1 f V 0M ;! f it ,t3Wfc.-,. y z ..? IED CLOUD, NEBRA1KA, CHIEF xr5: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVKKY THUltSDAT Kntcrcd In llio I'imtc Hire nt Itiil ( loud, Net). M Hccoiul C'liiRNMnUor A. II. McAHTllUK l'UIII.IHIIKII TI1K ONLY IWMOCIIATK! I'AI'KIl IN WKItBTKIt COUNTY O, I). Hedge, our popular enuiitj hhcrln", wus Hindu Vict- l'lchiilent of tin htntu iihhOL'iiitloii nt h niimiiil mi (I ing lust week. This county nppirclntes the lioiiur mill mImj kiuiUH Unit . D K bitf enough locally It without. Injur; to Ills l)lll'l, Our hIhIm-cIIj, Supi-rlnr, I.h cxpPi lonc.liig ii iihiili-iiiblc gilef Jtt-t nt litis cut. Mint tin Mipicini' court icvff'-oil tin lludliigh ol llio liinl cmnt In tin Million discs nnil tin liquid rcfiesb" ini'iit pniloif tueclo'-cil TIumi us soon 1IH tllihlltl) pi'tllll tllL'll' UIIH IllllJVelClKC of opinion between the city mid tlio electric light I'liiipiiny mid till Mieet lights i cent i ill. Thiih Siipcilor In in diuluiihs mid diy. Cheer up, the worst Is yet to cotno The wny to innke tlie pioposod creamery project mi usmiiciI Micees Is Jor everyone big mid little to got 1 o hind tlio movement mid help. We Iihvo been wanting to do something for yearn anil now Unit the opportunity -presents itself we should get right down to business nnil make a go of it. Thla Institution will plnco n hundred And fifty thousand dollars in the pocketH of dairy people In our midst I Mount ford's. otvontr vnnr unit Dint, inpntm im Itwluutrv I MIS. HtllOH that Ih worth while. Let evoiyonci JuaosL Saloon Men At Superior Lose Tlio lleutiBes of three Superior, Ncb Bulomihcepei, the g ranting of which c onted such p furore lust spring, were Illegally issued mnl must ho cancelled ueeottllng to ii lleclsloti hairlcd down by the supreme court Monday morn in'. The supreme court held Unit, the pre tended 01 dim nee under which the jllectmiH wire Issued wns invalid, us It conliiini'd no ii-giiliitlniis ns to what ollloMs should liauille lliu applications anil Lite- lioinfs mid Vigil tlie HeeiiM r'uitlici iniiii' the coin! hold that, tlio piitliinus for licenses did not contain tin- neicssaiy till" j-ntlniis collccrniinr the respectabllitj, chiiracler, Mantling ami ti slilciioo (if the applicant. An otdiiiniicc uili pledlii Apill f ro lilliilid the Mile of llipi us in H'lpuiior Aiinlher owluiiinoi, adopted In May, allowed It. Tlit- Uiiei'tippllCatitM were .l.ilin A. D.ierr, Andrew Kiyo mid (Jlitirles K. At-lmlt. 'J I c I'etiiotistriilinsiigaln-t lite grant Mils' of the llceiisiH wcic tiveiiult-il by tho dlslilci tout t mid ap uih d lo the rtupreine court. The luttei's di'i'lsion revel ses the h wet tiilitnial tiiidillrects it lo order the licenses cancelled TucsihiyV l.inei In Dully Star. M. E. Sunday School Report. The following Is a icport of tho most Intcri sting items finiu the yearly icpori Enrollment .luniniry 1, IJUl, .'110; home department, aft; Number of ses sions of tho Hcltool, :'.'; visitors during the year, 2.11; uiimber of uHIcdih, ', number of tciichois, S!l; averugo at tendance, 101. Dmiuer classes for the, year, pri mary Allison Cowdeu's; Juniors, Mrs. Hines; Intel mediate, tic between Mrs. Walker's and Mr. WullbrondtV; Sen iors, Mr. Stcwml's; Adults, Mr. was the only teacher present every Sunday during Uih year. LEG ii. NO SICE. lit The. District Court of Webster County. Ni.brasKa. buey M. Hlonetirenker, lMnlntlir, 8. HnitiiielC. Shark, l.lrlu A. Hliaritlicl, .1. W. Sliarliel, lier IiiihIkuiiI, first name, un known. I'l.iMmd. Martin, Nelllo Martin, hli wife, l Incur (,'. 'lent, David I'. Mclnlncli, Cora . Mclnltifli. ids wile, llran M. Ileilue, unit rioiLiii'eil. Hi due. his wife. W'lllluni A. Kent ami Ailiilc Knit Ills wife. Ilrfi'llitllllts. Tin iilioM-iiaiinil noil riMitint iletemlniits, ,lliiA.sliaihlnl.