"ex'dStte'0 w 'lpe$r RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Si " I ( i w w i B" i -' V .' 0 i v FRUIT IJIIUiE FOR GUILD "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, aftor glvlna nor chlldrcu "California Syrup ol Figs" that this ia their ideal laxatlvo, because thoy lovo lta pleasant tasto and It thoroughly cleanses tho tender Httlo stomach, llvor and bowels with out griping. When crosB, Irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tonguo, mother! If coated, glvo a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," nnd In a few hours all tho foul, constipated waste, sour bllo and undigested food passes out of tho bow els, and you havo a well, playful child again. When Its Httlo system Is full of cold, throat sore, hns stomach-acho, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "(nsldc cleaning" should always he tho first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Byrup of Figs" handy; they know n teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the storo for a GO cont bottle or "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-upi printed on tho bottlo. Adv. No Room for a Third. yx-I'resldcnt Taft was on one occa eion in consultation with Senator Pen rose of Pennsylvania. Now, as every body knows, Mr. Taft is gigantic and tho senator Is taller and weighs moro than any other member of tho senate While tho two wero In earnest con versation an aggressive politician en deavored to enter tho room, but an alert secretary politely interfered. "What arc they doing In there?" asked the politician, Inquisitively. This pertinent question nettled the secretary and ho answered tersely: "Holding a maBs mooting, I pre sume." I STOP EATING MEAT IF KIDNEYS OR BACK HURT .Take a Glass of Salts to Clean Kid neys If Bladder Bothers You Meat Forms Uric Acid. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form o- other. Bays a well-known authority, because tho uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and causo all orts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheu matic twinges, sovere headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary ir ritation. Tho moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water beforo breakfast for a fow days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous Baits is mado from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with Uthla, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and Btimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize tho acids in tho urino bo it no-longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injuro anyone; makes a delightful etfervescent lithla water drink which millions of men and women tako now. and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus voiding BorlouB kidney disease. Adv. Lapsus Linguae. "I shall bo awfully stupid now," ex claimed a wife who had returned from a visit to her dentist. "Why bo, my dear?" queried her husband. "Becauso I havo had all my wisdom teeth pulled out," replied tho lady. "Oh, my lovo, tho idea that wisdom teeth havo anything to do with wis dom is a foolish ono! If you wero to have every tooth In your head pulled K couldn't make you any stupider, you know!" Curtain. Density of Population. f uy uenaiiy 01 population is meaui ' tho number of persons to each square mile of land area. Excluding tho Dis trict of Columbia, IUiodo Island, with C0S.5 persons per square mile, Is the most densely populated stpto In tho Union, closely followed by Massachu setts, New Jersoy and Connecticut, in tho order named, the only states which havo moro than two hundred persons per square mile. CARE FOR YOUR HAIR - By Frequent Shampoos With Cutlcura Soap. Trial Free. Precedo Bhnmpoos by touches of Cutlcura Ointment if needed to spots of dandruff, Itching and irritation of tho scalp. Nothing better for the com plexion, hair, hands or skin than these fragrant supercreamy emollients. Also as preparations for tho toilet. Samplo each freo by mail with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. There Ain't That Much. "Pop, what'H a plutocrat?" "A man who has as much monoy as I'd like to havo." -Tho faint heart that failed to win may not havo done so badly, aftor all. Mexico lias three provisional presi dents, all dodging each othor. Cape of Satin for Dressy Wear I Mi , -. i ' 'fi Bi ' HRH4 f IwIsTv wm mwKvmTvi jMWX lxK w Si I YSmmWWHmmmxmmmWl-- ;W$r kwmmwM mmmWtSmmmmBlmmm):MSmw . ALONG nnd ample capo of black satin, lined with satin In a con trasting color, and interlined for addi tional warmth, develops a now Idea in treatment of tho