TO THE McFarland Building Where I will conduct an exclusive undertaking business, piano and musical merchandise. Some Furniture LeftGoing at Cost S 8 ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING s s Order to Show Cause I In Tho County Court, r 1 1 ! i OUR HOWJHEHTS- Are Made Right J Well Lettered And Carefully Erected P"ces , , Are 1MC Reasonable COME IN ANO MEE 8 1 BEST REPAIRING H H EM IIMIWD IPUC CAM El IM m va&rv icj V3vrx j k mm OVEHIHG BHOS. & GO. BEST REPAIRING H UNDER THE SON !-M BvYMwagaaB DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College iwELvr. YiiAits r..ri:nn:srB AT HAILKY'S TIK DAUN Red Cloud Nebraska E. S. Gerber Hoal Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud a ' ' Nebraska Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Send Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. wny not your clothes? State ol Nebraska, Webster County. At a County Court held at tho County Court room In and for halt! county December irath A. I)., 1UI4. IN tho matter ol tho estate ol I'redorlek Wlttwor, Deceased. ON reading and Illlnn the petition ol John Wlttwerand lieorno Wlttwer praylnK that administration ol said 1 state may be granted to them as Cxicutors. OHDKltr.D, that Saturday tho :th day ol January. A. D. Ililfi, at ten o'clock a. in., Is asslKiud lor btarlm; said petition, when nil persons Intensted In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to bo held lu and for said Count) and show caiiM) why prajer ol pitltlonir should not bo urnutul; anil that notice of tho pendency ol said petition and tho hearing thereof bo lvcn to all persons Interested lu said matter, by publishing a copy ol this order lu tho Hist Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed lu said county, lor thrt o ctinsecull vo w teks prior to said day ol luarlni;. A B. llANNKY, (Seal) County J udKO. 51 GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED FARMS Will You Be One OE The Fortunate Owners? Tito (lovornuiont, has jn-t fliii"-ht.l a survey and selentllio soil ex amination of tlio remaining irrigated Innd.s in the (ioveriitnent I'io .jt'ct at 1'owell, Wyo.. Dig Horn liasin. Of tho small remaining area under that unit already irrigated the agiiculturul anil irrigation, u.xpeits lepoit rl farms ninning fiom 10 to li!' acres each, now nvtiilalilu for homesteading very ohoiee, and desirable as to quality of soil, reliable water supply and suc cessful (linhinge, In fact the OIIIuIiiIh pronounce these fifty farms of the high est grado and equal to any so far settled lu that Project. Twenty years with no Interest to fompleto your water right payments. Land ready to prepare for seeding, no clearing, mid your crop the first year. 430 prosperous farmers will bo your neighbors and around you are excellent grain crops, atremenodus tonnage of alfalfa, schools, churches, fraternities, with Uncle Sam and his farm expels near you, No commissions to anybody and I, acting for the Durlington Road, offer my services free to locate you; note the map of the Burlington's new mulnliuo h rough Central Wyoming and guess for yourself tho coming Increase In tho population and land values in the Big Horn liasin, traversed by this Hue Write me today for foldor and map. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent 1004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska G. Hassfngef Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones Card of Thanks We wish to thank the hind friends and neighbor for their nsbistanco during thu sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother and also the luavale choir, who furnished the singing. Oi.ivi:r Suitok and Family. Order To Show Cause. Stale of Nobruslta, I inThnC.inniv iVim Webster Oountv. i mThe County Uourt At a County Court hold at tho County Court room lu and for said county January 13th, A. D.IUI6. IN tho matter ol tho estate ol Wessil WcshcU Sr., Dccenncd. On reading and tiling tho petition ol Joseph L. Watson praying that administra tion of said estate may bo granted to Joseph I,. Watson, ns Administrator. OttliKitKi), That Friday tho 'ilth day ol January, A. I)., 1U1D, at 11 o'clock a. in., Is assigned for Hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In Raid matter may appear at a County court to bo hold In and (or Raid county and show causo why prayer ol peti tioner should not bo granted; and that notlco ol tho pendency of said petition and tho hear ing thercol bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy ol this order In tho I ted Cloud Chtol, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said day of. hearing. skai.1 A. I). Hannky, County Judge. U. H. S tasks ka, Attorney. " " .'uJ'Jvw F I RE j Olive Oil Flesh Builder Ono of t ho best known and most reliable tissue builders. Olive Oil Emulsion ronfaimno lluvoDhoivhitt is both a llesli builder and nervo tonic, l'lcasaut to Ukc. Dasy to digest. H. E. Crice Drug Co, THE ALARM Is a dreadful thing OP PIRE for tho man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In bis throat if the flro is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OP is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be onsidered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance, Dr. Nicholson Ng DENTIST v OFKI0K OVKIl AMlltiailT'S STORK IN RIVIUITOX ON' MONDAY Red Cloud, Nebraska Many People In This Town never really enjoyed a meal until wo advised them to tako a before and after each meal. Sold only by ua 25c a box. I H. E. Grice Drug Co. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North o! I. 0. O. F. Hall Graduate Palmer School ol Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phone lnd.212 Tflke a i .Tonight Itjvillact as a laxative In the N morning H. E. Grlce Drug Co. ' ta'the 8 o'elook closing law to rond "H." I fai I I -M I i A VJ ..viSijftW ' KatuiSJkVf:AiftAt.'rr-' "