The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 21, 1915, Image 7

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cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxatlvo today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children Hlmply will not
tako tho time from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Uok at tho tonguo, mother! If coat
ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, reBtless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or any other children's ailment, glvo a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, becauso It Is
perfectly harmless, and In a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bllo
and r fermenting wasto will gently
move out of tho bowels, and you havo
o well, playful child again. A thor
ough "inside clcaimlng" is ofttlme3 all
that Is necessary. It should bo tho
first treatment given In any sickness.
Hewnro of counterfeit fig syntps
Ask at tho store for a GO-ccnt bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
full dlroctlons for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottlo. Adv.
Limited Dissipation.
A uiaall henpecked little man waa
about to take an examination for lite
"You don't dissipate, do you?" asked
tho physician, as ho made ready for
tests. "Not a fast liver, or anything
of that sort?"
Tho little man hesitated a moment,
looked a bit frightened, then replied
in a Bmall, piping volco: "I some
times ouew a llttlo gum." Collier's
Tako a Glass of Salts at Once If Youi
Back Is Hurting or Kidneys and
Bladder Trouble You.
The American men and women musl
guard constantly against Kidney trou
bio, becauso wo eat too much and all
our food Ib rich. Our blood is filled
with uric acid which the kldcejs
Btrlvo to filter out, they weaken froa
overwork, becomo sluggish; the ellml
fi&tivo tissues clog and tho result Is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
is cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during tho night; if you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu
matism when the weather is bad, get
from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water befare
breakfast for a fow days and your kid
neys will then act fine. This famous
salts is mado from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neutralize tho acids in tho urlno so
It no longer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water beverago, and belongs in
every homo, because nobody can mako
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time. Adv.
The Better Method.
The deacons of a church were dis
cussing possible ways of ridding them
selves of an undesirable pastor who
paid no heed to pointed suggestions
that his resignation would bo accept
able. Flaally one of tho deacons said:
"If we make a large reduction In
his salary it would probably have the
effect of making him resign."
"I know a surer way than that,"
said the other deacon. "Let us double
his salary and he will fall dead."
'Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour
gassy stomachs in Five
minutes Time It!
You don't want a slow remedy when
your Btomach la bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach
Is too valuable; you" mustn't injuro it.
Papo's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in giving relief; its harmless
ncss; its certain unfailing action in
regulating sick, sour, gassy otomachB.
Its millions of cures In indigestion,
dyspopsla, gastritis and other stomach
troubles has made It famous the world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your home keep It handy got a large
fifty-cent caBo from any dcalor and
then if anyouo should cat something
which doesn't agree with them; if
what they eat lays llko lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remember as soon ns Papo's Diapepsin
comes In contact with the Btomach all
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certainty and case In overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders Is a reve
lation to thoao who try It. Adv.
And when tho children are at play
many aro called but fow answer.
Spencer, Saunders, Klechel and Mai-
lery, Republicans, Are Favored
With Chairmanships
Western Newspaper Union New Service.
Four chairmanships were given to
tho republican minority by the demo
cratic committee on committees,
whoso appointments wore presumed
to tho senate. Tho republicans hon
ored by chairmanships wore; Spencer
of Cage, banks and currency; Mnllery
of llox llutto, labor; Saunilers of
Douglas, mlscullnneous subjects, and
Klechel, public Institutions.
Tho committee appointments wero
us follows:
Accounts and Expenditures.
IJrumbach, chairman; Robertson,
Mattes, Hoagland and Spencer.
Uygland, chairman; Henry, Robert
son, Gates, Lahnors, Douthett and
Banks and Currency.
Spencer, chairman; Uygland, Henry,
Howell. Antes, Douthctt and Mnrshall.
Constitutional Amendments and Fed
eral Relations.
Krumbach, chairman; Spirit, Hrook
.ley, Bedford, Wallace II. Vllson,Saun.
dors and Mallory.
Drainage, Irrigation and Water Power
Wink, chairman; Heal. (Jates,
Klechel, Shumway and Uushee.
Education, University and Normal
Schools and Library.