neck. Hero a wide ruff, llko tho body of tho cape, makes an attractive finish and a. protection for tho throat at tho same time. The plaiting for tho ruff is grnduatcd In width, growing narrower from tho Bides toward tho front. Rut It Is BUfll clently wide to enfold tho back of tho head, tho ears and tho throat when tho capo Is fastened In tho front. A long silk-covered cord extends about tho base of tho ruff, terminating In two cnbochons (mado of tho cord), ono at each side. Long ends termi nating In heavy Bilk tassels fall from tho center of each of these silk orna ments. A narrow niching mado of satin llko that In the lining outlines the hem on the inside of the capo nil around. It Is a dainty finish, handmade and elegant. This is one of the longest of capes and ono of tho few intended solely for evening or other dressy wear. The capo, which occupied the' cen ter of tho Btngo as tho newest and most chic of wraps at tho beginning of tho season, did not capture the popular fancy, but was admired by a is an attractive novelty. Thero are many Jeweled hair bands discriminating following among those Fancy Combs and ALL sorts of fancy shell combs, or namental hairpins, hair bands and small barettes, bespeak tho return to favor of moro elaborate styles In hnlr dresslng. Tho combs aro shaped in bo many different ways and mado In so many different sizes that one con cludes they are fashioned to bo worn in any position on the head which Butts tho fancy. A great variety in shell combs, pins and ornaments uru set with rhine Btoncs and sparkling colored stones. Tho combB and other ornaments are shown In tortoise colorings, amber, black, white, and gray. Huskies whito rhineBtones there are settings in em erald, amethyst, garnet and topaz colors. A popular oomb, of which an exam plo !u shown In the picture, is made to wear whon tho hair is done In a French coll. It Is long and tho teeth are Joined to a baTid which Is some times narrower at ouo end than ut the other, and sometimes pointed at tho ends. Tills comb may bo had with tho teeth hinged on so that It can bo adjusted to tho head in different po sitions. A single row of stones, or a row extending all uround the edge of tho band, gives n pretty sparkle to this comb. Often tho band Is entirely encruBtod with atones. This moro than doubles the prlco of the comb without adding much to Its attrac tion. A very popular largo Blicll pin is shown In tho picture. One or two of theso pins is thrust In tho hair at tho sides when It is colled low. Or a pair is sometimes soon In a long French coll. The largo Farrar comb is worn in who rollow radical now departures In, fashions. The capo has been featured In comi binatlons with other wraps, where It Is usually short and suggests tho enpn, of the cavallor typo. Its best and( most attractive development as a gar tnent for protection Is portrayed In tho picture given hero, whero it ia shown ns a rich and graceful ovenlng wrap. Velvet Dresses With Tunics. Although many dress skirts aro In circular cut, tnls is rarely tho caso with velvet dresses, ub tho long tunlo is especially good In velvol, says tho Drygoods Economist. These long oversklrts, ns they may bo called, re quire weight In tho cloth to mako them hang gracefully, and are, there fore, an attractive stylo for velvet Circular skirts aro very apt to hang unevenly In velvet, as tho weight of the cloth drags down tho skirt at the sides. New Silk for Winter. For more dressy toilettes tho new fabric known as satin-regonce, a soft silk that seems to havo an almost In-i visible strlpo In i,t, nnd tho graceful' ( amalgamation of tulle and fur and furj , aim veiours win ampiy uo oxpiouea this winter. In tho new claret on' deep wlno shade, satin-regenco prom-j lses a Hatterlng voguo. Hair Ornaments several different positions on tho head and is a showy and splendid affair of many Jewels. Tho teeth Bupport a fan-shaped or scroll top which afford much surface for rhlnestonea. A small ornamental pin to thrust In tho hair coiled high on tho bond is shown in tho picture, which is some thing between a comb and a pin, tak ing the placo of cither. It Is of tor toise shell set. with rhineatones, and mado of llllgroo silver, ribbon and tinsel brnld. And outside of orna ments of shell or metal aro others of millinery and ribbon flowers. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Rolled Pique Collars. Rolled pique coilnra that aro at tached to vest fronts of tho same can bo added to any coat front, or will go with tho ono-pleco dress that is al ways opened with a deep V at the neck. Tho plquo in all theso models' la neither stlfr nor limp; It has to bo! wired if it is to stand up about tho' neck. All the plquo models nre not plain; some of them nro In very fancy weaves or havo a Httlo running sprny of white memorized embroidery along tho edges, , Some pretty ectB for dresses or coats are mado of silk in gay baya dero stripes. Tho deep gauntlet cuffs nro hold togothor by cuffllko buttons. Tho collars aro of tho same sailor shapes aa tho plquo or tho lawn, Spring Colors. Among tho colors for spring are putty, greonlsh tans and grays, old tapestry hluos and dark shades gener ally. ' tO ABOLISH THE DRAFTING FEE STATE TREASURER ISSUES BIEN NIAL REPORT. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented in Condensed Form to Our Readers. Western Newspaper Union Nows Service. Tho coming legislature- will dc away with tho requirement thnt 4ncb mombor who has a bill drafted by tho state legislature reference bureau shall donate a lhi dollar bill to tho uxchctiqucr of that bureau. Indica tions from members who have Ideas which they want put Into the shape of bills and who Hud this Httlo chargo a necessity have been outspok en In their opinion. The bureau baa received requests for about twenty llvo bills, and somo members have already paid their money. Somo havo Bald nothing, others havo said much. Some havo declared they will not pay or will secure a refund from tho legislature. The bureau has found tho charge an effect.! vo method of lightening iU load although it was not rcspouElhlo for the provision. Two years ugo about twice as many requests for aid oame to tho bureau as thus far this year. Two years ago tho llrst twenty days was spent by tho bureau working under high pressure to get out tho largo munbes of bills requested. Lancaster Has Low Tax Levy. Lancaster county has tho llfth low est tax levy In tho state, according to a compilation of tho various- county levies by County Clerk Ward Now comb of Claiy county. Tho Bamo compilation includes u list of tho por capita tax In tho different conn tloa of Nebraska as sliown by tho laBt census. According to this list only two counties liavo a lowor por capita tax than Lancaster. -Loup county lias tho lowest per capita tax, It amounting thero to only $2.88 a person. McPherson comes noxt with a porcaplta tax of only $3,20; tho figure for Lancaster county Is $3.40. New System of Bookkeeping. Twenty-one separaio purposes foi which monoy 1b spent nt stnto insti tutions nre outlined on an elaborate new monthly report blnnk propnred for tho state board of control by Its book keeper, George Wcldcnfold of Omaha. Thero are also classifications under each head bo that practically svery cent exponded can bo accounted for in Its proper channel. Comparisons of each month's cxpenso with tho cor responding month of tho previous yenr and with the preceding month of tho same year are also provided for on tho blanks. Tho now system has been adopted by tho state board of control. Chiropractors Ask Recognition. Nebraska chiropractors feel confi dent that they will not havo a groat deal of troublo convincing tho Btatc legislature that it should enact a law removing them from the "outlaw" class and giving thorn the legal right to practice in tho Btate as the ostoo pathB aro pormlttcd to do. Fifty members of tho Nebraska Association of Chiropractors met at Lincoln to canvnss tho situation and confer wltb tho legislative committee State Treasurer Walter A. Georgo'i biennial report shows that during tha past two years ho bought bonds nnd state warrants aggregating $3,554,463. Of that amount $1,809,375 was In the form of bonds, most of which were municipal securities issued by cities and towns In Nebraska. During the past year ho bought bonds amounting to $5G1,42C. Tho investments for tho state dun Ing tho blennlum wore from Uio fol lowing funds: Permanent school fund Bonds, $1, 722,072; warrants, $998,244. Permanent university Uonds, $19, 953; warrants, $4(iC,K5. Agricultural endowment Bonds JC0.000; wnrrnnts, $8,703. Normal endowment Bonds, $0,250; warrants, $6 573. University building fund Warrants $205,103. To Consider Water Supply. A schomo to utlllzo water power In tho Blue river for supplying state In stitutions at Lincoln with olectric cur rent is receiving tho attention of I-and Commissioner Fred Beckmann. Whila ho has not yet completed his Investi gation Into tho matter, he believes thero is an opportunity for hydro electric development now going to wnsto, which, If carried out would afford the state its necessary powor supply at much less cost than where steam Is used. Chrlr.tmns at Penitentiary. Christmas