C4gH w . atsr5(!yHwj 7 - r '... RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w tWjft 1M r. . i&.- X ' ft WWWUWIM HOMENEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings was down from Itiu- Geo Mutltln vale Monday Clius. (Si I lut in mis u passenger to Lincoln .Monday. A. F. llt'iti'twvll was down fiom lnnvalc Mcititliiy. I.oland Caldwell lisft the llrt of t! o week" lor Omaha. Inn mi Suits til ' Price for CVh. Minor I It o. Co. S.I) Long of Co tics was in town Satin tiny evening. Ilnri'v I'.ncUlcs Wdson tlio sick list tint llrat of t In- !:. .Miss Mabel Bui ley was on tlio slcl. list lite llrnt of tliu week. Will Arnold hits rtsiuieil ills pivi tlon in CuIIIiik'h iliujj stuiV. Belt Dis returned to ForL Morgan, Coloiinlo, .Monday tvinliijy. Mrs. Will Itnnls and children re tllriH'd totiiltncr Saturday. Will Wnght of University Place was visiting ft minis hurt' .Sunday. Stun Temple of Kansas City is in town thiswooU visit ill? triotids. "Chicken" Mcrodith returned the ilr3t of tlio week from Minnesota. Mrs. L. II Dluokledgo ontiirtains a few friends tomorrow tit a patty. 3. B. Kisser went to Lincoln Friday to visit hts son, Will Klzur and wife. The newly elected county otllcers take charge of their respective oilieos today. Sheriff Hedge and II. J. Muurer re turned home from Grand Island on Thursday evening. Guy Zelgler spent Sunday in Guide Rock with his sister, Mrs. Cady and husband. Leonard Rciher returned to Lincoln Sunday to resume his studies at the state university. Miss Ruth Johnston entertained several of Iter friends at b "watch party" New Year's eve. Go to Miner Bros. Co., for all your wants in Women's Wear and in l)iy , Hoods, Groceries and Shoes, j Mr. and Mrs. J W. Htiehr returned .Saturday from Fait Held where they ' had been oponding the holidays. Miss Laura Hodge returned to Frank lin the ilr-t of the week after spending Iter vacation hero with Iter mother. District ciiuit will convene hete Tliur-duy, January lltli, but. the ury ' will not be called ttitlil the tSth inst Unrvoy ltlekutson arrived homo Sun day from Missottii where ho had been spending tlio holidays with relatives. Uepies'Mit alive Geo. W. Lludso.t wen, to Lincoln the lut of the week to begin his duties in the state iegisla tin e. M Us Sch lltiauhi'f leturned the Hist of the ek fiom Orleans where It id hten spending her vacation her folk. tV.iltur Marshall tetlirucd to St. Ji 0 Sunday ovenliif? to resuino his sttuliis uClor spending the holidays wttlt Ins mother. , iss Marie Jernberg left Saturday for Sutherland to icsuino her school duties after 'pending the holidays hete with her patents. Senator W. L. Wovsnoi' went to Lincoln Monday to take up hts duties in tlio Mute legislature which started to grinding tills week. The Mis-es fn no Met! aire ami Grace Slieier letunu-d fl Itiv-ruin Sunday ovening to again loxiinie their school duties near that pine". The Misses Cecil. Zelia and Leslie Taylor entertained a lew friends Frlaav nvetii'ig in Mr. and Mis Cluil (lellatly. ltussel Ainaek, Phil Sherwood, How nrd Foe and Charles Shcter have re turned to Lincoln to resume their studies at the state university. Attorney U. W Stewart arrived home from Lincoln Sunday evenitt? whore he had been spending the holi days with re'utivos and friends. Miss Cecil Thornton returned Sun day evoniug from Lincoln, where she had boeu spending the holidays, to re sumo her duties as a teacher in the public schools. Ed. Ainnclc lias moved his pianos and undertaking lino into the Me Fiirlaud building, whore ho will con duot tin exclusive undertaking and musical