W. II. Wilson, chairman; Henry,
Klechel, nuhrman, Dodge, 1'lllar anil
Enrolled and Engrossed Bills.
Qulnby, chairman; Robertson, Ben!,
Dodgo and Marshall.
Finance, Ways and Means.
Kohl, chairman; W. II. Wilson,
Wink, Qulnby, nrookley, Howell,
Klechel, Uushee and Mnllery.
Claims and Deficiencies.
Weesner, chairman; Grace, Wlllli
Wilson, Lahners and Shumway.
Fish and Game.
Graco, chairman; nuhrmnn, Krum
bach, Saunders and Lahners.
Highways, Bridges and Ferries.
Gates, chairman; Bygland, Robert
son, Willis Wilson, Ruden, Lahners
and Douthctt.
Henry, chairman; Howell, Mattes,
Kohl, Gates, Douthctt, Sandall and
Deal, chairman; Mattes. Qulnby,
Drookley, Kohl, Sandall, Bushee, Splrk
and Spencer.
Mallery, chairman; Qulnby, Wees
ner, Bedford and Klechel.
Live Stock and Grazing.
Bedford, chairman; Brookley, Buhr
man, Ruden and Douthett.
Manufactures, Retail and Commerce.
Pillar, chairman; Beal, Krumbach,
Wink, Dodge, Mallory and Splrk.
Medical Societies.
Willis Wilson, chairman; Bygland,
Weesner. Sandall and Marshall.
Miscellaneous Corporations.
Mattes, chairman; Howell, Kohl,
W. H. Wilson, Henry, Saunders and
Miscellaneous Subjects.
L. Saunders, chairman ; Wink, Grace,
Willis Wilson and Splrk.
Municipal Affairs.
Howell, chairman; Qulnby, W. II.
Wilson, Spencer and Hoagland.
Privileges and Elections.
Wallace Wilson, chairman; Mattes,
Brookley, Splrk and Lahners.
Public Institutions. I
Klechel, chairman; Henry, Buhr
man, Krumbach. Willis WilHon, Plller,
Hoagland and Spencer.
Brookley, chairman; Bedford, Grace.
Mattes, Hoagland, Sandall, Rudon and
Revenue and Taxation.
Buhrman, chairman; Qulnby, Wees
ner, Wink, Mallery, Bushee and Mar
shall. School Lands and Funds.
Robertson, chairman; Bygland,
Weesner, Dodgo and Sandall.
The "Nebraska conservation and soil
survey declares that the Nebraska
blue Bky law Is working better than
plmllar laws In any other state, In a
Btatoment Just Issued. A few changes
F,ro asked for to make tho law effect
ve. All land companies and agents
phould bo required to register with
(the state, and a penalty should bo
iprovlded for not doing so. Funds
fehould bo provided to further system
atize and attend the work and to get
quicker action.
Members ot tho state leglslaturo
havo each received a letter from tho
German Family society Informing
Ithom that they havo been elected hon
orary mombors of tho organization,
jnvltlng them to visit the headquarters
pf tho organization, and assuring
hem that full privileges of the club
rooms will bo accorded them.
A bill to prohibit any momber of
tho legislature from holding any po
eltlon In a state Institution or on any
state board will bo introduced within
e few days.
Last session's members amended tho
rules of each houso to provide for
printing of commltteeof-the-whole
votes in tno journals 01 nom nouses.
fThls session's Indorsement of tho pub
lication of committee votes will bo
,tho last stop and will ennblo tho pub
lic to keep comploto tab on tho law
makers' records, singly and In groups.
Houso action will bo taken during
tho week on tho Joint resolution in
dorsing tho Hitchcock munitions bill.
No opposition appears to havo been
organized against It, thus far.
TIONS An Innovation In HUtory of Senate
State Officers Should Be on
a Non-Partisan
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
For tho first time In tho memory of
even tho old timors, u lieutenant gov-,
crnor read a message to tho sonnto.