was obsorvcnt tho pcnl tentlury. After enjoying tho fresh nil out In tho yards, the Inmates were summoned to tho chapel about 9; 30, whero tho annual show was given foi their boneflt. Following tho perform ance tho convicts retired to tho dining room, where thoy enjoyed tho luxuries of a big Christmas focd, In tho nftor noon tho Christmas gifts sent to tha Inmates by their relatives wore oponed. A largo number of express ami parcels post packagos arrlvod 'at .the Institution In tho forcuoor jIlTMTIONAL SIINfiSrSfflOOL Lesson (Ty R. O, SKLI.UItH, Acting Director of Riimliiy Hehool Cotirne,) LESSON FOR JANUARY 10 DEBORAH AND BARAK DELIVER ISRAEL. t.r.SMON TI-:XT-.luilKi'N 4:4-10. UOI.DHN TKXT-TIm righteous cried, till Jehovah liciinl tmil dnllvcrnit tlietn nit of all their liuubloH. I'm. .11:17 It. V. Thero aro two Inspired nccounts of this victoty, ouo in prose (cli. 1) and ono In poetry (Judges C). Thoy pro- sent different view 8 of tho Fumq ovent. Israel had been oppressed for, 20 years under .labia and Sisern, Ills' chief captain (1:2) though It suemsj to havo been that the northern tribes' of Naplitall, Aaher and Xchulun, tlid Galileo of ChrlHt'H day, wero chiefly! concerned. Mother In Israel. I. Deborah's Call to Service, vv. 4-9 Ah tho peopl" forsook God ho forflooh tlioin, und t' ' 'i'iiiiio easy prey. II wo withdraw Mom U, M'nire wo also withdraw from IiIh prou.i k..Mi. Al though Joshua had burned llano: (Joshua 11:1-11), yet becauso of Is rael's backsliding it Is now ntrong enough to becomo thoj-ulor. It Is so with sin allow It to exist and It will conquer. When, howover, Israel re pented und cried unto God (v. 3) ho raised up n deliverer and In tills casa it wiib a "mother In Israel" (ch. C:7). Tho word Deborah means "bee," nnd It Is suggested thnt "she answered her namo by her Industry, sngaclty and . usefulness to tho public, her BweetnoBS to her friends nnd sharp ncsB to her enemies" (Matthew Hon ry). Her husband's namo In given, but nono of his nchlovcmcnts. From her dwelling placo at Jcbus, ub bIic eat benenth u palm treo bIio gavo forth her wisdom and Judgment to tho peo ple who brought their difficulties be fore lior (Ex. 18:13; Dcut. 17:8-12). Judgment of Bin always precedes any manifestation of graco (I Cor. 11:31, 32). Doborah, tho Judgo, recognized tho gravity of tho situation, for sho was not only a Judgo, but a prophetess by dtvlno appointment (II Pet. 1:21). Whon sho called Barak at once recog nized her noto of authority (v. 6). Doborah gavo Barak explicit instruc tion and direction. In this chapter only tho two tribes most interested are mentioned (5:17, 18). Bold, 8anaclous Leader. II. Barak's Conquest of Slsera, vv, 10-16. Barak was a bold, sagacious leader and choso ono of tho world's best and most famous battleflolds, Es draclon. Barak led his men to ML Tabor, from which could bo seen tho wholo region whero Sisora'B armlos wero Bpread out upon tho plain. From chapter 5 it appears that some camo to tho bnttlo from the tribes of Mannsseh and Tssachar (5:14, 15) and that others wero expected who failed to obey tho Hummons (5:15, 17). From tho slopes of Mt. Tabor, Deborah and Bnrak saw Sisora nnd his iron char lots advancing across tho plain. Ono of tho descendants of Hobab, Mobob' brothorln-law (Num. 24:22 It. V. m and Judges 1:1G) had revealed tho placo of Barak's camp (v. 11). Ileber should havo boon In the land of Judah and Simeon nnd not In such close proximity to tho enemies of Israel. Josophus sayB that when Barak Baw Slsera's army drawn up, nnd attempt lng to surround tho mountain of his encampment his henrt failed him, and ho determined to retire to a place of grcator safety. Deborah, however, urged Barak to attempt tho battle, "for this 1b tho day in which the Lord hath delivered Slsera Into thino hand." Tho thing was as sure to bo dono as if It wero dono already. As wo read verses 11 nnd 12, together with 5:17-19, it would look as though Sisora seemed to havo tho advantago against Barak and his ten thousand men. Sisora did not, however, count upon Barak's powerful ally God. "Ia not Jehovah gono out beforo them?" Doborah had enthusiasm nnd zeal, but needed Barak's action. Sho depended upon tho "uro word of God nnd was devoid of fear (Horn. 8:31). Sho knew thnt victory was certafn, for God had said so (v. 7). Her chargo, "Up, Barak!" was a clarion call .nd served to nerve tho entire nrmy of Israel. Verso 15 tells us who it was that won tho battle that day (soo also 5:20, 21; Josh. 10:10; T Chron. 