business. Cuilmutt. (:Iimstcdo Jr.. I). I). U. M. of tlio I. O. O. F. Lodge, accompanied by John Hamilton, Vernon Dudley nud Tim Hondrlckson wore up fiom Guide Rock Monday evening nud in stalled the new otllcers in Lodgo No. 180. Afto J5he TEPEE UNCLE TOM'S CABIN III live pin to. llOllgtst ami l'todiiced by a xtars nuili'i' the World Film dueeix of ''!' depicting Atneriei'x moil famous siotj, company of famous itmtiiigetncnt of the (.'oi-pnlutiiitl. tin' pio i' Man of the Mom," 'Across the P.i 'lue. Mv v. A spleiiili'l priiiltii'lliiii in every way. Mr. mid Mrs. Lew Conrad of Bloom ingtoti spent Suuday with Roy Rife and wife. Miss Katlirjn lturko arrived In the oily Sunday evening to resuino her duties as a teacher in our public schools after spending the holidays with her parents at Walnut, lowa On Monday and Tuesday Mr: Phillips Aislstanl Grand Custodian of tlio A. F. vV: A. M. lodge, of Heaver City held a school of instruction here. On Tues day evening Abel Jernherg took the third degiec and a luncheon was seiv oil after bulge Mr. Phillips will be buck hero Friday to hold a school of insttiictioti in tlio evening. City Council Met On Wednesday N A I uesaay January 11 and 12 Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents 7 10 and !t 1" THE TREY OF HEARTS Wednesday Thursday January 13 and 14 Regular Prices 10 and 5 cents 7:30 and 9:1.1 was in Lincoln she with of their honor of hers partook of au Warren's Cafe, Ben Adhein lodge tlio mem oyster supper A Food and Nerve Tonic is frequently required by old age. Wo ulwnya recommend J22 Emulsion CQntatnwii Uypophoifhittt , 03 au ideal combination for this purpose. H. E. Grico Drug Co. Attorney McNeil j this week. doats and Suits at i Price for Cash Miner Bros Uo. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Orlmos returned to Blue Hill Satutday Miss Myrtle Carpenter returned home Sunday from Franklin. Mr. nud Mrs. John Myers returned home Wednesday from Ragan. The W. 0. T. U. will meet with Miss Cotting next Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mattle Ab?l returned to McCook Sunday to resume her school duties Fred Pharos has returned to Lincoln to resume his studies at the university. Miss Hazel Saladcn left Monday for McPherson, Kits., to lesiuuc her studies at the college. Hruco Eshelmau returned to Eul'lnr ott, Kas., Sunday to icxuuie his studies at the College. Mr. and Mis Perry Audeisiili of Ansley arc visiting ills patents E. W. Anderson and wife. The Misses Di-sslo T.iylor and Fay Tol returned to Lincoln Sunday to re sumo their studies at the university. On last Filduv at Lincoln Roy 11 Copley of lu.-milc and Velum A. Mo Croft of WaVerly werj issued a mar riage licetiS'). Mfssis Walker, Rusher and Plank of Finukliii were lit town Monday at tending the A. F. & A. M. lodgo school of instruction. LOSl' wut eh and chain Monday uL'ht on South Webster street Finder please ret in ii the Mime to this office and tecelve leWard. The young people or tho Baptist chur"h will hold a social at tho chinch on Friday evening and the proceeds will tie used fct the buiielit of the Sun dav school On Tuesday livening the Uetee ol Honor lodge installed I ho new oflleers for this j car. After lodge a program was given and all present then sol doMi to a luncheon, Ml-scs .leiinie Miner and Marybelle Htixsinger, and Messrs. Dow Kaley, Verlln Taylor, Fted Pharestiud Russel Meyeis hpont last week at the Cluis. Hill homo in Hastings. The Misses Marguerite Heal, Mario llnldxtor, RUinohe and Mabel Pope, Mamie Itelher mill Hlanche McCartney hao returned to Lincoln to resume tticlr studies at tlio iiniveislly