This occurred Monday afternoon when
iLIoutonant Governor Pearson read a
short address In which ho recommend
ed many reforms. This followed a
'motion by Senator Howell of Douglas
that tho lieutenant governor bo heard
from, as tho senate had been too busy
Thursday after his Inauguration to
hear him. Following tho reading a
Of Nelson, Speaker of the House,
Nebraska Legislature.
motion was mau by tho samo souator
to accept tho message and that it bo
spread upon tho records. Mr. l'car
jsou's message, which .was greeted
;vith vociferous applause by tho sena
tors, follows in part:
"I greet you toduy in tho capacity
of president of tho senato and llouten
ant governor. I coma to you as the
choice of tho people as expressed at
tho last election, to do what socms to
bo for tho best interests of the peoplo
jof tho stato. I havo and want to con
ilnuo to always havo the interests of
the people of the state at heart. I
have lived in Nebraska so long and
mingled with her peoplo so much un
til I now feel that as a plain Nobras
kan I meet a Irlend every tlino I meot
a Nebraska citizen.
"I want to co-operate with you In
doing your duty to tho people of the
state. Wo aro hero for business and
I hope we will all buckle right into tho
work and stay right with it until every
mcasuro and every subject receives
duo consideration."
In his messago ho states:
That ho thinks all stato, lcgtslativ
and county olllcers should bo non
partisan. That tho stato should havo a per
manent and aggressive publicity
That Nebraska should establish a
first-class stato printing office.
That conservation of stato water
power should recelvo more careful
That the subject of public roads
Bbould not be slighted.
That appropriations should not bo
stinted, but should receive the most
careful consideration and scrutiny.
That there should bo a hearty con
currence in the public demand for a
liberal amount of repeal bills at this
That consolidated rural schools
should recelvo hearty encouragement.
That wo need a rural credit system
that will Improve tho condition of the
farmers of tho stato.
Senate Employes to Wear Badges.
Employes of the senato will wear
metal badges designating their ro
Bpectlvo ofTlcos, according to a resolu
tion Introduced by Senator Wilson of
(Frontier county, and passed. This
practlco was adopted In tho houso sev
eral sessions ago, and has been la
voguo thero slnco.
Sonator Laurlo J. Qulnby, of Douglas
county Tuesday afternoon Introduced
Senuto FIlo 23, a bill to ropeal tho
Eiresent capital punishment law. Ho
vants to do away with tho moasuro
which was amended at the last session
to provido electrocution Instead of
Representative Hutton of Lancaster
has announced his draft of a bill pro
viding for widening the election bal
lots for such a party arrangement of
candidates as will lend simplicity to
tho task of voting.
W. J. O'Brlon, superintendent of tho
etato fisheries, and Gust Rutenbeck,
ch(ef game warden, havo prepared a
jblll to permit tho stato fish and gamo
commission to use tho proceds of all
jganio licenses for tho payment of sal-
jjinvn aim i.-.puuUB ui mu uepuruiiuru.
The hill will ho Introduced by Sonator
Buhrman of Howard county. In two
yearstho gamo license fees amount
to $GO,000. Tho appropriation for the
.support of tho gamo and fish commis
sion for a period of two years is about
;$ 15,000, Tho license fees now go to
(the stato school fund.
JH2& P
Stop That Backache
There' nothing mor Uieotiraln
tlin a constant bnckarhe. ou are lam
when you nwnke. I'nln pierce you when
you bend or lift, in hard to reit and
next Any ICo the ianio old itory.
rjn In tho bnck In nnture'i xwntnt
of kidney III. Neglect nmy pave the
way to dropty. gravel, or other lerloui
kidney tlcknoti.
Don't delay becln mlnir Doan's Klfl.
ney I'lllt the medicine that hai been
curing backache and klaney trouble (or
over fifty jenra.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Helen Con
verse, 134 s. mh
St., Lincoln, Neb ,
snya: "A fall sovre
ly Injured my kl4
tieys mid t was In
poor health after
that. A tired, lan
guid feeling kept mo
In mlarry. My llmlia
and nnklea swelled
nnd I could plainly
see that I hud kid
ney trouble. Donn'e
Kidney I'llls fixed
me up In good ahnpo
nnd I am grntcful
for all they have
done for nic."
Gst Doan's at Any Store. SOe a Bos
t'hiMi) relatives can lie very distant
If thov are rich.