15:15-17). Even tho stars fought against Slsera, mean ing that God turned tho elements to the ndvanVigo of Israel's army. Showors of motcors havo been rocorded in this land in recent times nnd 5:21 tells of tho floods of water that "swopt away," overthrew, tho chariots of Slsera. Tho word discomfited," wo are told, scarcely .uggests tho sudden terror nnd confusion which foil upon Slsera's nrmy. Llko nil of God's victories, It was most completo. A bravo, outraged woman executed a sentenco which somo mnlo member of her faml'v would certainly havo I The "curso or Meroz" (5:23) Is that bontowed upon th Bhlrkor, the cow ardly and ldlo. It Is the curso of uso lessness, tho causes of which aro cownrdlco, falso humility and Indo lence Tho work of tho Avengor is a necessity. Evil stalks tho world on tho, way to execution; though wrong reigns, it must and will load through tho powor of tho highest to Christ's glory (Epb, 0:12, Rom. 8:37-39), A Real Foe To Health is a Weak Stomach From this source arises such ills as Poor Appe tite, Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Consti pation. You can conquer and fortify the system against such foes by the timely use of H0STETTERS Stomach Bitters Bo Suro you got the Genuine. BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED If Cull.r't BUeklft Pill, tow-mlf-rii. rnwh, rrlUbUi preferred bj Wni itnnkmui. beciUM tti.y prol.ct whtr other victlnii fill. Wrlln far hnoklft and ImtlmnnUU. 10-dsta pin. niteklfi PHI, $1.00 SO-dOM pk. Oltekltf I'llll 4.09 IT nn liitis-tnr- lul 'utler. ImmL Tho HtnerlorHf of fuller iimilui-1 In itue to oer IS ytr. or h UHtlng In vaeelnet ant aerumi only, tnilit ml Culler'.. If iimili(atnll, tinier direct. THa CutUr Laboratory. Otrktliv. Cli or CMtu. lit- A Surprise. Old Maid (wlio during a short trip had to put her pug dog in board nt a neighbor's family) Well, children havo you always been kind to my pot? Chorus Yob! i Llttlo Carl (blurting out) And he enn swim, now, too! Fllogoudo Dlaet ter. IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Don't Look Oldl Try Grandmother's Recipe to Darken and Beautify Gray, Faded, Llfeleae Hair. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with r. brew of Sago Tea and Sulphur. Whenover her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was' applied with wonderful effect By asking at any drug storo for "Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottlo of this old-time recipe, ready to ubo, for about 60 cents. This slmplo mlxturo can bo depended upon to rcstoro natural color and beauty to tho hair and 1b splendid for dan druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling- hair. A well-known druggist says every body uses Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur, becauso It darkons so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking ono strand at a ,tlmo. By morning tho gray hair disappears; after an - other application or two, It Is re stored to Us natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant Adv. Hadn't Noticed It. Tomdlx Your wifo is certainly out- ipoken, isn't sho? Ilojax Not that I know of. I novel met any ono who could outspeak her. Backache Warns You I IlflQkncbo U one of Nature's warnlnn or kidney Weakness. Kidney disease kills thousands every year. Don't noglcal n bad back. If your back Is lame if It hurts to stoop or lift II thero is irregularity of the secretions suspect your Kidnoys. If you Buffer head ache, dizziness and aro tired, nervous and worn-out, you havo further proof. Uso Doan's Kldnoy 1'IIM, lino medietas for bad bucks and weak liltlneys. A Nebraska Case "Brerv Mr. Henry Ernst, 721 H. UtKhth tit. Lincoln. Neb., gay: "My back kept pain InK mo all tha time nnd I wna In .Mitt. Jliail shapo I couia r-rL.hanlly cot arounit. Mornlnss I felt atlrr and lama and was tired and wornout I couldn't stoop and tho rheumatic pains In my arms and limbs rer awful. After using Doan's Kidney rills a cou ple of dnys I felt better and as I contlnuad with them I steadily Improved until I was rid of th allmunts." Get Doan's at Any Stora, 80c Box DOAN'S WAV FOSTER.MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. T. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You'ro Tired Out of SorU Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will putyou right in a few days. They do. their duty.. CurcCon-i stination. ' Diliousncss, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature reifr ; "ftm Btcry" ,jT v&m MMMM. MMWf so .HCARTER'S mamur ilVER BVV SBril.1.3. yf Useful Artificial Arms Write for free catalog "B 10." Carnes Artificial Limb Company 804 CAST 12lb STREET, KANSAS OTT, lid 9 Mi a- ml 'V M -'iJsilJletti mkl gjggjgggasK (VWf