On Tuesday morning at the homo of Rev II iimiuel occurred the wedding of Miss Louise Eleanor (lilham, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilliam, to Mr. Clyde Oivllle Wolf, son of Mrs Wm. Wolf. Rev., Hummel performed the ceremony. This young couple is well known in this city and tho Chief along with their many friends extend con gratulations The failure of a Huron, S. D., ex hibitor to return this picture to tho World Film Co., Omaha, in time for shinmeiit to Red Cloud has caused a postponement of Its appearance here for one week. It will positively be shown at the Tepee next Monday and Tuesday, January 11 and 12. This is a splendid live reel picture and an en tirely now production, unlike and by far excelling any former Undo Tom's Cabin picture over shown. Cards cf Thanks To the kind friends and neighbors who so willingly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved sou anil brother, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks, also to those sending (lowers. Frank Ui:ititicK and Family. J linn at . IM.V hi' I'itV eminell met on Woiliii"-da evo dug w.th Mayor D.tiiierell pre si ling, all members pi cent. I he minutes of the previous meeting lU'io lend and appioved. The monthly teportof S. It. Floraliee city, treasttier, was road and placed on llli. The clerk w us instructed to notify the bond lioldets that the city vwnihl call in S'-ViOO worth of bunds Feb. 1st. Tlio superintendent was instructed to purchase a Hi foot length of smoke stack to repair the smoke stack at the power house The following claims weio allowed: Guy Ziiglcr ?M0 00 W. A Patten 80 00 Jus. Etherton 75 00 E. H. Weber C7 70 S. It. Fiornnce 329 73 O.CTeel 79 1G GrantChristy 05.00 Carl McArthur 14 40 Joe Fogel 12 00 H. Ludlow 5 15 Turnure and Son 8 10 Pobe Bros C 3r MortuutBrof 15 00 GundMfir. Co 6 75 Crane Co 7 70 McGraw Co 44 23 Mnyer Coal Co 503 21 Mutual Oil Co JU29.65 Malone-Avery Co, """2Y25 Jan. Petern'on 21 10 Methodist Mention A large number of young folks at; tended the Leagtio service Sunday evening. Come again. Would It be better or worse if till kept Hie Golden Rule. Prayer mooting every Wednesday evening and your Invitation has been sent out Cultivate the best corn for the best crop and the best glfio for the best life. If you would be happy be useful. About llfly young peoph) went skat ing last Tliuisdav. This i th Ur.st of similar e.vcitrxions to tie conducted by the League. If .oii plmi to give a money ift to Christ do not write it, in your will, but do it t.otv. You cnii not Inko it along. Its what we send before and Hot what we lenvo btlilml lhal in ikes a fiuot a 'do tccot.l. The pastor K gotllngti large tuiinlicr pi'oplo pledged to toHii the new I GREAf JANUARY I CLOTHING SALE Men's Boys' and Children's iUITS and OVERCOATS 8 8 (A 9 Cc o ,ur neighbors not on ot testament this, yenr Will jon not join with uh? Pi ay for them. Aid Society will meet tin Friday at the usual place and au lucent call is made lot all members to bo present as tlio lime of the annual lia.mr draws near. A right life is the bust proof of a sincere faith. The Ladles Aid Society, Mrs. Hiues, president, presented the choir with a dozen tine chairs for the loft. Talking is not as important, as it soonis and a little quiet thiiikiuggrcat ly improves the quality. Mr. Holmes has been elected choir ister for the Sunday school. Reputation is what others th.nk of us character is what we ate. A new class for young men was or- gun i zed lust Sunday. We are anxious to increase our numbors. Come nud join us. Temptations arc elfcctlvo only when there is something