Ytntii own Ditrooivr wn.i, ticm. von
Try Mitrlnii Hyi Ki-tm-tly tnr lied, Vrnk, Winery
Ujri'i unit llramiliiti'il Kji-IMm Nii Mimrtlnn-
timt Kii- cniiitnrt Mrlti" lnr Hook of tlm
) ui.ill K'ri'i- Murtiui hjo Itt'im-ily Co., Uilcuga
The Chances.
"Do you think the elitineos of tho
hobblo skirt are promising?"
"I think they uru very slim."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully overy bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and sco that It
Bears tho
Signature of
In Uso For Over 30 Years,
Children Cry for Flotchcr'a Castoria
The Attraction.
Hacon I understand In many of tho
Chilean cities women aro employed us
street car conductors.
Egbert Now I can understand why
men want to crowd tho back plat
forms. His Mission.
Tho Professor Tho fish of Amer
ica, north of tho Isthmus of Panama,
ombraco thrco classes, HO orders, 223
families, 1,113 genera, 335 subgencru
3,263 species and 133 subspecies.
Tho Student Well, professor, If you
will let mo off today I'll go out and
sco if I can got a string of genera.
The Hyphen Explained.
Mrs. Dearborn You say that Is
Mrs. Burko-Mnrtln?
Mrs. Wabash Yes; Burke was her
namo nnd Martin was her husband's
Mrs. Dearborn Hut why does sho
uso tho hyphen between tho nnines?
Mrs. WnbaBh To show that sho is
separated from her husband.
Austria Protects Workers.
In order to provent tho wholesnlo
dlsmlspal of employees of prlvato
firms, tho Austro-Hungnrlan ministry
of wnr has directed that nrmy con
tracts will only bo given to those
firms who havo maintained their staffs
at tho ordinary full number, nnd with
out nny reduction In wages. Manu
facturers acting In a contrary man
ner will bo rigidly excluded from all
further contracts, nnd they mny also
expect to havo existing contracts canceled.
.Sv "Ertry
The Bumper
Wheat Crop
means nourishment to millions. But, did you know that a large percent of what
are known as the vital phosphates of this wheat will be wasted, so far a
human needs are concerned? That's unfortunate, but true.
Many so-called breakfast foods and all white flour products lack these
mineral elements phosphorus, iron, lime, etc because they are thrown out
of the wheat in the milling process, just to make the flour look white and
pretty. And yet these elements are absolutely necessary all of them
for health.
There's one food, however, that does not lack these mineral elements.
That food is
Grape - Nuts
Made of wheat and barley, this sturdy food contains all the nutriment of
the grain, including their rich phosphates, so essential for body, brain and
nerve building. The long baking of Grape-Nuts food makes it easily digesti
ble, with highly concentrated food-values.
, Comes ready to eat; fresh, crisp, economical, and wonderfully appetizing.
"There's a Reason"
Young Wife Had Done Her Best, But
Probably the Cook Book Was
at Fault.
Iteglnnld loved his wlfo tendorly
nnd devotedly, hut ho had to ncknowl
edgo In tho IntuuBt recesses of his
henrt that tho hand that wielded tho
powder puff lost Its art In tho pud
ding basin.
"What pudding would you llko to
night, love?" sho cooed at breakfast
"Oh, anything I" ho whispered des
perately. "Anything?" bIio reiterated, In a
pained tono.
"Well, you know, old girl; nnythlng
light--only don't tiro yotirsulf out."
"You nlinll havo your favorlto cus
tard, dear," sho promised.
Toward soven o'clock Reginald re
turned, but tho sound of weeping and
gtinshlng of teeth greoted his trained
"Whatever Is It, my dear girl?" ho
Implored, as ho rushed Into tho
"Oo-o-oh!" hIio sniveled on his
waistcoat, "I've been making you ens
tanls all tho aflernoon and"
"And what, pet?"
'They all t-t-tiirned out sponge
Mysteries of Golf.
loseplniR Daniels, secretary of tho
navy, was Invited tho other day to go
out and play golf.