-l. W. Hlmrniul. In r Iiiik liiiuil, iviumiillrM imuicli unknown, fly-wen (I. Martin, nnil Nillli- Mlirlln. Iil wife, will takeuotlii Unit on tin Jail ilav of .taminry till'). I.ik M stoiifliriiil.tr, plalnilM hen In. '.Illfillidr iiiHtloii In Hi" UMrlet Court of Wthsifi I'liimlj, Nt lirnska, ais.iliist said ill (t'littaiiis. On ot'Jiet niiil I'niji rof whloli are toliuii'li' ea lurlaln nioitRHRe uMCiitul by llieilefiiiitatil Siiiiiinl . Uliui'k lo tho ilaln lilt upiiti lliu followliK? ittserlliwl piuiuhtii, to wit i liimniiiit'lni(2M0 ftut north of the miiiIIi enhl collier ot tlie Miutli wt quniliil of llu wiiith (list quailer of cit'tlon '.Vi. In town ' north, of riiiivull. west, of the Oih I'. M. In ulisii r I tniiili . Ni bfiifkii: thence noi th to I lie north easl eorntrof tlienoith ul quart i rof the mi tluasi qiiiirterofseetlon:i.i. town Jnonhof iaiie it, wihi; riiniilii Mist .j fei.t; Uieiiresoillli (llstaneeiqiial to the ens. Hue of wilil laiul In quisllnii; lliinec east 'M feet to the point of departure: cuiilaliilin; I-'-atris niorcor It-s. all In thunorth west quart, erof the Miitth uint quarttrof stctlon :i5 town'J, north "I riumu II. went ol tho lith I', M. In Webster County. Neliraska, (now known 118 lots, I to :w In Shuck's HuIhIIIvIsIuii ol Annex 1 lo lted Cloud) to Feeure the pay ment of a certain promissory nolo dated March U, I'JOH for tlicsuin of StWO.CO and due and payablu Marcli U. lUIOi tliat them Is now due upon said unto and mortKngu the sum of JtmM for wlitcli sum with Interest from this dale iilaliitlll' prays for a decree; tliat defend ants be required to pay the same or tliat said premises may lie sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or boloro tlieSjd day of l'ebruary, 11)15. Dated Januarys. 11)15. I.UCV M. STONKIUtKAKKIl, lly ilernard McNeny, ller Attorney. m aKaaammmsM Dyspepsia Tablets Will Roliovo Your Indi.qostlon H. E. Grico Drug Co. Yon can't aifurd to miss this one, A Pool and His Money," comes highly ' recommended from tho cities it bus bcun playliiK. and tho only hiuh class comedy booked for this scii'-ou. Guy and Constance Cuiifmun heads tho oast which Is tin usMiruuco of a splen did pcrfoimmice. At opera Iihiisd on Siitiudiiv, Jaiitmry lit li. l'n.cs, r() , Sl.'c, "'tti. People Ask Us What is tho best laxative? Years of experienco in selling all kinds leada us to always recommend w as tho safest, surest and most satiaf ao- tory. Sold only uy, us, iu cenw. H. E. Grico Drug Co. STUYKD-A sandy colored sow, welbt 'J.'iO lie ward. Mrs. Corn I'll nev, Inavule. 8 mp "uito . m, mmmi mm: 'mWh-? my- J4 a, n iFd l ; rs?. n BTf "ct s" xi si .. . X ha?1 I Mrt'M1 &$ ' 7fil v i"i",r' u nmw asp-and - wp I 92 IP '11 fl I tw' Skirts tit?" HT V price! Citizens Mass Meeting The clllzcns' mass meeting held tit the court house last Thursday was well attended, there being repicsentatlvc tax payers from nearly every part of the county. The meeting whs called to order hikI presided over by Mr. N. V. Anderson. After the selection of a secietmy ami the appointing of a committee on (solutions, tlio questions of statu tax and state legislation ami many seem ingly useless appointive nllijei'i were thoroughly dismissed. In course of due time, the couiiuittctHiu tCMilutions were asked to report, with theiesiilt that tint following icsoliitioiis weiu adoptfd: 1st. Wo ask of the legislature to ip peal the primary law mid ic instate the nt'l caucus and coiixeniion sjstem. 'Jnd. Wo are nppiiM'd to the huge iippiiipi'ialioiis to the Uulvei.slty aiul Agiiciiltuiiil collt'ire. ,'hd We ask llio legi.slaturc to en courage improvement and building on the farms by couipoling the railiouds to haul, at cm loud tales, mied titiiid iug matctiiil; mk'Ii as cement, luiii'n'i. posts, u'e , in same cm, at liiiilu.s into for iiii. aiticleiii cm' for such ship ment. Itli. We ask th... abolition of tic lai m demoustiatot', which is mi it: -position and insult to the fanners of the tatt. nth. A'o ask the legislature to mul ish tlio olllcoof County Assessor, which wo consider ontiiuly needless, togetlim with nifiiy useless servants t the sta'e house; such as gate-kecpnis, cttsto dlatis, pages, mid numerous j.niltors. with others at tlie state house during legislature sessions. Also to abolish a great many statu boards, which are of no value to the taxpayers of the state Oth. Wc ask the leglslutuic for the repeal of Section 0, article 1, pertain ing to county aid to county fairs. 