in us that responds ICT AT BIG REDUCTIONS 2! J r Q O 1 Reductions from plain figm-1 pric Only High Grade Clothing Sold Hero reg :es. ICUPPENHEIMER g CLOTHCRAFT 8 Suits and Overcoats fl THE BEST IN THE WORLD D N A he Qoaiden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. Always Reliable to them. City Treasurer's Statement January f, 10)57" Mayor and City Council, City Ked Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: 1 submit statement, covei ing icccipts and dlsbuiscuicnls of my olllce for the period from December ll, I'd I, to Jan. 5, H'l'). Occupation Fund li.iluneoon haiul Dec. 1, 'M...S 2t:i ill Itecelpts lb 00 No Dislitirsctneiits llalauce Jan. 5, '!." Water Fund B.ilnncoonliand Dec. 1, Ml....? No receipt. No Disbursements Balance on hand Jun.f, MH . .$ Water Levy Fund Balance on hand Dec. 1, 'II 3 No leceipto, no illstuirsoiiicnttj. Delicate Children usually only need a food tonic to mako them strong nnd licalthy ' ronlniiiMiu JlupophonjihUis is not only tho best food totiio but ia pleasant to take. Sold only by us. H. E. Grice Drug Co. HBNRY COOK, M. D. iu:ai.i:u in DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j I J l!,l.!llli!'. "a, r maa:,xi.,J e -asiaiB&-ssss3esss rw$ I m '"li il'!l"i:!ll"i!!p ill i ,.u!iliilil(!i! I1 U'"ti ;SS6SSSSSSS-8SMil niRNURE'S janoa: i if '-'r'8 :n I Tfe K WI A BPn?v T5K 1 - im wr v it I. uri im a 2.-.S ai Rfl IB Kfld Utfk fcy IN W WfM f W) tH KM 1 ' flfvw nm.sr ewa & l . oo 3 1L a-, FA mn M i S hft ) " "" ' - - i -M- ii urtifi iiniiinrini im mm wiw n i l no I (S & m ft s JiJv kL, IT Balance Jan. f, Mr ' llononil Fund Buliiiice on liatulNov.-l, Ml. No Kecolpts. Disbursements i ..?570 03 2ri:i j; !7l) bl B.Uanco on hand Man. o, in... r.Icctric Light Fund Halaiicoon hand Dec l.'ll.., .? 888 -Jl Uecelpis 1011 Ml dies9 and Children's : A 1 C YA Cloaks fl Must he sold in next ten days. Money no object. Yona can make your dollar go Disbursements.. i!io:i in 8!) J 152 Balance Jan. 5, M.r ?1W3 B i:iectrio Light Levy Fund Brtlanceonliand Dec. 1,M1 H01 :.'" No icccipts or dlsbursciuetits Balance Jan. o, Mo !10l 27 FiiTiiion's Fund Balance on hand Dec. 1, Ml I 112 Ifi No Receipts Disbursements Ill 00 just twice as far here. 3 3 A If I yk lUl tUlt xS The slock contains many fine black Coats, and quite a variety of Fancy Cloaks, although we are broken in some sizes. Come early and get your choice at these reduced prices: 9 s Balanco Jan. 0, '15 Judgment Fund Balance on hand Dec. 1, Ml.... No receipts, no disbursements. 112 45 none 1IOIIO $ I 0.00 Cloaks at 1 5.00 Cloaks at 20.00 Cloaks at 25.00 Cloaks at 27.50 Cloaks at $ s.oo 7.50 10.00 12.50 13.75 at Balance Jan. fl, '10 Recapitulation Occupation Fuud $ 253 Hi Water Fund 4 00 Water Levy Fund 2 47 General 270 81 Klcetrlo Lljjlit Fund 1008 01 Electric Lik'ht Levy Fund. .. 3ol 27 Firemen's Fund H2 -tfl Total 81890 7o Ht'Klstered Warrants Outstanding. Occupation Fund 81000 3 Ueiici-dl Fund called Nov. JlO (ifl 00 FURS AND SKIRTS AT Yz PRICE The Stage Last See the latest thing in Women's Fine Shoes r- 4 "S. H." Green Trading Stamps Given - With Bach Cash Sale -2 Total 81101 19 S. R. Florakok, City Treasurer m "I Don't Feel Good" That is what a lot of people tell uj. Uffuallytheirbowclsonlyuccu cleansing. will do tho trick and mako you feel fine. Wo know this positively. Take one tonight. Sold only by us, 10 ceute. H. E. Grice Drug Co. F. G. . TUEWE & SOHI Agents For Pictorial Review Patterns m V V " -Ml. -1VWHH.S.U;W,. t-jjiktsMMiJidSiiii ... .'t jaw ,,,,. essss!. . H KK i VI 1 1 1 I i i '!', wmamn "" r ''T"TTMjWflw.K..iyfe'i.v.134 iLl'.' W 2 TO.ww -,