"I can't play It," said Daniels; "I
mado up my mind somo tlmu ago not
to go In for golf until they change the
"How do you mean?"
"Well, until they change tho rules
and mako It as good n gamo us
That recalls tho talo thoy toll about
tho tlmo Franklin K. Iino, now secre
tary of tho Interior, first undertook tho
mastery of golf.
Two enthusiasts ovor tho gamo lont
n largo sot of clubB to Lano and thoy
played u round. When thoy had
reached tho last holo Lano walked
ovor to tho nenrest teeing place nnd
began attempts to drive off with each
club In his Rack, ono aftor anothor.
"Tho gamo's nil ovor," thoy ex
plained, gently.
"Well," nBked Lano, picking up an
othor kind of club, "can't I play my
hand out?" Now York Sun.
Unnecessary Effort.
Ills Wlfo ThlB paper says an nrmy
of 100,000 men has wrecked a railroad
in nclglum.
Railroad Magnate What a waste of
energy! A board of five directors
could have done it Just as thorough
ly. Life.
Too Small to Harm.
Tho Mother I boo a triangular tray
to hold a plcco of pie unharmed in a
lunch box has boon invented.
Tho Boy But who would harm such
a llttlo piece of pie as you cut, mam
ma? Not Supplying the Two.
Tho Angry Ono For two couts I'd
knock your block off!
Tho Calm One Well, you won't get
your working capital from mo.
The Exception.
Payton Aro all tho children bright?
Parker No; ono's lovcl-headed.
Man Is mado of dust which may ac
count for his wnntlng tho earth.
An Ohio Druggist
Wm. Vogfl, 867
May St., Akron,
Ohio, writes:
"Through cold
and cxposuro ind
improper food
Uurln-r tho flood, I
was tnken with
nppcndlcltls and
acute Intestinal
rntnrrh. Tn .Turin
nnd July my 'llfo
wna despaired of,
but recovered suf
ficiently to be up
and around. My
bo wo In seemed
liamlyzcd. Could
cat no solid food.
"Tho first of last December I do
cldcd to try I'oruno. My appetite
improved, nnd very eoon nolld foods
could bo tnken. In two months tlmo
1 gained 18 pounds. Now X am
heavier than I ever was before. When
I began to uso i'cruna my bowels
commenced to movo at once."
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can now procure Peruna In
Tablet form.
Speaking of Aunts.
"You say sho Is an nuutie-qunrinn?"
"Well, that's what hor fresh young
nephew mils her."
Hair and Skin With Cutlcura. Noth
ing Easier. Trial Free.
Tho Soap to clcanso and purify the
skin sand scalp, tho Ointment to
sootlio and heal rashes, itchlngs, red
noBs, roughness, dandruff, etc. Noth
ing bettor than theso fragrant super
creamy emollients for preserving and
purifying tho skin, scalp and hair.
Sample each freo by mall with Dook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Uoston. Sold evcrywhoro. Adr.
Parson Knew Better.
Uncle Jim Sugartoot killed a fine
rabbit for the entertainment of Parson
Hcnvegraco, who was expected to din
nor, but ns rabbits wero out of season
ho thought to avoid what might prove
an embarrasBlng situation by making
tho pnrson think It was cblckon he
wns eating.
"Ilrothor Heayegrnco," Bald Uncle
Jim, when It camo tlmo for a second
helping, "what part of de bird would
you llko now?"
With n merry twlnkl6 In his halt
closed oycB, Parson Heavograce re
plied: "If you all don' mind, Ah think Ah'll
tako do gizzard." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
A Celebrity.
"You say he's tho man wk pat this
town on tho map?"
"That's him, strnngor. He Just In
lshcd serving his sentence abort six
months ago."
Good Advice.
"So you want to be somebody, do
you? Thoro'B only ono way yaa will
ovor make a noise In the world."
"What Is that?"
"Join a brass band."
Tho Now York thief who stole a bar
rel of Ink will probably get a term In
tho pen.
Tho wideawake man doesn't wait for
opportunity to knock at his door; ho
moots her at tho gato.
Men with a keen sense of kumor
never try to toll funny stories.
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