7th. Wo ask that our legislators be instructed to introduce bill asking for the repeal of the law creating the legislative bureau. 8th. We ask that our legislators lie instructed to Introduce a bill asking for an amendment to school and uni versity land lease law to read: all leases made prior to 1111.1 ins'cad of 1878. iltli. Wc ask tliat the legislature pass a law giving rural .school boards power to add ninth mid tenth grades to school If deslted. Itesolvcibtliat a copy of these uso lutions li3 nivfti to the papeis for publication,-,. Mivrj one re ent demonstr tl then .iipicei.ition of the new com I house ii cNli'iulliiK ft hearty into 'if thinks t the county bu.ud for their .ichiev tti ni in this Hue. Coats and Suits AT Ys PRIC FOR. CASH 6u SGIfiiMING ill 4! tKnmi $.1 44 H o B 61 GOURSL Wednesday, Jan. 1 3 ( t otir tb Kij s f' r the l.i-i tlii'i i' uiiiiilicrt ol tlio cuin-a tu.w at red nee I pi to Amhi iki tcl l I lib, .SI i III' I, tlM I ill ii 1 it !-- er J.'H1, '11 I 'I- 1 UU. Don't Mi-s 1 Ik in lfSI Beginning Thursday, December 31st, all our Coats and Suits go at Vz their regular price for cash. WE ALWAYS PRICE OUR READY-TO-WEAR GAR MENTS RIGHT. TOO. WE.DONOT MARK THEM UP JUST TO MARK THEM DOWN. BUT MARK THEM DOWN RIGHT LOW IN THE BEGINNING SO THEY WILL SELL FAST AND MAKE CUSTOMERS FOR US. SEE OUR SUITS AND COATS AND YOU IWILL BUY THEM. WHAR THEM AND YOU WILL LIKE THEM AND SEND YOUR FRIENDS TO US. THE MINEE BROS. Co. ' General Merchants "A-KLiTr SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA 9) t i Vi - fV.. .'. - Vf" ,. & -a eiJH b.AJ O-'iiU ftvjn Skelsii Giul) h Unique Ar.o.iT LDBam Aiiractons, In order', to raise some necessary cash we are offering the larger part of our Ladies' Coats, Suits and Skirts at Vz price. The more staple styles and all Children's Coats at 33J6 Per Cent Discount from regular price. These prices are for cash and are good for only a short time. COMB AND TAKE YOUR PICK Tho Acu aiictch Club Is one of tho conn union otriinized 1 l'll.is Duy, tlio diamine coach and cntirta'iu1, for tho innnpc of eurrj!ii out u ilut'n to ic'i-a In iil.ttform cntortrJn incnt. Tlio cmniimiy la not In Its strictest senEc ti novelty, but It is an nitlstlc combination, upholdlm; Ly- fA ff) IftT V? J V u w MW r ' ' EKKJylV ,XVi v W 'XV- IU &';?'. ;'L-) A . Complete Line rk liar Weesner, Perry 8 Go. I Nebraska f Red Cloud, THE AVON SKETCH CLUB, cemn Ideals and lining a distinct nlaeo. Qlen Wells Is widely known as a imislclcii and entertainer, and tho supporting company of four young la dles are competent sketch and mu sical artists. Thoy sing, play bnnjos, give sketches, and present ensemble work ot a most pleasing cburnctor Thoy come to us with tho highest pos sible recommendations, and a record of successful work which Is n fore runnor ot a delightful local engagement. FOR KENT A uooil fi-room house Hu'cIiIhoii & Stilm'f u. (h IV!? 33 Hanging From ,537.00 to 565.00 Tn iirHf',- In fvnnnfitn with RntnlnCnn linn!fj nn(W since the prices in leather are advancing. I have decided jl instead of raising my prices, to sell for cash. Remember M I carry everything in . LEATHER NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS Such as pocketbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well as a full line of lap robes, blankets, etc., and my prices are the lowest. JOE H69SSSSH F O G E L a IBM COL. R. C. PETERS , General Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Ask Those Who Have Had Him Cry Their Sales Write or Wire For Dates Guide Rock, - Nebr. All Kodak films bought of Stevens Bros., developed free when order for prints Ih given. E. S. Gacrber K-nl Ks'nte. Farm Loans nnil Insurance. Red Clout), - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST . OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud, Nebraj M 1 p. b A i 1